first for A Bhrk TarheelJHinister p T p'-* -.n If’'' irCj.- i. I'-y Rev.McCallumNanied DisIrktSupt. ByMelhodists district To Cover 56 Canties NUL Head Asks For An Agency R«v«mkd McOUtut. IS « :»• tlv« of Rol«son Count . North Ctrolln*. He graduaitt'd from the P. B. Htjh School In Mejtlon: re>et«*‘ ill»- .State Vntverstt>. and A & T. Cnl> versH:. with thf B. S. and M. S. Decrees. .He sti]du«l «( the School of K^atifelUir at Scar* rttt Collece, Nashville Ten- Desse«*, and at SoulheastfniSe* mtnary, Wake Torest. MeCailum S3, hss been in the ptalora'e lor 20 years. Tor tl years he aUo served as teseler and prt clpal In the ^Robeson Count> Schools. He has served churches li. Colurr.* bus. Curr.U'rland, Hok', Plch* moi-d. Pol>«>iWirt,a:dVkakeCoun* ties. After a pa^orste «»f sU M ASHINCTON. t. C. ■-Verrton E. Jordan, Jr., executive di rector of the National t’rhsi Le«(tie. last Friday, caOed for establishment of a federal a* Cencyt levdop and Implement a rational national policy of ur* her. development, with power to override local zonlnc refu* lattons. hi testimony prepsre'l for de- h.erv l«fore the House Sub committee Houslnf of the House CommlHee on Bank* litf and Currency, Mr. Jordan pouited to the problems of rls* I14 lartd coals, net loasofhous* ir.c units for lowr and moderate Income famUles.andconfllctlnc Jurlsdkilonal pollclea. He lald that '*a small percent of de velopable land tw set aside for the .4annad use of land for ur ban (rowth,'* ar>d suegealad a .National Urban Growth Agency tie formed. Jordan stated: "A National Urban Growth Agency aa 1 have described shoidd have the power to acquire land in advance of need. Such a land • bankliy phenomena couldhavethegreat- est Impact to leas develop a- rets standing In the line of Francis Employed At Shatv University Director Of i^ioUo Heists Su Wmm, 23, Charged With iMem To Kill StabsUand'InCbcst mPA To Cite 3 At Confab THE Carolinian North CaroUna*s Leading Weekly VOL 30 No. 31 RALEIGH. N. C WEEK ENDING SAT.. JUNE 17. 1#7J SINGLE COPY ISc r«r. . w.. Ch,«h S*r.” (Srv RtV r Sets fete for Thors. SEVk YOPK > bi r'trsuli of peace and justice, fr*->k7ni and dlgnllv fctr all ptHipli-.the Y«wg Women** Chnstun VssocU- lion at the t'. S A. will lx* Joined b> some lO) naikJ*.alor- ganlsattona In a ^'W'CA Naihnal Convocation nn PacUl Just let am till,.. ilonally planning die Improve ment and development which must inevltahly occur, such an agency coidd maxim Ixt the cp- porturitties to create sound and balanced ecmmunltlee, and ad just the competing needs fbr residential, commercial, and Industrial uses. **There Is no shortage of mo dels. W'e need only to look to ilee Nt't HEAD. P tl Best Dr. Best Hailed As Top Medic Is Cited At Durham Convention 'Dr. Of Year' Fr. LeDoux IsPaper^s Columist UUMI (NNPA) - tUror RU chard C. Hdch—’ K Cuv. Intf., -ai neatve Uw DMIi«uiaad Sarvlc* Award o( th. Nalkwal Newi|M,«r Puhilahtra Aaao> etalln. (KN'PA)al Ka Knd Ac- nuU Ccnranllon hw*. Jai.iU >4. PrwidrM Garth C. Rmad, Sr., ot the Miami TImn aa- notamad Ihla wsak. To ba honorad alor^ with Mayor. Nalchar ara Slooa H. Kaodrti. MOrmallon oMIcar of lha PflM Pollea Rtlailona Pro- Jrcl of tho DMrlcI of Calam. bla. and fonndv of BUckPrtao Waak h IMS; and Frank P. Thomaa. nlllor-imbllMiaroflho MubOe Btacon Toscaloooa Clllzon. who haa haao on tho civil rlfhia 'lrk« linr aver alnca ha (Irai oceortad Auilwr. Ina Lucy lo the campua nf th. Volvaraky cf AJahama m IMS and starad down a mob lhal •hraatmad to lynch