1 FROM RALEIGH’S OFFICIAL POLICE FILES f 1 THE CRIME BEAT | I (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) P»B!BaMj»j9qBiiSE«aCTOBS&S3^^ PURSUER STRUCK Willie Crowder 804 East Jones Y St, allegedly told Officer F.L. Rountree at 2:20 p.m. Sunday that he and his girlfriend, Jean, were having some words In front of 1505 E. Jones Street when she ran Into the house at 1505 East Jones. Mr. Crowder followed, and was met by a Mr. Jack Goodloe, who defended the girl and struck Crowder, according to official Police reports. T.ne reports indicate that Crowder was struck with a china plate, resulting in a two Inch cut on the left side of his face. * * * DOES DAMAGE Joseph Deloatch 1127 S. State St. Apt. 9 told Officer C. Troublefield that Saturday at 11:00 p.m. he was approached by an unknown subject that threa tened to, and did damage his personal property by breaking the front window of his home, according to official Police re k ports. Mr. Deloatch allegedly stated that the subject, a Color ed male, approximately 28 years old, said that he, the complain ant Deloatch, was dating his girlfriend, and he was going to put a stop to it. The reports indicate that Deloatch further stated that the same subject did threaten to do bodily harm to him also. He also stated he would sign warrants for the subject’s arrest as soon as h 3 found out the subject’s name, according to Police reports. * * » WOMAN CUT Myrna Bass Hinton 1124 Sa vannah Dr. allegedly told Officer Robert Jones Jr. that at 8:00 a.m. Saturday her husband, James Hinton, and her brother, James Bass, were at her home having "a fuss” when Hinton drew a knife on Bass. The re ports indicate that the complain ant grabbed the lenife with ta*j right hand from her husband, ano MH MARKHAM EXCAVATION CO. 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Office Phones: 828-7429 and 828-7420 SISTER BETTY You’ve seen her on T.V., ttraa about ner m the papers, NOW SEE HER IN PERSON Touch of her hand will heal you. She has God-given power to heal by prayer. Are you suffering? Are you sick? Do you need help. Do you have bad luck? Bring your problems to Sister Betty. Advise on all affairs of life. There is no problem so great that she can't solve. (How to hold your job when you’ve failed and how to succeed). She has devoted a life-time to this work. Men * and women have come to her from lhe four comers of the world. Guaranteed to remove evil Influence and bad lurk. There’s no pity for those knowing they're in hard luck and need help and do not come for it. One visit will con y vince you, lifts you out of sorrow and darkness and starts you on the way to success and happiness. She invites you to h«r home. Open seven days a week 7 a.m. to 10 p.m, SPECIAL READING $1 WITH THIS AD 330 E. HARGETT ST, 834-2007 HOURS 7 A.M.-10 P.M. pNGWOODTORESI x Your Very Best Ear gam In j \ Real Estate _ j ; S- 3* and 4-Bedroom Homes. Built-in S x Appliances C ImmmrnrnaimmmmmaMlMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammMmmmmmMmMmmmmmMmmmmmammmaißßmammmiJA* P 8 VA, FHA And FRA 235 | T 5 { if fir wm NEED A HOME, CALL KEY HOMES TODAY. jjSdpi/ID : | Homes lo Happiness ! p gggro ■xsocoooQoe lost her balance, as the knife accidently slipped through her hand Inflicting a three cut. The investigating Officer noted that such an accident was not. an ac cident, and she should see a magistrate and explain the situa tion to him. THREATENS TO KILL Ida Mae Smith, 208 Spence St., told Officer C. Troublefield at 1:08 a.m. Saturday that she along with the other residents of 208 Spence St. were threatened by Bobby Dew, age 33, according to official Police reports. The reports Indicate that n*w threatened to kill all the occu pants of the same address after he had become very angry and Indifferent. The reports indicate that Miss Smith stated she had signed warrants for assaults a gainst Dew earlier the same day the threats were made; never theless, Dewdid shoot a 12 gauge shotgun through the front win dow of the house, striking the complainant in the head region. The complainant suffered minor damage and bruises to the head, but was treated and released from the Wake Memorial Hos pital Emergency Room, accord ing to Police reports. The re ports Indicate that Miss Smith did sign another warrant on Dew for assault with a deadly wea pon