Reportedljf In Defense Of Sister L^UiaTin. 1. KJr 4«01 H. G.M(Leod FirstTried Murder AtTlie Age Of 14 Q„j^, AherLea¥ing”GokkttNiiggef InjuresS, KillsThree Man Stabbed By Woman THE Carolinian North Carolina** Leading Weekly VOL 30, No .11 RALEIGH. N C.. WEEK ENDING SAT., JUNE 3. 1972 SINGLE COPY 15c ^Jter 37 YeanOJ Library Service IVb^MoUieH. Lee Retiring Here Ex-St. Augustine's Prof. Dr. L Oxley Honored Founder Of Facility Retiring Mrs. Mollte Huston Lee, Lilirarlan at the Richard B. Harrison Library in KaJ|elf;h. *5.1 f * ,1 L Knife Used To^Slice’ CityM an WllUani Charles ag- Ml. 27, 511 S. Blood- worth a., apparently became the vtotlm of Of Facility Retiring Mra. .Mollte Huston Lee, Librarian at the Richard B. Harrison Library in Raleigh, has announced that she will retire June 30. ^n. LMfcwKMiatRidam Bl' H - • “ ? ft f cl V To'Slice’ City Nan aMTtoon Llbr«ry, oow flM mu uti r n •Anti-Bus Proposals Criticized WASmNCTON, D.C.—AMI. twalac prosoMb tn In nalSr ■Ml.dnnngrnfMIfln propoanU *ii*ttwr V not Uicjr nm tMaod- •f 0 bn. Thu u thn con- elaalon M a rnpon, “row ChOd ^ Au>nc,'’mkamdlaM«Mk It. S. ConmlMlott on CI»U RlfMs on thn loth ami. waary ct thn SapmmnCoiiri'a dooUtoo to ^own v, Topnka ■o^ o( Edaeailon nhleh daclarad aasrafatlon ofichooU uaMBMSialonal "r« so raua.” thn rnpon aiuaa. ‘aiw achoolbuahaabana taw Aim-sea r t> ^KtUDAT AWARO-Dr tawTaaei A. Oalair (eaalariL praal- doM of WaMilngtonU do Claby ia prna^ad thn cSy'a “UnrSorhia Pobllc ocrnlcn Award'' by Mayor Wailnr E. waahlntton, on thn rncIpInM'a tSUi Mctkday taat waah. Stand- ing by arn BUhop Edgar Lorn, osn of thn foiai^a of Omoga Pal Phi FratnmSyi NnlaonCnillahaiik,prnaldaMofllinNMkBi- al Sonlor CShtau CouikU; and Rnir. FraaeU a Sayrn, Jr., Doan of ttin Waahlngtoo CalhndraL Dr. Oxley Cited For WorkForHis Country CRIME BEAT Irom Kalplgh’t roikr rr- Womans i MM-. I »• M «». Wa—aat. m it at wa wmm mam tapaeaaG tf Mt amtlte afllMf*. T* kate dw at mtCftea Waaa catmmma. matatf MM— M Wm^MfMatti trap mnm tmeSTM ripifMM w w%Oa am 4mta. tm |» imp att ma "■■mm* mt 9«M kt M fto Crlat mat. threatened with oim dum KODiBkOnp *9, 5tOAlil49n StreM. toU OOleer w*. a Hoi* Und M 12:92 p.m. SMkrOky. IhM bt ww kt SI9 AUMm. dM bom* of ErMoi Cbkvttp witb •em* frlMMlt, «b*n b* lod Mr, CbkvU •tartvd kffutoC' Robln- Mo kkJd Cbkvto tot t fbolcvo AWl told bin) to Imv*. Tb* corn- PUIUBI Mid b* «nd bl* friends Ue tb* r*Bkl«ne* of Mr. Cmvls •nd w*M to bis oum front porcb «b*r* b* tnd Chsvis eontinmd |r ircu*n Wb«n RoblasL>n r*tcb* ed tb* fl^ottt porcb of his b* Skid Chsvis msb) pulled tb* fUD on him. Robteson wsstsksn tp tb* msflstrste** ofIle*p btd bo «ss refused swsrrsnt lor ss* ssMt with * dos^j wotpon. WASHINGTON, D.C.»-Dr. Lswrenco A. ORtry, • former SpeelsI Asslstsnl to tb* Soere* tsry of Ubor 0994-1997) snd lone tlm* president of tbe Ptf- skln Club of Wssblnfton, wss cited for **Meiilorlous Public Service** t! City HsUlssi week, on hto tSth Mribdsy. A fStbMlnc of more then 195 friends, sssocMtss snd well* wishers wsre on bsnd in tbs Cty Coisicll Cbsmber si tbs City Kill ceremony, when Msyor Wssblnclmpreseoted tbe swsrda Psylnc trlbatestotbebanoree In remsrks proceedlns tbepre- seuslktt were BUbop Edgsr Love, one of tbe iDunders of CHnecA Psl FbirrstemMyjReVn Prsnels a Ssyre, Dosn of tbe W’veblDclon CstbedrsI; sod Nelson H. Crulksbsok, presi dent, Nslloosl Council ofSenlor Cttlseosn Concrstulstory mes* ssfes were sent bySeostor Edwsrd