* WjLR r&lbM»«rs4L ■■■:. m i ■ . >fe* % ,m i " £*} # J BLACKS DEFY COURT OBDEB - ABBESTED- BAKiraßjs. (Ac • A group of singing and chanting Blacks estimated at about 100, staged a short march late July 31 afternoon in defiance of a court order, and were ar rested by Columbus police. The arrests were made peacefully and order ly, and there were no reports of violence by either police or those ar rested. (UPI). Sunday Is the day, 7 p,m. is the time when St. .Matthew AME Church holds Family Night. This is an annual afflar on the calendar of the church and is usually well attended. The fea ture for this year hinges on a tribute to Mrs. Essie Dun moore. Mrs. Dunmoore has been an ardent worker In the church for more than 40 years. She leaves the city following her night of honor to make her home with her son, Mr. Arthur Dunmoore and family In Balti more, Md. Last Sunday morning It was my privilege to lead the dis cussion for the Men’s Bible Class of Manly Street United iChurch of Christ. Mr. Edward Carson, dynamic teacher o.f the class is on vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Powell, fojwnerly of this city, but now Ohio, were guests of relatives and friends here recently. Lewis was especial ly happy to be at home again. AT SOUTHERN FURNITURE you; will fiiw ora prices tow YOU WILL FIND THE QUALITY HIGH BRAND NAME FURNITURE WE ARE PROUD TO BE ONE OF THE FEW legitimate discounters WWW BUSINESS , SAVE 30% TO 50% WE OFFER EVERY LINE WE STOCK AT BIG SAVINGS FREE TERMS FREE DELIVERY ARRANGED PARKING OPEN FRIDAY NITES SOUTHERN FURNITURE 113 S. Witmiiiitifi ftali!|li Hi. 3324252 Quick and Efficient ONE STOP OFFICE SUPPLIES HEADQUARTERS f Alfred Williams & Go. I ifikAJr I Etsabuthedmr I AlnMf wf 1 7WHai»lw«Bi»tl» StACaMfik, N, C, 27«0Sffft«»» W*~«25.727! PETE’S PICKINS BY W. A. "PETE” WILDER Mrs, Dorothy Nixon Allen, efficient head of Wake Oppor tunities, Inc, still remains at Wake Memorial Hospital. Hai - ry home "Dot” as the scenery is nice on Sanderford Rd; even your son, Harold, will say ‘A men’ to that! The Susie Hall Circle of Man ly Street United Church of Christ had planned a Lawn Par ty last Friday, but rain.... An yway, they moved inside at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Upperman, 1305 S. East St. Bingo was played, the All- Star Football game was view ed, everybody ate and enjoyed themselves to the fullest. Mem bers and friends alike left the Upperman home looking, for ward to a return visit! Mr. Joseph Kearney, C2l S. Haywood St. remains on the sick and shut-in list. His many friends wish for him a stead - , recovery, Mrs. Esther Michael, S. liav wood St., continues to improve at her home. Her friends are highly elated. Mrs. Florence Sanders, De lany Drive, is still smiling at her home hi spite of illness. Her family, friends, and church have had a big hand In her cheerfulness. Mr. Thomas Adcock, E. Ed entou St., journeyed to Greens boro last weekend to attend a wedding shower. Mrs. Marjorie Kelly Hazel wood, formerly of this city, but now of Newark, N. J., was the guest of h°r mother, Mrs. "Kit ty" Arrington Gurley, E. Ed enton St., recently. The Elks Extraordinaire was just that Sunday evening at the Elks Horne, Gl9 E. Davie St., from fi:3o p.m. to 10 p.m. It was just a lawn party, but it had the friendliest of touches. Really, I didn’t see a mad per son on the grounds when I finally arrived. The persons i n cha rg e of the promotion had done a spectacular job: the traf fic managers had more than done their share; the music of “Dr. Massenburg from the west side of town was of ihe sweetest na ture. Women attired in their finery, lovely dresses, slack suits and what-have-you. Men with slacks, and other summer attire; tables here and there; punch in varying colors and ar ranged in typical Elk finery, all had their place in along to be remembered Extraordinaire. The meuu for the evening included sausage balls, cake squares, potato salad, deviled eggs, combination of beets, cheese and bologna, cucumbers and onions, stuffed celen with cheese, and ham buscuits. Certainly, I wouldn’t try to make you hungry, but it was enough. Among those whom I saw were Mrs. Rosa Massey, Mrs. Areola Norris, Mrs. Almeta Latta, Mrs. Florence Ever ette, Miss Freddie Mae Wil liams, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Bridgeford, Mr. Sam Horton, Mr. Charlie Rivers, Mr. Le roy Brewer, Mr. Alphonzo Vance, Mr. Alex Watkins, Rev. A. J. Turner, Mi's. Juanita Mc- Knlght, Mrs. Julius Ha;, wood, Mrs. Gwendolyn Burnette, Miss Curlula Yancey, Miss Susie Smith, Mrs. Josephine New berry, Mr. Robert McCoy, Mr. Dennis Wragg, Mr. John Wil liams, Mr. "Fats” McClain, Mr. T. D. Wilder and Mrs. Brooksle Farrar. I missed the scores, who came and left before 9 p.m. I’m only hoping the Elks will do it_ again real soon. Mr. Willie R. York, Now York City, formerly of this city, is visiting her mother and step father, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew "Buster” Hinton, 832 