s-s*:• " KADALA COURT NO. 67, DAUGHTERS 01 ISIS P'C'O I EGYPTIAN TEA - The annua! !• nyptlan Tea, spurs- •> i ’ " Kabala Court No. 87, Daughters of Isis, was hold r ■< ■ ! L the YWCA. Several of the participants are pictured at Reading left to right, first row: Daughters Roxie Tucker, V - zelle Burnette, Barbara Johns, Lucy Willis, M"flyn Lytl: Sara Davis. Second row; Daughtei: Beatrice Hall, GP■■■ tl * YOUNGSVILLE BY MRS. JOE 1, LA HARRIS YOUNGSVII.I.E- Services for Union Grove Baptist Church: Sunday School is held each Sun day at 10 a.in. The supt., is Mr. George Cannady, Jr. and the secretary is Mrs. Dorothy Perry. Church is hold each second and fourth Sundays. Our pas tor is Rev. J. C. Sherrod and the clerk is Mrs. W. W. Mor gan and the secretarv is Mrs. Lucille Bass. Services for Mt. Zion Dis ciples Church are held each first and third Sundays. The pastor is Rev. Bailey. | A Family Made Happier i I With A New Home I Above are Mr. Clarence Chrath r.d chldrcn of 3008 Snow Bird Drive win ;| g posed for this picture in the'.r new h..-..e be.lt by John O. D. Williams in the >1 || Idlcwood Subdivision. If I The Cheathams Paid S 2OO Dowa I 1 And *B3 A Month j 1 VA Or FHA Financing Available | aIOME OF THE CHEATHAM FAMILY erky homes m Evans Neil Pearce Jack Reid 876-3051 787-9047 •esentativea of I WILLIAMS CO. ! Sick and shut-ins are Mrs. Mary Wilder, Mrs. BolL Harris, Mrs. Cornelia Joym r and Mrs. Moses Thomas. Visiting their sick - lur, Mrs. Mai" Wilder \wr<- .Mi Catherine Jones of Ral* ! Mrs. Mary Green and Mr. d Wilder of Washington, it. ■ . Mr. Henry Wilder, 1 Miss i r nestine Wilder. Mr. G. A, Wild er of New York, also hot i .• - 1 - children, Georg ie oi Port Dix, Cheryle of N. Y. atui Nic! ole of Washington, D, C. Mr. and Mrs. Cle\el.it d Wil liams and son, Km in a ' ..Li a attended church and \ :sii 1! . - parents, Mr. and Mrs, C land Williamson, Sr. ai d Mi Mary Wilder. it, 0.-puty Mozelle Merritt, Past Commandress Mildred Cha- Daughter Ernestine Laws, Illustrious Commandress E 'l rice. Daughters, Bernice Wilkins and Delia Harris. '! ir-d row: Daughters Cllnttm Ligon, Roselind Lane, Iris Col lins, Norman Haywood, Doris Revis, Ginger Williams, Hessle • n.u , Lula Cofield, I'tin ice Whitley, Alberta Brldgeford, Rosa 1 licke : . -Tan«'t Mm eimna, Ida Mathews, and Allie Peebles. Mis,- Cassandra Floyd is > i.sliiui; hoi parents, Mr. and 'Mr: . David L. Floyd. Miss I lot 1 is a sophomoie at St. Miynstine's College. Masl'•! Baptist Church on the second Sunday, '. old Mrs. James Clax, Mt I Mitchell of Raleigh. Hsitod Mrs. Joella Harris, Mrs, Mai . L. Perry and Mrs, M..i v Wilder. Mrs. Ruobelle Alston of New port News, Va. is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Moses Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith of I.ouisburg visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Smith. Mrs, Serena Black and the Old I iherty Church wish to thank the members of Union Grove who helped make their dinner a success, * * * For it was not an enemy that reproached me; then I could have borne it: neither was it he that hated me that did magni fy himself against me, P'Brothvr Edward Holloway'seamnq* i Gospel Highlights I Men's Day will bo w served Sunday at !! a.m, at ft-., w.-t-e Chapel Baptist Church. At 0 p. ! r, V. a program will bo hold. The Junior choir and the All Male, chorus, §»■.■ will host the JaPt .***•. program. Other &4- * groups will also §k|fcy., appear. Rov. James Foggs Is Wb. TL Sfi» tiie pastor. Holloway The Gospel Jubilee singers, Ed Hall and the Evening f ive, the Holloway Sister.