fyfoidfoffndathtt KD Given More Fundng sir,. Kenmfh DmiJaSed After Raldgb Man Murdered The Carolinian North CaroUna’t Leading WeMy VOL 31 No M RALEIGH N C WEEK ENDING SAT JULY 2i, 19:2 SINGLE COPY IV As Many As 5 Suspects Sought Durham WomanShin CTAT* MBON COARn REFCK TO RETWUiTu DtRuoarn Cnuila al Uw dMartaim^en MurWid r«il. 'nIMr; (Whar My II MMd> Rm prim ntabii iifow worn. iM fvirtie iwLa«M«u ww«. mimsw* » ui%w llntton laljr 1? for the cf four guard homagva bjr nmpnginc iemelM. (t'Pt) 'BuUGly’ Woman Is KUId DUHHA.M - Inveati- KBtion wag continued here Wedneaday hythe Uartinm Police De- ^panment in a aboot* inR Incident which oc- curreii here early Monday morning, re- aulling In the death of i At^year-old woman. A a many aa five men *re wing nought in the death. Gaim Lonnie J. Davis Dr. Hargrat>e$ Aecompamed By Other* i^aw’s IVesident h Middle East Was Knifed By K. Dunn Head Of ShowU. BY STAFr *pm.p By moRl of the many peraong Interviewed regarding the gtabblng death of Lonnie .lunlor Davia at 10:40 p. ro. laat Saturd:iy. he was aa “a God-fearing vnung man and Chrlatian.” Davia wan atabhed twice In the "an aaetianf* prvgran whama atadams to ttw MM- la Caal. Aatnt anaa vt Uw aooarlaa ISay Nan la vlaa ara Raaaa, talwMn, Egypl, fyria, aad Siadi AraMa. Tfeay Laagaa^ tha Aralaaaaaor oIKo- aaa, aad alaia dapariniaia 4- (lelala to «arloaa cooMrlaa. h addRUa. Hito trip via aahanca tha Mamatlmal oW- vIB ha hoaarad by Uw Arab *>* OnIvaraRy, ae- cor iuif la Dr. Hargravaa. Dunne Iha nart *ranamlr ynar, six proiaaaai» rroni tha Ulddla laal arc to t'-c-ivc Cor eaa waak at Shav gtudabta aUl r-aal ared* lor Ihaaa lactwaa. On Tour IWlh Carolina's Second Black KEiiim Duim left chest and being held In the 'iiurder .. 25-year-old Kenneth Dunn. the biatjhing Is said to have occurred at the homo of Dunn, 1509 1/2 E. Lane Street. and pnlH'r cfNi MiiM'fl III f|ur«iHifi irtint III find nwi man^ AliordAlstoiNow Heads DirhanFCD DURHAM - It WRR annaunoed ThurRdRy that tbn k'A-.! Tha daad Gih-r at thra- ekildra,., lorv.arh. :i ad at 9C! S. taar .Rraal. had purchaaad a homt at Rowa 1. Wata Foraat aad had tiaad to that homa atr loni anoigh to maka tlw flrai payrr.cnt on V. aercfdtog u t • tiahia atawcaa. Ka via the «jo al Mra, t invr.to Darla and Uw tala vm Darla. Hla ' Ing Incident wrhich oc curred here early Monday morning, re- aulttng In the death of a dO-year-old woman. As many aa five men are being sought In the death. allafatR) It a Kcdy wuoiaa and rraidaa to W'lk.id T Hbaw l)iiltwrRity*t prealdent. .1. Archie Hargraves, accompa nied by hla.adfe and vice president (or de velopment, Phillip Maaon, and Dr. UraU Mustafa, director of International affairs, left last dunday mom- ,'4^ on a three week trip to eeveral Mid dle Eaa> oountrtea "to mmlnhlimK m • awiltaRmml Political Convention Here SaL On March lO-U, 1972, a National Black Political Convention was hel.l In Gary, Indiana. The hlatorlc event brought ingeiher bUch (H-oiile of eU ^lltlcal perauaalona to dlecusa and deliberate on laauea affecting black people to ihe U. S. and the world. Thla aecoml v. c. Sale Hla.