Turner, Winters Defeatedlu Voting Mis. CofieU Lone 'Survivor Pair Fail » wsjBpar / _llbr«^ s!-rV4.j}. Ill Getting Majorities Mrs. Elizabeth Co- field. running on the Democratic ticket for the fifth dlstrtct Coun ty Commissioner, was the lone Black candi date to survive Ra leigh’s last Saturday’s primary. Un. Coft^ld. »tM> U a mtmbar of tho RaUlct) School Board, ftatihod Mcood lo Incorabont loo W. Barber in Ui« four- man fiSh district coramta- alocMr race. HeanetUe Raleifh's two other Black candidates. John W. Wlo- tors and A. J, Timer, faUed In their bids to reech the Nov. ember c«oeral eleetloo. Vinters missed oat In his bid In Exclusive Interview, Lionel Hampton Says: ’A Black Man Wrote Dixie” The-Tarollnian North Carolirta*$ LearUt^f Weekly yOL 3.. No RALEIGH. N C.. WEbK ENDINO SATURDAY,' MAY U, ,,72 8INGLE COPY lie Man Also Slashed As tot the tdih state senate race vhUe Turner nnlshed seventh la a fMd of nine candidates for the Repubtlean Md for the ISIh District House of Repre- seotattve Both Cofield and WMera re ceived heavy support in the five predominate BUek precincts. Both candfcialea received their larfest number of votes to the Carnace Jisilor RIfh precinel (No. IS). Tomer cot his larceat turnout In the precincts 37 and 19. Elfle Green School and Sand erson HIrh School. Despite fl- nlshbif seventh In a field of nine candidates, Turner, In an Interview tbU week, said there us a posslbUlty he may win a In the general election be cause one of the Republican candldales may fall out of the race. He refused lo name which one of the eaa*4]aies wotdd dropots. The Raleigh Citizens Associa tion endorsed WMers and Mrs. Cofleld In the democratic pri mary. RCA also endorsed J. Allen Adams for the slate se'^at* **a «0*IZL£. i . m Woman, 6S, Sbot In Chest BEP. CWMOLM “RAPS" K NORTH CABOUMA - EllaMk Ctr SUtln mm 10 * poiv cl •*pan«'. from tb. t>«di In i eouit ham la Wtatar aa —w . m— iriot ■»«■> MOP. aeroa. lb. nortb«-«n eornw oTtb. -iTcalllayTtSm ’ At National Church Convention WiK Nixon tx'de Blade Aidei 5 Zion BishopsRetired Man Cut, Who Disagree WhhPolkies? ^a__ . - . Female Is Shot Twice Newsman IntervifoA/c Mrs. Hoella Blalock Stew rl. 65, 410 E. Sooth Street, came dose lo here lust week af ter 'jelng sho' t 'ii.’,* ir the chest, allegedly by 'V. J. McLean. 104 Lee Street. Herass.all- eauM on. o( in. Rwwbiiean cindldaln ma; tdl o— of Ih. rac. H. rebiMil to namo iriilcb on. of the eondldtlM woiid Shot Twice The Raleigh Cdlsena Aaaoela- Ikm endorsed Winters and Mrt. CoD^ In the democratic pri mary. RCA ileo endorsed J. Allen Adan-a *or the state senat* (••t MBV 4u»ieiJ>. a... Newsman Interviews L. Hampton BY CHARLES R. IONC5 The "King of the Vibra- harps." Lionel Hampton, world renown handleeder and super- star on the vlbraharp, drums and piano, told this newsman In an exclusive Interview last Satur day that black man wrote the song, "Dixie,’’which lahat- ed and berated by black Ameri cana throughout this couitry. The aidhor was the late James £. Bland, who went north, be came homesick for hts native Dixie and wrote the song. Hampton had pUyed a benefit dance In Raleigh Friday night an^ was 'iookl^ good’* at hb IklO a.m, conference, * ’ He said the late Louise (Sal- ehfflo) Armstrong uaa hla Idol sod slways wQl be. **I have al ways had a mental picture of Louia before me before t can pUy a good "gig/* He cited other such greats as Fletcher Henderson. "Benny Goodman took some of our (blaek eo(npoiers>arrange- ments and had them changed, thus he became known at *Klnt of Jazz.