Georgia legishferlnterviewed B ■■ ■ F* Ir.ii.-' - C ■ • *10. •rir-.- 3:vi. ■ a Press Run This Week: 9.150 McKisskk’s Endorsenieirt Of Nixon 'Mistaket ’ Bond J.Bond InCHjfOfltahigli 3 Murders In Week T The Carolinian North CaroUna*$ Leading Weekly rupiNo sat., august tt. 1972 single copy isc Blacks In North Carolina 30,000Unregistered Newtman Fined $10^ Co$tf But Pislol Not Concealed: Judge ^ - I A Concerned Over Move ATLANTA. Ga. - Georgia state legtala* •or and long-time Mack acttvlat Julian ^ond has termed >loyd McKtsslck’sen- ^irsement of P re st ent Nixon “mlstak- • ' n” and a “mlscal- ejlatlon.” He also ..aid that he expects to play a strong role In the McGovern cam paign and that, as a Mack, the addition of Sargent Shiiver to the Democratic ticket s. ». ft Passing The BatkHurts Tne Reform Knife, Two Pistols Are Used In City Slayings BV STAKf H RITEK During the past week, three men have been '^raurdered In the city of Kalelgh. One w«a stab- oed many tines, in the chest, most of his body and his hands. Edward Lewis "Culley" Massey, 41, 907 E. Edenton Street, was the Itrst victim. The others were, both gun victims, George Martin Ray, 20, 226 Seawell Avenue, new apartments, and Isaiah Barney, 49, lllTHolmes Street. Three men are now being held in connection with the triple slayings. a> M • wrll'knMn ihe* KitBUmHUh ~"'r ? maraersa tn tne cny 01 naieign. whb bod many lines. In the chest, most of hlr body and his hands. Edward Lewis “Culley” Massey, 41, 907 E. Edenton Street, was the first victim. The others were, both gun victims, George Martin Ray. 20. 226 Seawell Avenue, new apartments, and Isaiah Barney, 49,1117 Holmes Street. Three men are now being held In connection with the triple slayings. Maswy. a wdl-kncnni ihse rtpairman and a naiiva of Ralalsh. wai itabhtd to death in the MS Mock o( E. Lane Street around tl midnuiht on Thunday night. Auguat ta. ithennevtct) Ballentine WittsWake '4-N Grant ^CULLCT** MAaSKT Survey Is Released l*??!.j**?. *'5*'7 0»4. daywaiooThu^ya.andirta Rv V IT P believed that he waa aho MJj ▼ el^aiir e ct a $900 edoeatlena] aehelar- nuu-i-i • hetlleg^y was the wne victim of three men, followinc m altercation inti^ an apartment nearby The sUbhinc occurred olefiaolc telleotlDeg dsuiblor in a parfcinc lot. He was of lUv. and Mrs. S.U Ballaa. employed in North Hills. Pay- ) •dueallCBsl selMlar (Sm wAsa 4*11. r t, Beinn held in Wake County Jail in this case is Henry (So# 3 MURDERS P. 3) Evict Nixon: Cleric STEPHANIE BALLENTINE DALLASk Tas. • Tba nombar one priortty for blaek and pro- fresalvt poopl# ta 1373 la *to •vlet RMard MUhooao Ntson from Ibo WhMo Houaok'* Ralph David AbtrnaUqr «ld Thoraday ta a ma}ar addrtaa to tho ISth Aaiwal Coovontiontotho Southern Curtatlaa LoadoraUp Coaftronet botac hold hort* The 8CLC Proaldoot plcdfod tho orfsntsatlon’a total alaff and chaiAer roaowcoa aerota tho ■oulh and ta 34 major eft toe to work for the Meelloa of local, state tad nallooalea&dldateawlie respond to Ibo ooeds of poor poople. Ho said that SCLC*a polNlcal orgaatstac win h^odo intensivt votor rogiatratlon, oiTowa non Over 3SS.00P Blacks in North Carolina are unregistered, ac cording to a sun ey released by Ihe North Carolina Voter Ed ucation Project. The U. S. Bureau of Census estimates that there are now Tol.tol Blacks 13 years of age and over living in North Carolina. As of A^l. 1373. only 343.770. or 41 percent, were registered. John Edwards. Director of the North Carolina Voter Ed ucation Project, staled that if community groups have not Maned th^r voter registration campaigns, they should Isunch their esmpaigm immediately he pointed out that to be eligible to vote in the upcomiM Novem ber 7. 