with intent to kill. * * * THREATENED John Davis 700 Coleman St. allegedly told Officer C. Troublefield that at 12:05 a.m. Saturday while he was attend ing to a party at the above men tioned address, he was ap proached by some unknown Colored male that was angry with him for some unknown rea son. He stated that the subject did threaten to kill him while pointing a .22 caliber pistol to his head, according to official Police reports. The reports in- dicate that Davis was positive he didn’t know any reason for the mishaps, and that he could recognize the subject if seen again. * * * assailed in lot Alice Williams 11 Saint Au gustines Avenue told Officer T.T. Street that at 11:50 p.m. Friday someone identified only as Charles took her to a va cant lot in the 1200 Mock of East Jones St., according to of ficial Police reports. Charles allegedly, tried to get her to remove her clothes, and he beat her when she refused. The re ports indicate that the complain ant, Alice Williams, later said her husband, Raymond Williams beat her. She allegedly had been drinking. * * * “FINGERS” HUSBAND Mrs. Dorothy Mayo Morgan, 36, 1309 Raleigh Boulevard, told Officer T.T, Street, Jr., at 1:50 a.m. Saturday, that she and her husband, Walter Morgan, 27, got Into an argument about a stereo needle. The woman said the ar gument developed into a fight and Mrs. Morgan was struck on the head with a bar stool. Mr. Morgan told Officer Street that he hit his wife with the bar stool because she had a butcher knife after him. t The woman said she would sign a warrant, charging assault with a deadly weapon. She suffered a four Inch laceration on the back of the head. The incident oc curred at their apartment. * * * CUT ON ARM Miss Rosa Lee Smith, 31, 608 Dorothea Drive, reported to a cop at 12:14 p.m. last Wednes day, that Aubery Wall, 38, same address, cut her because she had been staying ‘ ‘up the street with a boyfriend.” Miss Smith, according to the offense report, had also been staying with Wall at the Dorothea Drive address. The complainant was advised to sign an assault with a deadly weapon warrant against Mr. Wall. Miss Smith’s right arm was cut with a butcher knife. jWFG SALE Ladies are you having Synthetic Wig • trouble with this summer heat? Here \ is how to solve youpr problem! : Cut, Set and Style Included : Machne Made Human Hair : Hand Made Human Hair j CLOSE OUT OFFER Cut, Set and Style Included %t J 895 Machine Made 'I ip Homan Hair $9095 Hand Made mm Jm Human Hair 1 s#m Afro’s $14.95 me mm S 10 6. Hargett Street § 833-3678 I * * * CHOKING REPORTED Miss Trenton Edwards, 36, 313 E. Cabarrus Street, inform ed Officers M.K. Bllilr.gsley and Ralph Clayborne at 1.*35 a.m, Saturday, that she got Into an argument with Johnnie Grogglns, 54, same address, and he began choking her around the neck with his hands. No other In formation was listed on the of fense report. * * * USES COKE BOTTLE Mrs. Alice Alston Garrett, 38, 822 S. Blount Street, told Of ficer H.L. Rushing at 8:33 p.m. Friday, that she got into a “fuss” with a subject named Bill, whose last name she did not know. She said Bill struck her on the head with a Coca- Cola bottle at her house. * * * CHAIN IS WEAPON Miss Ruby Jean Clark, 15, Grant land Drive (Apollo Heights), reported to Officer A. L. Watson at 11:49 a. m. Thursday, that Lucky Hudson and Miss Martha Hinton were fight ing at 756 Lunar Drive (also Apollo Heights). The girl said she attempted to stop the battle, but Hudson struck her accross the back with a chain. The young woman suffered bruses and cuts on the back. * * * WALLET “SWIPED” Samuel Pierce, Route 1, Knightdale, informed a cop at 5 a.m. Sunday, that he went to a house on Walnut Street and while there, someone stole his wallet, containing $4.00 in cash. * * * “SLICED” ON FACE Miss Mary Elizabeth Ro berson, 21, 19 Nash Terrace, told a cop at 1:19 a.m. Friday, that during an argument with Miss Queen Powell, 23, Garner Road, she was assaulted by the woman. Miss Roberson, who suffered a six inch cut on the right side of her face, was taken to Wake Memorial Hospital for treatment. She said she would sign a warraht, charging assault with a deadly weapon. The cutt ing took place at Miss Rober son’s apartment. pepsia TO CO/ZN f I SHAW PROFESSOR IN 71 PUBLICATION Dr. John Rodman Larkins, associate director