1 , ^ Marion Harris, Drytkaaer, Target As , _ C • ^ho. . H wr- . -Library'3lTi. 1. Ky 4*£01 Gunman Fais In Attempt To KjU NC Block Lender x1-x1-55-j- Rakigh Man Dies After Being Shot At‘Golden Nuggcf 8 Shots Fired At J. kSTES BYERS Principal Quits For WCOPosl North Carolitta’n Leading Weekly VOL. 31. No. 29 RALEIGH. N. C., WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. MAY 20. lOTl SINGLE COPY 15c AME Zion Prelate Dies In MMIe. A la. J. Es(«9 B)«rs h«s been ap« pototert to the ftrnt ful}>ttme poeltiDn «s Dlroctor of the Hetd Start Profrarr forRalelfh and Wake Couit) with the Uako Opportuntltea, Inc. For the oast seven vears, Mr. Byers has been principal od the viest Car) Junior Hich School. B>'ers ho*ds the distinction of belflf the first black principal In North Carolina and Wake Cotsity to head an Integrated Junior Hlfh School. He fraduated from Shaw Unl« j'^rslty wUh an A. B, Decree. He later received an M. A. Decree In Stc>*rvlslon aitd Ad> ministration from Columbia University* New York. Mr. Byers has completed the thirty hour requirement above the Masier*s D ecree at CQlutnbla University In N e w York, artd is qualified for the EDD Decree when his doctoral thesis Is completed. He has also received the Pro* fesslonal Diploma from. Colum bia University. This diploma qualifies him for the foUowlnf postllons In education: Director of Farly Childhood Education. • arira s’"** Rites Held For Bishop Jones Will Discuss Dual Justice Black Leaders ToCity York, and la qualified forth EDD Decree when hla doctoral thesla Is comirtsted. He has slsorecelvedthe Pro- fesslonsl Dlploms from Cotum- bis Uhtvsrshy. This diploma' qialtfles him tor the followlnc pontttons hi edueallon; Director of Early Childhood Eduealloo, ovrrs. m.“l> CRIME BEAT I rom Ralrlfh'v Polifp Files L. While Calls Meel Al Shaw C. BY ARNEKTA EATOK As a result of con tinued political o|i- ptcSb.Un Cll the .1 of tudges. solicitors anH tail' enforcement Vtaiis At Shawl}. BY ARNEKTA EATON GLENNIE WELDON ALBERT V. TATES As a result of con tinued political op- pvessiun on the pur. of Judgea, solicitors and law enforcement officials, a statewide conference on Dual Justice and Political BISHOP R. L. JONES Yales Held For Murder ttMi'er eetneefelnt tteeh en On Mteet Mo^. - venM Mbeto ie. M te Ml ew MteHen le be l^u er ^ nr. w nMMto sublime* S me and fbeui ttsetfS |neittn^efflr«^_TW bees ^ lu Death Of C.Weldou M eflMti M leseE^ms ._J^ E . wbtee en Sntr. be Am* ! •p eft the •*Wenet* and ^ be in The Crbne Betl. STRANGER • •Ida annle D. McNeil, 19, ttO Bleusoe Avenue, told Of- tker Floyd L. Rountree at 6:51 p.m. Saturday, that she was at a nl|hl club (unknown) In Ra- lelSh when someone started fl(h(lnc. The woman said she her hand up when the flfhttnc came close to her and rdcetved several cuta on the Idft wrist. **The womsn had fotar tour and one-half Inch cuts sllets on the wrist," Officer Roimtree*s report ended. She WES treated and relsaaed at Wakn Memorial Ho^Rtl here. Glennie Weldon. 23*‘year-old resident of 715 E. Davie Street, was shot In the upper left chest with a small calibre pistol last Saturday at 2:01 a. m. while at the Golden Nugget Night Club, 400 block of E. Cabarrus Street, formerly The Cave. Arrested and diarccd with murder after younf Weldon di ed later the same day was Al bert Vsnee Yates, 19, 209 Lin den Avenue. Accordlaf to po lice officers, Y'atesturnedhUn- self Into Officer W'. B. Harrlnf- ton St the Ralelfh police sta tion and was arrested shortly befbre 5 p.m, Saturday. At first, Ystes had been aoufht on a felonious assault warrant. However, when Wei- den dlsd of the funshot wouno about 9:45 p.m. that day, this ISM TATCt RttO. n t) 'Racial Extremists Are Wrong' W.VSHINCTON, D.C.-Ceoive $. McGovern. (D.-S.O.) said in a by-lined article this week thst the rectal extremlsta who claim Americans cannot live totether are wronc. In a copyTlfhted article in the premier Issue of "Europe" macaztne, on newsstands today, the South Dakota Democrat and presldentUl contender aald: '*We are told (by the ex- tier txTnmi«T«. p. n Oppression has been called for on May 20. at Shaw University's Student Union Build ing. Raleigh, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A ateerinf committee com- posed of BlMk state leaders announced the fanned eontor- ence last Stturday foDowinc their mcetlnf. The steeriof eommlttee emphasised that the conference had been called to deal with the broad area of dual Justice and political oppres sion. but the sleerinc commit tee empbsslsed that the con ference had been prompted by* recent raMi actions of lUefal Imprisonment