j GABBING MF& fAbout Town bA# < ' ' 'i BY MRS. A. H. THORPE >; TELEPHONE- 532-302 J *' L. LITTLE MORE” I r ;recali that kind old grocer, ■when the sugar he would pour, how he would tip the scal'es to then he'd add a lit tle more. And his business how it prospered, folks were al ways at his store; For he gave ' an honest measure, and then he-’s add a little more. So it is with Life, my brother - Happiness would be our score; When we’ve done what is ex pected-If we’d add a iirtle more,” -Copied FETED AT SURPRISE BIRTH DAY PARTY CHARLES TUCK, JR A surprise birthda-. party was given In honor of Mr, Ira Gene and Mr. Charles Tuck, Jr. September 23th, at the home of Mr. aeuer ry. A r epast of ha n , potato salad, slaw, stuffed o iives and other goodies were very tasty and enjoyable. Many friends and relatives were there to help make the honoree’s happy. Many lovely and use ful gifts were received. Their birthdays were respectively, Mr. Seberry’s on Sept. 25th and Mr. Tuck's on Sept. 23th. PETE’S PICK.I VS BY W. A. “PETE” WILDER Manly St. United Church of Christ rolls out the red carpet to all the men of this city Sun day morning and Sunday night in an unprecedented Men’s Day effort. The Interdanomenationai Men’s choir with upwards of forty voices, will offer the music at both services with Mr. O.L. Taylor at the console. The choir gained popularity from its first appearance the Manly St. observance, and has been in demand for services near and far. The Rev. D. A. Peace, recent ly installed pastor, is scheduled to preach at Hie morning hour. The pastor has won many friends since coming to our city. Those who would come are urged to be present and on time so that they may secure com fortable seating in the main auditorium. Soloists from all over town will be in abundance. “Little Mel” Privette will most likely be the soloist for the morning. At the evening hour, f ather Clyde E. Beatty, Chaplain at St. Augustine’s College will be the guest speaker. Father Beat ty has endeared himself to both school. His following, his ex perience and his pastorates Have left him with the common touch. Having spoken at Manly St. dur ing the “Get Acquainted week, and having been especially well reced ed, the planning commit tee quickly settled on him for the evening hour and he. gra ciously consented to be pre sent, Mrs. Gladys Williams, th< mother of Mrs. Eunice W, Whit ley, 616 E. Cabarrus St. con tinues on the sick and shut in list. Hurry home Gladys, Things are looking f-ne over there. Mrs. Florence Sanders, Delany Drive, is doing nicely at this time. She has become a telephone iover. Cali her sometime. Mr. Joe Kearney, 521 S, Haywood Si., continues on the shut in list. The family always welcomes his many many friends. I saw Jim ’Fuzzy’ Williams last week and he chewed me up because I didn’t say anything at anytime about the old North Carolina Tar Heels Baseball club. He promised to bring me up to date on it and I’ll pass it on to you as soon as 1 am briefed. I knew some of the old players like John Doily, Ed Capehart, Pickle Perry etc., and please add Richie Horton, Eulace Arrington, and Rocky Ellis, Jim & going to bring me up to date next week, and we’ll close out baseball with the World Series, The Volunteers Club met at the home ctf Mr. and Mrs. Char les Whitley, 6iS E. Cabarrus St. last Tuesday night. A reai lovely business session was held, and a sumptuous repast followed, Among those present were Mesd&tnes Eunice Whit ley, Brunhilda Lofton, Carrie Sander*, and Messers, D. Lo renzo Sanders, W.A. Wilder, and V.R. Leach. The Volun teers meet next week at the horns u£ Mr. and Mrs. Kato Sanders, East Martin St. The R.H Toole Memorial choir of St. Paul AME church showed its poise recently. How superbly did they stand in and respond to the wishes of the senior choir on Ms anniversary, 1 as reminded of the words of Jesus, concerning John the Bap tist. “Os all men born of wo men there has not arisen one greater than John.” When I read it I marvelled, and so I Marvelled recency. Such a spirit the Toole choir showed. Deacon Frank Blalock, Smith field St, continues on the sick and shut to list. His many friends are really thinking of him. Mr, Arthur “Ledbelty” The part', -*.