0-: 4f UnpnadeiiHd Pnss Conference pv. • t. Five AIHE Zion Bishops Endorse President Nixon Political Move Is A First CAROUIKAM's /managing Idhor Vklim At WhHe BY ALeXA!»rDEK BaBNTS PHILADELPHIA - five bishops of the AME Zion Charchwjth with another favorablv dl^>osed In an an- preoedented press conference, held hX the ' Penn Center Holiday Inn Thursday, July 2T, without any r^ualifica- tions and reserva tions, endorsed the re- election of PresKlem Richard M. Nixon. BtUMpt wmurr M. Smith. presMMt of th* hurt ot Blah- opt ot th* trial tor., Mo« bO*. Ala., Arthur Marshall, who prethlaa orar thr Wh 4,a- trld. SI. Lomla, Mo.; Silliam A. HiBtard, Srd dMrkt. Da* iroa, Mich., Jehr. MUiar. 10th dlatrlet, Datlaa, Taiaa and ^eart4‘ J. L«*k«, uho bna eharf* of tha work on th* U Coaal. had no doubt that Pro$. IdMt Ntoon «at tb« man to lead thla nation for rti« n»« four r«ara. Btahop Jamra W. Saeior, with caiftrancaa in North and Soutti Carolbii. Fayoltrvltln. N C., had letl* dtaafrwir.ont and favn nvnn indtaaiisi cha* ha would |otn hla coOaafhi ibrtr tdlort. The prelaiea. bv a taleviacd CBS fireaa coifer«nce, piinfed Into the laaaef that llir\ fe,. • ere fhebid the aaiWn and the and on one accord aa« •'laoo 40 the man to heoi tene (he preaent needa, 1V> f^k (hat Nison waa ((vine everj - (time he had towanl endkif thr war. Iliei al lo hMaed 4I nhat •M* had lot4» to ui-pr>wethecor* Ik km d the Nefro. e««n(hoiirh le received ven llil|> aiaf»art In |9Sa from ih«e racial croie^ in ri^eturi- lowerd ftfl partlcl- pattu. m tht n>eli> aireamofihe kmericaj. »a» d ttfe. TWjr verr rtmsciDUB of tlip monr> he had made a^albbl.- to Mack CMnmunkiea A.i hit •. i.&. ^ Cop Assaults Newsman The Carolinian VOL J1 NO 40 North Carotima'n Lemdutg IFedtfy RALEIGH W C WEEK ENDING lAT., 4UOWT 1, l»rt SINGLE COPY He Lovejoy Plaque Ehs’AwardTo Moore Fiotnn Stated in Joumai ‘Any Candidate Can Win:’Lee Relevancy Threatens ortant, ToBreak Imp Says Lee OL KHAM - -‘CaiHli- iliiie,, whether I4ack or '.'hite, tb^ho canoome lorth with a prosress- ive and rrlpvant pro- urum stand a sood (*h;i*tl‘r* l\f llArmaa .laalAAS .•■oa u ttw maa to boat tka STtaiiii iModa. Tbagr ■Moda. Tbagr M ry » rSSiS In hnnerw tka ndt thist ht had towhfd «iidfe« mr. Tbry also loohsd M %mn ht had done lo bnproveihoCOB- Ittlon Che Nifro, oven BMi«h Is tSM trim this raeM troiB^ M BOitwe toward Ml poftlel- pattaa la tha matsatnaaiofthe Aaurtaan way of Ufa. wore eonoelooi of the Moeh oomaimttlee aad hla “aoaed Mereb Intdackeol- IBM mv not r. . ti 84th Meet Held By Lodgi [es ^‘Tke sun aMial coneaotte V of the RaloHh Oiloa Mwlrbl So. t a..* a^- .0.0.^ .Sr\li*«ll1* DURHAM • "CUMit* dates, whether black or white, who can come (oiyh «tth a pro(reaa> Ive and relevant pro gram Mand a good chance of being eelect- ed lo alroort any of fice within the atate regardless of the eco nomic status, sex. or age,” accordi.ig to Chapel Hill Mayor Ho ward N. Lee. Ma>iv Lrr , liwt-fc wan via. ha. I»H. son ih.. inp amvm- mmlid piKl in (ardnminantU •hiir Ctapri ma. d,.ciam Jones’Ann •yCRAILUB. MOEa “If you don't put your band (loft) back on top of that oar. I'll break your arm.” Theae were the worda uaad by a local polioe offloer laat >*inHai> aa Jones^Arm lUTOB LBB Womanb Honondfy ChUnn aaeail caarvaltav of tko JWrv nUv UdiM hiM Ihvir mwl ■otllat at Hw Uhlaa MiU on Tnnah atal lafo ■W.li.. in Vwth ramlina lor Ibr KnaOr l*.n m lltr SpriM IVT2 i-MV m 1>ir Nnrth aioollBt ot Hw Uhlaa Mall on ' 'inlral tan. Journal Sovik Krttl. Tkn tnmt not- p*’*''*"’! '•> 'hr uiHimt. ni ikr doal, tko Rvr. Umwl Mul, ' ."’•'"'J ''miralunnnrtl- —-n. i_— MtroB let. r. ti Money Picked Mrs Bertha ScoK Herndon «ae honored recently a( a Hr(iremen( Teetnoemal OiORer given 6y her children. Met- damee Kathleen Henrv and ErseMinr Bailey. and Lm W Herndon The feMtve atfsir vm hr(d at Carey C Jones Meinori •rauBUBB. Bonn '*11 you dout put your hand (left) back OB top of that oar. I'll break your arm." Theae were the words uaad by a looal potloe olfloer last Sunday as he handoullad this writer, bahiad his back on chargBs of Mieadtng and carrying a oon- oealsd weapon, naithsr of arbteb charge «ras true. He also searebsd the front of our auto* “oWle. lucidentally. crablisb. joma Hargraves, lAerfam ToCoahb iTCNI. P. tl Coveted vl^Park. Apn AiiarosHnnIvIy friora. cn-nnrfc. prnoiam. Tko kad Owlr aanalon Inst MonSiy nlRa wUh tkr fnnd nnlranf prsatdiat, Mra. Oorolhir 0. Lai4t, Mro. Motaao Mad* and Mn. May L hratdio. Gnnal mankor via MUo Aiw LanSy, tSw iroaiki oarj la- laraallBt tad Ibnaly ramorka. Rar tiW)acl naa Farfallku >ka Up By Three #wwn -w. a we»^amp MW Thtogo Al NHher Coltk«. Mmv besWiM lhoi«Mo vereonpreo- Md by Ihle ipeiher end all wmoM onjoymi her od*eM Mtoensily. Weeds eunot he ionnd MOily to ihnnk her. The grond eobkiet eftieers were lotrodoeed sod rernsrlv were made by ow grond prwsi- deM, Bev. Miaia. cioslot marho were by Grand llat*c •4TM MKCT. P. t All three wlnaero claimed Ihekr HMoey b The CaRO- LOflAN's new apprrcladon money conteet last week. lira. OoTlo w. Sovage, Rev. Mra. Addto Norwood and Henry Laa- eksr were Ineky wlnnera. Mra. Savage, who lives ai >t9S Eastern Bo«devrd, found her lame ht the page It ad* vertlaement of Carter's, he., located at 1» t. Martin Street and alao ISI t. yurtin St, 'dee iPPRECI4TION. P. !• I'A relaiuea era. fvmer Mudmis. and ele nteniarv high ichool. and college claMmatea joined in the cetehrotion Mra Herndon began her cducaiien in a one teacher •rhool in Wake County *- Scoitt Clrme Stnee there use no edurational opportunity tnr Bleak* in the area beyond thr«iklh \ear ie*el. it appeared that her formal rdurattormi training wnuld (ermmeie at the tkivih grade Howner the wat athirdrd the opeorlunity to li\e in Durham and attend HiHaide I’ai'k araduating m ISO llrr i-nltege iraming wa* rciiiird al Nnrth Carolma Crtiiral I nuenuty Durham \dT I'niverutv ftreenohofo .I'id I niiiThiti Haleigh dee vrOMIN Id, p. fi Award To President PHILAOCLPHIA PA - Dr Richard Vernon Moore, prew dent of Bethune.Cookman Col lege. Daytona Beach Plana, ha* been the reri|Nen( of ekanv nut»ianding award* for hm mimrrourt and varied conin button* It ha* been tmiiounced