w 5jUi»i.-r4,Prurtxnt C-;' _ bit*. 1-p. Rev.leee While SayskmmSMisii "HeMAsAPoliticalPiisoiier” -pc-tt-tt-Jr Dr. Brumfield Johnson CRJBody Foundo* Of Hofy Church Dead y®'*'® To ^ — Free Man THE CAROLINIAN T North CaroUna's LeaiUng Weekly VOL. 31. NO It RALEIGH. N. C . WEEK ENDING. SATURDAY MARCH 4, 1972 SWGLI COPY U While Mae Killed, Attemalke Sons ANCFLA ISCOBTED BY LAWYER, St'PPORTER-Sui *»•. CJI'.; Ai«.lii p«vlA (C) U M- orlf-' r, ;.r jrv h t-1 cf.irf «.!-:.*» Hmiril Mour., Jr. (1 i-'’’rr.i.klln Al«- -Jtr 'P. cj Ih. Cu.- I.. Err- knj.l. Ik.'i4. Ml>’ I'i'U. photrYnphi'd tkrmth ., rn... -..Ir.s'....’ - .irlro-:r ,h..|. !« I. L.,( IrUl'lurlr.i; a r. Ct-J-.. (fPL. Black Man Fired Gim Rev, Leon White, dl> rector of the N. C.- Vlrglnia office of the Commiulon for Ra cial Justice, charged here Monday after noon during a presa conference held in his office that Rev. Ben Chavis is being held as a political prisoner but vowed that the commission and other black leaders have consented to fight for Justice .unlll Rev. White is set free. •rurUy NationalBiack Caciu Send* A Race Members Urged To Telegram To Angela's Backer* t*-' {^l• Cc; r'i> tf d*: folJ'>»ti{ U j •■I-nu:; flTLir. i. Cdu. D. f-TiR* v';Jirr^ r.cr re!-j:*!- • l*atl. . r ji ’ ’’ * thf -• iJ Erf C'-rpii- .Vi.ffcLt I'A' ^ U aJ rJrle*-. |r •n’f^h.ji of her rlfhts cusranw b'. ihr t. Cf -itUyllon. n*U wai dt MUs TaMs th>' gi >und that fhs- CaliftiTtiU S'jfj- Cftiiid• prtjh.!" Tt*dthfr r**lrjk& f« pth'jner* charted 'etth uffrt'R«s tf (he j^aUelJe i-viderir)- to •.•jpport the ch»?c« Rev. High WiRKeyncte 160Hi Annhfenary Sw. i ‘u.. et cb ,rr.. aa I eAChUkt r>ur ? •:Ch^r«. Ojri .f the d) ^)a Mrst Deiaiel win rmirfusUe Fori-lfr, ML-iw-nS *i'i ntftw*r VI Mb recent rierlam "f thi- CallforiiU Stf'rerr.e CeWt .boliahlnt cafhd! --ufitrfunTftt. it Misuld apreer thaltheorltinal growid fur proccrlptlon of bell ha* tirec rlijntn.'ed, K thet be the fad. then we wouJd UTfe that reaereialle l«U be set and thet Davte rre#mt.« euch (.an le releeeed ImmedUtel) peoubif thedeterRibiadurtofher trUi. HonoraH* John Ct»»?er-, Jr., rhaltmar Juattce and CItrll Lt* (•ertles Contmliiee arftheCun* creielonel RUek CaiKite. Honorat^e Shlaiet Cltiatetm, MoBoreble tMJdain Cle?-p Hr'''«''eblL George Callbie« M f>-.'i r a blc T diid DeUvn*, !!or>oruble Cherie* Dl|ce, KteKsTaUe Weller Fauntroy, I! rnsfaHt' AefuciiM lUwktoe, SeekPrecinetPositions Williams Tingers’ D. Bryant ^Must Be Officials:’ Edwards A fellow eccooi* pUoe, turned state'* warn;** Tuesday and "fingered" anotber man in the 1 DURHAM-On March 18. 1972. the County Board of Elections In every county meets to appoint new precinct **lteverend Ben Chevle. my eaaeclite. to beto( held in |eU In WOintnctea, ee e pclHteal prtoODer tor the perpoee od re* mortof hto leaderahlp froei the Black eomnwife/,*’ VUU •teted. to order Owl white vlgt* laide ermfs led todhideelocaB retm to the Mack cemnwiltir to taltaiidale and to taenehrholr torrortot attack ifatoal tho Black conunaiay In order that tho> mt> wlpt tho Black ceoi* manBr o«t tf aeceeaan to keep them to tholr place *nv oaljr other motleoo tor pketof R«v. ChoTto wider 1100. 