H ’' •mp- ~r ForlOSth Animal Convention Over3,000BapHsIs An Now ConveninghRaleigh Session Being Held At Auditorium^ Church 'Sm Abo Boaho By OHkor'-Ahther Safi The ll)6th (leneral Hait'isl Slate Conventlonof North t arolinii, tiic. viill asst Ttble all of the auxiliary Indies of the convent on in all Baptlit Aaaetnhly \uir4*t U-l«, 1974 in the Capital City. Thr l‘»nv*MltHKl ►ix Hr f H '** villf yirwl IH 1 \ s|>«rr«u M-* |i fan rh«- » • ■inuft ‘ \uxii.ai-v ♦•x Mr' S* I,, M MjtJ. *H \h..'fcu .,,al Mi„ \t \ H'-i IN’ f' • \ I (iliat vts la -,«l X THi- *t*»n .tiiMli.it M ' -tf **la ,1. I J tA Malt,-- |ti .ia»it. |l.tpii*.> T'JlIttllt I iMN. l'llt'••t. I ^XMia i. S la aiftja ^rani Mji•^1.1 i ifa vtaltf,; a,Ml Iht- I -ha-»' \rihuf W,.l. .irna pr('*>Kli'ii( ■ Hr o 1 Mit-Ktoi Autit«rfiurii xiith turn«>) ♦'ft ‘tx I*!* 4-iinthifXf>cl r** h.ita iltl. rtM-tfjlurr adorrtia ol Ihi* ^-..sitiii uj* Kixa'fx ►‘X if Ka’-j'i" *' K Mjx» i •. f t -*11*. M>ra’'h«m'a' rtlk^r l^r M. f -itM- aH Ihf liip i-fliN |Na a*tirr'‘ and au Itffi' \iiia-rK j and tha wafkl latlta- ra-.ilUI- M'llIHlfM •fXt atflM-'-a-s* will drlixrrrd h> !*• •» H Hursim a Inrmrr I ariih' a |Mti|ar and i -iii.t.'l' >»w ikivtif if ihr Hnli 1= '• Ha|fif't 1 hara-h brtioli I- r. N \ Ih H I vl!i • xa-t utiXi-M-irHarx nf Dtp !'•»' r .ar*-x Mivunm ff y.nt...i. Ill \A H strai* m I .1 ffM •••! t prt'^idr’nl *il Shaiw I t >1.1' 4|h| prrMantix xkp ^•-'.•.f'll •>( Hank|i(>m lni.tilkilr j'ld iMH' N 14 th*- AakHirM * htii. h 'iA‘*mU>n |>r J >rf • a M.irtiiavi*^ pra'^aidenl o( Vi.i* I nix*T’aitx Malxin R iitaiaK \H Vi-wa I nitpd N.i l■^l,*■ 'atrfaipiitdtfii Vnfc t A-. JIM. Mpa \h4p N rtiuifi rat I htiirntatn (*hikl WH I tit I ttii.riiinat' If (hr ii.i|»rr*-l i ot.MlitHfi I SA Inc ..If Mtl Wti *1 'M- Kl'nrrai MNunono k i. 'a (.fill jf ihr Rakigh Mf ' fHl.t* ^udihfium Ihr Wo If laanxi'nrHW and ihr \(luD arr hnidind (heir (• |t.f'rfi,antji irn'riinw* at Ihr i- ’’ rhurt*h WDming «*- .»■ I M*f»»an Mrrela Dr C Vi.Mfl |M^4 !*• Nnidh IkpfMMimmt i» ('••tiim 4i Tupfiif Mminriat It..] i«i Ciiurch Hex LmDia I '....HP p.i%tor Ilia- HiMiflax Vhoiil and BTl I aher^ 4nd Lav iiH-ti imarfiiHair afr rieeliiid i' Vmm I nixrr*ilx UCopKidtciinc’ The Carolinian North Carolima’o LmuUmg yadtfy VOC. il No H RALEIOH. N. C.. WEEK EWDIWO SAT.. AUGUST 19. 1171 ttNCIJI COPY ISc nappe And Coalition 3 Rights Groups Join National Preaident Sayo poucevoMAK waacinf aiucni utaarr vio- LaTO* - Dillta; Pallaa pMIcaaomi Mrmt Ffi-taav saanMa a maa amalad aa a aarraai tar taaorrioni traffic llcMa AMit kar ffriff aa aami Aat). Narn.a, lai fada* atllear Bulan Vaadavaataa, an IW lira aorK. Pallaa aatf law at Ika (Irai m Aaiarlea to aark iwrol. . .| . pnviaaal) naaraa* tor maa. (IIPI) Beauty Oihure fe Big Business First International Petition Out For Rountree »pp INC •%msn e ^ Spearman StAng/s BT CffABLtt B. iOfrs A diffirauflit Apollo Hetgbta motlier ot Mveo diildren ome Into the ofBoe of The CAROUNIAN Thewtay iDomlng and related a ' rrrj Ih'tHuin.. fMhtor Thr SumMx 5ichaal and BTU (’nmusNMie* I'ahrr* and Lay men i'ffixeniMiia are mming ai Sha« rmvffMiv Rountree ap* lAt •«Fnai«. r. 9 Spearman StAng/s Keynoler ■nmAHIkx TiiRtlhrrnnMs in (hr Pre- diNninnnllx Riarfc Cal lege Ihnnnih fkhicalwn. Iniihirtn aiMl iIm- ('fNiimumlv.' w the (•rt Ml