him. Prasa—atlon of thoca honcra »• lha Sharatcn-Foc' Ambaaaa- dora win ctlmaathapubliabara^ award! haaqutl al which or Jiaw 21, Sttim In achSuiSS! from M. Rayndda li.d"Mrlad and Coea-CoU USa win laftv. on loalchtdovorvlnrhlghachMil (radaaloa, andSU.OOOkiiirlma -ffl ho awardtd lu niambtr amm. m vm—«a co-OPera and li,«ir jla.'b for Funeral Mrvloes for {^^7^“****** “Siovamaoia in Xoella G. Francis, Co- Thi choUrahip r«da wm bo aperative Education cwpiomantad by knpa which -Placement Counselor at SSST* KHELLA G. FRANOS Funeral Held For A&T Crad Itkik Whiskey DURHAM - Dr. An drew A. Beat of Green ville, N. C,. was named “Doctor of the Year” at tllA rwwu^lisrllfUP sersreie for Thors. a NEW YORK w ki pursnlt cf peace and Juellee, freedom and dignity for all people, (he Young Women's Chrlstlsn Assoc la- tiff) of the U. S. A. wUl be Joined by some 100 national or- ganliatlons In a YWCA National Convocation on Racial Justlct ca Thursday, June IS at the Americans Hotel In New York CRy. ApproKlmately 2,000 persons representing govemmeix. in- jse* Mart v»i a. r. ^ must Inevltahly oecor. such an agency eo«id maximise Qte cp- portunttlea to create sound and balanced eomm unities, and ad just the eompetlac needs Uw residential, commarclal, and Industrial uaas. "Thera la ao Uiortaga of mo- dela. We need only Co look to nauea as Top Medic MVt aSAO. p. t) Whiskey Cited As A Motive flo ir# 0f ONr If ^ 25-year*old wot LAWRENCE WRAY WillAppear HereSonday ROBERT J. BROUN Flrat Coamopolttai, Bciaiai Church ISIS Croai Link Rd, Ralalkh. wlU hair tta Am.ual Man'a Daj Propam Sunda; J—a II. Th. faaiured ipeak- (•M nKIW> WtU. P II A 25-year-old woman. Mrs. Delols Jackson Bullock, 711 Jamaica Ur., haa heenacciaedby her ‘husband’ and a wit ness of trying to kill the 36-year-old ‘husband,’ •Aaron Holmes, Jr., same address. unkwr A. C. Munday rapon- •d al *;!■ p. m. Tutaday, that h* rccelvad a call to >04 Path StrMl. ■‘Whan I arrhrad cti lha accoa. thaeomplalnaRt CKol- mao), ilatad hla wtft had alah- bod him.” CarKon PhUllp Wkilcra, »sa Harp Ttrrace, (Halifaa CoartX Ihr wttoaaa. aaid ba waa In th# Pufb SIraal room wSh tham and alad Holmao olartad lo ,0 and cat aoma morv wblakcy, ■'.\od DaloU Bunoekdidn’t want him lo cat any mort.” My. Wkd—! daclarad, ”An arfumant alaitad and Dalola ntabbad Holman In tba cheat wkh a halditr tatUa. ‘■Dolola had haan carrylnf tha hutchar knlla all day and stalad on ona occnaloi; thti If Holmaa botharad bar that day, aha vaa coin, lo ktU him.” Mlaa Bullock, who waa laat naan waarlof a llowarad blouaa and whSa tiackt, la rapoftad to bo tiva foal tall and walfha ta.. araas «-nv. p. n DURHAM - Dr. An drew A. Best of Green ville, N. C., was named “Doctor of the Year” at the concluding aessionof the 8Sth annual meeting of the Old North State Medical Society held at the Durham Hotel June 6-8. The GreenvtUe phy sician was dted for the honor on the basis of his contribution to society outing the year. Also honorad by lha madtcal man war# Dr, Thomaa Woodly Haywood of Wnrranlon for Itf- ly-lDur yonrs of aarvico aa a Carpar hat amiotmcad Uial praeilckic phytlclan, raool ot Lawranca E Wray wUI ba which waa In Wnrrtn County, naiocinlcd with tha City na an and Dr. Jamaa P. Craan — intamnathemanaaainani latm Handtraon. Dr. Craan and an level Wray. a. will work with ni.xiala, T. D. BuUoek, alao Carpar and lha two oUiar of Haodaraon. ware honored .a aaaiilanim a n a ,a r londay. “Tha Small Buakiatt Mao’ lo-day problanu u wall FaUwr tmcm» asatoaLoDoai, 