000 bond via to nafeo Rev. Cturto appear to hoadMtorooo erhntoel a; I to pro|Pdn hto eaao in the falae todietmeid broeUd esatool hlai of Fobroarr SS. Deaeld Ntooa, wtiolhostato to potof ao So cOtof proeecete* to( vSeMO aaBiaet Rev. Charie, to opt oa a $1,000.00 boiaJ «htlo her. Chavto to ptoced oaflOO.- 000. Any oao can oet IM Rev. Chavto. to batof pwutoied baeaaat «f hto poMlcal sell. rRtoP.'* Rov. WkRe elni^ hi pMdtoMtof hto proteor,' WhMe otaced. *'Tfac si At e ktKR^a that thero toiit»rvuieTic*»ef>toat AnctU Davts to an abridge, support the dtorges. Rev. High WMKemle I60lh Amhnaaiy Sea. The Rcverotid Percy L. will give the KlOth. ufuilvrreary atrmnn at Flret Bapttol Church Sanda)' moming, Mardt Sth. at lUOO o*clork. The annlveraary odebratloo to pari nf afoar-to* one effort oi«rrved by Flrat Bapttot Church when the churdi plact*a tts efnphaetooQothereaa H IfKrice at (be mtoelon o the CRIME BEAT I'rcm R»‘'i*h' Olflrlii PelK-r n\e% C tvMwre a i Mereet i •iir laShlUe— laet taer he ctwa »* IlMi’aC >vvrt*eean UMn aa Um Mltrt MvMer. *Mi we weetO Pee to Oe. Bewewv. P W aal «r padw te hv twice er la* ey. We mfetr peMMitlM tacts as we flao theei repetteO to We ameUas efficere. Te keep mP aC She CitaM Be«i Cehaaaa. mrstr meome met WlM mtstered ki^ •meer la ll|l■lla^o Ms church aaraachtaf eat toothers. Daring the $0 days foUowh«. FlrM Baptist wm emphsstM Foreign Ulsoioas and Higher Christian Edaeatton. Tho Lott Carty F. M. Coavontloa to the najor soarre Ihroagh ahlcfa tho church roaches oat to foreign mtoslon. Shaw University and Saint Augatotoeto CoQcgos are tho ccdleges tho chuKh at. tompls to support In fasterhat Hl^r Christian fidueatSoa. The Reverend High to a nitive of RaleigK Re was sducated In tho public schnoto of Raleigh sad received (be B. A. degree from Shaw University. He also re* celved the M. DlvtaMy dsgrs# froir. the schuot of Theology. Vlrgloto tkiton ItolversRy at Rlehinond. Vtrctnla. The Reverand High has done poM rradaste studios at Soatb* {tee BKV. SIOB. P. tt "BUTTrassf podding thodstormtaatlonolbor trfaO. HoDorahto John Coayors. Ir., Chairman Jaotleo sad Civil Ll- borttos Conmitso of tbs Con* grsssi.nal Btock Caaeas, Rooorablo Shirley Chisholm, Honorable wtuiaai Clay, HoaorsblsOoorgoCsOtoa, Roaorsblt RoaaM DMloms. Ronorsbls Charles Diggs, Roaorable Walter Fswdroy, Honorsbio Aogastas Hswktoo, Koaorablo Ralph kCotealfo, •Hooorablo Parrse Mltcholl, Honorable Robert Nfat, Honorabia Charles Rangelsad Hoaorable Loato Stokes. Miss Dvvto bad beta aecaasd in the 1070 aboot-oat In ahlch George ^kson. oae of the Sotedid sad othoro, Ineladlag tho prookUngJadgo. werokltlod. StM hao atoadfastly doatod tho charge aad eald she did not oarchaae the woapoas anod la the slayings. fingers D.BrjanC A fellow accoiw- plloe, 'turiilie' atst^- witneu lYwaday and “fingered" another man in the fatal mouthL. shooting of a 48-year- old white man here last October 14. James Henry Wliliams, 17, declared that he saw Delmos Bryant hold ing the ahotgun when Thomas Massey, then acting as s temporsry (M. nuo oia, r. i> Soys Political Leaders Are Now Being Displaced cs:..’ ■to b*to eft (he rStaMsc* p*a wMt to IB The Crtow 1 NAB SHOPLIFTFRS Miss Joyce Mirison, an cm* ptoype nf kUner(*5. bic.. cloth* tag store, I21 FATettevUleSI., told Officer M. Btasatto at Lfi p.m, last Ttiepda), that ahesaw foar subjects lake l«a ladtos* dacron polyester slacks, valo* sd at a total of tu.9« and pal thorn ta a car. parked on tha street. The four were loest* ed and tdetitlfled by the wo> man. Jailed for larceny were: Misses ChHueiitltit* He^ipeth snd VAiifSta Wright. Also ar rested were Earl L. Seawell snd OU>b> J. Brewhwton. (sse cams SCAT. r. tt REV. PERC\ L. HIGH NEW YORK, N.Y..Iew York CRy*s Irish political lea(Wra have been displaced from their leadership pasts beesase of their taahUity to eommanlcate their concern tor the plight of nonwbltes. a noted social oclenttol bellm-et. This development has come about de^lte the great aaeeesa which the Irish have had in picktag (to the American pdl* Ilea] style, writes Father Andrew M. Greeley ta tae cur* rent Issue of the magazhie 'to* telleetual Digesl.’' Fr. Greeley, who to Irish, to Director of the Center for the Study of American Pluralism, St the National Oplnltat Research Center. *'Tbe fondamental reasons Om Jewo reptoced the Irish hi rnlRleal power to New York Ctty was not... the cuRural sifoer- lorMy of the Jewo. tad ratbsr that the Jews were abletocona- msnicate asenseof reaponslvo* ness to the AonwhRe groups ta New York, eometbtag at whieh the Irish failed mteeraMy ** In an artlcto lltlad ••a mom Dlslreatful Nation: The American Irish.*' the author goes on to aay that the Irish, while less likely to be anti- black than say other ethnic Im. ralgraal group but the Jews. **oughl to know bow to rotownd to other men*s sense of op- pressloo and to other men's (Set POUnCAL. P. I) Uthciak:' ■vmTnE-EBTcsassr Edwards DURHAM-On March 18, 1972, the County Board of ElecUona In •very county meeta to appoint new precinct election offidale for every precinct In their cointy, “It le very important that more Blacka be appointed ae precinct eleoUon offi cials." said John Ed wards, direotor of the North Carolina Voter Education Project, in »i- •am Man. ». n Asks Aclian iwonM nalaat hkBCFMmrr tS. DowMa-r . MoOwWat. ■« naw u aa eaM pnnevl*- ■n wean, ■talaw Rmr. Ckavi., la aa oi a *.,000.00 bad vena Jj*. davla la piaatd aatioo,- UOO. Aar aaa can jaa on Rav. Chavla, la faahw i—litiiil *y«» "4 Wt paiaiail aatu vain,” Rav. WhSa aRalkaL ta mall.aeii kM nSSaV Wha. aaud, itato baora tka Ikan toaaavkianMmbiai Nsv. Chsvto, thersfore, plsehw bhs under mssstva beiM to J>M wm emm, p. d mwSftf ixphdes SemeMjfHis On Issues Of Liberalian STEVE HOLLOMAN SHERMAN WRITE Final RhesCendneted For mu Calvaiy Fonnder Rocky Mt. Ready For Meeting BOSTON, MASS. . Funeral aervlcep were held Tsesday, Febnuit Zt, 1972 for Btohop Brumfield Jatms(«i, rosmtor of the Ut. Calvary Holy Church of America. Inc. Services were held at the Headquarters Chui^ In Boeton, Masaachueetts. .%t the time of hto death, he was en* gaged to the senrlees of hto Lord and master and bad just fin tohed demn and went to hto Messed rest. The Ml. Calvary Hoty Church was the church ha tosad* ed la the year 1929 ta Summit, New Jersey, and H was charter ed ta Boston, Masuchueotto la tha year 1939. About 12S delegatee from this area wlD attend the three.day curcah conventlOB of Mtovah'o wRnease «n Rocky Mowl. N. C. the week d of March S-S, ac- eordtag tea atatemoal made *iere by Samuel Brower, real* u *tt mtatoler. The meettog wUl be held at the Senior High School Auditor, lum on TUlory Street ta Rocky (•to SOCKT toOiWT, P. I pasicswd many churches ta dellvertag a sieoaage and aat tSH riNAfc |Ut«S, P. t) PtnLADELPHU, Pa.