aaia—m. r at (Her l.iMi dck*Kailr*> atrs* m Htilriiih and ccnliTina Ihrtr alimlH«i iiir ihr mlirr wsTi amuiNl th«- ihi'nir A ( iiilrd WilKrtk" Ktf A ('nnlu«rd WFnrkI Tht- n|tmttft 4mm'iiiMx taeKaii M'fwLix rxniina AukunI 14 ai (hr Kafh'iah MniHfiail Veterans May Apply h BTCBABUBla. JOIta A dlatraufbt Apollo Heights mothar ot aeren ohlldran oane into the offioe of The CAROLINIAN -Tuesday tuomliig and related a harrowing atory of a- buae by a black mem* ber of the Ralelgb Po lice Department a- gainst her eon, first, and then hereelf, laet -Thursday night. A pe tition, bearing over 33 signatures, has been signed to have the cop suspended, pending an InvesHgatloo. ••■‘ra epe » ti Alliance^ Coalitions Cultural Show Is Set Togeth er Amerirn • find mlemniMnnl cwilurnl e&poMti«n d e v • i e d koM> f the nrttomw «f bterfc ■eoplr will be held « Sm FTMCKtfw't Ctvic CMler tar four diyi Md mfbu. Seal 7-W Called 'Rtock Quake'?} the etpawtion wDI Iralurr live prHnrmanmt h% name ol the wtirlds top hlarfc arntm. washin*^jton. d,c.* On August Me an al liance of two civil rights employee or ganizations and a black controlled labor union thratncal compameft and rxhi b«t>av»K ol the wwrlw af leaduai Mark Kwlalnrh and pamlerv Artist! srhrduled la |»nnici Dale in (hr event inrhide smeeTs Kav ('harleik R R Kina and Oladvs KiualM and the Piga muswiansSnnnv lUdlins. Bahh> Hwlrhersan and Omrtle ('air (nan ftlin makm* U • r d n a Sonia Sanrhr/ and .Sarah t LiveWill hr hlahif ( (• Ihr Free SnuihdMi. Hfairv . tent Hhum* i' ilw’ \i t Enarmhh- tht- lii.Ht. Theatre arttl Du (*fawi. K.ai Theatre ('amiMOx Thr ewpoMlHHi alM* will i«m (urealilm(estival|ji*pular well as darwmeftiarx iind w^h- cialtv lilm« hv traihna »4;hii direrlorv st'rreri writetw ar.t amdurvfs a sfitf(b evhih-t aixl hall of fatm- and a hu«inr'>' and induslrial evhtifl tn m tii rat. r •> uuuilllUUS w Together h - MM. NKLUI u TVOMMOII ukmasl tCATaeM Beauticians Conclude Confab In Miami, Fla. ForReviews A tfirijfi «Im> MHi-ived an ■'othfr ih.iM iM'iHfuith- Dm- cHara* tifHt. iiKiiiarv M-rvHe hn'auwi •>( ihu.: iim- m r«p« V»rr«,«a p AreaCivt MIAMI Fla Dr Katie C Whickam. pmudmt at the Natmiial Beauiv C u I * u rtatt’ Leagtir. Inc . m^ing in Miami. I nisa Halal. iuiv s bf^' luiv m i«» Auiiusi IK. saw that —-'v culture la the l^rsrai WASHINGTON. D.C.- On Augua 14, an al- llano* of two civil rights amployae or- ganliattons and a black controlled labor union wna formuUtad. -This nlUanoe fused the ayie of aruggle developed by the civil rt^ie movement of the 60's with the dynamics and Piiwsr of a national labor union. (hi thr ahtivr datr Dan Tavlor presidmt of thr Cnali Callrd- Black Quake .« .o- mpoaition will feature bve p*rf« inances by some nf the world's (op Mack Mntm. miwiciaas. parts, dancers and thratncal rnmpaatas and rahi- bKwns ar the warks af leadM« Mack sciilplars and pnialars ArtMrts schadutad to partict C la (n (hr event tnchnlr stasm >y Charles. R B King sad («lndys KniglN and the Ptpa. mustcians Sanny RaHins. Babbv Hutcherson and (Jmetle (W man filmmakers Gordon Parks Mefvin Van PeeMes and W'oadv Ktng. Jr pnialars Jae (Hrrstnfet. Charles While, g ltdaheth CatiHt and SHma Rurfcr Aifid ports Don Lee. Doxid Hendrn^, Victer Our. 1I*SS il.: 1:.. Thrairr Companx The rxpaattinn also will