''Mothers Of The Year” To Be Crowned A s nto-iAi Prvrtint ^ 1* Ky 4C01 AihiimI Freedom DaySetHefeByStale’sNAACP Candidate Chisholm In Stale New York Congress- w'oman Shirley Chls- hom. the first black woman ever to run for the pres'dency. of the United r^'.ites, is back In the T;t»*heel State, this week. Sh4» arrl' *xt 4t the Asheville airport at 11:1* a.rn. Wednes* day for a rall\ and speech. 9)e address*^ a tarfe (roup at the t‘rilverslt> >4 North Ca« roltna at A!d>AlU* and'valked tn th- netch‘o:hood there. Frotr. A^tic^vin*', she went to Th'jtr. svUJ.. >here shearrl’ ed at 11:30 a.r . Then Mrs. Cht«- holn. u«fi>t on to High Point 4r>d c. to 'A u. ston^Salerr., where a giant r^lly U4' hekl at ':30 p.m. Wedi.-sda) jt WlnstorfSa- tem iitate l‘nb cTSlty, She went (rorr. there to North Carolltia Central I'niverslty. Durtum. where she las scheduled at 3:30 p.m. rail: . On Thursday, Mrs. Chisholm Is schedul«>d to ha%e break fast jt Fort Pragg at 8:30 a. m., tour the Army post and go on to layetievllle State fnl- ' ersPy foi an 11 a.iT). press eonft'renc*. She will address the student Isyiy at 12 noon Thb. sday. At 1 p.m.. she is slated to have lunch with (•te MBS. CNISaOUI. P. 2) Will Present Slate To Voters RCA’s Mass Meet Set Friday THE QAROLINIAN North Carolina's Leading Weekly VOL. 31. NO. 27 RALEIOH. N. C.. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1*72 SINOL^COPY 15c Mississippian Found To Have Rerord BOBBY SEALE INTRCHIUCES CHISHOLM*Ssn Fraaclpco: Btsek Panther Chairman Bohty Seale clasps hand of Rep. Shirley Chisholm (D«N. Y.). aa he Introduees her at a CbUhcln. for Pre sident luncheon lt San Francisco AprO 23. Rep ChUholm predicted the Democratic party's presldemlal nominee will be Sen. Edward Kennedy with Arkansas Rep. v Qbur Mills as his rin- nlnf male. (CP!) Native Of Raleigh Will Work InDC’sCivilRights Areas Killer Of Adams Freed Jj-Xj-Sl-Sl- The Office of the United States Attorney General In WashUif* ton, D. C. has announced the appointment cf Melvin Lee Pal mer, Jr. to a law Internship position for the upeomlnf sum mer. He will work primarily with the CivU Rights DlvUlon of the United Stales Depart- merd of Justice. Palmer Is the son of Mrs. Dorothy L. N. Palmer of Raleigh and Mr. Palmer. Sr., of New Tork. Palmer is a rtslxM second- year law student at the North Caroltna Central Unlversky School of Law and antlcipatM a career tn international taw. having received the A. Bi de gree In ^ntsh. Kalian, and Por*ugu»-.se ft'on. (heUnlverttty of tnrth Cnrollna a: (liap^l 1 ’':i H. i« 4 graduate (rf o. t,n- loe High Sebcol. A member of St. Ambrose Episcop^ Church, he la on the MELVIN L. PALMCR. JR. Air Force Jim Crow ' Art in New York City, the New York Bellet Society, and a provisional memi«r of the Junior Board of Directors of the John F. Kennedy Center for the l%ridrmlng Arte in Washington. D. C. He Is also a ftve-*.‘nr regional contribu ting .•tier of the Interna- I’m * esI-Dreased Uste for boct. t.ieo and women, an honor bestowed by the IvTl eoly Awards. Palmer. Jr. Is the grand son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Nich ols Sr. of Ralel^ Mrs. DM Betuegaat Coret of Campbell. Ohio, and the late Winum Pal mer of Raleigh. He will continue his legal education a the NCCr Law School InIbefkti A •*« . *' V . A -•’5 14. ti- ‘vlrnev we ^as w Studied dJUtgently to acnieve those goals which he has at tained. Hie riementary and high Money Reportedly Involved AsMon Beaten Head