* ** Rsmpton said, *‘Cleon Muter stole Tuxido Jtx»etlon from Er- tSe^^HAMSlOJil. P Z) Mrs. Koella Blalock Stewart, 65, 410 E. South Street, came close to ''cath here last week af ter being shot tMlce In the chest, allegedly by W. J. McLean, 104 Lee Street. Her assail ant just shot her point blank after she answer ed her door, the woman stated. Also stablieil with s hutcher knife was I’lumme- Curtis. Thew were w>paralencilrnts At 10:31 p.m. U— Wfdn«*. day, Mr.. SImrt »id Uwwm to an.w.r h.r doarb.II wd •tandhw on Uw porth u ib. wallwd ool wu UeUw, 4S. who wu iwpottodly Mudln, on Ih. porch, brudUhln, . .» uUhro pMol. Sessions Held In Mobile MOBILE, Ala. - Del egate a to the 39th quad rennial session of the General C onfe rence, AME Zion Church, which opened here May 3. In what many term- RALEBRtS rmST BLACK -rf -a The talk In the Nixon Administration about “putting his blade staff on slow boats to Africa If they express dislike tor the Presldent*8 policy moral degeneration among White Houae power brokers, it was declared last Thursday by tfie Oe^cratlc Comrolttpe’s Minorities Director. Aadrew C. Mimu, dtrueier, AdmtnlfltratlOQ will bizclu on St tialf who erl- tletzo ttz poltelot aczkiol bM- Ittg zo z tool lor liufTigxi tog zchooU. Tht mzgzxkM zrtletop bond- linzd, "Duty Harry,** rtports: "South Czrolkaizo Harry Dtut lx ZB dd-fzxblonzd back room kflnorltlM Dtvlslan oflhoDo- moeralie National CoaunMoz, waa rzaetlBc to a now ruporl in ttit May I laxaa of Tima, lha waol^ Dowamatazloa, whteh impUao that tho Ntxon P^M oporathrt, a proal- antlal rmmaolor aad ono of Nixon Admfcilatratlan’a Mobile « « o^hv wKh . tram d rofloaal nmraonwhomliatook to bo good old Soolhorn boya, l>«al obaxrwid that tha Praal- va** WH.I NfxoM. r t) ^ Rites For Miss Dent ^ Planned Thursday LOUBBVRG- Miaa DIam ^ Is awtvod by two Sayan Daid. termor £iialr. ..slstara, Mra. BurMla D. Bfawi. ina WUVH7 Dvwamagaxma, whleh Impi laa tfe tha Ntioo PLUMMER HALL Soul City Receives $190,000 (IM WOMZM, CT, p. t) Sofs Urgent Needs Now Being Met CRIME BEAT From Ratrlfh's Orrirl.J pQlirr Film ulUaiauHai fu «mOmu: TTmii •M laiIvliutM kiw rv^uwa tka* ta«r W tl*«* ch* cnaMam* Mm‘at •wrlMklat Uwt» UfOat aa tka Ziattar. fkto wa waaM Mit *.• Aa Mawavat. n M A Manpowar Da^alopmant and Tratoinf Act (MDTa) projaet baa baan jointly approvi>d hy tha Dapartmanta of Uhor af>d Haahh, Education and Ualfzro to ^ovlda claasroom typv train ing for 80 joblaas parior.i in tha Ralatgh'a Manpouar Admtn- Ixtrator WinU t. 1‘. Norwood. Atlanta, aald fadaral fundu in tha amowit of 990.318 have bavn aUocatad for tha project. Tha Inatructton, whleh »U1 cover a period up to May 31, 1971, will be held at tha Hold ing Technical Inaittuia, Raleigh, .North Carolina, and win train partletpanta aa combuiAtl-v. welders. Ihe North Carolina State hm. ploymant .tarvlca deptermhas tha need for workers In the oc- (tc* sow ass on. r :> W\RR£NTON - noyd Blx- lar McKlaalek. developer of Soul Chy and Presldaot of tho Warren Regknwl Planning Cor poral km (VRPC) haxannounead that the U. S. Department of Commerce had awarded a 9190, 000 contract to the Soul CKy project. The W'RPC U the re search and development arm of soul City. The OfAce of Min ority fWsiness Fnterprtsea, headed hy Johr L. Jeoklna, ta- sued the contraa to W'R PC tor ir.dusttUl planning and develop ment In the new town. ioitH Clt\ IS located In Warren Cou'.ty, North Carolina on U.S. 1 near T-Sf*. a t' minute drive from (h>.