i« ' -r—iM if-a fare a film frsiivrl af pnpuiar av wed os dacumentarv and mm* cioJtv films bv lrodif« Hark directors, screrii-wnlrr* and iN^jhrefs, a ^mrts eshihd and hall of fame, and a tnoMnesp and wduslnal riththtl M niajji- CRIME BEAT I um RaUkffh'B OffWl*. r»lM>p III- Hicks Is hprsampe 'a m^S. ■ ***( (•vstea r. president imn of Black Cnntrwllrrs. Char Sonko Chtskbs DR |>:itN \Htl SPKAHMAN ThrlUlrich Areaofficr I S Civil Service Commwown an- •Mninrrs that rrsidnMt af Dus ar^who are inlrrr^rd in Federal rmnlmmeni can now , drt )ntt ininrmatten direrlK i from (hr Federal Job Informa tion ('mirr in Raleigh through a hdl-frrr IrIrphonr service InfarmaiMK nn rurrenl Fed real jnh ••ppnrtunilies. pmcH- are* fnr aoplving or spr^ pmgraniB fnr returning vet- errfiiB max hr nhfainrd bv filing tree ni charge i Mi igj I M>|(l«'alian fnmxk coptrs of ^nnoumrinmls nf rmMm inriU *ppnriunities and infor matmnaf pampMrt» will he m.iilrd on request Residmtsof isp* %ncA mn e t> Negro »wned and Negro operat ed busmeas in the t’SA Appreciation Cash Given To 3 Here The r\R(HJMA\S new Apprertation .Monex leature evpertetH'ed another grand slam week Iasi week avail three winners claimed monex m the weeklx feature nf this newspap m WOOLO • BC sooftfatit rroWED TO DEATH A neb atoned a man (o deotti In (ha mlstaben Mlof he wee (nine to sseaaelnate Kenya PreeMent lemo KenynRa. the covarsmem aaM Ai«w( U. Both the fovemmanlvcentrelp led Kaoja !le«a Aganey and polica dmied thara was an) aaanaelMtton attampt in tha tacMtam Atgaat n at Mjere, 100 milea oom «d KaireH. deports from tha scant asu t«w man made a knilt aDack on the Otvyearweid Keoyatta Osrbig caramealaa opanii^ a naw ameoalen M Uitnea Agrl- eabaral CoUega mid (hat tha preaMeiii'a bedygaarda epanad She stated that beautv culture had outstripped Ide insurance undertaking, tavern ewwevalHp and others end she was proud ef (hr (act that Macs wamen conMituled the ma)or*(> of the beauticians "Figures count, said Dr Whickam. and stadsiira from boards of coavnetotagx of xari eus states show (hat (heir at- b> far more heaut>''tafi« (ipersl lag shops snd schools and taming a gras*, amouni tar more than .inx other Mack project l^misiaru ha^ regiMnedovei li.iwn Heauiiriarw and of this numts-, nver 'l.iMi ar*- («iacR The slate o( (M-^vrgi^ regisip*-*-* ’( Wf ,f.. andmoiethai. i) siart '4ack Plorida haw Oil »(s registered rolls (Do Mock heautKtan* itnr 0(0' adrl lu (hr nur'(ef of registered another haH i* manx won are not regisiered •u' whi> are wh.i( IS vaDtMl (wwiilea operators Vlahaii 4 >.i(i liSHi (4a(k MatKuiaiiw tiM-re aif over luixioi Mark Vault Clans tn (he ISA ear* *11^ an apprmuma tx vitMPBttaffi weeklx im E Smith, Jr . organiser of ^ Nadonal CoalKisfi of Black Fedrral Employees, and Robert Businessman Of The Year I ipr. fwo mcarv p. t) thrk-Totor HoaondAt fKBaofnt frhFFVsBORd The Hex Man>el Phihp .XKOov. a religtos' and «v> leadet af ^r-ensK. « and »» -f I p h Counix wa* homwrd h\ nearix ps» prrsiins ai a lesiimnoial diiiiiir Frulax (MjIh ai (he l*•'lhll*x 'Of Kfwi- -NI' k successful purl wr'ter mfniwieran-tfarultx irvemher a* AAT fitaie I nixcTMlx Mx Cieaxe Mas c-tied (>•• nearix a doren ••rtf'-oifaiiom ha hts 1*44 eftnrts a* chur-h iiuitditxg and cmi mimilx ieaderwhip (Os* ■tpwonrw av r t> IHCTKdlT Mieh - TVierets ahsoiuielx no doubt m out minds that our Mismaas wiU be SttiTessiiil Th.