-k Convention will be held Saturday, July 22. Over 8,000 iieople (4,000 delegatea) were re^ionalble for pulling together a Naiional Hlack Politi cal Agenda. eh Cm way. TSt A«wim amweat eW IMm* atum tor Rm empra- forawrCoItge Students OMmSm CmPMRMi Cmae*d»an».id- le said to have ooourred at the home of Dunn, Sled by Ue.adia^B 1109 1/2 B. Lane ftreet. Allard Abtoi How hHcrfn-vt and pelict can iMurd In (yiMiMw -nitnnan. iryiM to find nut hnw many warr invcdvad m tlw •hamind aliacA al m Roatdale AsYnwF. wluch loali ihr kfa of Mra Kvarfyn Gladys Kvana Mra Rvana. tm wdl b» fMpraliwd Rnday aflamoan al • raa al Srartiarmnh and Har ■HI SirvTf Kunmil homa wah Mas A t. Thnmpaon offictal Hoads DarhoMFO) Ite daad MUmt cf ihrna Mddno, tgrmmtT Itvad M Ml f. M IMddi. had a hem# at Md taVafeaPorMl andhadUvodM taag anmgh to vloa praaldani (or da- velcpment, Phillip Maaen, aad Dr. UraU Muatafa, dtreotor al intemettaael afhdrn, ijr morn- DURHAM - It was annoiinaed Thursday that the Ford Foundation haa awarded an addiUonal one-year grant In the amount of $400,000 to the Foundation (or Community Davelopment to continue Its program of economic development In several black communities of the State. «t Mra. Lamb Davb Wa WU Dam. Hto albeeUy te * Roly voawa aaS raaMat to Vihuil Terraat. A aweiva tor nw total elaS- wSVw m^iA'RN k WtadRw trip to RS j .vitionai mavK Pciiiii tl Convention was held In Ow. Indiana. The hietorto event brought together black people of dleoiee and deUberate on Issues affecting black Pyyto In the U. S. and the world. This second N. C. Mate Black CMveetton will be held Seturday, July 22. Over 8,000 people (4,000 ”*•■••••) •••* reRponsIble (or pulling together a National Black PoUti- eel Agenda. to boltoddd (•m ‘touu. ritr* r n rtofi th* totol ttogtrt rwrd for Um 4 y« BhdePrUe * Awareness Appreciation Dmtom toMd fCD to IM’M* !3r ^oney Is Won M CAROLOnAN Wodhtodiy, tod to UmI Dmrto ud Dim Vitw ‘•trtoiito.** Dtvto wMomdlcyad by Crowd ZoOtrtdek, toe., to RttolcK •d • Btoolitod eperatoe. Aeeordliii to MIer G^toln fcmM t. aiall, DdMiwdditoh* ' tbodl MS p. m.p tod du trip to iovenit lOd- dlo Etit oountrles **to eaubllih ■ cultural and academic rela- tionaUp with ccuntriea.