FROM RALEIGH'S OFFICIAL POLICE FILES THE CRIME BEAT (CO 1 TNUED FROM PAGE ONE) *- BOYFRIEND CHARGED Mrs. Marie Hicks, 1530 Ra leigh Boulevard, reported (o Of ficer Joseph Blaylock at 7:15 p.m. last Thursday, as follows; •'Last evening, (Wednesday night), a subject John Gilchrist, called. I stated that we had a ride to the State Fair. The sub ject got angry and stated * were finished. He returned to day (Thursday). He was ver; angry and busted through tin rear door, knocking my daugh ter to the floor and kicking h f, r about the body, mainly on her left arm.” The wom.t:. aid she would sign an assault rant against her boyfriend. Th child was treated at Wake mortal Hospital for arm wounds. * * * RING “SWIPED"’ Miss Mary Louise Allen, C 1 Cumberland Street, told Officer Gabriel Sanders at 8:40 p. : . Thursday, that her sister, Miss Barbara Ann Allen, 22, 712 E. Martin Street, came inside 1 t i house sometime during the d,r . also said that her room w . vandalized and part of her cloth ing was missing. The most i:: - port ant thing missing, Mm- Al ien stated, was her diamond t n gagement ring. She said she would sign a larceny variant against her sister for larceny. A * * STEALS AT SCHOOL Jonathan Clifton Halp< r: . j white student at Washing’":- School, who lives at 2COC Wells Avenue, informed Office i M W, King at 9:14 a.m. Friday, at 2:45 p.m. the previous dav, while still inside the school, he was approached by a colored male. He said the person jerk ed his watch from his arm. am! “split the scene.” Young Ihu pern said he chased him, Inn could not catch him. The watch, was valued at $25. The 1i- e.n - old suspect (whose name we choose not to reveal), im-i at 1314 S. East Street. if * * CUT ON HEAD jt* Joe Maryland Debnain, IC, E. Cabarrus Street, called “He law'* at 2:25 a.m. Saturday and told Officer John Leffingwel! that he was involved in a fib: with Clarence Douglas Mb 25-year-old white resident of 1120 N. Blount Street, and len cut him on the head a knife. Both were “hauL ! off*' to Wake County Jail an I charged with engaging m affray where a deadly weapon was used. The incident occu; - ed at Staton’s Case, 319 $. I m Street. Debnam suffered a six Inch cut on the forehead. if A * JAILED FOR HAVING GUN Officer Albert L. Watson ui - rested Haywood Smith, 21: Smlthfield Street at ! :3 j . m. last Saturday and charged him with illegal possession of ALEXANDER BLDG., Suite 502—P. O Box 292 FIT Associates, im. Distributors of Educational Material I*3 Fayetteville St. Raleigh N. 27601 ALSO T & T TRAVEL SERVICE A'H"E VT3 OSi High school r.i i >rs—You jre invited lo visit tit* new rme renter ,t l\l i l n , Beginning Mob d*y. Miy I. S3> Payettevttle ST'**-’ Xu \ ender Building. Fittuttd fee the world's lines*. cT.-ts„ urn- b l,)hit Koberts. You may use sour Master Clrirge i nd ,r ! : irt.s can be arraneed. ICALL U 8 NOW FOR KE‘*f.ft\ \TIO\S. WE ARE HERE TO SERVE VOU Office Plumes: 828-7429 and A big size"ptcture in a compact cdtar tv that fits anywhere! ffe* VCRMECR • C3310W Now you can enjoy world ljnh££tiSkis I tWBOU# Zsnitb Color TV anywhere . . iutchen, bedroom, , , 9*Smil Vtnyi dad metal cabinet in giainad American V1III8; WMnwt enter « Zenith Handcrafted Chassis » Chromatic St“ISS !*! i" Cdtef demodulator a Super Video Range Tuner a ,f V @9»flWfw® Cote? TV Picture Tube tOfUIJf! 1 iM % Msmt §i 1 a handgun -a blue steel Mau ser pistol. The weapon was found in a room occupied by- Mr. Smith, 49, during a search for nan -ics. The offense re port i deb “Mr. Smith has boon convicted of a felonious crine m this state,” DRUNK MAN STRUCK 10 : ert Lee Bb amt, 24, 513 Patterson Lam . reported to Of ficer 11.1 . Battle at 8:31 p.m. Saturda;., that he was intoxi r. so be went to the Lin coln Cad Company, 300 block of ' ( abarrus Street, and re qtn st> d a taxi. He said thedis- I itch, r c tiled for a driver. Blount then ■ liked to the car i d t M 1- the driver to i o to ti e other side. Ho said tli-t . started for the other id : t! 1 - • liiclt- the driver opened :V trunk and pulled out a wf in.-,, then pointed it at '■o. . 151 • .mt, aho said he then thief up iris arms, trying to reverse >!• aim oi the weapon and v. is struck on the left hand 1 ■ ti -i:. 1. He refused to issault with a deadly . e ; it-’. Blount ex hi! .!