tn the Grand Ckalied Rider ei the Impnned Beneveleni Proiec me (irder of Elks of the World Hobson R Reynold*, from the Philadelphia Headquarler* M the largeM Negro fralemal organuaiion m Ihe World that Dr Moore ha* agat-* been etied tor hi* achieiemcM* In bemg •elected b\ the Nalieii^ kward* Committee lo receive •he cmetrd Elk* Lm-ejoy 4ward Thr .Award i* preoeni rd annually to any person who hii« made a great contribution toward* the ad\anremeni of oil people The Lmejm Award wa* raubhthed at the ^rand Lodge I'mnenlion Auguot 1*4# al Sen Krani*i»ro California It* (irM reripieni wa* the Monorahle Abred \ DrtMoll who at that time wa^ Gmemor of (he State of New Jerae* And vim-e that time mar\ dht»n iuikhed peraonaiiiie* haie re cened the Award a (Hmg them the late Dr Ralph Runrhe 'dee Ml MOORC. p. ti cAaocBOAK HtAoa mmAN ArrABH DEPAmmir - t'"’.'* •nr ^ “ EateWkra Dtraolor of awA C. Coaiwtaaloao r «o« OIX HamllMa la ibo float Haok hi iWoaara htSoUkt moM or ofoao. (UM) , AC.; OaaiBoD; I MoaoB Amira b, Ooo. Joka > to kaad m a alala Siaan- Som Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK moMPioiUYiiaico. Por All Off Yo« uppMdee Heeda Su? '•»'"k»l Of UUiul hMaoaailonU A^rt aj^ na Mack kljBCkoro aoo* paM a mUUaa datura ■ mmm awakj aad fctadad Ur AUtari. AngehDaeis WiK Speak At SCIC ConeentienInDidhsOnAngnstK Al.TANTA GA - The South hr held August |S_ and a mAtkp •* i * ...a^.v.r. wrw — araa-.wwwin 'W nriO AUgUSI 1*. aiM] a BUbllt Augtml 17. mrliidtng ference 'SCLTi annouaced tram It* natmnal headquarter* here last Thursday (hat Angela lhi*M will *peak at the orgam xatioii* hanquM. Wednesdav August IS. dunng the isih Annual STU' Ce-veuttna in Dallas Texa*. Augnot is-lg other htgMqdd* of (he con veiMMMi will include The Preei deni's Awwial Report bv He\ Ralph David Aberoaihv The ■emi awwual SCU' Board of Dtredor* meeting Nationai Speaker* on lesueeef concern U> PrewentatMu of (he ergjMMxa L idniidng itan'i htfheet avardl. i workehoi^ on pohdr^. nnmm rommumiy argamring eduraiKin labor and uiiema iHinal isMMw t'ontuiual diecue ••on and »peakir« on Ihe crmientMn » theme Politics 73 The tliallmge of Poor People ' In annoimcing that Mm* Dnvi* wrtll kpeak at the annual h.irw|uH Ret Abernathy said Juet as we are proud of out support lor Ihe defense of Angela Daii* thmughout her tnai wlurh rereutlv ei^od m her arquiital we are very pleaied that she t» mne free li> hi lA rt an nrgani/aSitn nhirh *t» elwai* defemt (hat Iree dnni In m\ mdsinrail Mim liuiih wa* j Miimi fH pitliiiral repre^RMin wbr w d« pul on trial tHH-aii»e of Hrf pnlitM-al heltef* and «hr wah puhlN'h tried I1H1I Kied and iiwidefiined by tht- natmn • highitai idfH'iaie hHmr hbr ri*ai'fw*il thr riHirl rvNmi rhe Itirr ii AnuHa Da«ih wa* M thrrai fntht* h hw iihriii and tree TqniNii ni .,11«iH/rfM. Cnnimliiin bi'dh|UMrlrTu m HalUik will hi thi- St 4»hn the Haip(t«( i'hurth Mmi SfHith Matweliik Avrmir H,-t Kide-rt Rthmn pti*t(r it an St'I.C Natinnal Htaar.te’tfii' Davis will sfMk al the orgam sallaa t banquet. Wednoaday. Augual IS. durtog the iSfh Annual BCLT Gonvootlon