i •j mp . :jv/ 3It4. 1^. :: SpHhk Aulskml To Nhm Tolb 700 'Soul CHy Won’tBoAIIHack C-Dt«Ct-S Shootings, Boatings Abonnd As HAKOI'IT Pt'INf IP\IS • MeturMl ai-ov* ar# «if ih» r»tnctp«l« mttfi took p4rt > th«- Coul Cky M'J last Frirtay nUtif lo '»arf«*lor. PIcturwl frofr ir> rirH 4»* at i#.I- ilonOtfk*! -•« th«» h>ad UN**. Mr«. fv*lyii Vt«Ma^tck, «ll*^ of nriani/«*t «i'•ot.l r b>, Robert Brr»r., *hf, «aa prtnrip«l op*«kf>t fr«r oceatlCi> aiN tio« a44i«t4riT'a Li Sum., .Ct I, B MrKmKt pr»sH«* rj McKlulrh ti»»rpriM.». (Sm- «orv. I\ 1 BIoodHowslnCity NCs Brown Heard In Warrenton BT EABL MaMK Former St. Atgostioe’s Math, Physks Toother GivooRHos The Carolinian North CaroliHa'a LeoAmg Weekly VOL Jl. No » KAUtlOH. W C- WEEK EWDIWO SAT JULY » IWi SINGIJ' COPY lie Wilson Uru. . IriUir-k n. s ntirssl s. .VuguMine'sColkgt awl Waahinpnn High .SchfKil tnail .-ma'i' s awl phyaicH inslnictor, was funcralizcil here Weiiwwii.v orning it ifx- Ha>-wnot| Funeral C'hapel with Father .Arthur J. C Siloa;.,. i>r. siding. Inlermenl waa in the Carolina mhlical Ganh na AlH. Itirat >unr1av nii:hf u'W.ika lUr^pi •itp .alh-i ,, •pan »M I;m. k \ i tha U« TI-mims X. *. „ .in'! (• ip NMn IPm,.rai i .* li S rpajiy-t III mil u. lit r|iii rii i|h r siuri^ '• ♦ftil. , I ... . ii* .irnitil 'I'lrMiH U'N Wt H..I It 1.41 C'-U Mto., i.r , ^ • 'mu Ihr ' in »'• ..f i»M \hir ■k^.‘ rfi-.iiit IM 1hi> ' ••t M.ii,i.4r„| iiM link lijs will- t|l • \.Mi III ||,|||,f,h,l J 'It ih-liMNaffli-n ..IKf J •11 • ■ VI i-r.iniiiiHi |) Xlfti V. •iia V.. . a. M- I'ur '• • ll4.i(flr\ 1 M IPilP* >'' -itHl J.iimii la.illlM'.iri'f' •H V ShawU. Host To Sessions Started By Black Convention Here Voter Drive Opens e,* V ‘ WILSON a maoNocN TIh- St^-«Ntn Nivf! I araiim# HliOf'li enlilnat * oni p nlnmi tahu'h «a* hHd m« ’h* «.«nip(K «i4 Miaa t niirr«iU m Jui* SJ tnrmuisird piahk liar u rrgisIraiHfn driii* m thn *lair Th*- I'ai pmrlH'ifMnfs ^isn laid th« Itiundaiifip i«w ibr •TFalmn r>i an *1 tfinte: HUli Slain A^M*mhll and H-lMiail Vifth I ar Mina • IS (lrkKai«-a in Ihr first \alMmat Bi-irk AaarmWv to In* hrW lalif ihia JiC4 IVecy Blasts Action In Southside R€Aliead At Issue 11. It , ihia '14 I M f ■ l.iik iu iviafi M M•llrt^ .p>«a ia.-loti.. paiK ic J -k.' A .lui I' I i; .till .11. L M 62Hdm WitliRHA MairR ’M*ni.«ttva th« fp«i irtv Jiah itwl Sailatu kirai » • thaiiaintilN *hr ki\ Pmit itaihrrinit Thi- nair frUi'tfalwm driv« wa^ rfn tdrd BV MWV J K HhK.^ At o>p ji|i\ jii ni««fine uf |N» Katrteh (‘ih/rma .