- and oth ers will bo on a pro. r.un at the Jesus House of Deliverance, Artist Os The Week Derrick Alton Newsom is known by his friends and fami ly for his musical ability, which began at an earlv u - . He is Hie fifteen-year-old sou 1 Sgt. and Mrs. Jewel Newsom, vvh - 10- sido at 2205 Sander ford Road, Raleigh. Derrick attends J. V.. I ‘.go:-. High School and partlclp.i' ts in several social activities, which are: The Pep Club, Spo ts Com mittee, Mixed Chorus, Boy Scouts and the Beys’ Club. His interests and hobbies in clude: painting;, collecting stamps and coins and collect ing- paperback books for his home library. iS :- i : >•' ■■ ' . ukm t- 111% JiH 1% H M j|f| fe ill iMdNlHllli I mil^pn n I AM/FMRADIO-PHONOsfj The prog; un will bo on Feb, t 5 p.m. Mother Mary 1 ravior is the pastor. Tiierc will be a great week ■> >ih and deliverance s<-rv« ices .it the Jesus House of De liverance on Walker St. here. A different speaker is planned for every night. Some of the speakers for the week are Bro, James Mack, High Point, who will speak on Thursday thru s iturd.iv nights. Other speak ers were Sister Ethel Barnes ■ Apex; Mrs, 1 ill tan Osborne, "I Apex: Bro. George Jones, Jr. .u I the choir - f Elevation Bap- street Baptist Church and is vor active ie. the Young C hurc.li Or a" 1 zat ion. He is the organist for the jun ior choir. Upon his graduation from high school, he plans to pur u«e his eiincuti ,-. in the field of music. The I.x -O u t-Settes Social Clul v ill sponsor him in the sprim. fine arts extravaganza siven by iho 2 ■ clubs and or ganizations fb.-t make up the Arts Council. The local chapter of Links, Incorporated Is the founder --f the i-unciL I YOUR TREASURE MAP 1 IS J I I I I*l §1 I**:.-, Edenton St. » m ! i [ ,r ~i ~h m a ! _____ .«_* i —. ——J ce —J l- —__—_J I ;«*; viv! . New Bern Ave. c •xxxTff!” ” I ——*v r-■ «—i o ii ivo ijg MII INCOME TAX S it I "1 SERVICE I I L J S L__J 11- REFUNDS | Sinlthfield St, . , *2 f| Smith field St.. —l| ££ 1 ' at Buchanan’s Groc. 1*414 !\v I j|| PHONE 833-3557 »■ ——» \ s Jj THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1872 list Church. The public is cordially Li lted to attned. Our slek and shut-ins are Mrs. Sylvia Dunn and Mrs. Hattie Hargrove, Birthday wishes go out to Mrs. Carrie Thomas on Fob, l 4; Linwood Earl Thomas, 14, let). 18; David Ray, 1, Feb. 14; Funnier Lee Smith, Feb. 10; Larry Smith, Feb. 3; Mrs. Otesa Pace, Feb. 13: and Mrs, Annie Mae Pace, Feb, 13. st. Aug.’s Underway A Black Executive Exchange Program (BEEP), sponsored by the National Urban League In Now York, will be held at St, Augustine’s College, beginning February 7, and ending April 11 (ten weeks), at 12:00 noon In Room 201 of the New Class room Building. Available Efficiency Apartments at Martin De Porres Apartments 1612 CARNAGE DRIVE 1487 SAWYER LANE One payment includes the fallowing. Electricity. Gas. Water, Furniture, Draperies. Individual ly controlled heat and air conditioning, Modern Kitchen with latest appliances including garbage disposal, raved parking, Laundry facilities, Tenants’ storage, Wall to wall carpeting. SEMI-LUXURY LIVING IN SOUTHEAST RALEIGH For further information call: John W. Winters & Company 507 EAST MARTIN STREET PHONE 828-5786 Under this program a black executive from a major cor poration will visit the Saint Augustine’s College campus and will loach a class in ac counting, followed by an In formal meeting with the stu dents and the faculty. The idea of the program is to provide a broad outlook and also to expose the students to the practical experiences of this executive. This ■ - ill be a com bination of p> actleal experienc es and classroom study. The coordinator of the pro gram is s. P, Puri, head of the business department at St, Augustine's, Ip'll r John M.asxu, s Belgian, moved I a4O ton railway car using only ! ! hi* teeth 5