Brooke CPa Msse.); sod Ssnstor Hubert H. Humptvey (D.MlminX Dr. Oder Is s Booton, Msss. nstt'.c. His esreer includss •eiviee ss Professor of Mill- tsry Sclsnce si SI, Augustine's CoOsge St Rslelgh, N. C.; Stale Director lor Negro Welfbre. N. C. Stele Board of Weilkre: (•** Db. OXLCT. #. t} Appreciation Money Won By 3 Here imaa BTAIHim MV M. t> Three pereoos won $10 *scb to last week's Appreclst loo Mo* oey f*siur* as th«lr names w*r* fouod bl th* advertisements lo* cated on that page. The winners were: Mrs. HsI* tie Rowland, 423 S. ElounI 91., Terry FumRur* Company, 214 E. Martin Street; CMrge S. Height. 521 Callowa> Drive, Thompson-Lineh Company, 20 W. Hargett street; and Mrs. Mary W. WtUt. 211$ Dandrldge Drive, Rhodes Fumbure, JOI 8. WUmlnron Street. fSet APMUCMTION. P. f) Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK HUDSON-BELK 208 SHOP For QaalKy UnrehandUn At RaaaooabU Prlcna og^hNWa*SKSSS: foreoce, Mrs. CoretU Scott King, widow of slalnctvfl rights leader Dr. Martin Luther Mm. Jr., endorsed Senator Goorge S. McCoxfii) lor presMeni last week. •A JJ-y-ear-old young Rnlelgh man, Harvey Glenn McI.eod, who seemed to have every thing to live for and nothing lo lose, was revealed to have stab- lied I yo'Jth, defenee Ltod’s) age of 16-year-old reportedly In of his (Mo st ster at the 14, during a melee at his former residence, 603 Cannon St eel. (now Dorothea Drive). On Monday of th s week, young Mc Leod Is alleged to have killed three whlteper- so'is, flred at a black man washing windows In North Hills, then to have taken hla own life. The victim of Mr. McLeod's first attack, for which he wab ehargod wbh assault wRh a deafly wsapen with bitsnttoklll was Joanthan Hardy, 705 Roelqr Drive (SoulhsldtX WilUam Cbaite* Slg- ■uiL 37. Sll S. Blood- worih St., apparently became the vtotlm of a woman or women scorned Igst Sunday at 2:03 a.m. as he was departing from a well known night club on E. I Cabarrus Street here. Mr. Signal, ralatsd to Officor O. T. Wester (bsl st approal* mately 1:19 a.m. this diatm, thst be and s Itmale ecm^lon were iMVtng tbe GoMsn Noggal nlgbt spot In the 400 block of E, Cabarrus Slrnot. The man said **fwr or ftvu giris" louowoo mm and one of tbe girls sisbbed him In ths upper left tblgb wRb a pocksi knife. He Is bellevsd to bsve been treated and released si a hospital for bis woistd. At tbU polnl, Officer Wester advised Mr. signal lo al^ a warrant, ebargi^ assaidl wltb a deadly weapoo. However, ‘^tbe complainant would not give tb* tavcsilgat- mg officer tb* name of tbe per son whoasssuRsdblmAReknew, but would not tell,'* eoMWes* tor's general offense report. Two weeks tgo, s yoimf man, GIsnnie Weldon, 29, was al- Icdgedly shot laslde the GoUen Nugget, reportedly by a 19- year-old itMth, who has sbice HARVETO. MCLEOD Business, Economic Doors Open Urn North Carolina Busbiass and Economic Improvement Corporation Is snewlvdiaiter- •d private, nmi-proflt com- mnnlty service organlastloa. Th* purpose tor ubJch the eor- porntloo Is Miaotsed sbsU be th* ftdlowlng: to make pos sible s more eomprebeoslv* and effective program for mtnorMy economic devalopment; toeom- bine an tbe components of sco- nomic devalopment; to fooler the growth and eapaoslon of *■- isttag enterprises, and attract new Industry from oulsldt th* mlDorby underemptoyment and tmemploymeDl; and provide tbe means tor mlnorky community residenis lo biveet In them selves and tbetr own economic