-as a:%on to them by their sister-in- ntw, Mrs. Teresa Hor.rr We join frl. ■ ,j - latives also, Happy birthda’. HOSTESS TO MISSIONARY GROUP Mrs. Amu Avery M \oChav is Way, \>s host( ,■ ; ■ c. to the Pauline Fellows tip Mis sionary Group *.f the ; ir- t r gregational United Church. V very inspirational -k-v.-.tion w..s conducted and en.i*> «-.» I v all. Follow ing the bus:;.*- .••• or the day, a delicious reran! as served. Members . -re Mesdair.es Claudi, Peoples, Josephine Bryant, I . --if M>■ Stroud, Laura McCDm;. The next meetiia. will i • held it the home of Mrs. Mar Stroud in M.-.un:.ia As ••*. PATIENT AT VAK. Ml VO- Pt.’u. Friends of M: Hattie Pet. ; - son of 412 Wat so; Street ill be sorry to km -a that she is a patient at W i. • .t ori. > Hos pital. Mat v,* wtsl f-u r.-r a speedy recovery .n..: s.<. i nm that God is still on h i lu me and will take go*«: i . - fills own. Jones, former Rale;*. h Gru ’s star shortstop, seer, sto !••• i - proving nicely, liew<-si!: *.ppn ciate soriit of hr mates. He is now o cr, ootii > at the home of Ins me-T .v CD s . Flomie Jones, Bonn Us Mrs. Esther “M t-. -uu ” Michaels continuer t" improv* at her home. s. Havv.-ia.-d st. here. I had a chat w ith Mrs. “Ki.tf ’ Sullivan in her new home FrLir Tuck Road. It was ; .Liy a treat to talk with I *n u.cl to see liter mother, Mrs. C tug ton. Really Kettr brought back some memfij n s win u f■■ !J me that “Mule” Sullivan tL-olci Mary Potts r sir> had ; “Mule portant figure winv , -lung Lin High won its fir st for;; all cha - pionship tinder coach i aivki liar bison. “Mule-” .. r ■-A.?-, my last year in hi :h school. As she continued ‘o talk sh told me of the rec»”;< passing of “Most?’’ FliiS. “XP sr iS a big 200 lb. plus, six Let four -a iian. thrower for Johnsor C. Smith in the last of the 2ns. IP is a mernbei of the clui ■.•■ l im Im.! “Baby Boy” MeDowt li a' A irj, Lindsey Tucker at th< k< with Wiley Will la . - > re si. Jack Martm r.tu-i;L.', Biggs, Horne- and Wjikei in the outfield. Th ■ other pitchei ■ included Bunn Ray es, .ndal-ft , hander named L. Tuck. I had a lovely chat v.Li* Mrs. Pearl Williams over „,j \<.. Auto Service recently. W talk ed about the old Ro d j 3 Club, who run it . . . i Diiov, and what have you. of tht old originals only Silas Wet i, r.tal ly remains. What a tint it Names life Paschal Wiihati-s, “Dally" Russ. “Dili”Ha .? Moses McFlhenn, vilas V ■ i Bruce Piorci. Char lie Hay . ~»• .call to mind a lot oi pie.. memories. Mr. Charlie Burt Alston, s, Haywood St., c a. es ’<> ; .• . prove at Rex Hospital. Char lie's manv a let,.-.!• i . a rapid recovery. Mrs. Marjorie Sander-. the devoted wife of Mr. ! . • Sanders, 704 F. Han'ft St. is back at home after a fort night at Res Hospital. Her family and friends uv hap. v. Rev. D.L. Morrisen, ids choir and congregatio.M j. ; t Wilmington last Sunt!.,-, t , t .... ■Jer service foi the -L. Mor rison Clui- Os Mt. Mea AV, Church. Rev. L. L. Morrisor was at his preac'dnp, ! - •• of c . - teutment, Rev. D. a. Peace, the mem bers and"'choir of Much At. u nited Church of Christ jour neyed to Durham last Sunday for an afternoon service. IT- -.<>•. '“ces were held at new Bethel Baptist Church; Rev. L.W. it : is the pastor. Mr. James Chapman and Mrs. Alyee Chapman Jones w.-re called home, Washlnrtoo, f-> a ! - tend the last rites of tlu-tr bro ther. Mr , ChapUia: i at 1009 Parker St. hUr- Mrs. Jones resides on 1 . .'