• i a s-’.'ilh-:': left hand. “ b ! ' ON CHEST, ARM Dv. c l.t : dv.nrd Fison, 23, 217 . si’iUi stted, informed a cop at 12: 5 a.m. last Saturday, that .. iking with a friend In Mr : blo.-k of W. South St., ". In : t! • v ere jumped by se veral colored males, Fison said b was knocked down and cut. IL could not describe his as s. fHt received a five inch mu ... the chost } Willie Junior V/.ite, a'. Route i, Kinghtdale, Me:: :■ i suffered a three inch ; ash -a his right ar m. • * > W (>M AN IS ABDUCTED ’■ i ici.i Florence Conk- D -old white resident - N. hloodworthStreet, told ■ i p t '2:50 a.m. Tuesday, Mi.a si.- .s abducted by Hor- McClain, 22-year-old black ■ ’--id--d of 2 lol Millbrook S'i< A Mc-Cl.t! was jailed and ’ ; i:.g, assault 1 U .m.ali and larceny of an ■ uto. The woman said she was Fc c< •; het car when Me - Ula: stuck i metal comb in b (, j fan took her keys and - -- fr in front of her HU * •>. -i ‘M ING- I >*' HUSBAND '■'r.- : Mrubet:: Thomas Bat- I - ii fa >n Road, inform . F. B. Baucom at 9:42 bb . last We■.xesday, that she ■ 1 ■ ' husband had an argu t ‘-ai , In beat me up and M U-, e with an iron pipe.” dm .a-, was treated at Wake " trial Hospital and told the 1 -it si,, would “go down - - : : assault on a female mc. ’ a; her husband, '-neon attic. ’ The woman was cut on the loft arm. STEALS AT FINES’ Frank William Tomlinson, ar employee at Fines' Men’s Shop, 201 Fayetteville Street, told Of ficer R. Devone at 2 p.m. Wed nesday, that about three Negrc males came in the store, walk ed around and put pants under their coats, then ran out in the street. He said he gate chase, but was unable to catch them. Arrested and charged with lar ceny of two pairs of trousers, valued at a total of $36, was Wil liam Christmas Washington, 23, 1419 Raleigh Boulevard. *. » * BOMB THREAT AT “YM” Jimmy Coleman Holder, >2Ol Walnut Street, physical direc tor at the Bloodworth Street YMCA, 600 S. Bloodworth, told Officer W.L. Cartel at 8:31 a. m. Thursday, that he received an anonymous telephone call, telling him to clear tin build ing and saving that a itomb would go off in a few minutes. Holder then notified the executive di rector, E. L. Halford of the call. There was no bomb. * * + ASSAULTED NEAR STORE Mrs. Eloise Allen Leach, 46, Route i, Box 33, Holly Springs, informed Officer R.E. Holland at 6:02 p.m. Thursday, that she walked to the Little Dixie Num ber Two Store, located at the corner of Smlthfield andS. Per son Streets. After having a heated argument with Jack .Mor gan, 49, 806 S. Person Street, she was followed by him to the store, where he began another heated "fuss”, this time s'ik ing the woman several times with his fists and knocking her to the ground on one occasion. Mrs. Leach was arrested for carrying a concealed weapon Lightner Ins. Agency ! i 1 > CORNERSTONE FINANCIAL SERVICES INCORPORATED (A Subsidiary of Keystone Custodian Funds, Inc. LEWV.V HAYES, JR. Registered Representative 828 7642 SISTERBETTY | You’ve seen her on T.V.. Read about her in the papers, NOW see: her in person Touch of her hand will heal you. She has God-given j power to heal in prayer. Are you suffering? Are you | sick? Do you need help. Do you have bad luek? Bring your problems to Sister Betty. Advise on all affairs of life. There is no problem so great that she can’t solve, i How to hold your job when you’ve failed and how to succeed). She has devoted a life-time to this work. Men and women have come to hFr from the four corners of the worid. Guaranteed to remove evil influence and bad luek. There's no pity tor those knowing they're in hard luck and need help and do not come for it. One visit will con vince you. lifts you out of sorrow and darkness and starts you on the way to success and happiness. She invites you to her home. Open seven days a week 7 a.m. to 19 p m. SPECIAL READING SI WITH THIS AD 330 E. HARGETT ST, 834-2007 RALEIGH, N. C. Your phone is one small end of a huge and complex communications network that interconnects the entire nation. The vast part- of your phone that you don't see are checked constantly and maintained in superb working order. You ve come to expect this dependability as simply part of your telephone service. in addition, if the phone in your home ever needs repairing we fix is at no extra cost to you. What else do you use that s so complex