** tm— Tto - for iTdd d0di|to#* ( pMptoh lab itoral^eodi fomarCetegeSlndenls BegkSeningSententes BV RUN W VSHIMiTlIN iram, itw Irb ahoaM terSaao maay vomnea, rotUii, Sh « alt la warlaa bwivta b aara ogabat ARI- « taS athor TMrd warM paa- Raleighites «r iritnmmtole dMMoto, ito Itengaiied tot P( NEW YttftK tlw Mmwi M dvditotolMv «4 Btochwrwdi h—hi for jmetnlr rtddm Mil (hr growind tcrtalwir** of them by boib BliHk Mid wtult tadtodti *TWto tot* to etodr orMtaci «d wbito tot rord Id to tot btofd FCD to drotidi mopori to or* todd tftow tocome pdo* iXS: By J. Tucker wtontr to Tbt dtotoltdly contrfbidtd trtdfly M thr ntr ir RIoa'a (*hildmi> pridr rrvtdled by rtrew elud tod. tccordmg id Audrttn Mtord. dMondif tdi»« tf Rtdhiwk m«d**'"* An drttrk m ihr mdgdxuto » tor rrptrtt thdt (hcdt CRIME BEAT Irani Rklvtcli'* nfftriwi PalM-F ntPb Ford wok a eloaa WW at ow PiaiTab, Ika uwlky W cm cIcB, aad PMhapa laoal tb- pamatly, at Uw Saw* FCD MJoya aawat Uw Uwaaaada of tooHi ahaao tivoa aa locek." "Ford haa bwao tor mow tint, at wy elu. la rWin w Biy tracib. aa iCanlfl.a Pi*- Ib Aorntial. la dtelaba la Bwlw Iha anal SaapR. HUa tea a»bana»ntw aa bth b tlw ahUSy at lat lalaj ortaab •alba la carry bt,” Allara Altaian, vSo raplirar Gimn atWellvaAimbi l.rlat- nd Owl Uw atae.aMwaihr wnS w cMban a piacrab at ms- pan w wtaabad fcaiea at lev-bceaw pwatab abaMbS- E aaly lachy CARCUHUR'a Hra Maaay bat aaaS. Rb aaiaa aaa tmaid b Uw pact U ttfmtianaal at HuwCwwr- al Ttra Caawaay, laealad it 4H t. McDamU «m( hart. Fanaaa asa aaa Uwiraamaa b Iha eolwan oa iSa UaiMy Paca, ailOVLO ROT pa diract- ly M tlw marrhaan b.fdvM, aal aaecaaih aaa aroaad lOtdO that nlpd. A prtUnbtry haarbf haa hata itt ka’ Dww aa Taaaay, Aanai I, « t p. Bi. FwwcbI tarvie.t tor Ur. Davb van ooadactel aa W'ad- aaatoy at Ihb vaak at t;S0 p. n. ban Uw i:tcb Rack Chribbn Charch nSh BtaSop Rigat Maalaciv ctDebltag. Bwlal tothwad ai tlw chiach At Meeting OfU. S. Links Otar l.oao LkUw wd Owb attoa ad a Halbaal Baak At- atoiHy. Thb AttaiaMy b auaeUtd w carry aw a aaaihar d toBMIaat. Awaaf than ara Iha banuca afaltoHeatltdiar idiiWIaa aadractatrailai*ltc aawag Oadk talart, pWaiwl nw mcoam blacb. p. n spra- r?. —« F«*w Swt fiwiTr: wwMr =? *» • SvvSrSSa S rm wmn to to to* cttob* wSZ gn SBOT AND CVr AT Doditoa OddtM Htobd, U, Sttt-A wotdd ridet (MtUtoiX t«M nmddi A. c Mtoidtor ti 11:M da to. Prltoy. itol RMbd Wdtoddp tip Itotot I. Itod m. •otoic rrtotob 0 meek eam* mrnme. Tbtdt groiod «g| aldo bt ttdidldd to -ftTiinp tot protrdtotdadprolMUdtdl- tot imb boddtot, htdhb, ddMdt fdditot. tddddltod ddd tobtr prpbltmd toetd by tbtm. A«drttit to Alldidn, FCD vn trdto tvdidt totornd dw. Uba*^ WbSib'^Sm* ^ "Wd'IrSo J2f* ” dt tht Nortb Cdfdltot NMlwtol -T*”*. *^_todP totodr- Gmrd Annerv to WdfTtnton. (to* rev ocTd. r. ti A tomlly rntn. Mr. Dtvto to tirrlvod by bto «lft. Mrt. Hdtttf Loult Ddvto; a tonpDtdb alt Dovto of (h* hotn^ Ivo daotMtr*. Carol mx! At Uarit Dd^1d of th* bof'-* hit moibtr. Mrs Ltntnto I a^ U of Paltlfto •to trothertp I \der . J. Taur* man ar4 'kahrt of Charlolttp Rtrvt)-, ar.d S^lvtdltr (tor D%Ti« niiiav r n MaflMeet PhnnedBjf Bus. Group eouL errr ifka tod MIdd Mtry Loiedt Irdebd. •to duf of bto I I tbd ddirdd, dbod •vdy fri ^Fdtotd I htm vto • toiN*. bt tbtd vtdl Id ••■ dhtn llttd Brdotad v •d. Ht ddM bd «toid uatoli vto aarram atatodi . No tojorltd wort rtporlod. t*rr roivr MAT to •Bd oM dl S) Tht Nailor.al offkctrt and lo cal Chap*trs of Eta fWi to(» ferorh:., toe.. >^Ui bold thttr ttntb Hwwir.uat Nillontl Con- vtr.ilon III K«r.aa»RCHv, Mto- doarlp tbr Ho(al Prttidtni, Jtil!. Sa (hroiitti Au|iMt fa Mr». Doroihto Wallttr, n«- (lOtitl prrtodmi of the toittotM and preftttbviat wor-tr** or- tar-tsatlor., •.nnometd laH«*tk thai lb* coBv*Titi)n tliMT* vUI bt *’5iitir.tM «nd ProfnelttuJ WcMntn to Midtlpl* holt*.** r>cDor'Th^ WBtlarr.a, tvoetto tivt to tht I'. S. t>«pt*Tmtn« of Hoottof ard l*rtvr> Dtvtlop- retaf. Kill dt|1>tr th* ktynato Apprtciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK HUDS0N4aKD9ARTMBIT Urt. virttoto M. PhUllpt, Bdltonal poNleliy dlr«c*or.t*td Ih# mt(nt»rt of ththodiehdpi* tr. tltma. htvt prtptrtdtAtaw farmtotot and viitftatointprow tram for tho dalegetee. *'A coRibtoatlon of fcuatotdo and ttodtvrt wUl Ta« a Mai ahaattot eoemr,** da- aldrod Mra. Wtlhtr, d rtdU dam df Wdrroridvnid, Obld$vbo Id ddvtoldltot har fM tara cuofrMtotod 0$$$,9OO aerted at tho Ctrle ' of tht iMi NafioMl AdatovMy rtcMfly hold to Nav Ortaodd. U. by Dr. Naidd O. Edmavda, nattaodl pradMidt of Llvha»tot. to tht praatotm af tbt VeUed Segre ceUne fmd - m or- caatoatiM of forty prodoml- naiaty Mack ooUmm. Tbt contrlMdtov wee aocomod by to* honorablt Aiibv 0. Flttebdr, dtotolorp tbt OaNtd NttTo CoOm* rmd. At thto aadtmMy, tbt LtoM, hM. alto conirtoalod $44,000 for sieMt Cttt Dtomat Nt- ••oreh. Tbto awoam wee dim Hdtd tqaally htovaaii Hovard Vfitvtrdlly ModtaalCdMat*. Wasbtoclre^ D. C. aad Udb^ry >!tdlcal CcUotOp NatorttK Ttnntddot, to oonttooa Stofclt CtU Dldtdtt Rtatorch alrtady to protrvM. Thtaa two doa- trlboiiont total $111,000. Tht prtorUlM of tht lOlO*** fOtettot tovofvMnwl Nov^ »•• tot totret of tht tfto Nattontl AtaonMy. Otoattod- tnf paotitoia tor tot atatiBbly atrt Dr. Party Jidtoii, dlrtol- or, Julian Rtaooroh IMthdo. Fraattbr Ptrli. IRlnold: Dr. J4*n w. Da«la, SMotolTovehor infermaiien md Stotrt) MA- ACR f-tcal Doftnat aad Edv* eatlon Fwid, too., Ntv Yorb Cli>: Dr. ktbert x. wuihM, PrttIdMt Xortt CaroIlM Cob- «ral Cnlrtraty, Dwlmm, *.C.j Dr. Reoa MiJIon. FhydleMi and Pd>chiMridi. AJtodHia.Cd- ItfoTBla; A. MaoM