m Oallaa. Texaa. August IS-lt OltMr higMights of uie cou- vouHonwUTMichide: The Proai- dtaCs Annual Repart by Rev. Ralph David Aharnathy. Urn ■ewt —Mil BCLC Baard al Oiractara MMT people PrsaenlaDon of the orgaalia- iion'f hl0ml a* ardi. the I r Martin Luther Khm. Jr •a ni Award and the Raoa Parks Ereadom Award Dr Kwig was president of SCLT from its founding m tta?. unlil his aeoaoouiation in IW Mrs Park* IS Ihe Mack woman whose arrest for refusing to give up her seal on a bus touched off (he Montgomery Bus Boycott of I95S^'S6 Ihe movement (hat led direclly lo (he esiaMtshmem of SCLC » •amwivim. wM mio Riieina lanal loaun roMuiual Aacaa ■an and uwakuit on (hr cnnronlHai'i Uiama PbIUko Tl Tha ChaBonto af Poot Poopla.*' In annauncma ikal Mua Davia »tll aptak at tht taMtl kaanuct. Rav AkarnaUiy aavl. “JtM aa ** are pnmd af our •uaaart tar tha dafentr of AnaaU OavU thraufkaul har Rial, nkicti luconlly aadW a> her tcauMlal. a* ar* vary ptraacd that iho ia now frev lo addrroo our nnrcnllon II lo uamriram that oho kao rotain od har Iraadom lo opaak. and rrpmnmm Uir wo* put on Inaf hrrnuseof her polilu'sl behefs. and *hr wfss puMiHy tried, cwniicted and rendrmnrd thr nation's hq^irst official* hrtnrr she fwarhrd thr rourt- ronm The thrvat AngHa Dovt* was a thrrai to Ihr haftir liberty and (rrrsprrch ai all cilisens ' Convention headquarter* wi Dallas wih hr thr St John thr BhptiM Church, mn South Matwahs Avenue Rev Rehert Wilsnn. n sstnr of »hr • huiTh, e an StToC National fburddnem The SCLC Dallas offtcr trie phunr number w ' 2H • 438-M71 Wake Forest Woman Dead; Brother Hurt NDRPOLX. Va - Dr J Arriur Hargraves, preaiden jf 9kaw L’mveriity. Raleigh. N C and Mrs Luvenia Ath-Thomp- son. assislani secretary of Labor and Youth of Lihana. Africa are achedided lo address thr Diamond Jubilee Seaaisn ef the Loll Carey BaptM Pomgn Mission Convention meeting here August aSepteirther I. al New Calvary Ba^tM Cluireh. ■n Virgi a Beach Blvd with the Rev iion A Reid as host pastor Tribute will he paid to the founding (aihera of Lott Carey wnirh has the dtatmctien M hni4 (he only black church organiiaiMn in the worid that has mntnhuted in foreign miisMinscanltnuDuslv wilhaul a div tswn Taking ii* rame from an ex Virginia sl/'--e who pur chased hts Ireee m (mm the tale of lohaccn and assisted hi iheeslaMiahroent of the Afncan cefemv ot Liberia Hhs Mack Baptist Otganitation has made notable mninbuitons hi the Alrican cManv s tpirilual and edurat «ial devefeipmettf Dunng thr lour day meeting al this Virginia city delegate* from hnih A nenra and several loriHM naiMim will Hear Ur Rendell C SemmerviHr. their E«e>ulive Secretary of Wash ington D C point mn high- 1^1* that hav e been of credit to iJm a RapItMv find their aseoci ale* over the past 7S vear* without a scan^l or mdisrre- Imn Dr Summerville* report will show where millmna of dollar* hav e hem rollecied and aicounted for dunng (hr ran ventmo » existence Delegaie* will also hear Dr (the Ml NARORAVEA P. | The Afmual Culture Night will JMfOpeas Tka CraktraaValtarflknaiaiU Caviar. kUM aa tka la.