£.:“-r r*. AddnssesUahnnUyBody NoChildWIIEMipeDiiigsd)iNin SBI Head 1 Sister Dies, New BrotberChargcdlDEilling 'Laysll OnLine^ The Qarolinian Morth Carolina*$ LeatSmg WaeUy VOL 31 NO 41 RaLMOI' \ 1, W’iEK ENDING SAAUesr .1 i»r.' SINGLE COPY ISc 1^5 I For Lock Black Invcivement Democrats Blast GOP OREENSBOilO - "There ien’t > child In North Caroline who won't hare to decide whether to uae Illegal druffa," according to Charlea Oinn,direct or of the North Caro lina atate Bureau of InveaUfatlon. H» uia (r«|w M nwijiHHU hav* iim taaid arawwa in no! Mw Katn'i lan nuMm nn wa ol Uul. Uw uir o aooUMl turd - and -.an *«> ham'l rvacfifd a avak biH rantimiM to Haral, naKially ui mar* alra r iMvily pnnibil « Gtiiltard coi i rvftoM «uctt iCCr (to him to ralifhin atland wUa al Sarth Caratoia AST Stoto I’aavaraii • Drug Ldaca ilax waak lian Warkitom IM wt«k Dm On 19724973 Schedul»$ —^SStnd to hato JL TSTLt Rald^ Shidenls G^cn i^dvioe lottCany Meetlooms BlackReallstate Brokers'Head Morses Sweeping Changes In Manf Areas HOL'STON, Texxi • WllHs E. f’arson, prrslctent of th« predominately f'lack \ational Aaaooiatlon of Ileal Ketat*- Hrokers. Inc., Monday unveiled fttAeriJing [ilana for ht» orjc:ini£.'ition to h'-Ip upgrade the nation's cities. ut the .'iih tmufl n*t*ninl oorventlon hep*, hr said NAUKH will sei up Inform ition center* to monitor the housing and oom* munit\ prohlem^ of oitv duellers. M. ' i . ^WOlTake ACenlun To Natch MIA\n BEACH - Heralding the historic Invnlrement of BIk- in the Uemocrauc Na tional Convention, a top official of the Oe- Ex-Mralal Patient Is ^ Brought To City Jay w, a di ____ _ nmgn HHaMs rMnanliaa vMI aaphcala n yaan at (lirMiaii Hitoeniy al Ihair Dumind Jutolaa calaliratiaa m Hiartalk. Va . Awpial Sdlap) a o( Una yaar Itw rtapKiaMt nalHNial organaalMM at tdack WAKE FOREST - Police Chief H. R. New som of tilts former college town, informed a „ u,.., CAROLINIAN reporter early Wednesday, that toyii; ckarctimwi ihai kaa he had charged Peter Anthony Young, 36, uf • the stabbing murder of hla 31-year-old alsler. Miss Maude Young. The imrtdent took pUoa last Tuesday afternoon at the home of their mother here. Young also apparently attempted to take hts own life by atabbing hlmaelf and iTTWQ KM uirw qiBTicrs m a ««nliiry tevinf m Omenp^mey M a crvdii to thr drvoiod smI •fliriost I I liidtrahts of rWigioiit lion It linwnnoiroloo Hiaf Mset poofrie rso m«n^ Hiaf Mset poooie both rolyo" o wmemtimy Such « crrdttsbir sdugvosiMil to o woll oonik^ SweepingChangesInUkanp Areas To Natch HOUSTON, Texas - WHIla E, Carson, preUdent of the predomlnataly blaok National Aaaodatloo of Real Estate Brokers. Ino., Monday unrellsd „ “tIt ■ * ' •wesptng plans for his orfpinisatiem to help upgrade ths nstioii’s elttes. faking at the gniup's 9SCh annual national oociventton here, he —«* ^ BltoE. NAREB will avt up Information centers to monitor the bousing and oom* ” DamocraUc Im munity problems of city dwellers. HdhKKi PKKmi^Mde. ToSilM'fHlt « ■tH'A Hr mhI Hm- hiOtM* im m*f Ut’jihtoiw N I(TS4N -Ilfi.u M.J; win till- u’mi'ri. '•iplUMft '« l-ilM t ’.illillK* lot v.tN tjw (H|4M triitwl In- I CRIME BEAT xut M.mV Ittitr W.