And With Pistol Face Are Affected Money ts believed to have been the cause of ^he^ialn^^ffer^^^^ CELEBRATES lOMk DAY HERE - Mr,. CaroIlM Pierce Woods of 819 E. Har gett Street, celebrated her 106th birthday on Monday. May tst. Mrs. Woods, who l^es with a daughter. Miss Odell Woods, has lived at this address for some 85 years. She ts stlU active (wheit Mie feels tv to it) in a vegetai'le garden, which is located in her back yard. Married in Raleigh to the late WlDUm Woods. Mrs. Woods received her present home as a wedding present from her hus band. Since she likes to |Ultt, she has worn glasses for only about ten years. Many Mack and white friends called to say hello and happy birthday last Sunday, and Monday and are stQl dropping by to see her. The cenlentttrUn-pluehas most of her original teeth and can be seen smtllng whenever someone drops by to see her. She is a native of Duplin Cotn- ly, but has spent about all of her aduH life In Raleigh. Hap py birthday, '*Aunl" Carolina. Palmer. Sr., of New York. Palmer te a rising aeeood- year law stodeol al the North Caroltaa Central Oalverttty School of Law and anttelpatai a career In totemaltonal law. having raeetved the A. & da- grae In Spanleh, Kalian, and Portuguese from the Uhtverslty of I'fAfth CarolMa at Chapel MIT? h V-)- ">7l. He It a 198* graduate of W . c. Ln- loe High School. A member of SI. Ambroae Episcopal Church, he U on the J»ior Board of Trustees of the Metropolitan Museum of Foreign Students Hold'Day' MELVm u FALMBt, JR. Air Force Jim Crow f Seen In SC oaetoweo oy the ivri coiy Awards. Palmer. JY. la tho grand- non of Mr. and Ura. AlexNleK- eli, Sr. of Ralel^ Mrs. Oto ■iiiligeat Oorwl of Campbell, OMo. aad the late Wffltem Pal mer of Raleigh. He wfll eeatfeme hts legal education at tha NOCU LawSdHellnlha1h]l AA-wJiVlng to ^iciale ^ -s-M- venw 'wlmer, he*ms * studlad dllllgontly to acnieve thoea goals which he has M- talnad. His etemeotary and high achool work was dooe at Ra leigh elementary and high schools. Face Are Affected Candidate W rites To The Editor DEAR SIR: May I salute you for last week's Front Pace edttoriaL ‘The OVERLOOKED 80 PER- CENT.*’ As a former reporter and editor (ITie Raleigh Times) 1 know that a crusadbg >ouma- llM must frequently standalone 00 behalf of the readership he serves. At times he almost ap pears to be talking to himself beeau- » of the indifference of olheia. The purpose of ti.ls letter, however, la to assure you th^ you do NOT stand alone tn your tneistanee upon a techni cal tratntig program In North Carolina’s hl^ schools. Please know that I stand with you. I am sold on your concept of equlppltg high school gradu ates to step Into good-paying tradesmen's )obe upon g^ua- tleo from hi^ school. If only 20 per cent of our high school graduates go on toeoU^estheo 'let's get busy and do more to prepare the remaining 80 per cent to share In Wake Cotsity'a growth and prosperKy. I am jeeklQi; on*, of Wake County’s six seats tn the House (tee CANDIOATX. W. t} A tweniy-ooe man grot^ of studenta studying at St. Augus tine’s College and Siaw Unt- veratty, from the West African state of Sierra Leone, last Sat urday. April 29. observed thetr country's RtptAUcan anniver sary wtth a reception anddanee at the Downtown Holiday Inn. Also attendtng were African students from other African states, now studying In Raleigh, Dr. P. R. Robinson, pretident of SI. Augustine's College, Dr. and Mrs. James