-,«o> katuaan wauihulaa, D.r. omI Atlaala, Oa.. uao oT olaBy apaaaO by top omctala of Bw CBy of Billliti on BaSaaoSoy ataraait ukr. a ha|o rfehor vaa cut. ttaay of Bw aatloa'a top atoraa am taealad lharr and marckaadlaa, k«d, ataoirta (Saa MALL OPE.US. P,.) CRIME BEAT WAKE PflREST - laves tigatMm were conlinumg Wed nesiMy morning followiag the stabbings of a brother and stsler which occurred here Wedne* day afternoon resulting m the death of the sister and leavHig the hrmher nuspilaliicvl .Matidr A'oung. 11. was found dead in her mother 's bathroom «i SOS N White Street by a reialive. Hemire Jones between two and three o'clock Wednes day af'emoor offer having been Uwhhed in her Irit side with a hutchet hi (v Her hmiher. Peter .Anthony Aoufig IS whnalirgediv ha* a ret'ord of mental illness, is tieingipMwtKmedinthecase lie wa* viaMied in Ihr right pnriton •H his chr*! tiiHl wa* admitted lo Wiik«- Mi-iiioTMi ll«*sfNl.*l .\n official at Wake Aannonal Hospiial told a CARtH.IMAN reporter Wednesdav momiiau Young was a palimi at (he hospital and was hkied in fair condition Coroner M W BmeiHl vaid that according to hi* investiga iKHW. (he A'ourgs had been drinking wmr and got into an argument heftwe the Uahbings orcurred Hnth Young* lived wr»th their mother. Mi* Novella Young wh'f wa» not al home at the lime of ihe stahhing* According to alleged reports. Peter Young ha* ikpent some lime m Dormhea IHx llnspitai a* a nienlai patient Wake Knrest Potire iluef Harvrv Newnimi. who wa* «iee WOMAN MPA P. t) ItHin OmrlaJ se tsttwis I* ptsdwni Is in* ews- Ui tastrwt wwa ta saw isw«ra% M* resisM* Nomef- Xsv« •f sveri. „ dM fsUe* Msn** Vh*» •• wswM Ph* IS ds. Bswever. ■ is nst sof psUUtn le he jads* sr •— ^ pwMNn Um Isnt repsrted *> Um Ifle^ fe Seep sat ei ~»s* Cet—Sk. aMrelv line r«eHi«i«d Sr yoa wsnX Ss Is fSe cr THROWN FROM HtH.SE Mra Lillian Elowrr* Lee 12 13 Nath Terrace C h a v i * Heights- toldiiflH'er E T Ben at 1 «l p m saiurdav Plat her son wa* railed hy a oetghhnr Mr* Virgmia Pn-rre and wa* asked to dn uime work Mra Lee *aMf that Atrx Pierre * huahand Rmismin Franklin pierce f7 7 Mecklenhwg Terrace phvsMally threw her son from the twuse Mr* Lee said she went out lo tee whai had happened ind found Mr Pierce in an mtoxicnled con dition and she advised him to stay away from her property The woman further drclar^ (hat he Ignored her orders and assaulted her hy knocking hei dowr an Ihr remeni Mrs Le** was taken lo Wake Memonai Hospilai. w here she waa treated for lacerations and abrasions to her eye. requiring • stitches, and M and right kner ahra- •mil* Pierce was jaded on an MtasaoH iHi n female rap iBw CRIMB WAT. P. It BlkClC AMD ail IIP HAM . Baaataai latiB, at kta *"** '—tly. Laa aia JItaMO^ It. u • Hack aaa kStar aaa. Ccartaiaa af fMaa ta aMarcev,, paiua «aH aaa uarl^aai elfualta ahOa aNanSliu laifali Hack ScMot Artaf a rtal Ikaca, ka aaa aact MV tar N yaara. Ha kaa aar«, taw of Hnaa yMr, _ **-!** •••-• Huaal U ewcMI. Dm ***|P??. "• •*» kaaama. la hit lanaa, ■>4kicaUy »aa~-‘' (OTO

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