Although August Dute Is Tentativi BenChovis, AngehiMayMeetHere ^■-r ‘2 Representative JohnConvers Demands Probe Of FBI Bond High er Than Miss Davis’: B. Chavis BY CHARLES R. JOKES “I have plans lo meet with Miss Angela Da vis, here in ilaleigh sometime in August,” the Hev. Ben Chavis toU a CAHOLIMAN’ news man in an exclusive interview here Tuesday morning. My bonds, totaling S125.000 are even more than her SIOO.OOO Ixmds were during her imprisonment.” North Carolina's Leading Weekly VOL. 31. No. 36 RALEIGH. N. C.. WEEK ENDING SAT.. JULY 8. 1972 SINGLE COPY l.Sr Largest DL\M0XD ever FOUNTi - London; L:. I jtifJvv. Nicol, thi* Sierra Loone High Commissioner, :fi tl«- *‘.S{ar of SjMrru Leone’* diamond at a news con- KTcuci' In Losniori recently. The diamond, discovered in t • iniiiii.^.’ rou;, f,i V«.r.cviiia, is the third largest rough dia- r;..x ! .'-..-r Jtiijn'j. Ii '.vMghs 309 carats, and is 2 1/2 Inches 1'-:.; ‘ 1 ;/r i-.ct.f'S ^^^de. H Is tu bo sold In London thIs :• »-.t} viff. the l USdUiB exjiected to start at $1 mlliton. (UPI) Rev. Cunningham Retires Reception, Testimonial Local lUlan Threatens Cops ootsWomanWithdiiM Will Honor City Pastor I* ormpr!S i. iCP President riY r.TRS. IRENE C SCALES Tti*' - ltd Howard Cun-, ij.i.s'or ■/. ih*.- First l.'iiit*xi Cli-irr* f,f Christ (Con- .:rtigatl«/iaL (,',r:nT South and M;»nl«n •Str.'.t> is entiUig his 2 1 years of t* ' «ire. Tif rffjc. r.s ill..I members of tie cJuri. recoplze his • cl.t .v- e s.-rvices ren- (U-re«‘ t., fi.. rhurch and to :h«' *•.•*11. i aJ*-!:;!. commtinlty durt;.. t: !' i.-war spx’i. In ”1‘ R»r all f>f his il- siv.-ii;ef,ts,alosU- .■ and reception .I.' .•1 for Swiday I at th‘ cliiirch. hi-s program '••s’liTioJilal :• f’ers'*tnices .it'.ts of associa- :o le Drosented '! '.olturte of let- f-ersonal ac- f>' of the appreci Li'-trt.-1; tl' A.!! i W ■ la i durtrij: Hits 21-iear spati. In apprr?ciul..ri for all of his II- lustrto js acliu'venients, alcstl- Jitoiiial proKiait. and reception Is Ix-L'h' plaiiiirHl for Sunday afl'Toiron. .Inly 9, at Ihechitrch, t.f this program will i;.f ]*it!.- r>‘sri[i)onlal sreel- •ei*s t.t |.t..'i;L-r. f i-.rsonages fj f-■ ‘-.o .ons .•re.ii of assocla- tloi.. Al.s‘* to K* nresented All! be a bonriij volume of let ters exp|-.->sli;p personal ac colades fror:: fan.illes of the Chuifh. rtubs .,rid organlza- ' Ions, foriu.'r menil.-.-rs and frit'iid.v;, tJUior 'rtl'iaes wlj; be ex- pressetf in ti.iisic ami original *' real Ions Th,. t.reptUiii tl, Fellowship J.aU of ri:.. church wU! pro vide ar- opponuiitiy for all at- tondtiig u, leoft and to greet Revereii'.J CiuinUipham and his iSfi- lei I I I'TION. P. 31 Ralph Gunpbdl Heacb RCA C. Bumpers Nabbed By 2 Officers A Raleigh man, who, after shooting one wo-i m-'tn, elled to his wife nearby that she was next, has l)een arrested and is now languishing in the facilities of the 2 Officers REV. HOWARD CUNNKGHA.M SCLCsht Breadbasket Is Discussed A Raleigh man, who, after shooting one wo-» man, yelled to his wife nearby that she was next, has l)een arrested and is now languishing In the facilities of the Wake County Jail. The :il*yeiir-*old man was charged Saiurday wiih assault with a deadly \vea|)on with iiileni to kill after he allegedly shni a woman and Ihreaicned two Raleigh |ioljcenten. (‘harles Runnett Rutnpers of K Rargeit St was arrested al 1 :W pm Saturday Veteran In Rights Is Chosen BY AOSS J. E. HICKS At its regular meet ing hold at 8 o’clock, la.irsday night, ’"ne 29, at the Hargett St. YWCA, the Raleigh Cl- tizanc* Aseaniaflii Is Chosen BY MXSS J. E. HICKS CHARLES B. BU&tPERS al his residenee W. Bryant GetsfSU Position FAYFTTKMI.I,:: ■WlllleL. Dryaut is tuck at a familiar posUloii. Lust •.t.’oRjitieformer Arriv S'. Majot vvas named • Ujeot-Jt 01 i.'i.sions at Fay- etl-vlUe Staiv I’lilverslty h\ rresider.t ClI.1;le^ Lyons, Jr. ''OJ vmr ill li.b iieu position Is x.otidiii- : eM io Rriaut, He liebl the !'