1373 general elections a person must be registered by October 3. The director of the rtatewide organization said that th*re are many things the members of the County Board of elections may do to make it easier for people to register Se\'eral of the mtst impe^ant things are 1 In all counties the County Board of Elections may order Newsman Freed On Cun Rap BV CHARLES R JONES On Monday, Auguat 21, i appeared in Wake Dlatrict Judge N. F. RanadelPa Court- room. Number 8. on chargee of carrying a concealed weapon ^nd speeding 60 rolle/per BY CHARLES R. JONES On Monday, Auguat 21.1 appeared in Wake Dlstrlot Judge N. F. Ransdell*e Court room. Number 8, on charges of carrying a concealed weaoon ymd speeding 60 milea per hour in a 45 mile per hour cone. 1 waa com pletely freed of the weapona charge, but fined $10 and ooata of court (a total of $26) on the qieeding rap. My attorney. George R. Greene. Sr., did a magnificent Job of defending me on both counts, for as 1 said in my article of two weeks ago. entitled, *‘Cop Assaults News man." Officer Robert W Soced- en DID THREATEN TO BREAK MY ARM A Staff writer for the Ralei^ NewsandObaerver. BobLynm. who has 14 >‘ears to his credit as a member of that newspaper's staff. CO mented on page 33 of the edition of Tuesday. August 23. as follows: Eighth para graph ; "But during sworn testi mony .Monday. Jones made no mention of the 'assault > charge, which was taler dented ny "Sneeden testified that while he was searching Jones. Jones attempted to break away and I told him to keep his hands on lop of the car " Ailhougn Officer Sneeoen made this statement under oath, he DID NOT TF.I.I. THE TRUTH, for God. Officer NEW York ('ailing it "Adjustment (Vnirr" ins "solitary cmfinemmt, prm.-4 nothing, rertamly not the pnaDm-rm* altitude, accurd- ing to Jessica Milford's first hand report fm the Women .s fietention ( voter in the Districi of ColumlMa. amHviimg in the )ust puhlt-Jied ^ptember .Me- rail's. Nor efor? calling the prKm a rorrectxmal CenitT d« anything i» change lh(> outmod ed inelhir^. and o\‘ercTow'ded and understaffed facility in which Mrs .dilford spent •Time" as part •»{ the program m D (* *s Cnme and Correct- linns Workshop where she parlicipatnd while on asMgn- meni lor the Amt ncan Civil |jht-r: t'mon ' •|•ea^^.^^e.•t• t-ni Mrs .Mil- t«ii JIti! ►ii'v,.. n Hit • , '.-*1 m ♦uua gaetNUt, ^ Coi^Aiid and under^ffed facility in which Mrs. Mitford spent ‘Time" as part of the program in D. C.'s Crime and Oomet- tions Workshop where she participated while on aaaign- meni for the American Civil Liberties Union 6 ‘Iesrrai^nient Mrs. Mit- lOt:. snd .itherTt in Ihe '4«‘r'.,.-hop (Sm ««trt aaroan. r. t> Cops’And Firemen's PafUpped WA.SHINC,Tt»N - aiary scales for lull-time firefighters and police patrolmen were about 4.4 pcireni higher in January 1372 than in January 1371, according toa study by the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics The average minimum salary (or firefight ers in January 1372 rose to 33.324 a year and Ihe maximum to $10,711. For patn^men. Ihe comparable figures were 34.454 and $11,217 TheMudy cosered l&icitiesof Itio.uou potation or more and was based on data compiled b>' Ih- International City Man agement Association. * suppte- menled by surxeys of salaries and working c«N)dittoit» con ducted by the Fraternal tJnSer of pnitce and the International Association of Fire Fighters and h\- direct imiuine*k h\' the Rlii bala were limited to the rank of firefighter and patrol man Increases in 1371 continued the 5-vear trend which shows polirrmen’s and firemen's tal- arie* ad(anctng at approxi- rallinn il • **'!