> Research Trlangla cities of Raleigh, Durham hnd Chapel Hilt. The « refMrtment of RALBICR’8 FIRST BLACK JAYCETTE8 DIRECTOR - A Wake Cotaty Sebooi toach- er, Mra. Nalma Kayo KnlgM, has bean elected the ftrat blaek Director of tha Ralalgh Jayeat- lax In hlatory.TbaJayeattaaara 'Wives of the Jayeaaa. Mrs. KnlgM la marrlad lo wmiaro "BUI" KnlgM, thaRatalgbCom. munty Ralallona Cocnmtttaa’a Aaaoelata ExacMIvt Sacrct^, and they have two daugMara. The Knlgbta rtahlt at 416 La- moot SMaat. Mrs. KnlgM Is s nsttva of Sutton. W. Va. MOBILE. AU. - Del* egates to the 39th quad rennial session of the Cseneral Conference. AME 7lon Church, which opened here May 3. in what many term ed an unprecedented move, retired five of its bishops in the Fxi- dav afternoon session. 1 had long baan tatown that one# tha prelalaa had enm- ptatad thair repoita that tha Usui would ha brought toflaor. US Caucus Planned By Conference l»et soil, cm P I) W ashington, d. c. • Rsp. Charles C. Diggs, Jr. FormaOy announced last weak plans for an Africsu-AMi*i ican cco- ferenee on Africa to ba bald tn Washington, D. C. on May 25th and 26th. The National Black Con- (Set CAt’Cl’S It. p. tt S />Vf IRING REIHIRTER % ' THEY SAY ^ ^ B Y ST A F F WIU TE H ^ .ire your reactions to President Nixon's night’s spe* ch concerning ending fhe ' letnrim \V;irV ■el ewr psMMm te a* Mice er la- wy. We ■ertlir peMMi^ Csets as we flaS thwa reMiiea bf the sneuite efneers Te heep Ml eC fhe Cfiae Beet CelaMM, ■utelf t hMag teswtevea to a netr ta repertt^ . hC Will Fete buep eff the "Mm WMt to la The Cfl Political Movement Mr. Nt'lsnr. fV'njzmin Hli'i. Toitii Ti l rleclslnn ir.^de b) Nixon MiT.tisj la jus’ rfie ' f the nuny Ilf has rr.adf to influence hts re-‘lection. ! it.mk he stiould have made this decision con- Ct-.'L.:.* th.' war a lo.if tin e a- r- TWO WOMEN FIGHT Mra. Linda Faye Penny, 22, 11 Brunswick Terraco (Cha- vla Heights), told Officer A. C. Holt, Jr., at 4:26 p.m. Sta- day, that while her son and the son of Mrs. Roaa Dudley, 17, were flghllnc, both shesndMra. Dudley became Involved tn an argument, then they began lo fl|M. Tha two hoys were 3 and >4 years Md. The magistrate would not Issue, engaginff in an affray warrants, duetoecnfllei- ing statements. Mrs. Dudlc), Whose address was not lljisd. suffered a scar on the rlgM •Id* nt head. (see 4IUMC azAT. p W'ajhtngtor. • A gala trlt-uie lo the achievements of MMks In Amerlesn politics -feaiurlrc members of the Congressioiul Blaek Caucus and key figures tn Urn movement to strengthen the Influence of mtr.orlities on the electoral process - 'vUl be held here Mty U. Hiaidreds of professkauls In the poittleal arena. Including black sleeted nfflelala from a- round the nation aa-well as lor government leaders snd mem- bars of