16 £ Touches Everyone Christmas wji. ories : evoke - it promises in ail of the recdrtkv. last-. . m in. what other holiday m pares with it? It is the day long looked forward to by children yes. even in this cynical age, in this yea; of 1971 when even young children are quite knowledgeable. However, the smart yo mg sters k p some t s* phisticaiion to themselves at Christmastime. It is economically feasible to at least pretend, at Christmas time Even if we have “strayia like lost sheep' from the faith of our child hood. if we can recapture some of it., we v uld be the better 1 it Some 0 the magic will “wear i ff" on us. That is magic, ‘self. And who is to dispute me valient; of it? Thes. of us who live in climate when v w can be expected at Christmas are luck’, md. . But all fO' an simulate this pref holiday picture. When tlh iog rolls m from the sea in i he e niv morning during ti. ■. a.- r ' in i air 'lit.. 1 : example, we can tend ■. me •’ice again lost" in ’h o' v- ,r derful I //arc; . .- one can iurdl i * window 1 As Su alter S' tso vs . . . “Heap on moi' ,c»od’ the wind is chill Eat Set Os ,? / A EVERY GOOD WLsH FOR THE HOLIDAYS CIVEILA BEAUTY COLLEGE %%% SOUTH EAST STREET —mmm »j -n.«. „,, ,»A. .„ .»..., faVjlJt BEST WISHES TO &U CAiDWELL S Cn- DCIRY Ml* t Hr,.--;' J. E. CALUWr.M T»r». KISS M«il lie SiHI KK m wis« Uei ■ ’ nsastun Bis! When thi Wise Men watched with ais e the bril liant stars in the heavens that wonderful night so many hundreds of years ago. it would have been lu nacy for anyone to t > diet Man s landing un the uiouti centuries later In fact, the word "lunacy " conies from the Latin word ' luna." meaning "moon." Lunacy was supposed to be caused by changes in the moon (And who knows'.’ To some degree perhaps it is . To predict a world of peace, where men actually live in harmony with one another throughout the earth, would have amount ed to lunacy, as well Vet at Christmastime, every year men of good will and indomitable faith continue to hope tor such a world. it whistle as it will. Well keep our Merry Christmas still." Some of us wish that the wind would be chill, and whistle, and give us red noses, so that we would be afraid as children it might fall off: Hut we can keep Christ mas in our hearts, and in our spirit, wherever we live. 0 .ml Q *■; A . 4L ***mS*&*lmn*. 1 *■ * . ■ vVv 'itif , m " L " a tUe imh for you a striped candy cam, 75k scent, of pine, a fires qhw , ' presents to open, snotc on the pane, Peace ... and a glimpse of the Star . Harris Wholesale Inc. DISTRIBUTORS 0F... Budweiser Beer In the Raleigh Area it i 1- it any farther-fetched than man s dreaming of landing on the moon'.’ For if ever Man had evi dence oi oneness among hu manity. he experienced it at m ho.ding. 1969. Wist men today know it is one world. Through modern tech nology and the magnificent courage of astronauts, man on (he moon became a reality. Through God-given gifts. man nas achieved this awe some milestone A fragile craft, launched, from Earth, floating in a galaxy of a bil lion billion stars, found its way through a thousand million galaxies, each with a trillion stars and planets, and came to rest, to hover over the Moon! Through God-given gifts (most of which man chooses to ig nore Man can achieve the even more miraculous . . . living in harmony with his brother working together to solve all our problems, because they are common to us all 11 eye cannot see into the E i are. the mind cannot predict what is in store. But the neai t and the will of magic. Fear nut Rejoice in this Christmas, 1971. And keep vour "eve" on the Star! New Year While Marco Polo, traveling through the land of the Great Khan, found that the Khan and all his subjects, by tradition, wore white robes at New Year's, which they celebrated in Febru ary. The white robes they considered a good omen to bring them luck and hap piness. The subjects pre sented jewels to their ruler so that he might know abun dance throughout the year Suitability At Christmas I no more desire a rose Than wish a snow in May's new-fangled mirth: But like of each thing that in season grows. William Shakespeare 1 15941 © jboip^tgtit May all oi the blessings oi Christmas be yours to share. 4 Tht> YMCA Cordially Invites You To Join Bioodworlh Street YMCA RALEIGH, N. €. Ra£e£/jtb camp any, i no. 11? WEST LENOI STREET OI At E 28--n •- DAY, NIGHTS & SUNDAYS Christmas Safety Hints Offered By The Bed Cross W ASHINGTON, D. C.--The smell of evergreen and the gilt t or of tinsel, ornaments and multicolored lights make the Christmas tree a symbol of happiness f- ■. a joyous season. But a ■ iih tree improperly car ed for is a dangerous fire haz ’ard that could turn the holiday into tragedy, warns the Ameri can Red Cross. “When buying a tree,” advises Robert M. Oswald, director of safet’. programs for the Red Cross, “make sure it is fresh. The needles should not fall'off at the touch. If thevdo. thetree is too dry.’ After the tree is brougnt nome, Mr. Oswald says, keep it fresh by making a new diagonal cut about two inches from the bot tom and place thetree in a stand wih with a water-filled container. As the water evaporates, re place it. Don’t set the tree up too near a wal , or close to a radiator or fireplace. Before starting to decorate the tree, check all electrical decor ations for frayed, cracked or worn insulation, and inspect the plug for damage. The safety cli rectoi aays that all electrical fixtures should carry the appro val label of the Underwriters Laboratory. Be sure not to over load electrical circuits and dis connect rree lights before re tiring or leaving the house. Angel hair and show spray, even if labelled “nonflamma ble'’ may be highly combusti ble when combined, the Red Cross has been advised by the National Safety Council. If other holiday florals are used in decorating, remember that the berries of holly, mis tletoe, yew. Jerusalum cherry, and the leaves of poinsettla can cause serious illness if chewed or swallowed. In a home with small children artificial green ery is recommended. After the home and tree are decorated, concludes the Red Cross safety director, make wnK At Christmas and always, we pray 10. peace among men. CENTRAL DRUG STORE 601 E. DAVIE ST. fig/ anb fill Rout 3 lobtb ©ties at j WASHINGTON TERRACE APARTMENTS, INC. ments arid electrical connect ions to assure yourself and fam ily of a Merry Christmas and a Happ\ New Year. IDEAL TREE The ideal Christmas tree is the fir. because oi its tendency to hold its nee dles longer HOLIDAY TOAST We wish you Health, and good Fires; Victuals Drink and good Stomachs, inno cent Diversion, and good Company; honest Trading, and good Success; loving Courtship, and good Wives, and lastly a men y CHRIST MAS and a happv NEW YEAR Virginia Almanack (1776) te tit Scar \\ fa* f&eaee m ‘Uj&tlct SiephensonMusicCo.) n m 101 W. Peace Street t ‘ n* - 11r>xn • - tor-- \ aimng (.line ;md you can Pleast- with t-ase by using vour noggin. Egg-noggin that is! Here’s how to beat . . . this loiiday treat: AMERICAN EGGNOG Heal 12 egg yolks until light; heat in G lb sugar till mixture i’> (hick. Stir in 1 qt. milk and a fitiTi of Don Q gold rum. Chill ROSES RANK HIGH IN POPULARITY bright with the color of yuletide, also a tradi tional symbol ol love and sentiment. Florists pre dict that more roses will be wired to mothers, wives and sweethearts on Christ mas Day than any other cut flower. They're' available m virtually every commu nity in the \ 'nited States.