1 IfHanly Street Has Ground Breaking Ceremonies THE CAROLINIAN RALEIOH. N. C.. SATURDAY* APRIL 1. 1072 TIu* pastor, members and friends of Manly Street Church Jiaihered Sunday, March 19 at 3 p.n:. for the groundbreadlng ceremonies at the she for their new church at Cross Link and Rocf-. yuarr> Roads. The .ilfair was very Impres sive with Its varied program, af ‘5 partlclpatits, which tnclud- •*tt Rev. James H. McCaUum, pastor of \Mlsor. Temple V- n Ifcd Methodist Church. Pray- er was offered by Mr. Alexan der Watkins, chairman of Dea con Roartl of Manly Street U- nll/rJ Church. r>r. Joseph Jones, Jr,, vice presrh-M of Academic Affairs at Paint Augustine's College a^'l NTr, John tv. Winters al so I irticti>jt-d. ‘Mrs. James fiiiti ->( Saint Augustine’s Col- was the soloist. tho>. oi.c'iging in the ground brc'akit:g activities were the pastor. Reverend D. A. Peace, who lifted the first shovel of soU. He then passed the shovel to Mr. James Henry Brown, chairman of the Trustee Board, who spaded the second shovel and tn turn &ave the shovel to Mr. Alfred George, superinten dent of the Sunday School. Ho gave the shovel to Mrs. Ella Cheatham, one of the oldest ladles of the church, and leader the Sunday School, ^he then gave the shovel to J05t>Ti Mon roe. president of the Youth CouncU. Among our guests was the Elks Fidelity Lodge 277, who gave a generous donation to the build ing fund. Approximately twe hundred persons were tn attendance. The edifice will be ready for occupancy in approximate ly eighteen months. 'lirother Erhvard Hoilmvav'st Gospel Highlights TO WED IN JUNE MASS-Mr. and Mrs. Rlcharn I.HOuMav Robinson, Jr. of 1809 Perichard Place, Durham, anno*.- ct- engagement of their daughter, Paulette Easterling, to r.iul Reginald Jervay, Jr. of Raleigh. The brldc-elect is a sf-riiLt at North Carolina Central University at Durban wvrv nI f t« matorinc In accounting. The prospective brlderrofirr the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Jervay, st. of 1115 fc. d.ivK- Street. He Is a graduate of North Carolina Central I’ni-.MrMf;- and Is circulation manager for The CAROLINIAS. Th»- ,\».5/ia: Mass Is set for f p.n;. at Holy Cross Church-JesuUs I 4th«*rs In Durham. N. C. on June lOih. MoriiW.Kor ship services will t • hi-lil at the W ake Chapel Bap- •ist Church at II a..T.. Sunday srt ool will iH'gln at 10 a.fr.. Re*.. J;i': es I oggs l&thcpastor. 71-«‘ Co'ipel Jubilee Sing er- Will appear along with the f! a r mon u 1 r,g rive .-if burling- ’on, N, C. In Cherow. South C.tr..llr.f on K.4!.tiir Suf.daj at versary. Rev. J. L. McCullers will ce lebrate his anniversary on Eas ter Sunday at the Raleigh Safe ty Club at 7:00 p.n . ground breaking PARTICIPANTS-Plclured above the par ticipants Ir; the groundbreaking ceremonies for Manly Street tnlt^ Church of Christ held .March 19 at the site of the now chuch at the corner of Cross Llnki RockOuarry Rds. Fro.m left to right are Jo*.l}n Monroe, president of the youth council* Alfred Ceoigr, suporlntendent of the Sunday School, Rev] p.A. Peace, pastor; Mrs. Ella Cheatham, one the oldest , ^ . • Cheatham, one the oldest ladles In the church and James Henry Brown, Sr,, chairman of the Truste» Board. : l -.rr.. Pro- AMATEUR PHOTO ELLIS R. JONES PHONE 82B-362S \MLL IS BEST When a person du-s with out making a valid ujIi. hi is considered to h ivc di.-d intestate. The pr«.p*-rty owned by hir. is distnitijifd to his spouse and la irs according to tli«- specifications of s!-«tr l-w. Says ManagementEcnriorf.;-; H. C. Wells. North C .r' l.t; State Univer *i^. ‘If. ilJ :-i^.i nil cases, a pmpfri-. piired will andt».'.sl ,4.ij more effectively dj^triKut^ properly than thV st.ituat-.-rv Uws.’