press, radio and tele- vtalOB are expected toatteodthe sltalr, iponaored by the mostly black Capital Press Club. In addition to saluting the U (tM WIU. PXTZ. p » Miss AlUTta Wuifall, Rvlcifh “1 4T f lK>rt with i..lxod emo- lions shout the Presldent*s de- elsloo. I am happy he hat mads this decision but at the same t Ime I woi^r why be dtdn *1 main. H earlier." Mrs. Denise Cromartle, Durham '*1 don't think ;he Preslde»ii*s announeemeM wU! end the war any fastei. I think be should have pul hla toot down a loiig time ago.'* (S*« TSXY SAT. P t) to tha toet that tha kw of the saeoDd largaal hfapk Mathodial body ratda that ■ blghop rsadlng his quadrennial report In tha Ganaraf Con faranca naartsl hla 76lh blrtli- day U automatically rstlrad. Whan ths last pralats com- iHslad hla raportagrot^ofcco- sarvattvas, lad bytfaaRav.M.R. Ward, FayattavlUa, N. C.. pra- seated a resolution that the section of the law, relallng to retlremeht, «^ed In 1966, be rescinded. This was the aotmd- !ng nota and the Uharala took adv-antage of the reeolMlon, as tt was worded. Bishop H.E Shaw, WUmlngton, N.C., who was presiding, attempted to clarify Ihe recolulloo a^ aftar s heated dtscusslon ffrom both sldas, the 808 delsgalas vclad, with the urderstsnding thst R had to reostve 3/3 majcrlty to carry, wiien the votlsc was oi er (he count ahowad that tha proponents had not orjy (hUad to rntmltr tha neeaasary 3^ but had lost by 145 to 363, ‘^e proponents than triad another move (hat wouia ftava auspeodtd the rjde and that mads all rettrsd bishops eli gible for recatL This failed by about the same margin that the first one was lost. Four of the principals ware retired In 1966, but ware re called under a law that was Immedlatrty ropeslsd, W.a. Reward. Washington, D. C., who (Set nve Bisoopt. p. t> Ths msgaxtoa srtlela. hand- lined, "Dirty Harry,** rapocts: **8oa(h CaroUnlaB Itor^Dsol is an old-faMilonsd back room At a masung wWi a grotv of rcftonal oawamsowhcmlialock to ha good old flouUmiB tay^ Dial obavrad that tha Praal- . p. ti Rites For Miss Dent Planned Thursday _ ANOELA, STEPRANIE COS- An. wim FEB • 8u late. Coin.; '»»• Moslianl. Allan a), 0« Ui. Fre. CommSlM, u Ik. tr. '"t! ** '"orntat MMloo oo May ( of IMT trial lor Idd- oap-niiird.r-eoaaplrac). aitin. mine from IhaAunial, 7, Alarki, Coorty ilMMout ta i«lch foor pwm war. UU«1. Man In th. ,«Wroiiod u unUwiUlml. Two Claim Appreciation LOUBBURG - Miss Dtans Savage Dent, a tormtr efaatr- roan of the DapsrtmsM of Homa Economies at Durham's North Caroiloa Central Uhlvarcky. dlad Monday, Mays, at Fnnl^ Mainorlal H^RaL Funeral aarvlcaa wtn ba eon- dnetad at U a.m., Thuraday, May n, at St. Paul Uhiad Praa- bytarlan Church by tha Rto. Dr. H. T. McFaddao. Bvial win ba in (ha Cky C«Batary. MIsa Daot was tnitrwmtal In the transfMT of a bona nomlcs program from WlDSton- Salam Stats Taacfaara CoOWo to what waa than North Carto llna Coiloge In 1933. Sba than aarvad as chairman of tha da- partmant at tha Durham Cd- Isgt until bar rettramaot In Under Mias Dent’s Issdershlp, North CaroHns CoUsga was, for many years, tha oofr Nagre Inatltixlon In tha atata agprov- •d tor tha praparattoo of «o- estioaal home eooomlea taaA- era. Tha department graw un- her chairmanahlp, axpand- ^ from three