Campan ella Drive. Mr. John Henry Wallace, formerly of this city, but now of Paterson, N. Y., is visiting his mother . and sisters. His mother, Mrs. Eliza Wallace, resides on Hadley Rd. Mrs. Burdette York New some, is the house guest of her mother and step-father, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hinton, Camp anella Drive. The United Progressive Club is off to Atlanta, Ga., for a fine weekend. While I am happy that all my friends in the club are going, I’m especially happy for my good friend, Mr* Lon nie Holder. Well folks, Shade Jones is back in town for a brief vaca tion. Jones was, for a long time, an employee of the Capital Coca-Cola Co. Way buck in the davs followihg the depresssion Jones, along with most of us, had to effect loans frequently to support a family. Jones would almost always promise to pay on Friday, which was his pay - day. If he failed to comply on that, day, lie would alway s say "That's all right, old dear, there is a Friday in every week. Welcome home. Shade and all the members of your fam ily who accompanied you. Your friends and relatives are as sured of a most pleasant stay. Mrs. Dorothy Allen is still "in” at Wake Memorial. "Dot,” your many friends wish for you a rapid recovery. Rev. D. A. Peace, the new pastor at Manly Street United Church of Christ, kicked off his new administration officially Sunday morning in a most im pressive manner. These are his words; "I have come this morning to welcome you to our hearts.” He asked for unity, love and fellowship. He pointed out that he had come "to lead and not drive.” Tall, young, hand some and debonair are mild ad jectives to describe him. Let me say further he seems ser ious about his work. The choirs also did themselves proud. The services were of high order. Mrs. Mary L. West, Mrs. Louise Penn, Mrs. Phyllis Car son, all out of towners, but rel atives of Mrs. Joy belle Mor ris, 582 E. Davie St., were her weekend guests. What a time they had!! JONES ADVOCATES WORKING TO TAKE POWER-Providence, R. I.: Leßoi Jones, the militant post now known as Imamu Amari Baraka talks informally during appearance at National Welfare Rights Convention at Brown University. He advocated working within the political system to take power last Friday. (UPI). Personals PHIL ADE L PHI A VISITORS Mr. and Mrs, Lacy Byrd, Jr. returned home after spending their vacation with Mr. Byrd's grandmother, Mrs. B. W. Win ters of State Street and their aunt, Mrs. Lillie B. Scott of the Biltmore Hills area. While here, they also visited other relatives and friends. They re ported a very enjoyable visit. + ‘M + ATTENDING CONVENTION Delegates attending the State Convention of Sunday School and BTU classes from First Baptist Church are Mrs. M. T. James, Miss Beatrice Martin, Mr. Hudson CENTER BACK-TO-SCHOOL I SECOND FLOOR | SAVINGS! YOUTH yff r Y»v CENTER /# l / \ 208 SHOP 7 TO 14 DRESSES 624 o Poiyester/cotton blends m Permanent press « Plaids, solids, prints • Large selection of styles from which to m Sizes 3~6x, 7-14 Youth Center Second Floor Youth Center—2oß Shop James Dunn, and Mrs. May L. Broade, The sessions are being held tn Charlotte. DACIAN VALLEY SUBDIVISION Three and Four Bedroom Homes For Sale VA, FHA & FHA 235 Financing Available Duff Building Co. J. Henry Brown Builder South of Worthdale Exclusive Safes Afent 727 WEST JOHNSON ST. 231 SOUTH EAST STREET RALEIGH, N. C. RALEIGH, N. C. TEL.: 832-1814 OR 832-1811 THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH, N. C.. SATURDAY, AUGUST 7. 1071 Raleigh Union Industrial Society Ends 83rd Confab The Raleigh Union Industrial Society has Just closed its 83rd annual convention and the Ju venile Lodge held its 48th an nual session at. the Union Hall corner West South and S. Har rington Streets, with a two-day meeting. Monday’s session; ju venile department with Mrs. M. L t Broadle and Mrs. Annie Jones in charge. The speaker was Rev, L. E. Young, who spoke briefly on the subject "The Lord Is." On Tuesday morning the pres ident, Rev. LemuelMlal presid ed, along with the vice presi dent, Bro. Gus W’illlams, who assisted. At 1 p.m. there was so much EAST LANE ST. APTS. Now R eady For Leasing TWO-BEDROOM LUXURY UNITS CENTRAL HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Carpeting Throughout Apartments Ranges and Refrigerators Furnished $125 Per Month Excluding Utilities For further information call J. HENRY BROWN ssa-isu or ssa-isu dinner that everyone was too full, but the meeting went on. Grand Lodge officers are Bro. Lemuel Mials, president; Bro. Gus Williams, vice president; Sister Esther Haywood, record ing secretary; Sister Pearlene McMlchael, endowment sec’y.; Sister Beatrice Johnson, treas urer; Bro. Clarence Henry, au ditor; Rev. Fogg, chaplain; Bro. O. P. Dunn, chairman of the trustees; Sister M. L, Broadie, grand matron; Sister Matilda, •Mlal, assistant grand matron; Sister M. D. Veasey, grand his torian, Sister Alma Whitfield,” chairman of the program com mittee. 5