.lorgrui St. Mr. William Wooten,L-nm-rh of this city, but now calling New York City home, was call ed to the city on account of the passing of his mother, Mvs.Ora Lee Wooten. He real!-, :ij- -■ <■*! his friends at home aftenvar-is. Mr. TheodoreMorg -it* > ).»t other of Mr s. Lottie Morgan and Mrs Florence Moore, was .v s . rn th, city Monday. Mr. Morgar. makes his home just outside of Dee Cee, but over the Maryland line. Mr. Alexander Bafnes, the travelling goodwill ambassarlor of tho Republican Party, the AME Zion Church, and Th<- CAROIJNIAN, gave win a thrill ing story about my friend Mr. CLUB NEWS NINE AND FIVE CLUB Mrs. Ruth Bethea was the charming hostess Saturday night at ‘he Downtowner Res taurant foi the Nine and Five Club. The members began ar riving at seven. Dinner was served at 7:30. The meeting was presided over by the president. The minutes v ere readbs the secre tary, Mrs, Mural le. She also Called the roll for the paying of . . Mrs. Cobb gave a report of the treasure-.. The members expressed sympathy for Mrs. Bertha Ull - i.i the death of he: sister in Fateueville. Os course, a design was sent, according so tho by-laws of the club. several games were played. Mfa-dam.es Emma Jones and Thelma Davenport received prizes for high scores in the two games. The dinner was delicious. :;. my one expressed them . i- s buv In a spent a de -1 igiaiful evening. ■ b.-rs present vere Me~- • .. s - rueliaCoK-, Ruth Bet hea, Geneva Brown, Emma .To.es, Bessie Wesley, Ann v., ;i , .a M Marai-le. < - Betiea’s guests re MteS iames Franc- s Massonburgand 7 • '.una Davenport. THr T I ISURF TIES MEET TVa Leisurettes, a retired - .nerx club nad ti.eir first eetiisg for the season on Thursday, Sept. 23, at 11:00 a. rn. at the home of Mrs. Car .ie Whitaker, who was also the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Lillie Ballentine, The meeting was presided over by the new president, Mrs. Doris Best. The devotions were conducted by the chap lain Mrs. Ruth Bethea. She asked the group to sing, “Jes us Keep Mo N'.-ai the Cross.” This son.: o.as followed by the i r..! ms; of the. I ord's Prater. A very impressive memorial service for one of the mem bers, Mrs. Garnell Watts, was led by the president and the two ex-presidents, Mrs. Best •o.d Miss Lane did tho reading. Mrs. Brown put a beautiful white rose in green foliage in a large vase. Mrs. Watts was a charter member of the club. Next In orvU- 1 was the pre sentation of the new members to tho club. As their names -re called, they stood and wore v.-lce nod most gracious -1 • to the orcunb : r ion. The new mem tiers are Mosdames Bessie Blue, Kathleen Thomas, George ManL, Beatrice Williams and Mum ye Flagg. . The minutes were read by the secretary. The treasurer then tr hv t v tic t’ r eport, The president made many suggestions and explained things which will be helpful to the members. She encouraged tft - m.-iid-ers t>- read any arti cles iron: magazines andnews p.tpers coTicerning the retired t tchers. She especially stres sed voting whenever the times come. The president lead the ros ter of hostesses for 1971-72. A poem, “TTt, Fiiie for the Shape I Am in,’’ was lead by th-.- .residf'ut. vi-ryt-ody en jcyed this reading. Mrs. Whitaker served a de it-cta!--).- repast, vssisted by- Mrs, Lillie Ball eat ine. Mem bers enjoying this i -.-past were Mesdames Lillie Ballentine, I .is 8.-st, Ruth Bethea, Bessie Blue, Geneva Brown, May me I i.u t, Gertrude Harris, Gila b - . G.-ory Manly, Marie Hill, C.'lit' 1 . Ligon, Mildred Me Irath. Kathleen T’nornas, Ida Washington, .Mary Watson, Beatrice Williams, Can ie Whi taker and Misses Dorothy Lane tad Mayo Lip or.. The members said good-bye t"- the liOstess, tellliig her how pleasant the morning was. They adjourned to have the tsext meeting at Mrs. Lillie Balientine’s, who will lx- ‘the next hostess. I. BRav'E JUNIOR V. OMAN’S CLUB Th- new year got off to a good start for the Les Brave Junior Woman’s Club of East Garner on Sat,, Sept, 25, with tne new president, Mrs. Naomi 1 Leak, presiding. Ihe old and •» business was discussed. 