“DILEMMAS ARE FACING TEACHERS" - Standing at the lectern is Dr. Charles A. Glatt, director of the Midwest Institute for Equal Educational Opportunities, the Oh ; .o State University, Columbus, Ohio. Dr. Glatt is speaking during the second annual banquet of the EPDA-BCP Summer Head ing Instruction project at Saint Augustine’s College. Dr. Glatt says that teachers caught in the change of the social system face many dilemmas. Large Group Enjoys * Events Os Reunion The Stanley and Sanders fam ily reunion was held Sunday af ternoon at Lake Wheeler Park. Members of (he family pres ent were Rev. and Mrs. Wil liam B. Stanley and family, Mrs. T. C. Owens and family, Mrs. Iradell Poe, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby GUI and famUy, Mr. and Mrs. George Holloway and son from District Heights, Md., Mrs. Lolls Judd, Mrs. Lela Holloway and family, Misses Carolyn and Beverly Richard son, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Vacation Coming Up? Trode now on ci cfopondobfo late-moddi car. *£Q OLDSMOBILE Cutlass 2-dr. hardtop, automatic, AMSM * Kswer * twriß 9' aii " condition, *2695 ! fjn IMPALA 2-dr. hardtop, automatic, SOJLQE% /U full powor, air condition /.Qjjt *&£ MUSTANG convertible, V-8, $1 fQr automatic, radio and heater I 1 /Jr *£Q MUSTANG coupe, 3 speed 6 cylinder, % 1 0Ar ©G radio and heater f Charlie Grant Jack Reed Neil Pearce b 876-0887 787-9047 376-3954 V A -OR FHA FINANCING - Delta States Love Atlanta ATLANTA, GA. Sixty four Black high school students from the Mississippi Delta area were recent participants in a bi annual Travel Career-a-Rama sponsored by the Mississippi Delta Talent Search Program (MDT 6). For the past five years, forty to fifty students have made the eight hour bus trip to Atlanta as part of a MDTS effort to broaden their educational and cultural experiences and give them an opportunity to Inves tigate various job opportunities first hand. Accompanied by twelve scout aides and six tal ent scouts, also from the Del ta, the group arrived at Pashal’s Motor Hotel on Wednesday for dinner and departed Sunday morning, June 27. The five year olfl MDTS proj ect is funded by the Office of Education and has been admin istered through the National Scholarship Service and Fund for Negro Students (NSSFNS) for the past two years. Samuel H. Johnson, Director of the NSSFNS Southeastern Regional Office in Atlanta directs the project. Emphasis was placed on Black achievements In professional positions and business and man agement. The students were overwhelmingly impressed by the visit to a Black owned bank and their stay In a hotel owned and operated by blacks. Recreation included a trip to historic Stone Mountain Park and a dance. On the last full day of the tour, the young peo INSURANCE o RENTALS o SALES TERRACE INSURANCE & REALTY COMPANY