* Go To Church Sunday :i-hsi Sis, Bart'aral wtU de- Holloway li--r the message at the AlMon Chapel Church tn Pltts- ■ • t N. C. on Sunday. April 2, '■‘2 at 7:30 p.m. She will ••• .r* r-'Vl*..il services at Faith 7 1*- Church in Asberry st.iitinj April 3-6. •if-c-ial birthday wishes go ■ . It f-vpPciaUy to Mother Beu- l.it I.. Mdchell, who celebrated *-r 7C*h } irthclayon Mareh26th, lu J -hp.r.jf Holloway. March 25. Mrs, IJe«t!;a Brooks, March 20, ’•t tllj., Rogers, March 26, .Mr. rlmu 'ATlliams, March27, Hap- p-. w«-dijjnR anniversary to Mr, Mrs. J. C. Dowd and to Mr, .« .d Mrs. Paul O'Neal, who ce ll*^ raTt-u their 31sl anniversary M..rrh :n. • our sick list are my aunt 'i-.lvtj Dunn and Mr. Claude P.ii!Ciir:.. r«•! ••hrati's 20th singing AnnI- Mrs. George Broome Accepts Counseling Post In Kinston Mrs. Queen Mnson Broome has ocerpted a position os a coimse or at Dobbs School for Girls in Kinston. Mrs. Brocme. the former Miss Quern E. Mason, of Newport News. Va.. besliis her work on March 27 Before accepting rht.' pcslimn. she worked for S. 'ors-Rorbuck and Company and for the North Carolina Department of .Motor Ve hicles. She is married to Oco. T. Broome. 506 Bailey Drive, an employee o! The Carolin ian. She is the daughter of Mr. Earnest R. Mason of Newport News. Va. and the late Mrs. Ella Boone Mason. Mrs. Broome la a native of Newport News where she ernduated from Huntington High School. She received her B.A. degree in sociology from Shaw University In 1970. Go To Churdi elect HARVEY JOHNSON COUNTY COMMISSIONER Democrat One Bed Room Apartments Martin De Porres Apartments 1512 CAR.VAGE DRI\*E 14S7 SAWYER L.ANC One payment includes t/te toJIowin/f : Electricity. Gas. Watc-r. Furniture. Draprrir.it. Individual ly controlled heat and air conditioning, Modern Kitchen with latest appliances including garbage disposal, Paved parking. Laundry facilities. Tenants' storage. Wall to wall carpeting. SEMI-LUXURY LIVING IN SOUTHEAST R.ALEIGII For farther information ca/J: John W. Winters & Company 507 EAST M.ARTIN STREET PHONE YOUR TREASURE MAP MRS. OEO, T. BROOME MRS. LOUISE GALLOWAY .BEEN MISSING YOUR PA^^LY IN CHURCH MRS. O.^LLOWAYI I KNOW ABOUT RAY MOND tworklng) -BUT YOU. I CANT SAY! Cominp Soon Aoriol Photography State License 0!>2-Q10D9a state University, "in almost all cases, a properly pre pared will and te;’amentwill more efTecilvcIy distribute property than the stntuutory* laws.” Go To Chvrch Suadoy Elmo Williams. March 27, Ha^ py wedding anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dowd and to Mr. and Mrs, Paul O'Neal, who ce- lobratcKl their 31st anniversary March 19. On our sick list are my aunt Sylvia Dunn and Mr. Claude Baucum. Cobebratos 201h Singing AnnU YOUR TREASURE MAP 1 1 1 ISSI Kdcsitaj SI, TS aeznEzr E ]l 3 C. f it , s INCOME TAX SERVICE REFUNDS Smithfield St. !it Ruohanan’s Groe. PHOS'K 833-3557 IT JfL: Let Flori Roberts Help You Discover The Black And Beautiful You! "Ntw Shipmir.t Juit Arrivtd' In gold, block or lustre cherry. $39.95 Scientifically created Metaaln coa- metlct and beauty treataent mohs a sew dlfferenco • • . for the palest to the darkest complexion. Flori Roberts bos created a total skin beauty treat ment for women with dsrk skin . •. A faelsl cl»nser to control oUy skin; a body molsturlxer for ssb-dry skin. Bpcclslly formulated foundations and powders, matched to the amount of Melanin In your sUn, blend and beautiful for a perfectly natural took. Plus cremes to hide flaws; lipsticks that won't turn color. And exelUof eye make-up to bring out the best In dark eyes. DEMONSTRATION; With your purchase of 55 or more of Florl Roberts cosmetics, receive os a bonus your choice of: Bottom Lashes. Melanin Moisturizer. Derma-Pure FaclaL L’ORl Spray Perfume. Dronse Dost Face Powder. Faclal*Do Com- paet. or Vita-NUe Cream. Each la a IS.OO value in Itself. Mr. Joseph Breadus will be in the store Wed.-Sat., March 29-April 1. to shmv you how to make the most of your in dividual gtyle. CAWERON VlUAOE « NORTH Hills . UPTOWN SAIEIOH OTHER lOCATiCNS IN DOWNTOWN DURHAM ROCKY MOUNT AND TARRyI0^™ IN ROCKY MOUNT. Coeumes—Strzet Floor