4>, wu boro hi Laho Chnrlad, LoutelMa. ARar eoa«laUa,kla olofnontary schoothi, tharo hi Soered Roort Beh^ ho -dor- od Ow DIrhw Wetd Mlaston- arta* prapoiv^ trikhw Shaw Unlveraity. were held Mo. day afternoon at the St. Ambrose Episco pal Church with Fa.ber Arthur Calloway, uffl- ciatlng. Burial followed in Carolina Biblical Gardena. Fraocla diad on Friday, *mo >. Fraactn waa horn In Btr- budn, BrkWi Wa« Indlao, ion ot Iho Wo Jkmoo T.andThock- In A. Praacla. Ho enmo lo tho OaBod awoo M atuod Hamp ton laalRolo boloro tniuCor- AWr State thUvaraRy fiaa NirPA TO. P. 0 It. Hinton finishes TopSrhool wm ba ftb* Bs LtoultnanI Oils L. Hloton, Jr., Rslslgh Polle* Dspart- rntfl*. was grudustad from ths Untv'.-rsRy of Loutsvllls's Soutbum Roltoo kislltuis in esrumoBtos bald Pridiy, Am 2. Tba ScaUbarn Pallaa biMlItXa ■!9 a ap«;i Columist Dunni Koiiuwwu Falhar Jhromo Ooalaa LoDn-, 41, wu horn hi Who Chartas, Loufalasa. ABor cosBlitluMs oloMtary pohoellM than In L. Snerod Heart Sch^ ho ulcr- « od tho Dtrko Waci Mtaatai- cdtrncfD kiDROIBtR TO InTu'SrZosiai^HS GBAB SCHOOL • How Havao, nlulwL FtHMr’* LoDou 00- Coan.: HaU Paalhor Wnme lum, ulSIod, ’•Whal’a To— A, Klmbro,ofCnmlrld|o,llnns. Bu,” tpsonn k thin Woos’* hu houaneoiulhlnoinyneeapt- CAROUHIAM and wtn rwi —oh od hi Hnmrd’a MadukaSchool wook. ot Edaenllai. (Dm fxAtahighitePkked for Post By CHy Mgr. Raleigh City Manager W H K«T. r. it carrying out •peciaJ assign- Will Study Black Life Style, Value System i tEFKINC CONCR1.SS10NAL SEAT - ATLANTA, 00.: AtlanU Community ReUtlona Chalrmmi Andrew Yoimg (striped aut) smile* in state t emocralic Hendqusrters on Jim U ns he sniiou:4,«s Uui t.f u seeking the M) congreMlOBbl sent. (L-R) Jesse HO). Jonn MeOtnlon, JMn Yotng, wife; Andre Young, isi^er; Chris Berry, seeiwtnry to Demoemtie Pnrtyo (UFI\ WASHINGTON. D C. - The Black value tytlem and tome of the concepts and realiliet concerning Hie life ityle of Black people will be explored during a three-week Black Perspective Institute at Howard University Approximatelv iw partici pants from throughout the country. representing- educalional instilutions. gov emmeni agencies, social serv ice organitadons and the church are exj. 'ed to attend the Instiluie. July luih through the 2Rh at the I'niversity’s School of Social Work Dr Douglas Glasgow. Dran of the School of Social Work, said (he Insdiule is the first of its kind (0 be held anywhere in the country *it represents a m joT viep beyond (hr rhetorical stage it IS a move toward instifudoi,- alizing the Black perspeudw Its philosophy, value system principles ai^ dynamics ' he said "Such insdludooaluadon will promote and ensure its survival and liberadve acdvity in an era where the survial mankind is at stake, and the liberatioo the Black man is imminent " Heiaidtheparticipani* most of them connected with agen cies or uisdtutions serving the Black iommunity, wilt explore, from a Black point of view, cultural linkage of Black people throughout the world, definition of Black life styles and the Black value sy'stem Means by whkrh to serve the communily better will be among Uie majtw things lo be discussed. H E Monsieur Andre Coul- harry. Ambassador from the Republic of Senegal (o the United States, will keynote the Insdiuteat 9;30a m on July 10 His topic will be "Black Man " Thereafter, each morning. Mondays through Fridays, dif- ferer.