and can still be so trouble-free. (a samll pistol) and was taken to the magistrate’s office, where she signed an assault, warrant against Jack Morgan. She suffered a swollen lip. * * * MAN SHOT AT Hubert Montgomery, 40, 1207 S. East Street, informed two cops at 2:57 p.m. Sunday, that he was at 1312 S. East Street, at a friend’s house, when Jesse McLaurin, 37, “came looking for me with a shotgun.” Mont gomery said he came out onto the porch and McLaurin “start ed cursing me, then shot at me with the .12 gauge weapon. ’" The shot went into the ceiling of the pdreh. McLaurin was “hauled off” to Wak“ County Jail and charged with assault with a deadly weapon. * * * MAUL MAN’S FACE David Otis Bryant, 48, 1516 Bethel Drive, reported to Of ficer F. I. Rountree at 3:09 a. m. Sunday, that he was on his way home from the 300 block of N. Carver Street, when he was attacked by two or three colored males, whom he did not know. He said they beat him, took his money ($3), and “split the scene.” Mr. Bryant was taken to Wake Memorial Hospital, where he was treat ed for a two inch gash over the left eye, and bruises about the face. He said that he did not know any of his assailants. * * * STRIKES COP ON HEAD Officer Stanley Edwin Cobb reported to Officer O. Perry at 12:15 p.n . Sunday, that he was making an arrest of Joseph Steven Smith (alias Williams), when the subject struck him on the head with his fist. The man was jailed and charged with as sault on an officer. Smith (or Williams) is 31 years of age and lives at3loldlewildAvenue. The crop of pretty things in the schools and colleges this fall is better than usual. €ham Oink Held For Ddbtaiifgs The Auditorium of the Class room building at St. Augustine's College was the scene of a Charm Clinic conducted in two parts for the 1971 AKA Debu tantes. Part I was conducted bv Mrs. Marguerite M. Jordan.' She gave a discussion on certain major topics involving health, diet, posture, personality, and neatness. The Ten Commandments were given for good manners. The final topic was a Per sonality Self-Evaluation test, .involving 24 items. Part II - Mr. Thomas Best, representative of Flori Roberts Cosmetics, explained and demonstrated the art of “make up.” Each step in the make up process was demonstrated on Model Catherine Lewis, Fol lowing the question and answer period, samples of cosmetics were distributed to the 65 debu tantes present. Not Long Enough Poet-Are you the man who cut my hair last time’ Barber-I don't think so, sir, I’ve only been here six months. |ungwoodloresl x Your Very Best Bargain In O ! Real Estate J } 3- and 4-Bedroom Homes. Built-in X ! < Appliances 0 8 VA, FHA And FHA 235 | X IF YOU NEED \ HOME, CALI. KEY HOMES TODAY. Q 1 yoyi, •• Your Key | | I * Homes To Happiness 8 e! 838-0538 X mvemfouse SCOTCH I jig I Qfrff Juit saussA O ft,## £ V-Av / flfc, DEBS ATTEND CHARM CLINIC- Left to right: Debs Carolyn Haywood, Edith Lockley, Mrs. Barbara Allen, Hudson Bulk Cosmetic department, .Mr. Thomas Best, Demonstrator for Flori Roberts Cosmetics at Hud son Belk, Catherine Lewis, Model; Deb Bernetta Poole, Mrs. 'Mar guerite Jordan, Consultant, Debs Esther Harris and Carolvn Edwards Vists City, Carolinian The Rev. G. W. Johnson of Franklin, Va., was accompani ed to the offices of The CARO LINIAN by the Rev. Dr. O. 1.. Sherrill, executive secre tary of the General Baptist State Convention ofNorth Caro linian on Tuesday afternoon of this week. The Rev. Johnson a native of Elizabeth City, is the pastor of the Piney Grove Baptist Chruch in Franklin. He was here on vacation. THE CAROLINIAN * RALEIQ H, N. C.. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 30. 971 8 High Quality I IS c) ■■ ■ ■ MUST! J More acreage isn't the only reasc i small giam yields have jumped so sharply in the Caroimas m recent years Breeders can be given a lot of the credit - for continually developing improved varieties. Like the new dwarf-type lines that aiiovv great er nitrogen application without causing lodg ing. And earlier maturing varieties that !e you double-crop with sorghum or soybeans. Bigger and heavier small grain y -this begsn with the purchase of high quality seed That's why farmers in this area buy locally adapted seed of known origin from FCX We're here to serve you too . EffeV SERVICE I CENTERS /A\j)\ 3