\MMrtelMin hrM ai Ihr Harertt Street VH* A at S n u [ ^hir\OMr» imluih- r»i*. »itr Nf> Nan Hradlivif « “hijr Mio I*iif4ah> fnhnrdra Nilhf iwM riHt-i-*! and « Hicahmif'iin 1> .ill • Artm- ihdlla'ali’f* «ifr Per ilm* Anrti-r'* iMunitwr Br ■** y. JomH’% it r.ivPn J M IlnHn «a>. leal SfirjKKin« and Jamr* A Hidl IPinHirar^ |Mllhrarrr« •rrr Hw-Iiit' A Hinrr W K tlark ItrtMMi li llarrik iinmyti irnr-o Jiihn K l.arkiAft omI t* K IliilMmiin t^irnto |Sirr ’ tira^ Mm Ballmiinr aad lirrim'ri Hrimn klmorr Im'ant*! merr m4*m hrr^ «?t IIm- U.iP*iah i1i.ipirr ol lank*! Im *ucw a momcii fnrmuleiMl plant for a maMive voter rtcMraiMin Snve hi the ^le The sse portiripanUi alie (he foHndatiaii * crcetion «f an Sleie AMesiht M^h CeroMiia^s IS Miteleo le (lie first NalMu AsmM) to he hcM 62adm loathooa hMoadof S Atlsaip WithRHA Drive Oa To Help US Colleges ihiM. \ itiajiir >mIhhi.iI «’.Mii|*.iiKn li* pain ina^o 'itfiitiirt hit' |n i itr Mark hiphi-r titutaium w.i« kM*ki*d nti la'>l Stiraln in Mith a nttpinp • h.i! Inker Ih a I«|' M.m k k-.tdrf kTha aiHin niii-* Uttnm- Ma- Ntamhi't t prMirM« m >hr >4... k t-MnmnmMx m tin- im;»« )••• raviM- n I* Oh «i4 t«H hid vital and Ihr ih4 i.h hlufaiMin Arthur \ t'k-itiM-r rvcrtitnr IhrtH'hH «•! Oh I iiiiiHi Nricru iSev MIA I ON P. ?» ST U« IS Mo The Hon MIkh 1. RirhardMH) Secretary- «t llrafth ederetH.o and W^ *‘>rt ndl addroM a Federsl • r^Hirir' lunrhemi on Mnndav alirriHinn iiil% at the N.diimal I rhon t.ra|tHr » GJnd .iiiiHui ronterence whKii i» U'lnp hrM Jtil\ to Aueiad ; at itn* nianr Park PtaiaHntrl m >4 l4nu» AliHMiuri Sr«retar\ KirluirdMin nhn »a* ■«en intnoffirr in IsTn a* ihK naihm « ninth Serretari nt llr.itFh PdiM atKrni and Wrtlarr will (liMU»« Ihr federal pm iTimifni * r«4r in aMurtnp «i|Mal •topxtuiMiv lor all Antrr •I ai|4. Mi« apiiraramT will hr prr «lik’d «i«i AliHKtai iiHtrtiMip iw Oh «kMiuiip pimaii wiOi IH (.vHirpr A Hihv ► viium* IhrritfH m ihr \a lN*iui ni-ifari Hipht% tirpani '■'It** *^''***’ '*"**»krt rhi* kt'YiHiti .Mlrh«-«» wtll U’ •k'iivctrd iHi niphi .lull IIMHKttN. r ?, BietoN toentafteelheUair* ii»> Jah •*•• andttouMi Sadeu keiei'.r^ 1 . oheirine» tor the ds.v ton caihenns The \^er regisiratMn drhr %m dretded upon M one of three pro>eri» rtmveMHHi mem hers would te vah-e themsrivrs m immedi »tel>' The other two were the esteMtohment of a iilalewide •nnel vetlere rommisoMin aod a Black eduratmn rornmnwinn The voter regittralion drive however wiH rerei.e primerv torus hecause it waa apreed that It waa ihr moat unifvinp |a’o|rrt Blarkv muM underiakr at thta time in the npeninp addn a» to the iimveniwn Krp Jov Johnann dated that the aim ol the timvention waa tn bnnp to pethrr Blark» at varvinp pnii liral pi’r«ua^Ktrh> int«» a ample lM«h In w«irk on mmvr mattor« •If iimimon mruernin alt HUnk