* speakers will addi^ the ments. The internship wUJ last |g weeks and will begin in Septamber. in making the announcement. Carper said. "We art certainly fortunate to have a person of Mr. Wray's experiotce and background with us for his intemship tliis fall and are especial})' proud lhal he it formerly from Raleigh. I'm sure both Mr Wray and we. as administrators for the City, will benefit from his ' here." Wra. Augustine' now doing graduate work at Georgia Mle University in AlluU Hjainlann^toa^il ii., eoartforaM. •ip.rl.S, ii ram He is v - - Ha «*a ordnhMd lo lha prtanl- nood h, laST. For tho aaiS fhiir rmrM, ha 4M padtafo wort In Ron* *t HMOntorl- in UnlatrsBr. nconirlns * Soe- tonl dam* k >■ nhUvwd n mulnr’n da a* k Snerod Thnclonr. Ha rntnrnad to SL AnfnalliM Hnjor Sandanry k Ifdl and laoiM Moral Thaeionr and Chmk Lav than. Front UdS-ISTI, h* an* cto- pkk al Xavtar MaaraRy k Naw Orinaa, to* only tn- dorakanlly hlacli Catteiie —I- raraSy k to*Slato*. Htkpro- aaatty aa laaoelato tovdtaaer od tooolaty M Xtalar, toacli- kf twotr* hotara, aha* halpliw to eoaaal to* atadnat*. A raaahar od to* BUek Ca- thoUe Clarty Ctaea*, *• alao holonca to Ow Cattclle Cunpaa wtavinga in Carolina Biblical Gardena. mncis dIad no Friday, i—— S. Fraael* waa bora k Ear- had*. ErtHah W*M kdtea, aon od to* Ml* JhaMt T, aiidThack- I* A. Fraacla. Ha eani* lo to* Daaod Elaloi to attaad Ranp- tik Inatako hakra Iraatdar- rkc to Aar atol* Otlroraa)' wkar* k* raoahad to* a& dtfrot. Norik CaroUaa Stolo OatvaraSy aaardad kin toe Maator od Edneitloo dacra* k IS70. Ha lalmod to to* Waal k- ttoa fWAMcia M-a a n H mi^swvrn TopSrhool 1. Witiams PrexyOf Joint Center ia a iraduala od St. ina't CoUasa hare and ii IntamMup Mklairy Aaaoelalka and to# CoUart Thaolafy SocMy. k addSkn to a awUy eMaata, “Wkad’a Yew Brt?”, ahlch la aywtieatad k aovaa dine i—a and Ora* black aaakllaa, ^ k,. ^ e—akkratl* -porlaaei aSdCrTJamn “'•”** coodaetad cVSyll RoiSri Wra? 3K jS'JSSdf'* ISl? NTIAT’S voob bag? love b the Ford Foundation, his wife. ^ Joyce, and 4-year-old aon. Lawrence, presently reside in May f taw the warm, Atlama. Ga caM nt umol p. participants on topics ranging (rum pMiiics and economics to (Sm Lire snri t r zi Five Claim Appreciation Money Here Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK Although five luex) persons picked up thetr checks for $10 each In last week's Apprecia tion Money Feature, sponaored by The CAROLINIAN, the a- mount will be lowerod to $$0- thret $10 checks - beglnnlog w ith this oitttlon, becauae of the tack of remonae on the part of the adverttaera. How rr, when more merchanU decide to advenlat on thla page, the amount of $$0 wlU i^ro than llkel)* reappear on the Ap preciation Money page of thM edttton. Laat week*a wlonera and toe bualneaaot in ehoie ads thetr namta wart lomd are: John Andereon, 10$ Galllf« Straet, Brin* Hardware, ttO Fayelta- vUle at.: Mra. Nancy E. Banka, TOO Manly Strait, Raleigh FCX Servlee, SOI Waal Cabarrus St.; Mrs. Norma McCrlmmon, aee APPUCtATiow. p. it NATURAL HEALTH FOODS For A Spoelallt) In Food For DtabaUea — (Swoapatakoa) WASHINGTON. D C - Eddie N. Williami. vice presi- dant for Public Affairs al the Uoivaraity of Chicago, has been MWMvi presiden* of the Joint Cantor lor Plitical Studies in Waahiogton. D C. The an- nouneemeni was made by Lotos Martin, vice president and ^ 41^1 n>^or of the Chi cago Daily Defender and chair- ma‘ of tha Boa'll of Governors of the Centor Williams ia expsetad to assume has new duties aarty in July. Martin also annouiiced the reidgnation of Frank D Reeves who haa eerved as executive director of (he