7he report fror our delegates, ■•L-s. Myrtle Lythal and Mrs. ' übi sea well io the Federation J. Royal “Skink’* Browning. Sou mo next week. Well 1 heard that one Deli lah Bell has succeeded whore Jive ; ethers failed. That’s the fishing instructor for my g'xxi friend Mr. l.onnie Holder. I.on nic liad ills finest catch hi manv a inoon last \ -k. I liaven't soon Un-in, but. the rang came back singing ai: praises. Real ly I’m happy for him: he tries so hard. Just a couple of weeks ag> I hoard Robert Woods say quietly, “Really you didn’t catch anything?” I acted like I didn't heir it. Good luck for Lonnie! The Sedates Social Club hold a meeting recentlv at the home of Mr-. Mattie Webb. Parnell Dr Be, The room was beau tifully decorated and the flowers i bully decorated and the flower arrangement was out. of this world, A lovely group was Lu attendance, • There was a note of pathos, the president, Mrs. Beatrix Flowers wits incapaci tated, The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Floreae Moore, Crawford Drive iff Southgate. of W omen Clubs, which w a - held m Rocky Mount, was thorough ly enjot ed. The rer.oit -.ys given in detail and the deic-- g&tcrS werft praised for .1 ; a. well clone. With the rev year h', ; along with new officers we a.-- l-ookiug for-;, a;-.! to a -ic - year. We were sen - : el-. • A- ’■ our hostess, Mrs. . •well. Members present tv err* . dames Naomi I • ,‘iith Trice. Lucille Williams, John- Sie Woods, V. . ns. l.ennie Leach. CLr'.c- Banks. Upheretta White, Myrtle Lv thal, France* G.'i, G; eerie and 1 uU E.mv SEDATES HOLD MONTHLY MEET The Sedates held their n o.ith ly meeting. Saturday, .-opt. 2', at the horn*.- f Mrs. Pf.j*-; I ee on New Bern Avennv. The meeting was i--p.-s-.ocl l\ the president, Mrs. 7iea-;ix Flowers. Prater ...is led Mrs. Dorotht Pr ■ >.; • versos were recite:. . -.11: re sent. Final pr--par .ifiocs - .re made for the Cocktail Sip, was held Sunday, Sept end -*r 2c. Everyone reported hr iy a very enjoyable oveniny. A contribution was n a : • -o the Women in Action for the Prevention of Violence. The meeting was closed with the club motto and turned over to the hostess. We celebrated Miss Lillian Sturdivant's Birth day and she receive* ’ m ..... - beautiful and useful rifts. Mrs. Lee. a master in the a: - ofr .ok ery, served a lovely linnor. One of our memiiers iost i, r fattier arm w-e all are in sym pathy with then.- -- Mrs. Mon tague and her family. We are glad to have Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Pretti back w: : again. We hope that Mrs. Flowers will ts- up ..i d o;;t again scon. Membt.-rs present included- Mesdavnos Adelo Brldgfoi I, Al ice Collins, Sarah Davis, Bea trix f lowers, Annie Hough, Le~ nor a Jones, Pearl Lee. Alyee Lewis, Alice Montague, Florine Moore, Dorothy Pretty, Lillian Sturdivant, Ruby Thompson, Mattie Webb and Mayola Wins ton. The next meeting will <■ ■ held at. the home of Mrs. I’lcrim* Moore on Crawford Street on the third Saturday in Octolier, Jte sjc ZETA-LITES meet a iarge group of Zeta-lite.s were present at F. J. Carnage Gymnasium on Saturday morn ing, October 3. Plans for the annual Blue Revue sche duled to be held at Men o: i al Auditorium on October " -. The Charm Clinic was con ducted by Mrs. Barhar-: l.,*ary Butler, a representative of Mar Jo Fine Cosmetic Coo o-ny. She ’gave the girls many help ful suggestions, oil k--.-- .:. fit and gave a demonstration on the proper use of cosmetics. Leaflets were given to * ach girl from the Wake Comity Can cer Society entitled -- Like to Look Your Best'.’ A delightful lunch was en joyed by all present. Sorors attending were Cath erine Turner, Chairman ot Blue Revue; Beinestiise Sanders, Gwendolyn Reid, Ruby Mc- Kinney, Ha.-’el Sorrell, Janice Branch, Esther Hayes, Almef ta Hovis, Wanda Poole, .v; .al ia Peebles Kathleen Thou as, and Jean Gaddy, Bassilus. The Zeta-liies are to meet on the following Saturn.* s at the Carnage Gymnasium--!'-it, 9, 16 and 23 at li o'cb ck. A gala night is pi.:, m fur persons of ail ages. * >• ,4c f’RESTIGc CLUI AUMIT:- The. Prestige, Club rue; re cently with Mi’s. NvsliieT. Hai - ris, 208 N. Tarboro Ro 1-. her attractive home, gr..- -.-us hospitalities were shown i- th*- hostess. Fife i.-hr-ss s'*ssi : * : . i.s presided over 1 • the tc- - president, Mrs. Mildred T. James. As his was ; r ■ ' :■ meeting for the fall seasoii, lla-rt- ■■ VI >- nufiy if* ’l> terest--1! 1 s lu-r agenda to ae clair.i our att-'iith.'-. ?-■ reminded of <>i>: purpose - b ... we establisheii : ourselves as u SERVICE group. The club was happy * come three new m*:-:Uv-i s, namely, Mesdumes, Am T. Weh-b, Mar. Ruth. Parker, 1 Nellie Snipes Junes. After the bush . - essin,; was cmnpl-jied, a di.-iiciei;.- e. i 1. i * past *s -.--r . : * . y hostess. Members in altendance, L, -.ld It i -->n to tlic* co. .; were; Mesdames Mildred T. James, Emma O, Jones, 1 tl-t-1 B. Jor.rs, Nora I i.ockha:-, Chaim- I-’. Lowe, N.-llte F. Mo r ris and Inv:: Vlnsor , After oxttending remarks apprcchitlor. tv th- i-.osless, tin meeting mijonmed, RALEIGH NC.NW Mb IT. SUNDAY Tho regular mooting of the Raleigh section of the National Council of Negro Women will he held at 5 p.m. Sunday at the residence of Mrs. Dai- Robson, 308 Sherrybrook Dr. Assisting Mrs. Robeson as hostess will bo Mrs. Mildred Chavis, Miss Domthy Lane, Miss Ernestine Laws and Mrs. t guva wimberlv. . Alt In. \IAt; ! . BUOADIE 12 CHAVIS WAY- 832-0159 F * -1:1* 1 ther, - . L 1. *i upon US .. . - -.v-'.- to so*? th- light '.-••• day, tnd t enter up • duties. We lift up our ■ < '. i -r Th;. cor.tir.u . W- humble our fl Holy Ma il i :.i. that we are ' i *-b. .- anything HWe nave sinned a -,t Thee i.iiiy, in thought, . -j. i Jo J. V -t Thou hast n. c -siafering to us and hast l» .-lie with our short com - -..-. Thou f-rgivest us. So far .-.re tiuL. penitent may we .iki- use forgive all who sin >t us all who sin against •mcietv: ->l’* w!u* sin against Te.-en ..s Tr ■ forgivest a.- t’r.*--:'.. May • count no sir. > hei.iiious to pardon no Mr. we become not mere ci’eatv.i es, but creations; not one of Tr a oiks, but Thy M.-venker. We ask in His •v ■*; * WILSGN TEMPLE UNITED MFTHOLIET CHURCH- Sunday mol began at -:30 with the v -i b director, Mrs. C. S. Ha; ■* ■-'-J, In chat go. Morning •; or si: Ip sUri-'-d at 11 v ith .i call (o worship by the pastor, Rev. J. 11. McCullum, with Invoca tion, mlb-vcd by choral re spo- - I th-; senior choir s u. eba; i.m the music, uvKier the directv* of Mr. Leon Ha- M riilng lesson and pm- <" oifV*r*"| 1 'lumas- U r, ■ ho als- • deliver.'*.l a verv spiritual seffnon, f(,lh>wed by cot.anunkxi. Aftei singing the cl osi p’ hyniii, quietly, tho cor.- wfirt out. On Oct. -0 at 1: we will 1 c highly honored to have our own govt-race, :li<- Honorable Bui Scot* as • ju. -t speak *.*r so M*--.i s La; . Y’>»u are in \ it ed t- * come. Al A NLA STR EE T UNIT ED CII *’i-'CHRIST - T!ie pas tor. the 1 v. O. A. Peace, choir, or: iiilsc, ushers, deacon, of ficers, and co:...rogation motor ed to Durham where they were hon-awd guests at the New Bub • i Baptist Church, where Dr. L. \\. Reid i.s r*astor. The Re.. Peace brought a very pow erful sermon, filled with fire of lovt: and it seemed like ever (jiu was vtv well please. r IRST CONGi■:I GATION’AL I 'NITED CHURCH OF CHRIST- Church School began at 9:47 -* ith the general director, Mr. Lawrence Wilder, along with : -ie departmental directors v -’’ ro bi charge, with a large a: imidunce. The