developmeni, and ttiua to exor cise some degree of contrm over tbeir todlvUuel and col lective destinies. N.C.BlE.LC. will operate/or do buelnets In Cumberland, Edgecombe, Kaab, Jobnaton, Vance. Wake, and Wayne counties. InttUny, four project offices would be estatllsbed at Fayetteville, Henderson, Roefo' Mount, and Smlthfleld lo tBaa bt'ilNKas r t> MCLEOD LAYS DEAD IN NORTH HILLS-Ralalgh: The body of a gimman who shot and woimdad as many tf ntae ptraon;i at a thegpMt eootar where Sen. B. Everett Jordan, D-N. C. was cam- palgntog tlaa to a parktag lot May H, a pistol and rtfl* dost the body. Police saU tbe gunman took hla own Ufa after bU barvagf 4f ttra. (DPI). Executive Director Of OIC In Nash-Edgecombe Cites Finances BrAneh Ru'd,. It tU( tlm. rw.l..d > lAcmllmi on Um Ml .M. et ku ckMi mid ew on kW Ml (wm meunB ran. r. n fty J. a RARREN ROCKY MOtIRT - ^ kl. aoBlklT ropon to Ik. Bonrd o( Dlnelor. oFtiw local O|vo(«a- Rin hdMtrlallulloo Coalor, he., (OK), EiocnllTO OIroc- lor woiio Fonli jr., noted oororal arono of notraaa In otdroaeh aad Irahhiai^arWi dioodaatecao M to a dalaj In raeahrki, tadlac aor Uw oon yaar, daa to w anten. almi ofabotdihraamootftamko Rraaanl jraar’a eoatract wRkoal any addHlcoal fando to trUio OUHmth SkrteMtdks Hum. OIroctor FonoU atatod tka protahUly tkat OK may ba abla to aaaat thronffc tko •tnnmtr (moat a( R at laaat) cm th# ranalnh,0«iaral Fada In band, nkidi aanta aa a ktnd of battar for aueb .mar,ao- cloa - aRboaib tbla vin da- olate UM fiaid. Tbaa, Fowail’a ateff and Ibt board aiay fact a erlate lo mootla, IbolrabUcollooainlwo a maaain fmid-ratebic aOort la andattakmi loimadialaly. Oa tba brlfblar aidt, PotraR raportad UM RaroM R^ Par- tonaal Dirwior for Mc-A- morlea aaplabiad la Allaala, Oa., that OK la aaibarbad v- on a aaw and aitidad Irateuc MOirm tavotrla, C«aral Mo tor#) to cal adnocad tratnlad for dlamhanlacad bhclm and oOwr raroa, TbU ohaoca In OK dlrael- looal IratniBC will IMp OK and GMl to IraJn tbo oodar- prlirllacad to taka aktili trate- hf hr flva yaara oa Um JatL at an aoaual aalarr of fC.OOO and crmhMa at Um and of (tea yaara kUo pmcraaia paykM tlLOMIotU.OMayaar. ''Dr Siditean la aaUt, aD taM oac, p n Convention Thome Set oniraaeh aad lTahlacaioi«*«k dalay hi raealrhic ten^Tor tba aa* yaar, daaUmiaateo- alon ofaboatIhraaraoBhaaaUM B mar aor aoeb amarcaa- oM - alUMi«b tbla vm dt- ■nc M flva yaara a Um ^ tent yaar'a ( aay adMIonal IBM# to brMa OUNorth State Modks To Durham Tbaa, PovaR'a atofi aad Um board may laoa a erlala h ma—he UMtroblltallaBaalaaa a maaate* toM-rala^alhtt la amiaHikwi Immadlauiy. Oa Um brlihiar alda, PottaO raportad UM HaroW Rm. Par ty OK-A- at w aimaal aahrr of $4,^ aal rradatte at Um aad of ften n^hh procrama payta, ULOM to 4B.000 a yaar. "Or. SoQlvan Is taB fteePKaP. t) aoaatl DInater tor Convention btr. d. armbtromg DURHAM-Tbo Nth aooMl oao- alon otUM OW NorUi Stote Mo- dleal Soelaly «U1 cowraoo bon Jbm C-1. Tbo aamnna, «blob *01 hielado Um Danlal Soetety aad Um Pbarmaco—leal Soela ly, *01 ba bald m tbo Dtsbam Holal and MoltL h addtttkn to tbo baobioao aoosInM to bo coodiieted by tbo modical man, aaok of Um tbrao aroaa rspraaonted at tba aanoal maalinc, wdatandlnc ban baoo aicacad lo appoar bahr. Um mambara dirtac Um Ibraa—ay aaaaloni, Tba hRU RMtUBc to ahiad (or Tnaodav riwbic at a Cork, too Parly and DaiMO. Tbo vlal- lora *01 ban a brM confar- aoea *bh ronatWanli hllowb^ an alihl o’eloek traakhal Wad- ntaday