pnillr Ml ‘h- »tale Hep Jnhiivm wtiii mi >» m ' Ihr innr i*H Mw h uMdv ill hi* «prrrh To 1hii«r Black* who «vi«h In work Mt*Hk-liH-iv«teni nptit no |n Ihnne whit v l»ii Hnrk nutvdr Ma uvMt-ni r*uhl iHi ’•> 1hnMi' wIhM.ivmI vinh-r t* i ivihi mt ■ S pm TNdsdiv ml Baloli Ca m phell mted ateut the rtipiir BY mm J e mnei At Ihe July Ralaiph Ol heW at the Harsetl VWt’A a Preatdmi commented ---w. ahle condiiiom tound m South aide People were found there who had not been moved frM ramahacfcle hauaea unfH tor humtm hemga At the aame time. ....w renters were paymg (he aame omounp of rent tormerlv paid to landtortto deapile the /act that Ihe Houainp Authontv waa Hippnaeil to re Mr Campheil praisad Mna touiae Utham prewideni af Women In .Artton and other orpaniraiMina lor (heir coopora tMnoftheinvestifalidn Heaaid (hat the Kaleiph toatiM Auth ontv torka concern for people tncludinp an at vear oM woman lump in unimapinabto dagra djtmn Hr rirniiKNird that a drainape TwoShol, 1 Beaten In Melees WARKENTON - Des- pUe the better than 90 degree temperature on the outside and more than 100 degree temner- N'stional Quard Armory, nearly 700 peraona at tended the Brat annual banquet which was held here last Friday to raise funds to he used b>* the Soul City Foundation. Pri|ur mwd all mean* thrv muid In trv k* kre-p •'oni in (hr Huddiitp whH-h had (wither air (itiidifiontnp windnw fan*nr inr that matter mt oth*’r rtveaiiH nf I'fwiwiani vmfii.itinr Thr audirm r hHimrd atirn •alnrlv dr*Mlr Ihr whfn» irmperaturr to Hotwrt J Hrimn spr« lal .\Mu«tani to fVrsMlenl Nivm whn loM ilir .ludirm r that .Snuf (ttv w.mfif n**i hr an all black « il\ or a dm^hnMnf ra'iat*r|wraitkni Snui (*ilv i» not In hr an all iM'k ctt> nr strnnpiHiid of ra«tal arparaiiwo ft will (w a citv of all ra(*w To Macks it •rnwfe wr arr abmii in a •hare in ihr luamwtrratn of AmrrK'an lifr thr naiitr North faroinuan datrd Brown also paid sprcial iributr In ^Tovd AirKtuack thr iwpamm of ihr ettv .md thr prrstdmi of McKi^Hi^k Fninp prisru Hr ctird thr vruasto MrhiMiisk had pum ihmi^ during Ihr dav» of tlw iuvrop* andsH msm Wtht'ariama hut pavr vocal raprrwuoni that McNtMK-k (S ahnut to *rr hi* drram romr trur flihrr Dprakrr* on thr pm pram incHidrd Kdward Unttml from Ihr (topanmmi af How Aside from reports Ir. this week's Crime Best of triolent deeds (Baa NTS BnoWN. P. ti A(phas Cine m wf\w ..iiMra r:nTrrp- Hr rSfd thr strup^ 1 Beaten h Melees 5r!cn«ili lud Ihf d.y 11hr boyrltt ■ M Nwik rw«4Ma In mitin fnr nri npnMwn. McHmkIi m im MCXW untMEf LCaD- KCOME (CCOHD " lIM- 1*0 - BTABOBHJUL-Wm* H **^ * HHI TW Arm, mmhrnt ■r». Ol JUh. r. IkinM (man H ImH toa mhm hr ■M > Kul) - - -• edMOHMOi I 1 0. ». liMpa *«■ i*?