men’s Bible c*ass was top’s In numbers. Morning worsmp siat icu at a, with *he senior choir in charge of the music, under the direc 'ion of Mis? Joyce Cooke. Sol is: v, is Mrs. Gloria E. Smith. The morning lesson was read b-3 tta- pastor, Rev. Howard Caniiingham, from ist John, 2 chapter a.:J as iven by Dea con Smith. Th* .sermon was delivered bv Use pastor, Rev. Cunningham. His subject was, “Celebration of Holy Comm uni on,’’ It seemed to have brought joy to the heart s oi the cou g r ega t tun. folio vv a d ov tat: I.ord’s supper. * * * FAITH 'I: MPLfcl Hi H.INESS- M*>rnii*g ser.vic.es opetied up* ..: 11. Sister Hovio Johnson and Me*'* * i Jessie Johnson were wist coses of ceremonies. Prayer was offered !>v Mother Helen Hinton. Sculpture was in ! b Sister iiuyit* John-*--.. Ayr one sang, testified and p;raised Cod as the spirit led th* m. Music rendered by ! r’ur, . Dimlapp, Bi’f.s. James L. Mack, and Al ien -- Blalock v.'i'ii Rev. Dtm at the piano. Church re vu. ; Miss ! **resa John- TULP* R MEMORIAL DAP- TlE'i - • - u c!- school r.enec ai : - ' ■ a.m. ■ ith tin? snpt., Mr. 1-rede tick S-nlth, in charge. ’■ illn'. w.'* -In * 1 nga. at Jj tf 1 1 1 .*-- ::‘-:To; choir lii charge - of Mis. VUvL Beckwith. V u'iii--..: pi a;, er was offered h I't aco.- M..L, i . '.avis. The riptur* ,-.-as read by the pas - : , * -’y. Leotl *. i t-Bnall: f: Oil: I's.ii-.s !.' .*:’.-12. Mom cuts oi is ■ th< i istor, -•Win-si Ca; I Htvle From My - .‘if.’’ ...... J'*.- subject of the message 1 nunht b the pastor, C ; ■ ir. Utilo’« follov. ed T Ik* Kcv T. C. Hau-mns was visiting pas r M. OBE ft 1.1 N BAPTLST -Church -A- -::i yvinl .* , ..-ith tho» supt., Mr. W '’• er Cm tis, hi ch.-ii y.t.-, Myu'imig -.vorship bc -a-. u 1! ■ ii! tls.- senior choir in chary: of the music. Morn ing !* .!' • i v.is offered l*v Dea you Churl-.-s Smith. Pastoral maver wv s -.-fty-ied by the jas tur, IE .J. P. Deiupst y. “serv ice > l’*>UiUH-.iiU)tl,” Was U :Ct o* the* message bi’OUgltl i.v the pastor. Conan union fol lowed. * * n. MO INT C VI, VARY HOI.Y - Sunda; School was called to order by the snpl,, le v. M. Diakeford, by singing, “My Faith Looks Up i o Thoc?.” L-t --vottonal fteswUng, “Called To Serve. ’’ Prayer was led by tho supt., IN:*'.. M. Drakefor-.i. The memory scripture: -‘Be imt Thou therefore ashamed if the test iniony of our I ord, nor of me His prisoner, . it !e Thou partaker of the affliction of the Gospel accor ling t - the power >f God.” Teachers were then in charge of classes. Class No. 1 was taught ly the teacher, Mother L. Burt, Class No. 2 was taught ! v the supt., Rev. M. Drake ford. At 11, morning worship be gan with Mother Lelo Leake in char • . Prayer was led by Rev. Katie McDonald. Scripture was )•*-. ! - ■ Mother L. Leake from Matthev- i, :!• chapter. Music was rendered by the soui a choir under the direc tion of Mrs. Yen a Johnso; . Our pastor, Rev. Mrs. E. Johnson, come forward with the morning message, from Psalms, the first division, using as a subject, “A Truly Happy Man.” It was a very inspiring message. At 1:30, the pastor and mem bers of Mt. Calvary went by bus It. Cameron, where they ’•vndered services at the Woods Chapel AMM 7. ion Church. He: message was taken from Ec cles. 3:18 and she used as a tnought, -nvhut Time Is It?” Rev. Mrs. McDonald was sponsor of the bus and the program. We were happy to have our teacher, Mother Burt, present after attending the funeral of her brother in New York, and brother-in-law in Washington, D. C. You art welcome to worship v ith us at. all times. sfc * jk FIRST BAPTIST - Sunday- School began at 9:30 with the general director, Mrs. M. T. James, rlong with the depart mental directors, in charge. Master Terry Jones and Miss Kimberley Levister led devo tion. Morning worship started at 11 with the call to worship given by the