A. Boyer, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. J. MUls HoUoway, all of SI. Augustine's College. In hts toast to .Afro-Ameri can RMallons, Harold A. Wil liams. on behalf of the Sierra Leonean Audents. said that there was so mu^ In common between Africans and Black A- mertcans that (herewasnone^ for Americans to feel unsafe In Africa, or for Africans to have such fears in the predominant ly Black coUeges tn the United States. He agreed however, that in the past. Africans had placed more em^asls on Northern sctKxds. (tee roBBic.v. p.' t) ATLANTA - Bteck service men at Myrtle Beach Air Force base tai South Carolhia are victims of bouslogdleerimlDa- tion. and Air Force proeeduri based on tbe 1868 Fair Hous ing Law seem liMCrectlve to combat tt. according to South Today. At least one Negro afrman has been eourt-martlalsd tor going AWOL because he was unable to obtain decent off- base housing from local whKee. The deaer^lon of condltlaos in Myrtle BMCb appear In an article tn the May, 1972 issue of South Today, a publication of tbe Southern Regional Coun- etl. The article was written by ^ Winn, an Atlanta free lance wrher. links Set i 18th Natl Convention Money is believed to have teen the cause of the pain suffered by James Tbomae Ham - ar. 37, 513 Patterson Lane, at 3:14 p.m. last Monday as he came In contact with Benjamin :Mt —us turn, v. •> Phipps Is Cleared By Jury BY CHARLES R. JONES Paul Edwin Phipps, sMdSiSi&iiUltiliuL t llipps IS Cleared By Jury JAMES T. HAMER BENJAMIN P. JONES (See JIM CROW, P. t) The 18th National Assembly of Unks. be., a predomtnaiitly black woman's ssrvtoe organl- aatlon, will bs hsld from JWis 26 through July 1 at the Rtqral Sonesta Hotel In New Orlea^ La. Ltokt from the Bston Rouge chapter will be hoet to the neamhlr Ltnka was started tn Phil adelphia, Pa. tn 1948 and tD» eorporated In 1951. Since that time tbe otganlaation has grown jltee COMTOmON. r t) Shriners Plan Big Fish Fry What In the world would you do whh aix ton* of fresh flow- der? Have « fish fry, of courae. That** exactly what the Wake County Shrtners bavi:! tn mind and thla year's charimen. J. C. Abrams and w. £. f^'kln, have annotreed a goal of $20.- 000 wtth proftts going to the Shrtner’s Crtpitted Children and Burn Hospitals. This year's Fry has been scheduled for Friday. May 8. wtth a new wrinkle, two toea- ttons instead of the prevtous (See awttwima. r ti Memorial Auditorium Site Of Freedom Day CHARLOTTE- Tb. KTl rrMdon-. Dtjr c*l.bntiai ^ “HaUMr or Y—r" oeSIvitT, fPooaorwl ty Ui. NocUi Caro- uiA Slot. Conrmne. of BrudiM, Nitlooil Aosoclailoo for tho Adniwoinonl of Colorad Rooiio oral boor oot of Amort- CRIME BEAT from Ralrlfh'v Offlrl«J I'otirv Ftlrv JOSEPH BLALOCK Policeman m the pattM M woeM Mi* to 4e. MC ear ps^ttee to W HasArfOn Display Here . IwSf* #r te- Burthr seMtah UM torto afvnitot efftcers. Te hees ^ The Cifai Rvet Ceteeun. totra NIXON BOARD SHAKE-DOWN- Philadelphia: A member of PresMent Ntxoo’s natlooal rent advisory board, Mra. Rose Wjdto (R) who to allegedly in- v^ved in a shake-down of a local contractor who gave her a $10,000 klcldiaek on a Housing Authority contract, entera a Pbtladelphta eourthouae building after surreoderlnc on adto- trlct attorney’s warrant. May 1. (UPI)- Police Officer Joseph Btaloek, a native of Raleigh and now a member of the Raleigh Police Fevee, has hto one-man art show on dtoplay at tbe New Bern Avenue Richard B. Har rison Library audttorlum this month. The library Is located at 