monUof and at »;30 Dr. Cbarlaa Jamaa vU) raod- arat# a aaaata on Um Man—a- mam of l^par RnpRory h- hottona. Dr. Dotatlaa v. voth, tan ou> woBi*. p. n Oa., that OK Is ambailiad? on a at* aad mdndad ttahbM propw hvolvhic Cnaral Mo- tora hatlM., a cidmlnatlOB of y a ha maBy-hrtoofOK yyr, Or. uoa H. SaUteaB, (RrM Macro aamod to Cmw— Mclors Coep. teard et Dlrnc- TiumaSet BrMNPA Liberation Day Draws Thousands WAoiimaTON, D. C. - *UIO* Um Bhek Proai Can Bah ht- pron lha Eeonoale SiAm of Bhek Amoflcaiia- *01 ba Um tocna of Um Mad Amnal Cob- vaatlon oC Um llallowl Ho*a- P^ PoHlahora Asaoetettoo (MNPaX Jum U-Cf h Mhml, Fla., at UMSharaton-Foar Am- Memorial Day Is Observed BY CDRETOK LEE JOHKSON WASHINGTON, D. C.v Buses pulled out of Ra leigh, Ourfaain, Greens boro. Charlotte and ^ many other North Caro-' llna towns and cities last weekend to Join the more than 20,000 Black people In Washington, D. C. for African Lib eration Day, here last Saturday. Aad ovao tbooeb mon Umo M yaara iwn paaaad ataea RKPA Praaldtfd Garth C. Ratvaa, paUlabar of Tba Ml- amt Tlmoi^ aaya apaakara *01 ■neluda; L Om Fatdarbm, praatdBil of Um ICatimMl BuUi- ara AaaocMIoo; woilam R. Brown, ID, cf the B- qual Emiloymaal Opporiimt y CommlaskB; Fhlltlp V. Saa- ebac, dtraefor of thaOCOcacf Beonomle Oppoctimlly, and Uw hlghasl ranktag Maxtoaa-A- mtrtoaa to the D. 8. Govern- meat. Also Btrhalsy BarrMl,pras* Idsol cf tbs Itoltaftal Biwi. ness Laagut; AiUrar McZlar, aealttant admlolalrator cf tba Small Busliwsi Administra tion; Mrs. kws Kaiser, m- t tonal coordtoalor of Uw D. 8. 1^9pwtmaal of OMmarce's n*u comwrTNH. r n BY WILBERT M. SANDERS Monday, May 2f, wna aal a- alda by tb* Oongresa of the D« nllad Stoles as Mmortal Day to honor onr war dsad aad man, who are aiUl m wtiorm through out th* world. Many teatlmonlals aad church aenices are Join- tag to the obacrvaoce on this day ao that Americana could honor aad show thalr respect for our servleemen. Federal and atote offices wan closed as were many toealty* ovmed bvsBwaa. However dls- tasleful the war may seam to many of ua and whether k la alwaya rigM or wrong, It to .4. ^ - uometlmei necessary to en* Hood- gag* In conflict to prolsct our wtwtb Areei to endorse candl- Interests and preserve our MossMeef Set Here AtYMCA A mast meeting for all In terested ckiaena ofRateigbwlll Friday nl^ at I be held dates for tbe Satruda} rwoff elections. Candidates for governor, U- nked States Senator, congress man from the 4th congresalonal district, Commlsstooer of In- suraoce and Commlsston^ of Labor wUl be endorsed by per sons attending tb* mass meet- tog Friday. (•m MAta ttcsT r. BE SURE TO CAST YOUR VOTE ON SATURDAY, JUNES homeland, w* must learn to live and adjual to tbe slloaltona. Many Attlee have lost loved ones to service and many more stlU have sons and btwbaods wiio are still serving. Om such famUy Is that of T^ Sgt. Ur- ry B. (Pete) Alford. Sgt. Alford is a native of Raltlgb, aonoflbe tat* Martha and Raartman Al ford. Ha la a gradoata of Waahtag- ton High School, daaa of *99. After gradualtoo. Set. Alford •** MCWOHAL. P. to WOMAH, a, TO RECEIVE COLLEGE DtCftlB-Preano. CaUft Mrs. Carolina Cooper, It, benaa ■ tar last prior to gradnaflon nato weak from Calltomla 9tol# Chlvaral- ty If Prtano. Mra. Coopar ccmplatad a ccuroa of atndles to Anclanl RtMory aad Latta andiayashabepaatodopcot gradu- 'mtoM t come apart atttwaaama ftrst." She grade- atad from high aebool to 1901. (Upa