of younp Black activist landers. Whan questhMied of "rash acts of oppression*’ ssalnsi Black indlvi^ials. Racial Jus tice ‘'mphasUed Olefal Imprl- acalnst BUck individuals. Rev. W'hite, Executive Direc tor of the N. C. -Va. Com mission for Racial Justice em phasised lUecal Imprisonment (See nr.v white. P t> Salisbury 9> Riles For Bishop SAUSBURY-Chrlst- enrtom, led bybishops, general officers, mi nisters and laymen of the AME Zion Church, along with notables, city officials and townspeople, filed Into Varick Auditorium, on Livingstone College's campus, at 2 p.m. Wednesday, May ITito pay their lastrespects to Bishop Raymond (».. BI.NIIP JONC*. P II A.M.E. Zion Fhureh Sels ^eM Dimensions Appreciation Money Is Won By Two Here / CUNTESTANTS «06E FOR PICTURE-New York: "Miss New York," Alberta rhOilps of Lone Island and Tracey I nn WbKney of Las Vefss, **Mlss Nevada,** appear In their oectlve state's costumes durtnc dress rehearsal for show her* Iste May 16. Awards were to be presented l^y W for swbitsutt eompetttWxi, best stste costume end also the flrl chosen "Mlsa Pliable.*' Finals tor the Miss U. S. A. contest wUl be h.*^ here May 20th. (UPD. Two $10 checks were won by* RalelfhUei last week In The CAROLIMaN*s new Apprecia tion Money feature. They were: Mrs. Sadie Brown. 1742 Fountain Drive (South- gate), whose name was fowd In the ad of Hudson-Belk206Shop, 206 FayettevUle Street; and WlUlam E. Smith. 169 Kadle) Road, whoae name was In the id of Plgg*-. • W If fly Stores, Five Points, In the Hayes Bar ton sectlod ^ the city. Persons who se* their names In the columns on the kloney pace, SHOULD NOT fv directly to the merchants Involved, but come FDUT to tbe offke of this newMsper, located at 511 E. Martin SI., so that we can MOBILE, Ala.— The 39th quadrennial session of t h e General Conference, A.M.E. 7 ion Church was not luiKyie in that It was cut from IS days to to, H was chafed with the Job of making many teforms, rttlrir^ five bishops, electing six and was shocked In the passing tif another bishop, which necessitatedthe election of another. It readied for new dimensions by cisi>liig some of the political gerryibanderlrr cd episcopal districts so that folder lishops had an g>portunl!y to pick the Vehicle KAYLTTEVILLE - The vice-chairman of North Carolina Black Caucus and a promi nent economic and po- Appreciotion Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK VlUAGi INN PIZZA PARLOR (iM AmuruTiOM. p. For 21 Varttles Of Fresh Baked PUsa WWITJ’WIWAI' i 1,1 irnTlWWUWlW Ml y lltical leader. Marion (Rex) Harris, was shot at eight times on Wed nesday night. May 3, as he drove toward the downtown area on Highway 401. wllhinthe city limits of Fayette ville. Tvyo of the shots penetrated the car, but he was not hit. Harris, owner of the tdtrs- modmm HAH Drycleaner and LiisKlry complex bi Fayette- vtte exptataied that the shots weie fired from s car pursu ing him from the rear. Mr. Harris was returning from s heated political meet ing. "It was about 11:15,** slat ed Harris, "and 1 was return ing from s meeting of s local civic organization called Black Unttv.** Harris (Rex, as be is known In Fayetteville and throughool the stale) said that as the Car approached him from the rear, tbe oemvants began flrkig on him. He ducked down Into the seat, nearly awM^ing Into a ditch. Mata- talnbic control of his car. Kar ris sped through side streets attemtptlng to reach his newly opened cleaners, where he kept a rifle. Safely reachtaig hla ea- tabllahmeat, he ran upatalraand nleaed the rtfle. Rarrla* speeding automobOe had attracted the attaollon of an off-duty sheriff. The Aer- Iff followed Harris totbeclaan- trs and. assuming that Harris was breaklnc into the clsan- CCTNISAN. r t) 'No White Alliat In nleaed the me. Rarrla* speeding aotomobfla had attracted the attention of an off-duty eherltf. Tbe sber- ttf followed Harrle tothecleen- ere vtd, aeeumhig that Harrle wae bretklnc Into the clean- tee* OPNIIAN. P. t) 'No White Allies In Struggle' GETS PROTECnoiC-Sen Francleco: Rep. Shirley Oilsbolm (D-New YorkX arrtvee at San Francisco International Air port May 15 and is flanked at right hy Secret Service agents. Mrs. Chisholm called Ute shooHng of Gov. George WaUac^* "a very sad day for this country." She ^ald she accepted President Ntxon*B offer of Secret Servlcv proterikm ift* r the shooting of Gov. Wallace because *'I have to ctrsl'b i my staff and family." (UPfX Former "Bull City” Pastor Named Bishop MOBILE, Ala. - In the waning minutes of th^ 39th quadrennial session of the General Con ference, A, M.E, Zion Church, after ilie