1813 New Brtm Avenue. Having grown up in the Lln- eob Park area and attend^ LuelHe Hunter Eleaentary School, Btoloek took draw ing and painting to Mementary sriiool as a bobby'. During hto elementary daya, Offleer Gto- lock wae a CAROLINIAN oswa- hoy. serving under the si^er- vtoion of Charles R. Jones, now managing editor. He graduated from Berry O’Kelly High School In 1960 and jobed the military service. Btalwk was a membsr of toe 82od Airborne and spent two years b Germany during his aix-year tenure b toe armed services. He was wMl-known tor hto many parachute exhtU- tlons. Q After receiving an honorable discharge to 1989, Btolock)ob- ed the Raleigh Police depart- 8— POUCKMAIt. r tosens net Wtoc regMewe %y a ■MM •fflcrr la rtMrttaf hft itoSton wuu* M «Mjr. S* ten- jto * - ** * jsn •t a* la Tito crisM totsi. 'SLICED'’ BY THREE Maymond Thompson, 6 N. Slate ca’s outstanding woman law- ysrs, Mra. Margarst Budkwa- sonof9t.Lotito.Mtosovt Mrs. Wilson to a memb^ of tos Na tional Board of Directors oftbs NAACP. a Life Msmbsr of tos largest Ctvll Rights organisa tion b Amsrlca aad Trsasursr of Ms Natlooal Housing Cor poration. She to Assistant Dlrsetor, Lawysrs for Rouitag - 8L Louis. Missouri, (adsmoostra- tion program spoosorsd t^ tos Amsrlesn ^ AssoetotboX Her former poettlons have been a U. 8. Attorney, L^xl DM- •bn, Rural Elsctrllballoo Ad- mtetotratbn, V. 8. Dspartmeot of AgrbuRure; AsstoUnl At torney CensraL State of Mto- aourij Legal Service# Speelal- tot, Slate Technical Asstotance Offbe, (Missouri offlee of Ur ban Affairs • War on PovestyX Admbtotrator, Community Ssrvbes and Conthrabt Edu cation Programs, Title 1 - (Sm mtcpoM, p. g} BT CHARLES R. JONES Paul Edwin PUppa, 48-year-old father of three^ .daughtera, walked out of a Coro* ner'8 Hearing Tues day afternoon a free and Jubilant roan, after a Jury, Impaneled by Wake County Coroner Marshall W, Bennett, delibrated less than five minutes to find no probable cause for further investigation esM iBuiB m, P.t} Citzens Urged To Attend BY MBS J. E. mCKS The astute Polltbet Aetbs Committee of the Raleigh Cl- ttoens Assoebtbn urges an etttoens to attend the ? otolosk mass mssttog Friday nlgM,lfsy 9 St toe fitoodwortb Stoset T- MCA. Ths commutes will, as It has dons tor years, hold Its (SM BCA MASS. P. 8} Street, told Officer M. H. Hicks al 4c82 p.tr.. SaturcUy, (hat be was waUdflg down the street, b tot 7W block of E. Davie, "and I was Jumped on from bahbd a row of box hushes." Hs tab three subK'Cis attack ed him and he was imaMe to give any descriptions. Tbomp- too sab the trio db not get any personal property from him. He recslVHl a knife la ceration on the left shoulder. (Stt omo SttAT. S I) ' % INQl IRING REPORTER | THEY SAY § § 5: & by STAFF WRITER What do you think are the most Important issues involved in the upcoming election? Mrs. Zsnobla Wllluns. High Point *1 thbk aU of toe tefbers Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK BRIGGS HARDWARE For The Best b Hardwars. Toys and Dicks and tosuss on (he ballot are Important but If I had to cSoose any one Issue, I woiSdsay the presbentlal primary b toe moet Important because ws a*" about to cKooss o« nslbasi Isedsr tor at bast ths nsMfmr years." Mr. Frank Haskbs. Cary "I thbk toe bond Issoss which wfll either cost ne more taxM are toe moet Important Issues on tbs hilbt. I win vote s- gabst all tos bond Issues bs- causs to ms It wm hs moco Miss bet Phtlpott. Ralslgh "An of the iseues are Im-