||«| Mm Itj||di(i % HI'' «l«'|ikjr(niiHiK iftt 'l Mi.tr ibrt jrr im- tod^L.tiils ,.t lU, piniplf rH* Ihd’ir in.iwit'iw ||, iit*h raMkins: oitKinw m iin> ctrfMrt MtrnU w»MkUNl U itiiinid tn Iv *xj flul> ftuniii; hiKh crimr prriodii ('orwm brl»rvr» stroct awicrtnrii «ii| prrinrin Ihrtr Jnh* hi'iri't ui-tirt twmn nf €hwrtmi-ii .1,.,.., Mr wiitd thd- puiiiit tw miitifid ^" P«'» Ihr liilK T!»,. riiUEl olMt 0m USAL BStATt. 0 I ram RElfUh'Y Offlrltoi ToIky film Iwr. Wi OMfoir civM a nrutag Uwt* tumt to* MMW. fSlTM I* a*. e>Kgrgi, K u Dr. Hargraves,Mason Back From Mid-East t tonal Comrontioa, a top official of the De- rocoratlc Party aatd it wilt take the Republi can Party “a full cen tury to match the Democratic Party re cord ofroeaningful Black participation.” Andrr* Mum- diwtor at Mifinntir. p iiMon of Ihr Dr mocralic \.Ihj(uI ('nmmiftrr told. At n>- oilirT iiinr m Ihr hultol' N Amrnrwi palllm Btork. iitoird urh luoiij Jim err. jnoi o. LOCKury Chf Clerk NewHeadOf Association WAKE FOREST - PoUoe Chlaf H. R. Nsw- of thla fsTiner college town, informed a CAROLINIAN reportar early WSdneaday. that ha had charged Peter Anthony Young, 36, of the subbing murder of bis 31-year-oid MeUr, Mlsa Maude Yauag. The Inctdent took place laet TMeeday afternoon at tha home of thalr mochar hare. Young also apparently attempted to take hla own Ufe by subta(i« hlmaalf and was boaplUllaad until Tuesday. He had been listed In "fair” oondltiao at Waks Memorial Hoapiul, Raleigh. Mtok Tawu eu toad dtod cMTid. to Ik. hatorkiir to fM •totok Btok ramf llrcd rm Iktoi wkt.arwi kr.ieltolT.,Mr,. ito. eoMnae w. r. n (kntottii mtainty to unr naotoad JahUM ntobraliMi to iarfalk.Vt.. AafutoMtM a to IM. y«e IMi ir,p»iialil« ntotonal wmatoalwa to htoct ■atotol rhartoMMii tou ku Hitod Mr dirw gartor. to a tmtmy kayto, m ittorwyiat) to a cradll to Uw dmatod mi to UI. owmie mm tohrwal liiditilito to rtogltoe tl liniitoiiHi iS^C^uSS ■weMtotob. Sack a ciedMahM ■cWtoitoatoil to ■ utol Mnwd mkOt Mr hitek gatdwn «M ■htor narasuam ttoiaw into- hfkctty to okhMaw ktoto to Ik* -rw^urto, to-.a, eoww MmrsKmm im, r. n Bum** JoMi^ iMtwk t aad ^ . lA-ki riy'sr.n Students — — w— t$mm4 Sr m» ■MiBt •nirwh. 1 Ct«Kt Smi tndmmmn. wntHy •mtPt IB MBfUlf Mg •MM «B Bn Mi. mBBANT ATTACKS WIFE Mrs. U«tn ProMor, tO^ 71? a. Boylaa avmum, Officer M. W. Otrh«r»« al a.m. SvMlajr, tka^ kar hvuliaAd cam* IMUM about A a. m. awl ac* euaad bor of tabtec wvnaOiMf Mi «r bM oahat. SM aaM bar buaboftd, iamas Proetoa, at, Chan alaspvd bar M tba ttm aairafal Itmaa. Aa da* clsrad that aba Iban raa oM* pMa apd piebad up a ooS drink boHia, br^Aa M on Oi# alia* walk and aarldanUlly cW bar baud bi Iba palm araa. Tba woman «aa adviaad t*- tb# of* flaar tbal could s1|n an trrani afalnal bar Shaw University President J. Archie Har graves and View President of Development, Phllllp H. Mason, returned Sunday night from a three »wk trtp to several Middle East counirtei. The purpose of the trip was to "explore educattonal and cultural relallonahips with those coun' riea." have mapir rula and hurb frameiMf oiw influpfica in Ihr pahr^. pmrrduriii and •ailromr nf a ronxanfMN). a» wm ibr caar al Ihr If?