***«>**'«• eL;. MTV. Bwltw Brova. ProvtUMv FBrw. A# ^■’Ytau, brosu Into tosrs as aht roeshrot an autrd tnm tho tadtana Haart Aasoetatte iMti " im 1* ***^*®* by donating hla hoart to Lotds El RuaaoU (R) who ctlsfrrsttd hlr 4tl Anr.lvoraary as fht world*# longoM ttvtag hoart traasplart. (UPI) coioorsMO air 4tl St. Aug.’s National Alumni Prexy Cited In Community Leaders Book Richard M Ntxon in llie last prt-Hidential election NEW York Peter (i Hockt leller for Governor, cam- Holden. Sr. prA.-idenI of noicn.. Thm Iwmi, AuKu..l,m... (,;v Si:* k, .RHorm. Alumn. A,-v..i„>n. IS meniimwd on 137 m the eresidenl 1372 » dtfi'ni ••( ::-|i\ l^eadersof Aiiiei. Tt>i-i-«ik is poWi».hed .uir:i;alK bv the American B»-,iiaph?ciiI |p*t|. lute, a sutrAidiary of TJu* N« w*. l^lMi9llsng r.inipaiu R.i- i*h \ (• i..>. *.. ■r7... Prrsomillties ..j the South, where IfoJdrn*, naiiu w.t^ first b,— - - - - ■ cs psigns The book underscored the fact that he coord^tod a ^milar group for President Richerd M. Nixon in Die last presidential electioo Augustine’s College .National iRHormi Alumni Association, is mentioned on page 137 in the 1373 editHNi of "Community Lenders of America " This book it published annually by Ihe American Biographical Insti tute. a subsidiary of The Newa Publishing Company. Raleigh. N C- has^ imlerpri-j- This v'o^iiponv nivii puHtinhes PersonaHtica of the South, where Holden'a name was first considered for his unprecedent- ed expansion and dexelopment of The SI Augustine's College .National Alumni AsMcialion. His name was «elecled for lUication in C o m m u n 11 y >aders of America after Ihe editorial adxistiry hoard learn ed that ^Ir Holden's rc'^tdence is in New York City Community l^eadn- ako cit ed ihe dynamic SI Aug Alumni Pr« >ti1mt for his public rrla- lK“'» wc«rk in Nru York City as well as organising and twice coordinating The Harlem Dem ocrats For Gmemor Nekon A. PETER G HdLDEN. SR. GOP’s Black Caucus Presents Manifesto Cl UUML Fla. - r t; rhoogh tba t3‘U Rap«k4lc*n ^atlanal CottvanHon waa pmiacxad aa not batageoatroe^rs-ai, axeaptpar* hapa from protaatora, amaattag of Ihe RapttbHean Black Cau* eua. Monday momlng. raraal- ad algoa of grava cooeam ths* eooM aaaily etoaa flarttag, that eoMd affaet tha irtva aow oo to lura blaek volaa. Tha flral algn that aomrthtag waa brawtag waa wban (ha mora than 300 black Rapttbitaana gatharwd for tba first saaaion. Paul Jbnas, top man with fha Commtttaa to Roalact tha Pro* aidant, told tha purpoaa of tha Iftlcal adocatton, aad maaaiva tiM nrecincl registrars to re alout tha vote drtvaa on alae- people at the poding “ Ms natiaw, Naawt- *•«» ^ !« Novambar. Hanotad pin^ m each precinct before maIa Sam ttaatfiMa IKsI ihla arfll InelnriA arMstalM Pm asTt raaatwaa that this wtO Ineluda organlatag SS 0" o*"* on uw Ht*ta MMur. TWt «• campusaa»»**wbare «g xrsot to yyrt PM M> 4#.,ta help atudtaiU trsarterin Sad iwMito ia« tacts £»»«•'««« slogan to a raalRy. as ws Ctai tasM wsma to Wa wtn alao work tathagha*4oaa g—mm oi i$. mhob uo .. .ui $. m MM TSSSUm coilttlon with oUmt IMrev. n* mUts cilOevr la rspsitata kf*t 4a tba yowa. Door DoorAla*a or* nanl, and tho haraaaad and vle(lmlr*^s worktag man aad wo* (4.S AacuNannr. p. n Tsa »«Bt to ta fto CrtaM Bsss 8LAF6 WOMAN. S6TER Mias Clamanttaa Hadgepath, If, gl3 E. Hsrgatt 81., told Offtoara w.l. Carter and D. N. Scott at 8:34 a. m. Salw- day, that rtw waa at bar ata> tar*a atis*T-'«al, 543 E. Har* g^ nraat, wwi Authi«r Ibo* ms . Stndtra, 31, add rasa ni- ksowtt, cams ta and slappad bar alslar a coi«la of tlmaa. *Dn hla way ota, MUa Hadgt- path daclarad ha htt bar '*i9* slda my haad with hla haads aad flats. Sba aidfarad abaatad neat aad both of bar aars wart cut by plarcad aarrtaga. 