** •* Im My n 1 MkM. Mr rwk. Bhn » rliMi 1 —Tiiw. ** ABImm, C ■n.(vm M * m 1M ’• Mll-»M IBM., ' " mtm ' M irm Hr M. *n • MomI) My M t. la. — — —'IHf«taAn.y •nil • ■all t«Mr«L BBmli, N, • Mttn ' 'Me, M Max trInHer (ee «rr ■ I HI tp p Two Claim 'Kim.*- V Ihi « rilihtiHi %*»iH ■» 't{t.itHint»i« ripht iHi fh* fHHi intcpr.i 'I'Hiinf rtvli’ «n. i* Uh- •l•Hil1»: ’■Cltlnt’ *i l|M..t| 111*111 ■>! I” .ill •H \tHi U:«« «•Hiirf'itiii -.iv riiilti .1' It W*Wk N.fc.i-ltMl ■ .1 IIMlU At'ii «ll.*’^i |(,,U.w! CAIOIMIAP IsfrMNtufKrs fwmerRahigh Teathoi Hew Serves la Kliutoa Appi •reciation Money Here I .•I ' '••i' f{,iii ifcti SrrJHt.vM HO«TS. r, 2 "Miss Black Teen” Finals Announced « * «*• ” cop-UMjierl. wmiu». l^pu.p^’Zi.'TpSSi^^ Si tiirr.Vijrr(??r - xfA yccK - r»i t'AI of 'tadioor. vtuar* CirJr* Cr irr vuJI t- ih# etit t Ihr MicaiRf *nd r«?* j»ic ftnaU Ol rhr Mian pt.ck .•h* *f- (nrtlca BMia*. •ponaorrd and prr* •. J • Hal Jkekaon riodwctio-s * paproM ffwttfvB lovrt' jr't 4. lanM rnr,(#ata'-(* rrw if. matoa. ranpu.f t 4r fr^ r. IJ to 16. Thc top rrci-rdt: acts win alao ho or. hand to aalfflatn: SoM • Hrii (*A«- ay**) and Ow Sialrairtu (**c«b ChlM“X Hal Jaeham; »8l act aa aiaalur of errrmonirs. alMar by aiinntnf Jgn# Kalh. (ha ItTl Mlaa BUch Tsrtac* Amarlaa. prtaaa tor iho luck) nrat. waa* wianar inciuito ’'l.son, k te to lloltrw'iod and a trip via UWam virttort lo thr CarSdwwa. T»p n...rc prrsons added Ih^-tr •utrr* to Thr CAFOLINL VX‘» .r* ipprrciattm mowv*. ■' l.*i i.f hu l«rr Hrt^k. AJra, M a k Bnaru- fim|amto 1 Ha«klr.i -rr locto wpi* or* • T'. Rom Ic^ wtiA Ihrs M * 1 ?.ric rj^u.. rUta, found nar ► IT. th’ (Wfr 12 advrnUr* fTM.,1 -y Hud^'r-Mk Drpan- .T.rt •irr tp. locatrd M 319 Tp 111., straw ^ MU Haw. kt'* aatr# apprarrd in thr Rhodrs riiT-naufr Co. od. Hi** ku.s t~ idr$ at 133 S Tarhoro Poa • 1;; kt idm r itr- Purr Co, is locate i Jt jr^i i, w Jlmtnptflr. Mrrr*. I rraoe-.* who srr ft.«lrr an.m t' rclur.t o- thr torirv Paf-» i-HCtTr. NOTreitrret- 1 to ‘hr r.Hrcha't* t nl-.rd, hif co rr rlP.«T r It - Nfier KINSTtiN Ralph A Rick* who tiwmrrlv t a u p h t al Ra high ^ CnwhvCtoifirld K I r Srhuol and J S lopim Hiph N-hnof*. srv rfal vrar* ago !*■ rvm MtMnp a* Kin*io*t arm iiHU'ptmrtfni fur Thr i ARii I.IMW ■** Ahrait iiriii'’ Apprreiotion Monry Bwlt^ .1.. » . ,ru.r... ix yiuh-l w. S ( hut lulfr ntfnrfl !•> Knn«. .Hr Tmn . .11 hriut prnmMHKo .n K.n.l..«. whN'h.ih .firhirn.'.. «r.t.i.| .nx .'.rtut.l..ir. Hr rrrrtinl tii. H y Wtl'rr Jetlnw.. f s«T..rh I m.rr .'tt m.jnr.ne .n h..l«w. yttrr er.iduilH.1 hr taueh. -r l.ur ' * in Kn..