} DrmorralK- ^'onvmlHMi Thr RrpuMwan Partx Mum- hatd 'ih t«M lil\ «hMr ton lit I rah. Mwidla »ho aH'i'nni|KifMrYl ilkr* fwtkMMTii* rr ma iMfl III r.,„„ I,, UuMfafj *hf» lb nrikirialh Imot Jordan mabm hi‘ hdxtir -ir m l«lnieh tfiidMitrkIhmtnr f* lntrrnaiK>ruii \ffaiY-. shan \ n>\tT«ir\ Af a TurMi'\ mnrninK prrrg lYirfrimcr I* r «• h i d r n I Marfrairw waiH •»«« irp fiMipiMNi lnmham'6- Ihr niiwwian of 5Uia» rnixrr»it> ihai « huildinie and hlrmplhmin* m hitiulinnh til nieH tiw nmK nf Ihr iMHir thr Mack and ihr iihadt anloiad Whilr in Ihr IlHbItF >:a«f ihr irm Mhiird l airn, kfxpi. Hri rtji Ito^niMi. lUniawtit .S>ria and Ahuandria Ihirirg (hr thri .■ •rrk iil«\ fhrir nffinal hotii tta» IM* I -iitrd Arab l4*ajtiir In addiiHin thr> wrrr IV ||l|r•ll> nf larHNiki lahinrl n-rrttbrr^ m thr ditfrrmi inun • iMPh ihal lhr> \iMlrd Ikhilr Ihr^, ihr\ inulrd •nrral in»tiiji»on> nf hiKhrr irarmitc im ludtnc iM* Naimial (Mt\rivti> nf f'aim Kimail l*n\«finlv Ihr ( nixmnl) of OainaMUk and iM XmrrM'a'^ i nnrr iK m Brtrui Shan I numnlx i> v 4011. «niHu> ndnnog4U In ihr.. nra h r^labiiwhrd I'Uiiaiih m tna ViddV ft.ahi to lurihrr drxrinp thr rdiN-aiinnat and culturai rrlaimntihip hr»»mi iKmi YM’Day Camptmb luRdkigh iB*» ML BAUGBavVO P || Money Claimed By Two Here WbMiara eoaiimit .c, naim mmef In Tba CaROUMan^o MW AigraelMtar Umertm* •mo. t^at woak, two mora vtonaro elalmad monop bt tba woakty ffoMwa of tbto bo«o* Tha mrmbrr> at thr nMnd north Sirr*' YiH*A Bo>- ('amp havr rfijuvatf (tm am sfan^p rarrra«*nfMl vatAa durmi It I cMiiina Xa» 4 tbr camp akK-h ih %ihrd"Kl for Auiunt ir % and cwufiHdf-Th * Tlrrrd bu» (np h. S (’ for ton nhHbhraan ai mm K*ll Ihr ' > m in p m nilh Ihr rdy afiar an rnjfnalilr dnx al lha hrarh (hi Knda> Ai«iial 4. |hr annual famiK p»cmr for thr Y%t('A Rmk tampar* and ^hatr paranK « «« haM al PulUn •‘orb • ith 'niminiii I'Ain ndat. Mnx*h and lui^ina a« cMrf rrr'’**N»Kinal tralurag Anardh «rrr prr«M*ntal lo lampri' for rxeaHanrr aa Inllnw' Homnan Huduop fi-gl InoiMil pia>ri Jewaph Brown, brhi fiwhkpfhall plnvar Rur^aM (■ft Tir BA*. Thr Bakr Amwh ijIkui hrhf iit anniMl mrciifig al ihr Prmi (bfH-i' iupiiM* I'horch near Kuouv ^a^llkd im JnJv » and B^rKri J f» l/M-bh*) wa> rircird aw ihr iiMidrralar Thr AMN'iaiMKi cnmprmrh churcM-w ifi Nafth and Krankhn rnuAtir- a* will aw Wakr Rr* IiOikirY iw wrfiknuwn m fialriKh aw a t laftwruntii t* trhrr H** 1^ a Ktaduair nl Shn* I'nivrrwiTi aiwf h.i •imt*- arad ualrw .rka' Vra \iak I irr w'»\ arid \ t (i.n,, vifk ai JhirVan He- na« had nidr lAprtHtH* wtirkinc with |ir«»|.i, irrM jII «alkw of hfr Hr .w pri’M'niH pa«lnrtna SI Mailtvw Kipii'** ilMirrh III Rtlrii^h aiMf f*traw;inr i^rinr dupfiwt I '.ur«h U«*ndi'll nr iw *»iari M Hrii UtltiT' «‘ hbt I i:raiu4'> m m,. , wtt* n* lirrrtiwrtoM* r Mr. Yowia i4o bM A ro* cord of mtnUl Mbonooo, wuo aooallMOd ty poltoo igflelAM boro Rortljr aAor bu oMlor UM doctarod dNd. Ht wm •Ubbod In lb* rtgM portkm ofbM *odl. CUrOMT M. W. BMMMtt mM tbaf Moordlig to hlo tnvoflltu* Get Right Procedure aueb homrrtli nad naod nccoibpliMi Omm howorubli provar wMM mhI rohgMii. Mnrb pnwor MSooMd wWi grotu Mcb Mwur. cun do wbM pnaorly ■ibuinmirii Md cor roeUr cbiwMlud Tbin j. , a* a buMMMorgMiiaUon M won an drMdbc vMo nnd col U o .4 arfiiwd buforo tba u. .