8ba said Saadars ta employad at Ktaibrall*a PumHura dtora. case catiu SCAT, r s> the election on certain days. For example, in many counties precinct registrsis ha(*e been ordered to register people the last three Salurdavs (Sept 33. Sept. 33 and act. 7i before tha hooks close for the November election 3 tn counties with more than 14.333 registered voters. Ihe County BMrd of Elections may «SM SVBVIT It. 3. tl Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK RHODES FURNITURE CO. For SaviBca Oa Ptaa Faratwra SAMMY DAW FTANDS BEHOO PRESIDENT NOCUN - Miami Hsscn; comsdlsa Bsauny Davta, Jr., stands bahtad Praaldsnt Ntaton and glvaa vitb a haarty laivh aa tba Praahtaat aald ba sad Sammy hava a lot ta aomraoa. **Wa both cam# from poor famOtaa.'* Praaldsnt Ninon aad Sammy Davto, JTm appaarad at bUamra Martas Stadium, wbara a rock laattval tor yotag votora took plaea. C^* dalsgalaa aomtaalad Praatoant Mxen to soak vMtbar tour years to tba WhMa Hoaoa. (UPI) masting aad aahad If ttm prtaa sbould ba parmlttad to ramata. A raotlOB waa mada that tba praaa ba aahad to wttbdraw. Tba molloa paanad wMbout a dlaaanttag vota and tba praaa (Saa GOP MEET P.3) Appreciation Money Won By Two Women How woM you Ilka to hasp 19 wMh tba JOnaaaa? Tba Jeaem% EUs aad Altoa, war# Tba CAROLINlAN*a aaw Appractatlon Monay wtanars Usi woak snd oaok clslmad 310 ta tba wartdy faatura of tbta nawapapar. Mrs. EUs Oi Jdnas of S3 MacUanbtrg Tarraca (Cbavla Raigbta) won bar monay ba- eaaaa aba pmparly klanHflad barartf sllar bar aama appaarad ta tba Lflaa Sboaa advartlaa- mant on page 13 of last waak*a CAROLINIAN. LQaa Sboaa la loeatau at 131 FayattavtUa 8L Mrs. Allea 0. Jon^ laaM waa totmd ta tba Itatoral Para Food Marfcat, lac. ad wkleb was 00 page 13. Moral Pva Food Msrkal ta located at SOS E. Martin Straat If you want to kaap 19 wtib tba Jonas sa, watch for ymr nama on tba CAROLlNlAN*a Appraetatloo Monay paga aaek vaak. Paraona who saa tbalr namaa ta tba ealama oa tba Monay pagam SHOULD NOT godlract* ly to tba marebaata lavolva^ bat ooma FIRST to Ibo ofOea of this nawopapar, located at SIS B. Martin Straat, ao that wa can Idantuy you FBtST. Plaaaa ramambar that Ika daadltaa terdalmtag yoarmca* ay ta tba toatima ta noon on lbs Monday foUosrtag tba appaar* aaea of yoto aama ta tbapaptr, (Sm APMSCIATIOM. P. t} St Augustine's alumni have » ■ phenomenal growth un- ^ Hi tden administration Wien the former Raletghile (Nasareth Section 1 was e^ied lo the presidency in Mav |3C9 St. Augustine’s Alumni* could rtily boast of six active chap ters. Three and one half year* later Augustine’s Km iwen- ly-tnrrw jclive groups stretch ing from Detroit to Chicago to itoe 3. MOLOBN. 3. t> USShriners der the Holden administration. When the former Raleighite 'Nazareth Section> was elected to the presidency in May I3to. St. Augustine’s Alumni could only boost of six active chap ters. Throe and one half years latar St. Augustine’s has Iwen- ty-um active groupi .tretch- mg from Detroit to^lcai^ to ISM 3. mucmh. 3. t) USShriners h79fft Convention WAsagiCTOM, d.c ■ onr $10,000 nut b. etna lo DMdr •uamitM Dm studnt AU DvbutiBM XTb.$kr$Mn oarla, tkMr 7$tk Auratl Coa- VMlIaa la Ika Waakk^toa HB- loa Botal, Aar— $0 ani«h baparlal tad Caramealal UaaUr Ctrl U Wlljoa ta In- Ptrtal Dtraelar oT Ika Otidnt Aid Prcfran et Hm aaptrlai LoaeiL Bvary aoH. laakn a ooalrlktaiaa to Ihla toad aaao- any. Uw SladaDi Aid Prainai ct tka Skrlaara warba coopart* (Om ipbimbm , n MBS. CARCLYN moiSOK Mrs. Johnson Accepts New Library Post Mr*. Caiolyo katj dobatu. ot Raloltk haokaaa nomad lolka Boaly craaiadpoaKlaodtteaid aaatataal alata lOrartaa wtib orkaanr raarmataltxiat la tha traat ad MkUe Ukrtry dartlop. maal aad Bw aAnlatalnltaB ad state aid. k laaooaetat Uw aow poal- llaa, aiato Ukrartan Fkaip S. Odflrlr itotad Owl Hra. Mw* aoa’a prtoury raapoaaBilKllaa vfll ka ta Uw araaa ad Mar- llkriry eeaparadloa aad lb# ad* ntalamilaa ed (adtral aid. Mra. Jktaiaaa, oho ku kaaa aanrkc aa a diractor ad owdta •arirtaaa (aktad Ubrarlaa) ta $ka« OatvorsBy ta Ralal—, olU baflB bar doUaa arUkUwSltaa IV. ». n