pastor, Dr. C. W. Ward, Sr., and with invoca tion followed by choral re sponse, ’threefold amen. The senior an;! Mosely Jones choirs combined were in charge of the music. Solists were Mrs. Anne Heartly, Mrs. Patricia Montague, Mrs, L. H. Shaw and Mrs. M. T. James. The responsive reading was led by the pastor and congre c uti.ui. Morning lesson was read by Bro. Robert Williams, from the* Book of John, 15 chapter 1-15 versos. The morning pray er was given by the Rev. E. L. Henry. Offering was lifted i ; the senioi men ushers, un der the leadership of Mr. M. C. Hill. A hymn of meditation, “Lord, When We Bow Before Thy Throne,” was sung. Avery encouraging sermon was given t-> the pastor. His subject, “'En abled To Serve.” It was a very heart warming sermon and the message warmed the hearts of me congregation with love. The mvttational hymn was, “I Will Trust In The Lord.” Conveifant, prayer, and hymns wore fol lowed by Communion, with Dea con J. W. Yeargin singing the closing hymn accompanied at the piano V-by Mrs. X. G. Wall. After shaking hands, the con gregation was dismiss' d. BTU began at 0:30 with the leaders, Mrs. Buelah Bates, Miss Ann Lundy, and Mr. L. Hawkins were i- charge. De votion was led by Mr. Andrew Bates, Jr., pianist was Mrs, Sharlean Fuller. Officers of the BTU brought a very inspiring topic. Evening worship began at 7:30 with the cal! to worship given E tin.- Rev. Kamaru. A ■ or: rich st>rnion was brougirt b; the paßt>T, I'm. Ward, followed by Connnpnlon. Jt was .* mil day of cur Istlanty for all, 4 * * i- ! i ; V T COSMOPOLITAN BAP! IST- Church School K y.u: at ):30, with the supt., Mr, Luther Hunter in charge. The - aural subject of the les son v.-u“ God Class Men.” Scripture taken from Exodus 2nd Timothy. Morning worship began at 11, with the call to worship given by Rev. W. B. Lewis, pastor. The settlor and gospel choirs furnished music. The hvrnn of pi arse was, “Jesus Is All The World T<* Me,” The choirs San.: wonderful. The script tier was read and Dt iconihitakor pray- J a wonderful prayer. SJepsiJ^a Pspii-Csla Bottling Co., Os Raleigh 2838 WARE FOREST ROAD. RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA At 5 , we had baptizing serv ice. At 6 p.m., BTU aftei which at 7 p.m, the tot ushers held their ist anniversary. They had a wonderful program plan ned and all the children did great. The evening message was given by Rev. Ratcliff with scripture taken from St. John, 3 chapter. The General Baptist State Convention will be held at First Cosmopolitan Baptist Church the Ist week in November. We are asking all members, friends and associates to participate and help make this a great event. If you are interested in hous ing delegates for the State Con vention please contact Mrs. J. D. Rowe at 828-6311. Please come out Sunday and enjoy our services. You are always wel come at First Cosmopolitan Baptist Church. Remember the .sick and less fortunate with a prayer, visit or a cal’.. See you in Cl.arch Sunday. Church reporter i.s Mrs. Nancy .Atwater. MT. OLIVE HOLY - Sunday school began at 10 o’clock with Deacon Daniels in charge. The title of the lesson was “God Calls Man,” taken from Exodus 3:1-14, Thoughts from the les sons are that God's call to man is not based on any depen dence on them. It rests on- His love and His grace. His call always carries with it the promise that He will be with <'Saitiicle Reminders „ BY MRS. RUTH M. BETHEA 8*44 E. Lenoir St, PHONE ZZ2-o3& As we turn to you, my readers, for a bright morn ing of sunshine, thinking of each one, wishing \oti well and asking God's blessings on each, we dwell on prayer, the guiding watch word of a Christ ian’s life. We are thank ful for t!ie lives and successes of our various, football teams j and their love! 1 L ” J MRS. BETHEA for their schools. Th inks to the local high school football