-uuii iHHnge” Pagtamh Ail' »WM6Mt iMckldM MW- • I ‘ im pnvalc AhD droppod out et a Bnin^ mTmmiI ImI yoari wbo hioo imI rrtwivrd a trhooi anniaMMiil i* •hr mad for tha coiniRf tcbMl •rar wMnh* portni hvon m the HalriKh Oly SrboM dMtrici Uwtuid tmiinn wHhom dolnr. inr irhnot ha think* bo ihoiiM b» awwicnad or raN dw MBo*^ _ ikwf pratoaa arrarikaa to Unto CWtorary to nrtalu anStoa Say asa, baa aaa totakitlito oratari aito iHw LtolCaray kaa rtoaa atom totob otoMmit IMt ocmalialtoa al flw Nam ebareb s aMMy m a aiArMaal tana to aMs tmaanl m Ola to Ns tn Ihr ini inrr ha ‘niir Be Televised «6Aaoi a f) TV Ira-r* If At 'Hl'irt • a m •*> •nd mdrd , Ihr raturn >(• US Medics WillMpct Next ^ eek KAKSA. city, «f. - A panol of .Uv pb>oletoAa and boha.orial ecimdala wld oi* »mlr« aocMi rmoomlr und rubural biflnr w Mick A- wortcAn fbiT.ti, .ifrang rrolti procran: rgdt-ir*- •>* iV Enauot eonromioi. of iv smiiwwIMoo. leal AnooclaiMn "eai ««ok. enfftfed •■TM Btoek Fam* Or • Fae «>' faaUtv.** ib* pnnol In rspiwtud (o prod'*. • wrnii KF» TfBK, K. Y . Tb# fi nk of *'A gpcond annunl ‘*M1m Mack foonneo Amorwn'* Pa* CMbI win b* ftvoQ Mtlonnl «ol* ovwleQ oyndtenftnn Ala oum- mor, locordbif (o ttni Jbeb* MA oMe'^tv* prodocrf of tb* Fneownt. TV 'ncoAM wtt bo noon on TV ain't UTVDaTV do Mo Jiv. Aufuf M, fiwir TO 'lp.r. *'Or tb* MOOAJ >6Ar, n(-Caln CtiHipnwy and Pa loani oMIort «g1 woosor tk# an* IBM -rr* 9*4*00'. P » Only 500 Tested For Sickle Cell A ll i ii i f»aaatoi»-«toto»«totoB»c«!4a*ito#«toto^ Ti?522M!I5 "OflT**- **Ck»**» - Tratoto. N. * . «:>.*?» “*«. H to ttoato-i.TSbTiria’i; ***»."*• to taa, UN a toiM. raad*mm ■Wiiiaw pans Mnto thmr ray Pom tb* bnaiilial. (PTO Laro) Ntoasy, tr. al 119 l/t to. Carvar Mrart uS Rtoi.it e. Mwnto to low Mirttor It. (OStolkt) vm (h. to« immi vMntos to Ik. «MMt, **btoy*s Mm* toaiarml bi flw Saltolk rex am’.le. m am MS It, Mill* Mm CmMtto TIr. CompuiyW Mtorttoaaual wrrltfl MmmI*. Mm*. RtMWi PCX WntM to to- stoW to Ml w. Cabarrw M. “fl "mt OMtoal TIP. cam- fbw AiwiwruaMM* a a* xiw ytSHC. Otoy akito MO to Haw LMO toaOHto kiM bam laatoO so tor to a rsatal Jjtota ^ iWaiaai orayram to Aoprociation Money SPOTLiGHT THIS WEEK d**r ebe ig , Eft'' ^ Mmedtey In I »T tbO( •o Mmto w> r«| I fiormt (be I loduUe art eel _ or TOMB ) Md Ml ' hi ite fwiif eS ^ O MifoerlM IM n^^a^gTIl^ twt toM ■*» pMltete, nm mhm mmatr giilpwite hi Dt NATWAiHEAiTHRXMisa). | ssa;.^r.*xnsrc at^^-gtoSeTCaarsaas; . „ . I toto Mr a fltotat paaBwaa. m f —**' '***' ** * Masai by OsMaUM to Mi Par Hwtortoto a tmau T. rhoas* Prmr kto. MboMwosto wMiiwtte totoMMtomnau. Ma.aabgt.(baatoaMiltoatt (•»• cmum me r. n MOM* It. M Muap- M • Mfttre M ill R. T.. mi Them R. 1. Tbe MM gRiif M nim^ uw Tcrb ter vapd rdUNry. flTW) liiRw