Smlto, Aa- •Mftaai Rtftonoi Admtaldiralar for Etodl Opoorttolty for V.E Hoodtof Mtd Vrtvn Dtrolae- mtnt; Utod CowdtdBto E. Ctoy- Ida, Dtooettr. Ration BI, Wo- Mtn'd BartM of Labor, fbfld dttobto, FannaylTOB^ Or. Zol- ■d Gtorgd, Diraaior, jabCorpa CdBiar tor Tratotof womad, CWtotaBd. Obto; add Mra. Bar* ttodt Toeit. Friafiiai af Ibd Yotof tatartrldd. Lortorlld, Last Rites Held For Mrs. Eaton WOnKBerrON • Mra. Colodit Marla Btoottl Ealod, St, prv- tbro(gbodl tot eoodlrr and to- RtetoBy atodf tot tdatarn mb- botrd, al 1404 Oraact Strwt, dtod toil Thoraday. My It. al tbt tonRy't atootid homt to MobImo Bay JaiMtea, Wtto Frtvait dtrvtott vtrt oob- dtolad by P albtr Otetf Holdtr. of Wiia(lihbto,atormtf rtotor of ft. Maf1t*i Etotddfvl CtaB-fb tto* Md C. MTON. r. ti DENMARK. SC - Kalhrr ihan conitmit to br hounded by South Carolma tuthontm. thrrr 'brothrr* *' (Jl*«*r Fran eta. Alt Raytor. and Alvin “X Evam. formt-r Voorhm xu- dtfils tumtd ihrmuHvt* m Fruity July 7. to btgtn dm* on I'harin lhai grru out of a l«» Bitch Mttdmt irhHlMn (to A|iril a. ttod. :>torh stud*nt» al Vonrhm Collff* m Detimtrh South Caroltfui roll ed a «ludpfH sirikt to promt ih* mHfectn* tdurotion r*c*tv*d by Block itudrnift oi \ oorfum 7J «(ud*ni» occupied on od minrelrolMn huildinii uMtl then mllepe prcsideni John F Fnttk. agreed to vtudent d* niandk l..ol*r. hchool bitMnpu man oilers.(t H Whiteoiulth* ahtt* (nislee* hotrd choirman J Kemxrth Morn*, b r o u t h r chonm opotoiM -lb Mudenth Mill laier. it oo» decided to purk • MOpet«iatb and puniah the firttihetik Hhn ^peornroded the >ludenl »tnifUll* on Vonrhrev I'ompuN Sub^«-Yiuentl\ (ierald ' Km >otia Athert. Jamev Beyani Janten k:p|iik Alvin X Evafth (Burr Francu .Sam Muvii. Uu*haei Motire and All RayMir «errrin\iri*>0«if vnmmnn la« rM*fMi|{ tor obKli Ihev mm late Irum ia monlbk io (»«» !kearv m jad ('(MivK-led m July. ITTh. *hr • >rlit >*unit (tNti rctiMinrd nut nn atpprol tomd aiMtcnoiiinjed to «f>rb ihnHBttoiut thi' wialr of Miuth t'ariilina (hnnit whatever they 4*001(1 to iiplifl ami w'ork hw Ktacfc ucoulc ta** K]t.«LiB(ia r tt TRf^FETKR MILES DAVfe FARCLED - Xe* Torh: Malad Itsi trvmpaiar, Ult* DoMa. vu paroled to Ms own roodf- attoooe July 14 foQowtoc ar- ral|iiiri* 4 retcharttobtlhroaf- toad • womao to hla apartffltoi aad rtfwod to allow har to todvt. (UFt) vat aboca of Mtami polic* oCfic-; wr wawamr, n*%mm ubaalkdir. (L), tor robtor: aoC Cat I VM vorfehif a rabbary oaaa vhlah took klrr. to tht apar rr.- - ' bid htofhir vba ladvardd tba fidarbdiw ^ua by tbt vidtta. a poliat apokntrr.v. r-a* ly CbddlbMi (R) nfm taraad In bid I My It. Tbd fddkti potto tod tl-yiar fid afRaar vm maal, tod hemid hla brotoor had baan tod aiaot tbty *ata Ms. -