players, boys, who brought home the laurels of successes. The Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority held its regular month ly meeting at the K i W Ca feteria, Sunday afternoon with the Baselius, Mrs. Edith Trice, presiding in her active, pleasing and progressive man ner, making members ieelver; much at home and wide awake as plans for the new year's work were processed. The following mom hers w ere present: Sorors Mary W. Pee bles, Mary Spencer, Mary Gai - ter, Merlyn W. Lytle, Bobbie Williams, W. M. Roseboro, Vic- Vour professional hairdresser Knows the answer... Was haircoloring first done in Africa? Cerjjr.es ago a tx-L,:- it was explored by Europeans) beaut »u’ b ; ack n.-rbs and other ingredients to change the co'or of the r omr *t ■ one way to complement their dark r:co complex ons t: accer? the:' natural warmth and beauty. Whether r not Africans were the frst to use this method, no one sure Vet they ore ,-r; y;■- • • • n terms of recorded history ' j - ■ ii, ■ u * then *. c t ■ .*;,■, of coloring their hair. Today c -.angu . ,r *;,* t .-amne as quick and as brief »S a . s*t ' ) : 'ofcss cn,T '.i drt?v..er That’s because many pro* f ev mi ••a.'d'f-ssers use Vst Ciairol* Hair Color to lighten h*if, ‘ T..-.e u ’ -t co - changes anu so cover gray. Hairdressing ex* : *- r ’ r kr that e*- • Er, ; y browns are generally gorgeous for darker ,mr tc-*’* 1 : .* •• • -*r >ed shades are stunninn for lighter tan complexions. :> .' ce .Tii you loser to trie cultural ways of your At* ■-.*■• - -iairco c::ng is a part of black history too. Ask y our pre-te .a? hairdresser about changing your hair color with VSs . * . -< j oe mon* beautiful than you already are. Chiu,.' inc 19U Ask for a free consultation. us and will enable us to do whit Ke commands. Morning worship began at 11 with the senior choir In charge of the music. The pastor, Rev. Sis. Celia Hayes delivered a wonderful and inspiring mes sage, taken from the 14th chap ter of St. John, entitled, “Go ing to Our Father.” Evening worship service be gan at 8. The public is always wel come to come worship with the pastor and members of the Mt. Olive Holy Church. * * * SMITH TEMPLE SENIOR USH ER BOARD The Smith Temple senior ush er board observed its 33rd An :.i\t*rsary Sunday, September 26. The opening selection was given by the Smith Temple cho rus, “ Leaning On The Everlast ing Arms.” Scripture was read by Mr. Tommie Garner, Pray er was offered by Deacon Ju lius Young. Another song was given by the chorus, “The Lord laid His Hand On Me.” The welcome address was given by Miss Joan Moore. The response by Deacon Hayes from Poplar Spring Christian Church, An other selection was given bythe chorus, -‘God Is Still on the Throne.” The history of the Usher Board was read by Mrs. Lydia Garner, Another song was sung by the Smith Temple Choir. -‘Just a Little Talk with Jesus.” The introduction ofthe speaker by the president, Dea con James Upchurch, Deacon Joseph Whitaker of the First Cosmopolitan Baptist Church’s subject was, “Beacon for a Dark World”, Matthew 5:14-16. tt was enjoyed by everyone. We closed with this thought; “Joy i.s not in things; it is In us.” Despite the fact that they represent only 11 percent of the civilian labor force, toria A;. Walters, Primrose Jackson, aaaie n. Perry, Louise Mays, George H. Man iv, Nannie Wooten, Edith M. Trice and Ruth M. Bethea. The members of the sorori ty sympathize deeply with Soror Ballentine in the death of her sister, who lived in New York. Sorors are planning for their area meeting in Fayetteville very soon. BIRCK STRRIID Had Coloring promises you ycuJger looking hair . - . -A iff; | < mißio ilt-.* \ * .1 I> I to lIV \ ONLY $1 .19 COMPLETE jrrrrk 5 natural shades * 2 A • yovt diorjq•%» or tend $1 50 to Strand Products Co D«*pt N W Monroe Street CKiraqo HI 60603 shad* 'wonted