^r p-iiphetic prorMunce- ment was madr fov years ago Je'tersonHicfcs. ag7yfar^ :tHroii Mack who rocenity was rtemen Michigan's Small Bum- iiessmar of (he Year Ir iM. Hicks and Done Rmd. a hmhnod chum, urganiaed V ung Men On the Move. Inc . with (hr primary goni of prm*rltn.2 Iruttful emptaymeiM |o, unskitled and unemploytd (•lack* The eailx going was**'* caav KM'f they needed a |ifii(liii:t to M'll and a place to praduce it Mor- impiiitant thev needed '•\|sfipnrfB Hk'Ss hit upnn a plaatic memo pau as something Ms people c«>uld rradtiv aaoemie mmI '••methMig Dial wouW mpn ' '.luinr sales ol a low price \«*v' hr atiained gae of an umwruMed MwMmg that was ItsM^rri. used as a howling rtse itfm men ^hecriue Psss CsIsom*. iix.r«iv S2ir rerhoiyff4 s, « esjj^ sarsfjs; CLSaitf ^ "2^ so wsi- , . —S. t? iftwSir mlf 'H,rr IN HKKI. IHICh Mrs JohnnM- Moe I //rl M WA'. Alslop.Street. (oldiHlirrrB R F JiUinson and J M O Shields at 3 SI p m Naliirdav that she was sweeping her Irani porch when she was shot m the leg hy a Mast fired hv Erant Chavis. 9. )|) Alslrw xllreel Mrs t ziel stated that ihavu shot her from in front of hi house Stacy Banks, who hves ■f tag*. Alston Street, alsit laid that he had an argument with Oinvts’ father and hod run him >4f thr porch at .i05 Afsion The shnetiiig lank platr after (he argument Marrams were *'^A*d against (Xivts (n hoth Mrs ( fsel and Banks rharginc MoauH wtlh a dradh weafswi with mtent to kill Chavis war advised ot his rights then pUced in Wake Counlv Jail under a hnod of ttau It « believed that Mrs Orel wa» treated and released at Make “ • ** Mtal aphv p t» X1WW.TV ana reiei Memorial HomnD CkmdMHtw llr^ kUHng throe persaas. CFD VIF rop ••MMS AMERICAII TICNAGBIC* CBOWM • Kew Verb: Theae three young ImeBoa hi tho efbr here Aiw«l 14 X. American Tasnagar Caataat Md Pi^rnm are a.R)k!tas VsaaachaaettaTaaaager. MaryBMhMutadby;Mtaa haahlogtrff,, r.c. Teanager, Vtvisn »ttkbis{ md MtaaOaocffa Tamage- Soainne RnfUna. The Pagaam wna haM late Aagnat 14 M Ihr Vex- York Sherston HoM. (I’PI) Mrs Cora J Wright of |.l.w Branch Street Mrs 2ena B Havwood of 21S E CaharriM Street and Mrs Darothv S Houaer of 121 Lincoln ^oiirt were the lurk) wmnert laat and each one won Si# The ad for Downtown Wig Man formerlv Singer Sewing Center located nt It E Hargnt Street, earned Mrs Wnifiia name Mrs Haywood's name upptarsd tn the Warehouat of Tiresad Thtattoretslocaiedal m ft Person Street and Mrs tSw APPMrUVMM. P. tt kWMMMMfWMAkmaiOMg The iiraulH ian i« tua onl* the leading (hi*>iim*s« pi .-•von in (hehUK k ’’r'lup^iot xhf ■* •--•i. prrpaiiNi lur hei tiusi» r*» than othnx in their r r • p r « . x • lines said l*r Uhitkait. sn.. aid that ihrx started 'iu* straightrriing the hWiM In hair with grease and hrat This required little training and skill ofil'. nerve Huy «• mm trttWcai, orepared to do their wiek S>h •Oer MAt’TirtaVf P r> Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK rar May liMvSwdiM M RvhomMv fricM 1 I Tvertu wBEciuor - cab m wakc copury . *—*** ■—» « wmNv. ew *UfMeN.«i4Mi 4 Im AiBW U. A e -rrMBir •. Apaw Tbt twiatai wraabaga of a aar la > bB by a Orayhatnd but m VA tt socih ranot Ita aoabor Ikm aad atpusb (he two aw)