■ .s;ti .. of director i-f rvcoi-d> ii.i! I ■ t sstratleji at Shav, I'M’-.rslfj. .ls^lstaIit dt- recto! .'1 .tdrulssioDj: a!'.d rec ords al I lorlcla AiM Univer sity, refisTjr at North Caro lina I'nlverslly and Mississipri v,iiey 5tate Col lege iuid registrar at Saint College. Vt.i- l.olii-r of the n, S. a!id M. Mt! .U*cr.*es U; RusiiieSS Skp w un.\v\s'T p DETROIT, Mich, - Planners for the Michigan Chapter South ern Christian Leadership Con ference Operation Breadbas ket’s first Black Expo *72 were overwhelmed with the national community response totho first time event which ran June IC- 18 al the Michigan Stale Fair grounds. Ovo: 70,000 people view, ed busLiess exhibits, atto:ided programs, and panlcipate! if. the events plam ed throughtheS day period. Ch er 130 Black bus- Iness exhibitors participated in displaying tnelr wares. All Black Fxp'> *72 Fairground con- Ces.'ilon services were con- trjcted from Black firms in cluding the food arid mahiteii- ance concession. This year's Expe was plan ned and coordinated during .. 12 week perlcid. '*tVithout a douW it takes at least a year of plantibig for an Expo to run smoothly. We thank the many Black business es as’.d volunteers who worked through all the rough spots to make this Expo so successful,*' commented Dr. Claude Yoimg, (5fr Sfl.C'K 1ST P it (Set C. ni'MPCItS. P. 2) Alphas Of J, Conyers AsksFor FBICheck Nation Set 66th Meet NKU ••RI.K.VNS, I.A The tkiih .innivers.iry cuiiventjon ol .Alpha I'll! .\lplia Fraternily, liu- will t«u-us Its aehvilies ai>*ijml rhe ;>rm’rai theme Kliinin.dion ot il;e tiheltci Coruititima (irtals for the Scvriuu*' announced Judge Knii-vr \ Mnnal o| New (M le.iris grtiei'nl president Tbr 4«»n\eufiini will be held Juh •« I'l .It ttie hi'intT llilion H'lfi'! ii: li4’uvfr (‘oloradti Kftniii .1 H.ill n! A’eadon. Pa . I- dtreii’U ♦'! general euineii- ’i"n .»!Mi ll.ini-„j] HikImui and H.ii'v r W.iN'T- all' the loeal l!!i :■ Til,- |))»I i lutpItTs .!'«• Ib’P.i P*: l.ainbd.i Ileiuei and Utnui’on l..ttnbia Coliira do Mirinu'' WASHINGTON, D.C. - Con gressman John Conyers lairt Wednesday called for a joint congressional investigation of the FBI, and proposed legis lation which would limit the directorship of the Bureau to a single six-year term on the advice and consent ofiheSenate. These proposals were made at today's session of the ^ck Caucus Governmental Lawless ness hearings which are being held this week In Washln^on. Congressman Conyers chaired today’s session on the surveil lance of citizens by the FBI and the Secret Service. His proposals were buttressed by the testimony of nationally s>7)- dlcatel columnist Jack Ander son who testified as a surprise witness to the unwarranted sur veillance of citizens, especially Use Hotline For Heroin: tSpc At PHIS Tl*, p. ■; Galfianakis W ASHINGTON, D. C. - Con gressman Nick CallfUnakls urges North Carolinians to take adva:nage of the Natlunal Heroin Hotlir.e to report any informa tion they may have on heroin 1:. their commtadtlcs. Gallflanakis said the hotline was established to collect infor mation from citizens throughout the Vnited States that would aid law enforcemer.i officials in ar resting those v.ho deal In her oin. In tirglr.g the hotline's use, Gallfianakts noted that a Con- Spp H01I.INI' p 3i A( Its regular meet- Hng'ii^d”af8 o’clock, Tfl.irsday night, A'lne 29, at the Hargett St. YWCA, the Raleigh Ci tizens’ Association