THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH. N. C.. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 25, 1971 14 St *pmm ’M mid t» &em s€fm tfo custom of ftwvtdktf food fan sm4f4 at @&ntAtma4tisHe Among the holiday cus toms in many European lands is the one of putting out sheaves for the birds and giving all the farm ani mals an extra portion at Christmas. Some legends attribute this happy custom to an old pagan superstition . . a fear of evil spirits and a de sire to appease them' Another, more reasona ble conjecture is based on the spirit of love which em bodies Christmas . . . as personified by St. Francis of Assisi. History records that the custdm originated with this good friar. Quoting from re cords of his followers . . “We who were with blessed Francis . . bear testimony that many times we have heard him say, If I were to speak to the Emperor, 1 would- . . . tell him for the love of God . .to make a special law- that no man should take or kill sister Larks . . . that all . . the Lords of castles and vil lages should be bound every year on Christmas Day . . . ow-pmoEs' HOLIDAY OSIER Here’s hoping that you and yours will know every happiness of this season. Swprwn® Iraks Aid Alipitmt Ssrvks 419 GLENWOOD AVE., RALEIGH, N. C OFFICE: 834-1257; HOME: 772-1800 Jt / have a joyous 4/ active holiday. SEE mm\t easom—sam®i*is— KKcwrar Goodman Toyota inc, I 2401 Woke Forest Rd. 333-759! to throw wheat and other grains outside the cities and castles . . and that for the reverence of the Son of God, Who rested on that night with the most blessed Virgin Mary between an Ox and an Ass shall be bound to provide for them Like wise that all poor men should be satisfied by the rich with good food St. Francis' fame spread all over the world during his lifetime and beyond He was so admired by all peo ple that it is likely that his words were spread afar, and that in this way this kindly custom became a "jewel" in the treasury of Christmas good deeds. * * * Studies Indicate that most of a temporary loss due to expo sure to excessively loud noise occurs during the first hour or two of such exposure according to officials of the Beltone Cru sade for Hearing Conservation. Ist1 st American Christmas Card Printed in Albany, All In America, credit for the first Christmas card goes to an obscure Albany, N Y . engraver named R. H Pease, the promotionallv mir. d e d proprietor of Pease's Great Variety Store The card isn't dated, but most experts think it was done in the 1850 s. They note an impish Santa Claus and his reindeer at the top of the card. since the famed cartoonish Thomas Nast is known to have been the first to come up with that idea about 1850. the date seems (airly certain The first American cards published in any quantity came from the Roxburv, Mass . shop ot Louis Prang, a German political refugee MAY THE TRUE CHEER OF CHRISTMAS COME YOUR WAY A!CA WAKE TIRE CO. ALSO 118 W. Davie St. # Soati Service • 833-3064 the AUTO CUNiC TO Ol’R MANY FRIENDS And along with our fondest wishes that every wish will come true for you, we also extend our sincere "thank you’’ for your loyalty during this year. Phillips Roofing Co. 310 W, DAVIE STREET 833-3520 who went into the printing business. The result of all this is that the average American family mailed some 110 cards this Christmas and the Post Office Department collected over S2OO million in stamps, according to spokesmen for a greeting cards trade group. * * * Hearing lossess resulting from exposure to excessive sound levels can be divided Into two categories according to the Beltone Crusade for Hearing Conservation. Boar’s Head A traditional feature of the Christmas festiye table is the boar’s head This leg end. told in Queen’s Col lege, Oxford, provides a ba sis for the tradition; A student, walking and reading in the woods on Christmas Day, was at tacked by a wild boar. He overpowered the boar by choking it with his book, a volume of Aristotle. Then he cut off the boar's head to retrieve his book and brought the head trium phantly to table. r *cw «wc Let us All Rejoice on this Happy Day! Hawkins’ Interior Shop 183 S. TARMORO RD. 882-8244 feJyhristanaß blessings to all our good friends and patrons and to your families... may peace and joy abide with you throughout the holiday season. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY A DIVISION OF AMERICAN BRANDS, INC. Sing hey! Sing hey! For Christmas Day; Twin mistletoe and holly. For friendship glows In winter snows. And so let’s all be jolly' Anonymous A FORMULA—A man can gn lo hf-.ifn without help, without wealth, without fame, without; & great name, without learning, without a big earning, without culture, without beauty, without a friend, without 10,900 other things. But he can never go to heaven without Christ. I am the way, the truth and the light, no man eometh to the Father except by me. God is our senior partner. R-B’s Supreme Breasted! Chicken 1927 SOUTH SAUNDERS ST GATEWAY PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA In Ireland, building a Grotto for the Nativity Scene becomes a family project. Children and par ents take long walks in the countrywide to search for colored stones, tree bark, and pieces of wood to as semble on a table. Some re produce the setting of Beth lehem, but a local Irish landscape is more common. Family members can build a grotto of mounds of pa pier-mache set on a hard board base; branches and. rocks fill the open spaces. The Holy Family is placed in the center, with adoriri|§- angels, animals, and shep herds nearby. Wise Men are moved closer to the Christ Child each day of the holy season. Greens are used in Aas tria to banish demons that lurk in darkness during the gloomv davs of winter