rooms In (ha basameni of the achool'a ad- mtnlMratlon butldlng to two new buUdlngs to 1984. The larger of (he two build ings waa riamad The Dtana Sa- Horn# Ecooomlca BulldiMi in 197L Mias Dsn* la asruirad by two •istara, Mrs. Buyaita D. Coturabua. Ohio aad Mrs. MBs D. Ootmao. Pstagaburg. Va.. sad by two tretbara, Par- dtaand W. Deal, »ool5r»«, H Y., and WUllamC.Daat,L^ btwf. Mrs. Clayton Challenges NC Women BY C0r:«C4AA S. MOORE CLYATOM • Mrs. Eva U. ClaylQo. waB-imown raaldsat cf Wairaoton. whoaa hoahaod ta a nelad ctvfl rights attornay, gave tta womao of lhaJthnalcoPlaay Grove Baptist Church. Route 3, Claytca. aomathtag to thtok a- boul Simday as aha delivered tha aanual Womao’s Day maaaaga. Mrs. Effls Lueaa praaidad o- var tha U o’clock ajn, aorv- Scat as tbs call to wcrMitp was mads. Tha choir aascbatal (ful ly. uodar the dlraetlcB of Mra. Mtonla wmiaraaon aad Miaa mary Smith, with Earl Manntag at tha organ. Mrt. Clayton waa Introduead by Mra. ChristIna Ceppedga, wlfa of tb# mtalatar, the Rav. L-MreggOg^. (Sue I iTTOir. p. » Money Here 72 Class Pledges 50 Gs In City Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK HUNT GENERAL TIRE CO Where You RMe With Ease On Tires That Please Ths Class of 1972 at Saint Augustine’s College, wkh 205 graduates, has pledged to gtva to thelrfAlma Mater 950,000 paj-able over a period of five years. According to Or. Prt- zdl R. Robinson, prsakSmt of the college, (his totheftrsttime to the hlstoT) of the conagethat a pledge of tola size has bean made b>' a graduattog class. Tha graduates alaopledgedto promote the cause of eduealtan to getteral.andtodedlcatetham- selves to tha program of their alumni aaaoelatlon. U. L. A. Oxley, a conauttant on the United Stataa ComroStae (8«* Tf tuasB. r t) Two persons claimed 910 checks each to last week's Ap preciation Money feature, spon sored by The CAROLINIAN. They were Mrs. FuUar l>'ree- man. 217 IdlewUd Ave., whose name was to tho ad of the VU. lags tfw Pizza Parlor. 3933 W'estem Boulevard and J. C. Leonard Moore, 224 Smlth- flcM 91., here FOC, 301 W. Cabarrus Street. Persons who see (holr rtames to the eolmnns on the Money page, SHOULD NOT go direct ly to the merchants tovol^eU, hut come FBtoT to (lie olfiee of this newspaper, located at 516 E. Martin Street, -so that we can Menttfy j/ou FlhST. Please remember tiuit the deadline fOk clalmtog your mon ey to the feature la noon on the Monday foUowtog the appear ance of vour name to the paper, thu week on page 12. The CAROLKUN WILL NOT pay Appreciation Mooey lo aur- vtvers of deceased persons, whose names happen tobseboa- an out of the Cky Directory as aU of (he names used are. Remember, there are five names listed this weak on (be Money page. Look lor yours. H could be there. PatroniM the Arms which ad- v^iae on this page. BANK ROBBERY SUSPECT WOUNDED - Atlanta: Bank rob bery au^ect. woundad ta a diaas throughanAtlMta raoidaotlal aeetltt) is carried out of ths area by atrcicksr. Four mao bald UD a branch of the Ftrat Natlooal Bank May 9 torctof custo mers to lls 00 the floor sod took aa ondetermlnad amount of money. Approulmately 100 AtlanU Pciles were tavclvad to the diase taktag twt> of the tour Into custody. (U^

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