e- lecteci Ralph Camp bell, an official of Wake Opportunities and also executive secretary of the Ra leigh NAACP chapt er. Miss Louise Latham, vice president of RCA, presided. At that time, the group accept ed the verbal resignation of Edward Carson, previously made at a Political A^!on meet ing. The body then approved the vice president's appointment of James A. Shepard to continue the meeting which went into execidive session for the c- lectlon. The nominating committee, Dr. Charles Ward, chairman, Mrs. Margaret Hinton and Ju lius Haywood, retired and re turned shortly with the nomi nation of Campbell as presi dent. Submitted from the floor was the name of WiltUm Knight of the Raleigh Human Relations Council. .Mr. Campbell won the election. The election of the other officers of RCA will be held In the fall. The RCA went On record to send, along with the NAACP, a committee to the Raleigh Hous ing Authority to Investigate the dismissal of Benjamin Davis. *rhe RC.\ committee members were Ralph Campbell, Mrs. Ethel Ridley, Miss Jeannette Hicks, and J. Edward Cofield. Representing the NA.ACPwere Dr. Charles Ward, .Mrs. Har- velelgh White, James Shepard, and Spurgeon Cameron. RALPH CAMPBELL, SR. NUl Plans Annual Convention A committee to Investigate the status of housing in South- side was also appointed as fol lows: Chairman, Miss Louise Latham, Miss Jeannette Hicks, A. J. Turner, James Shepard and David Lorenzo Haj-wood. N'E\\\OKK. N •Returning to St. Louis for the first time in over a quarter ol u century, the National Urban la.'ague will hold its rj2nd Annual Conferon'-e in lhai city. July JOvXug 2. at the Chase-Park Plaz.? Hotel. The theme ol this year’s conference is “Action for the "O's” as the League examines a number of today's crucial issues including black ecoiioniic developmeiu, education, voter registration, health, justice drug ahuse.s, housing and social wellare 'The keynote address will be delivered on Sunday night. .July 10. by Vernon K. Jordan. Jr . who was named Executive Director of the League follow ing the death of Whtiney M Young. This will Ik* preceded on Sunday aflernoun by the annual luncheon of Urban League Guilds with State Senator Rar- bara Jordan ol as the speaker. :iiid l>v the opening of t»ie exhibji ari’a al K am Registration to the Uonler- cnce is open to anyone ifjler4'sl- ed in attending tvmteience meelinRs, including represent- ative.s of public and vnlimlarv health and welfare ageruue.v individuals interested m educa tion. and civil rights. ;md repre- senlativesoi mdiisirv. labor and ginerninent The 1972 (’onlerenee is being (Sec xt:i, plax.« !• 31 Present at the meeting were Mrs. Elizabeth CofJeld, candi date for Wake County Commis sioners and A. J, Turner, can didate for a House seat. Appreciation Money Goes To M. Bailey ^BERA IN PROGRESS - Boston: Cameras In two different positions in the Eliot ,K 1: the Foxbury section of Boston showed this robbery in progress last week by a al'cut C ft. tall, slim buUd. Upon approaching the bank president, he pressed a • i IV iid took $3,540 In cash from several tellers. He then kidnapped the bank presl- : to drive Mm In his car and make good his escape by adandonlng the car and the • I ;he Mouri Pleasant section, (UPI) Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK NARRON BROS. FURNITURE CO. For Quillly Furniture At Sensible Prices Milton Bailey was the lucky person last week. The form er resident of the 1600 block of Poole Rds, came into the office of The CAROLINlAn slightly before the noon dead line on Monday and produced evidence of his residence. His SIO check was found in the ad of the Raleigh FCX Service, 301 