Center since iu eatabliahment two veers ago. ine jouii tenter lor Pelilical Studies it a non-profit, lax exempt body co-^onsored S r HMsrd University and toe etrepeliian Applied Research Cantor. It is funded by a grant from the Ford Foundation "The Board of Gov'craors is vary pleased that Eddie Wil liams has accepted the poeition and we are confident lhal he will do an outstanding Job." Martin said He also noted that a growing number of minority etoctod and appointed public officiate ncreaa (M country look to the Center for information Lteutfoanl Olla L. Hlnlon, Jr., Ratoigh Pollco Depart- meat, waa gradoatod from too Ontvaralty of LoiilavlUe*s Soefhom Polteo Inaittalo In ceromonloa held Frldsy, Jim g. The Soetoom Pollet balllido lo graduatlof fts lorty-aevaoto claaa, now has tral^ 1,641 law enforcemeiX offlctra in Ito administrative offleert course. Another 1,570 offlcera have at tended to# lastitote*s aemlaara* The coarse, which laeta 12 weeks, Indudos 230 hours of claasroom iaatmctlon. Sub jects taken by the dtleera for cottage crvdtt are pollee ad- mlnlatralloa: pollet peracnnal •manacement; cooethaHonal taw, evldoneo and criminal pro cedure; and peychology for law enforcement ptraennto. Dwlof toe Soulhem Pollee Inailtute*a 21 years of opera- tion, lOS polloe departments from 47 Matoa, th# U. 8. Army, the U. 8. State Department, and SI foreigh oomtrlea have sponaored law enforcement of ficers In the teathute'e pro grams. Gradt»**f uf too tealRato servo aaehletoofpaUee. siver- iotendente of state polJee. or haads of eowdy law enfo^- menl sgenclaa in 163 organl- aatlon*. Htaidrada of other Yradualee work In top staff poaRloos In Ihelr reapoettva agenelas. In addition to toe fees peSd by atudenta. toe laalltwte ra- (Bm t-T. atirfow. p. tv CRIME BEAT Irem Rklrirh's Pelkr PUn •t tesUtt* ta aredeetd ta Uw pub- Sc am atm tewside sSwIealtM N» raememta. Jfemer- WdlvidMla as«* fseesmsd tkM iiwv »t tiv«e uw rsmlisfa- Um •! •YvrlMlwf tlwlr ' ••uM niw u do. Bewswr. n le lory. Wt swf«ly aeaSsh M tests aa »• One Uw* fspemd Sy too L fw Seep eel ef ermiuw eltlcvfi. ! > C'lU 1 C'l Milcbeil Svihdoff. vice preai dent of the Ford Foundation, welcomed (he upointment of WUUams and voem (he hope Ctse WILUAMS. ». r M net etiat rrctswrvd by a Mtoe etfWtr le rrpoftine lue nndJegt wSMe wi dely. Se sIm- pir b*«p ait Uw ■‘■MWr** end yee •mi a* m tlw crtas* Sml *hll(n.E FAMILY JUMPED ME* Mlaa Salida Natl Saodara. IS OS Walnm Strtdl, told omoer C. Wliiiaua at 9:06 p.ffl. Sat urday, met abo had attomptad to pay Mlaa Deborah Prtmoua some money and said Mlaa Prl- moua refnaad to aceapt R. The woman aald at thla time, too whole funlly "Jumped on me and bast me tgt eanateg tajury to my loft arm." arrMad aod TO BE HONORED - Loft to ngai arai Mas R. P. Thomas. Thaat throe wiB be honored toe BaHnnal at ta annual eonventtoa In Mlaral, Fla.. Am 81-84. Mayer 1 tiagiilabed Servlet Award: Kan^tx, a actod ptolte nteMoaa eomaalnr, wffl ba citad Mr terndtef Black Press Weak In 1986; and Thomas, idttar ptoiltoir of toa Mobfla Baaaon i Citteea, will ha prosantod toe Dlalli«itfahed iHHltoar*! Award. CMa story ahoveX tw. mmmw mm vYaali PMillffufi Aaaeclatlaa irfB raaatPa toa NNPA Dla- Arreatadaad caargad wlto eaaaidt wwre Miaaea Oaborab Prlmous, la, Marcia While, n. Joeetyn PH- notm, 16, andMlaaSandera,xs, an of ISO! aad 1308 WateuI St. They were charged with eogag- lag te aa affray. Mias Sandora waa traated for a three tech tanevHlOB of the an** (OM iUMBft MAT. r. s> I ^