-view* tac thamBalvao as "the rem* aant, persecuted bsl not for* sahsn.** the Hack eaaeua of the UnRed Methodtot Church urged action bore February St oa a variety of Uberatloa toouea. Son# 400 delegatee to tha anaual emventlon of Btock Me- tba' As tor Church Renewal (r .CR) heard crRlclsm by their leaders of tho nstloa, tho church aad tomo btock toad* ershlp. They reacted by can* lag for prlaoa reform, for greater support of higher education lor mtaorittoo, tore* lection of btohopa wRh aware* aeaa and ceneera for btoeto, for a ohaagart aiproach to too war oa drugs, for opposklon to the war ta SoWh^asI Ashu Moot of toe challengeo were directed to the ehureb*# policy- oiaklng General Coofereoee meatlng AprU It • 30 to Al- WaSHINGTGH, D. C. - True or Palse? Coullauad oeonomte fFOoto to todtopeosai'lo to aehtovtag hmwas eqimllty. False, says aa totematloaal grotw of actonttots after >ilea. stve study cf a oompwer model of toe ^ohal system we live ta. g»*^ionof ppossot world growth rates to 'Mw grenteot posstole hnpedl- msnt to mors eqMtabto dtotii- butlOB of the worM's re- A soe|^ bsssdoaeqmlftyaad oTs f-- ftMttos to far more likely to evQivs to a state of glolial eqal- ItbrhMn, they say. The LlmRs to Growth toaaon. taohakal report on aa ItHnooth study «f s compulertosd modal of the glofaal system to whkh man Uvea. R was earrtod out nt the Maaaachueetts bistRWe of TochMlogy by 17 setonttoto and gradaala otattanls frdm stai no- INQI IRING RElHiRTER THEY SAY BY STAFF WRITER Tho February 23-2t eonvaa- tte also ro-otoetsd smst of ~ ~ iTmr. p. n Tho book win bo relessod os March t by Potomac Assoclalea. a Watotogten-baaod tosaeo aa* alyuto Arm. through Uatvsraa Books of Now York. Tho study, aponsorsd by Tht Cldb of Ran# and ftasaeod by s grant from tho Vofhsuagoa ftM wnst Afto. p. i> What effect do you think the trtp to Peking by President Nixon will have on the upcoming election"’ In The Sweepstake* SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK B« FRANKLIN STORES AMONG 4.000 I EFT ROMELOB - MAM, W. Va.: Margarst Mlcholia Jheksoa Mespo wtth pro- tectlve arm arowid her ynungir alator Doans tut Tm‘ mry tt hi rehwoa center ootup to Man High Srhoul. Tlif youngsters are from Ktoller. mm of toe towns In the Buffalo Creek Vallsy levaid.tr'i I y l elTuary 26 flood whkh killed 70 persons and left 4.000 homeless. (UPIX » or Tho Boot or BvtrytohM la A Vartoty Store Mrs. Grade AtwMer. Chapd Hin '*1 think the visit to China was gosd strategy onthepaitof Pre- ■Ideal Ntann. 1 thbik this trto wm aseurs hto re-slseltoa this year." Mr. Oaear LRtle. High Potat *'t did sot follow hto trto to China very mneh but I thtok R was all part of hto otratogy to gat re-oloctod. 1 think R wffl pay 00 to tho leag rue for Mm.** Mtoe JomsOtao Mock, (eee tsav sat. p. ii HKLD HI BTAHMO BSATH - TRtHTGM, M. J.: Bgt. DeaaU Bowes a.X a TrtMto toads Prtoas guard, was stshb- sd to dsMh la 'too mass hal of ths eerrootlen faollRy Febru ary 21. Jhmao Meoroo (R) sorvtog a U-it year eatoeaoa for annod rahbery and oairytog s ooncoaled weopea, to bsft« sMsitonsd to too kSttw. (UPD.

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