six newly-elected prelates had leeii consecrated, Ur. R. L. Speaks, who had battled for two days to be elected a bishop, gained the high honor, was consecrated and assigned as to suiiemse the 12th episcopal district. His slsctlon was mads pos- slUs dus to tbs dsath of ths ssolor-tdabopb b- J«i«n> whldi oeeurrsd about 1 a.m. onibs closing day of ths con- fdldnes. BlMiop Jonss, who Bis ^fctod to 1948, asesnd- Wilmington ClnrifMen^s newly-elected prelates had been consecrated. Dr. R« L. Speaks, who had battled for two days to be elected a bishop, gained the high honor, was consecrated and assigned as to supervise the 12th episcopal district. DURHAM—Dr. Jamss E. Cbsel^ proildmit of Wasblng- ton*s Howard Ctolvwstty, told 695 graduatss of North Caroltoa Csotral Univsrsity Sunday that lbs Blrug^ of black psopis today "can tK> longsr bs vlsi^ as a movsmsnl tor clvtl rlghls. It has oowbscomsastruggistor social Jusllcs.*' Chstk apoks to ths Durham Insttuts 695 graduatssaadloan overflow crowdofthslrparsots, rslsltvss and frlsods In tbs ttDtvsrshy'a R. L. McDotgald Gymnasium. **Clvfl rights sought chsf^ss In tbs law and ths gaining of ths equal protsetlon thereof, both fisMlamental and nsesaaary steps In our struggle,** Cheek said. "Bit social Justlessssks to bring about a total rsa- trueiing of ths American society and society's Instltu- llont — to adilovs not stmfay ths kitegrstkmofhlack men with whits men, but to aAlsvn tbs liberation of kUekrosnfromths comrrl and domination of whits men. *'For social Justice has, as ks goal, achieving equity and parity In ths aecsas to, and partlelpallon in. all of ths op- f«ee 'NO WNITE' F. t> Rls rtsetloa was mads pos- aOis due to tbs dssih of ths sentor-bUbom R. L. Jonst, whkh oectirrsd about 1 a.m. dosing Riy of ths con- . fslibcs. BldMp Jones, who >as alsetod In 1941, ascend ed to ths top apot wrttb tbs re- tlrsmsot of KMiop W. J. Walls, In 1968. He had been in faJHng health ft>r a number of years and there were those who fell that even though he presidid very little, even that was too much strata. Bishop-elect Steaks is weB known In North CaroUna, hav ing pastorsd 8t. Mark AME Zion Churdi, Durham, for a number of years. He not only enjoyed a successful pastorate there, but was guns active ta tbs civic and pdltlcal life of ths tobacco town. He narrow ly cplsasd betag dsctsd a member of the City Council at one time. Re was a member Me NSW SMUOF. F. t> Wilmington Cleric/Hlen's Day Orator Rites Held For Popular Raleighite Mrs. Christine Q. Byrdsong, 616 E. ktartta SI., succumbed Saturday, May 13, al Memorial Hospital, Chapel HOI. Mrs. Byrdsong was a native of th? city* She was a (xroduet of the local public schools. She later attended National Clean- (See SAIBIGNITt. F. t) BY W. A. VkILDER The Annual Men's Day serv ices wOl he held at St. Mat thew A. M. E. Church. 605 L. uavie St., Sunday, May 21st, at 11 o'clock. Tbe Rev. Da vid Morrison, Wilmington, pas tor of Mount Zion A. M. E. Church there, and father of our own Rev. David L. Morrison, popular young pastor of tbe church, win be the featured speaker. The speaker has had a very successful ministry In Eastern North Carolina and with his messages a wealth of thought and llvtag experience. Mualc wfl] be furnished by the Interdsoomliiatlonsl Men's chorui, under the direction of Professor O. L. Taylor. Tbe cbotua Is composed of men from the varkMs local churches, as well as U>ose of border communities. It first appeared by accident at Man!) St. United Church Of Christ and has remslnsd Intact ever since. It gave a sig>erb account of tt- setf at the Wcftdsll Metho dist Chtirch recently with only n portion of Its cast. Soloists for tbe morning win Include Raymond Hinton, and IS** MCM*t DAY. F. » more afflxtent conferences. R also look a strong stand on the mercer of (he three Methodist, w uh an eye toward an extensive stud) uf tbe movement to Join the s*ud) of Consultation Church Uni' which plans to unite 9 interracial commwlons. h was noted (hat practically all of the newly-electedhlsh^ had ties in North Carolina. Dr. J. Clinton Hoggard, the first or.e elected. Is a scion of a I'.ston famll) and as secre tary of Forelim Missions has hv>*': k. and out of the state (S^ SION CMt'RrH F «t RALEKH NATIVE GETS TOP NC POSnTON-Ralel|h: Hmm M. Paige, a Raleigh native, (R) talks with Gov. Bob Scott May 15 after beh« named somralsstaoar of North CaroUna Department of YoiSh Oevelopoeot. Paige, a special ageol wttti the FBI ta WaAtagton, Is the first black to be recommended as bead of a stMe agency. (U^

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