W. Cabarrus St. Persons who see thelrnames in the column on the Money page, SHOULD NOT go direct ly to the merchants involved. (8*c APrRRtlATIO.V. r 2) * The soft-spok en native of Oxford, madeaspe- ciil (rip from Wlimtngtoa, v.iit-re hr had b .slness, to In- forii. this newsr aper ofhispo- Iliical trials a d tribulations V. iih ] .oth the sta « and federal courts. To put It partly Into Chavis* words, wo now- quote him: ••.V total of 16 Of us were ar rested, but o:ily 11 were held o- ver 3 months. I think that this is a prime example of pre trial detention and political in carceration. Iwas first arrest ed on Wednesday, March 15 al v.’iimlngton, whUe standing In the door of my church, First African Temple of the Black Messiah, T14 Castle Street/*- Hev. Cfiavls faced five char ges: c^spiracy to murder, con spiracy to assault emergency (oll-whlte) personnel, conspira cy to assault nine white Wll- mlngton city policemen and con spiracy to burn a business. The actual burning of Make’s Gro cery', a white store hi a black neighborhood. Chavis said he was standing in the church’s door about 10 p. m, foUowln a prayer meeting. Some 28cop5werecountedlnthe immediate vicinity oflhechurch and had 11 completely surround ed. “On Ibis particular day, I had just returnixi from the Na tional Black Political Conven tion, held In Gary, .March 12- 14, and I had managed to get a resolution passed regarding Wilmington, Includ'Kl In this a- genda was a resolution condem ning the “Illegal v.cls of violent repre.-sion again^it the black people in Wilmington, N. C. I was physically pulled out of the front door of the churcb,' im- Soul City Foundation to Banquet Slllll. riTY . Tba C»..l filu REV. BEN CHAVIS mediately handcuffed atidplaced in the Mck of the squad car and taken to headquarters. “This was the third lliiieihat I had been arrc-st'xl there. The first was Nov. 1971 -Ahen I was arrested becauselhadnoregis- tration card in my car (they kiiew it was my car). I stayed In jaa two days on that charge. "The second time was De cember of 1971, v.’hea 1 was ar rested and char^ced wiih V-esuK an accessory* '.hemurJorofan iR-year-old youth, but I was in Raleigh atthetlrneoftlils v»i inis inrticiaar cay, | had just returned from the Na tional Black Political Conven- Soul City Foundation To Banquet SOUL CITY - The Soul CitY Koundaiion. Inc . will hold iis firsi banquet un July 21 al 7:30 p III. in Ihe Warren County Armory localed on Macon Road. Warrenton. N. C The announcemeni was made by Lewis H. .Myers. Director of Community Affairs for the Koui-.'lation. Mr. Myers slated, “'this will be the fiVsl banquet ever sponsored by the Founda tion. and we intend to make Ihe bj’nquel an annual affair. The banquei serves the dual purpose of bringing people in Ihe immediate area together as well as being one of ihc major vvhieles for fund raising which the Foundalton will employ .Mr -Myers further slated, “’while luiids were being received from federal sources for s|rt*cific pro grams. nuijnr funds either in goml.s or services are required to be raised from the private seelor b\ the Foundation " The Soul City Foundation, a North ('arolina non-profit cor- p^iraiinn. was crealed more tluin three >ears ago for the purjKist- fit dealing wilh Ihe new tow n’s research and planning in Ihe fii-lds of education, heallh. iraming and recreation The F'luiulalmn is responsible f ir the overall comprehensive so cial planning of Sou! City 16 Black US "■ wvn vt imr cnr ana taken lo headquarters. "This was the third tlmelhat I had been arrested there. The first was Nov. 1971 when I was arrested because I had no regis tration card in my car (they knew it