of the North Carolina Probation Commis sion and a member of the Board of Trustees at Shaw U nlverslty, has been selected to appear In the 1971 edition of Community Leaders Os Ameri ca t an annual publication re cognizing the nation’s outstand ing leaders. Dr. Larkins was among 4,000 citizens selected from through out America. Biographees cho sen for this publication have contributed to the life of their community either by pro fessional or civic activities. Personalities are selected from nominations received from colleges and universities; businesses; civic clubs; nation al, state, and regional associa tions and Individuals. Dr. Larkins is the author of many books written on Negro life. He is on the Advisory Board of the North Carolina Board of Jevenile Correction and is the Vice-President of the North Carolina Council of Hu man Relations. He is also a member of the Board of Trus tees at North Carolina College, AMATEUR PHOTO ELLIS ft. JONES PHONE 828-3628 MARSHA BAKER A GOOD PHOTO IS LIKE GOOD INSUR ANCE—EVERYBODY WANTS SOME A Community Involved Organisation North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Co. There is an Agent Near You. 231 S. EAST ST. RALEIGH, PH. 832-2904 iHvenHouse SCOTCH MFSAIIm 1 Durham, and Raleigh Business College. He Is a member of the North Carolina Recreation Commission and the Nation al Advisory Council of Upward Bound Project (appointed by Sergeant Shriver). Dr. Larkins was appointed by President John F. Kennedy for the President's Committee on Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Crime. Additionally, Governor Scott appointed Dr. Larkins as a delegate to the 1970 White House Conference on Children. He has received a Certificate of Merit for public service by the Business and Professional Men’s Club of Wilmington, and was named “Man of the Year” in 1958 by Negro Progress. The North Carolina Board of Juve nile Correction named a dor mitory in his honor at the State Training School for Girls in Kinston. Larkins Is a member of the Davie Street Presbyterian Church of Raleigh. He is married to the former Catherine Latimer and is the father of one daughter, Mrs. Sandra L. Williams f PRACTICALLY EVERYTHING i I ADVERTISED fey j I \ [ SLJT\mA Discount Drug Stores j S (Except Prescriptions) I | (Plus meny ether disceunt . items thru buying |>ewer es * • ever 2400 Bsn Frenklin g I are also available at ; j KERR’S j ! BENfFRANKUN* ! J V 2000 Hew Bern kmm (LONGVIEW SHOPPPNG CENTER) * F Raleigh Dial 828-2159 j I Wt hum Mesfw Gberye, RmhAomkard & First Ualoe Bmk Cards I THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY. JULY 31, 1971 THE GOSPEL WORLD mr JAMES IHOMAB Brother Thomas Jackson and the Gospel Travelers will spon sor a program Sunday evening at 8 at Middlesex at the Gilford Chapel Methodist Church. Cm the program will be the Gos pel Tones, Bro. Mitchell and others. Rev. Sister Gar} will be at the Evening Star Holy Church in Dunn on Sunday evening at 7:30. There will be a Children’s Day program at St. Mark Holy Church Sunday at 2 p.m. On the program will be the Clouds of Harmony. The White Oak Baptist Church will observe Its pastor’s third anniversary Sunday at 11 a.m. with Rev. Burt and at 7:30 a musical festival will be held. The 23rd annual convocation of the Mount Sinai Saints of God Holy Church will convene at the headquarters, Mount Sinai Ho ly Church, 301 S. Swain St. Sun day, August 1-8. The youth department will be sponsoring a musical program Friday evening at 7;30 at Jordon Temple Church. On the program will be Dunlap and the House qf Prayer, the Friendly Five of Bunnlevel and the Ov erly Sisters of Angler and oth ers. The 27th anniversary of the Silver Echoes will be celebrated Sunday at the Raleigh Safety Club at 7;30 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Devotional service will be led by Mrs. Dollie Thomason and prayer will lie offered by Deacon Robert Mitchell. Appearing on the program will be the Gospel All-Satrs, the Capital City Five, the Gos pel Jubilees and Ed Hall and the Evening Five, Until next week, here’s our thought: “Let us look to Christ for redemption and power to live worthy of receiving His commendation, ‘well done.’ * * * The CIAA Football Cham pionship Committee is now con sidering several sites for the 1971 Championship play off game. THOMAS 3