\..llr Beh. Irl. h.. .r,M h..ht ti.i.i ^Me rOBMB 1 rty r. y, Aside (roiD ripartB In tfala week’s Crime Beat of Ttolenl deeds in tbe atty of ilalelah. ocher violent sots of a more aerloua future were taking plaoa here, rwoplstoiawere uaed in aa many of the ertmea, and a boy la alleged to have ero> ployed hlatniatypock et knife to atab anoth er In the lower right abdomen and a woman ill-gedly re^maalble fo. Itead Injuriea to a 63 -year-old man. Tka acilOB c«l mSurwsy at 2:40 Monday rsuBtop wNaa kOaa Mary Rlaaan. to. MO Uoak «r ' Burn Avuiuu. to roportad . tava Mrueb Aadraw Hanry, iS. aama uditTwa, ovar (ha hMd **trSk aomatklnpi** to* eerdtap to Hanry. Ha aald tkni ka and • Bland fMlsa HtoaonX war» al kto hOMaa md that thay *'foi tolo a fwa." Tha man ratonad to Bi|n an • Sta Tiro SNOT. . ti CUMt epMlwn «■ llir an pun Mcliimd Eenrd Lmmit Iran Ike OeeenmnM 1 Heia iSm MTS SHOWK. p. »i Afghas Give CitY Awards To Sihohrs MVJ RKHNARix t -tsTMAS Phi leambda i Iwpit r id Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity j, • Hatoiph rremtiv a w a i d r d .Schnlarshtp Aid tn ifir Initowwui mipimU frfim Jew ti San dtntm High Schnol »ito to Ik-n 'luMrow Jr Henrv wo* Cl hik adtninmlratmn a* he. w Id the miwt deserving v*wma men of Him year * kemor ( la* Hewa*m.pm>*de«d(d Ihe *iudmi mufwit and a iemding fnree in pmmnlinp harmonioiBi reijiHin* between kludmi*. of ten tty the dHnmeni fd hia *(udM> Freddie Rayvnn (‘oMi nf Vs’dham Hrouphlon High waa aweirdrd 1i.\n m Si-hnlar«Htp Aid Freddie had an average of m Kt and rankh I n m a rlnua al At» Hr prevKHiHly received a Mwi Mesi Kateish Rntarv f'lub (tua Al.rN%S QlTt. p. ti CRIME BEAT .yrMw Satrifli g (wrwuj rolsre MW* MOTkWH * wvn VM ar f^u, w M to tmatets mtm em am mw MaHsiwsh ^ 22 ’Jr* *• J*” •- — Uaa at oseHaokam ttoir tortai '••“J* •• ■••«**». a u *••••( pMitian •• to fodoa ar »p»ma to um jywtos WMrgp* f« uggp am at BSra.’^SS: S iTTuS; oh toep MU tor -SiMUr- lea ««•! to to Vto ertaw S?? ■•FlHBtBf'* BOYTPIKHCI Chtryla Ann Caaoady, tS. tlS f. Haysrotd 81., SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK - -* ——• eem/we^^ *•» $y>ev« Ralpli Clayt wna Urn TEMY FUmiTUtECO. 1 11:34 y h« keytrlMd, tan., . lee, 44, tM See. Qnerry M4eae very utryaaeu «* her 1 her reelieee me nee leSdet le uNm ... tM Meua- Fer Oeeuy Xen u4 Uee4 rweSnra mt AmMwee Ml era «m I > M.een 'em asehut Mr. McMSIm. (See emit ssat, p. » SFAVT esexm DBKCim Allele: TMe yM1 eeM 4 S. ^ee Ihncraia yerate M neliM, tar ihu nerM. mertly eSer ' te eeeineiuMeM the cSy ■ *. 0r04l 4440 POCW CAKE. M4h, 4 S, leoe eeO ora , 4ete a« eom lent «e«k.ee eSy emckle eltteeek*, 1 Adeate'e 1440. Mnlr)B>, (rH3