was my car). I stayed in jail two days on that charge. "The second time was De cember of lO"?!, when I was ar rested and cltargcd with beins an accessorytothemurderofan 18-year-old black youth, but 1 was in Raloigh atthellineofthis occurrence. I was placed un der a $10,000 bond and hold In the Wilmington City Jail for one day, 1 posted bond and am still out cn bond on that case at this time, although that bond was raised to $100,000 after T had marie a speech about the conditions In Africa. This speech was made at Trinity Col lie. My topic was "America’s Relations with Africa." '*Shortly thereafter, my bond was lowered to $15,000, but I still stayed In Wilmington Jail for one week. Arrested here in Raleigh by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on federal con spiracy charges (commuting an offense against the U. S.) In which they claimed lhat Ihelped two black men to leave this countr>-. This was in December of 1971, and I was originally placed under a $10,000 bond, which was eventually (In March) raised lo $20,000. In AprU, 1 was found not guUty, here In federal court of two of the three (fedcraDconspiracychar- BOS, However, eventhough, I am Still under ihe original $20,000 bond, I must still lace the federal court on the third charge. When I n’as arrested back on March 15, 1 was origin ally placed under abondof$75,- 000. At one point during my In- Sef REV. CHAVIS, p. Stars To Be At Demo Meet CRIME BEAT Sixiven black stars of Ihe sports and enicrtamment world uill take part in the Democratic Nalional Telethon July 8-9 on AHU-TV to help raise Ihe $9 milln'M needed lo gvi the parly »ul ol debt belore Ihe presi dential ok'clion Rosie drier. Rafer Johnson, and flail Sayers will represent the sports world, while stars such as Biliv Eeksline. Della Reese. Leslie Uggams and Gail Fisher will lako part from Ihe world of entertainment The show will continue for 19 hours with segments from Miami. Nashville and Holly wood. and conirihutions wili phoned in to 12 regional offices. In addition to appearing on the leleeast. the stars will also telephone contributors at ran dom across the United States to thank them for their donations. Along with the individuals taking pan there will be several black groups, including The Clara Ward Singers. The Sup remos and The Temptations. other artists taking pan inrludi’ 0 R. McClinlon. Freda r.ivne. Judy Pace. Dionne warwickc. and Slappv White From Ralrish's Official rotice Files CDITOE'S NOTE: TnU columB or feature I& produced in the pub- Ur interrit with an aim towarJs bllmlnatlne ll» contents. Numer ous Individuals have requested that ihcv be tlven Che conitdera- tton of ovcrloutcnc their llsllnc on the police blotter. This we would like to do. However, it It not our position to be Judge or Jur>'. We merely publish the facts as we find them reported by the »resilne officers. To keep out of The trt-»e Brat Columns, merely means not beinjt reKltlercd by » police officer in reporllnc h!t Hndines while on duty. So sim ply keep off the "Blotter" and you won't be In The Crime Beet. CITY MAN THREATENED DonneU Thomas Campbell, 220 S. Swain St., told Officer M. H. Hicks at 10:23 p.m, Thurs day, that a man came inandtold him to get out. Campbellsaidhe did not seeanythlngtocausethis but anger. He said he got up and started toward the kitchen and the suspect, James Frederick Hooker, 38, address unlisted, backed away from him and fired a shot from a snub-nosed .38 calibre pistol, missing Camp bell. The police arrived on the scene and jailed Hooker on a charge of assault with'a deadly wespon. (See CRIME beat, P. 3)

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