H ’ * ]r.c. korth Carolina Convocation **"*““"" This Week: 9,325 1 I SCENE OF death IN ««*«•«« I l»M flOTOtWJ th*. KM* •! »« S. E^a^M TWW I afttrnaon, foUo»l»» the dtoeovtrj- >» 5« *«»y ^ChtttxT JMiIof H U illll Kikww® tuf ^ ■ smltt or how hi* tody wii pUMd In III* own cir IrwE. Smith, M ihown hi ln>«t. HUdacompoiodbodyliMiliho ror oftht 1M{ V modal anloinobllt. Tuttle Center Breaks Ground For Building Mayor Thomas Bradshaw and Mayor Pro Tern Clarence Llghtner, along with Mrs. E- llzabeth Reid, the widow oi the late Jim Reid, were among the persons attending the ground breaking ceremonies Monday of this week, kicking off a drive for the construction of a new Tuttle Community Center on Tarboro Road here. labor Dof Can Bring Much Fun .Vs .North f.-.itlt” -w ri’tih to «-■ h the last tt,.' ' 1 and Uk* f.i ttw hlal'r ,v.i - J !-'• d't«’t rdforl to rtt:;. It - 1)1) ' '.I'l-ifristr.r ‘i’. Ih- ;.ist tti'nn Ihtir !- «>.- . l.*..t thf Refused Churdi Boycett Chatham Junior Smith's Body In Car Trunk Mystery SliroHdsMurda THE Carolinian North Carolirta'n Leading Weekly VOL, 31 Ng »4 RALEIGH, N. C.. WEEK ENDING SAT , SEPTEMBER 2. Itjj .SINGLE COPY lac U. S. Manpower Specialist BlackGetsTopPost ANGELA DAVB IH MOSCOW. Ai««te DtvM li welcomed to e meettne the 8evM Womee'e Committee bjrCoe- mooeel Veleotln# Tertehkove (H) In Mooeow Aufeet tR. UUe DevU told Mtmeovttee Aocuit W thel Soviet mgiport for Meek Amerlcene ''enswere the M>1rH of talematlonel* lem.** the Tms newt venejr mIiL (UPI). "Pres. Nbcon Would Break His Promises :"Mc6overn WASHINGTON. D C. - "President Nixon intends to break his promiees to Ubor if he menaces to c*t re-elected." Senator Geerce McGovern warned last Thursday. "The announcement by the Nixon Pay Board Chairman last week that wage guidriines wiH be Te-examin^’ in November M a clear warning to e\‘ery working American that any fair would jnr wage imi cut baci ement the r vei by CRIME BEAT From lUlflfh’i OrricUl Policr nic« ■DITOU'S ttOTB: c«Ihm *2?*^** KfSeeoe la Uw paS. Ue mufws »aa «b to«anl* •w metvwaals aavt nnnattoM that Uwv W sivte * Uaa of avrfcakai ••me MM !• 4*. ■•••wr. It u •M •« pMtUM •• to Jaic* 9t Janr. a^mtrtUr paMua tto lacu w« nae ia«a roparwe to tto amMM •TActri. Ta b*rp m aff Tto crtaM toat CiNmai. awNty ■•?*> tot. Salat roitwawe to • aallca aCfirar la Tirntac Mi S^ti wauo aa eatrSa uS- ftp kaap art tto •Wiitif aas toa waat to la Ito Criaa torn. STRUCK WITH GUN John Henry Johnson. 3S. SM Granttand Onve A p o 11 o Heights), told two coos at 4-15 a m Friday, that Almd Clark of "aomewhere on S Boundar) Street." asked to borrow hm shotgun to kill hts wife and the man she was with Clark said that when he refused. Clark tooP the gun and battered him ever the hend several timet with It Mr Johnson was taken to. Wake Memorial Ho^Ul. where he was treated and released He said he would "take out" an aasauh with a demfly weapon warrant against Clark The shotgun dMi not even belong to Johnaon but Clark took It. an%»av am ctfwi BSAT. r s> present admuiistration jusi as soon as this election is over." McGovern said. He issued the warning in a mesaage to the more than 2S international union presidents who ha\*e announced support for his candidacy. He asked them to alert their membershiD to the "unfair steal that is being set up for after the election " The balance of .McGo\'em‘s statement follows: "Last Monday the Pay Board announced that wage guidelines would remain at their current level. Then on Thitfsday the board lakt they would be reconsidered IKe question a- riacs whether there has been high-level interference by the Nixon administration to cause (See HDCON, P. 2) M efhodisfs WiH Unveil N. C. Marker HEW BERK • The Board of Blahopo, AM.E. Zloa Church, ael Sept. 2$ as the day the donoffilaatlcr^ will invell a mark* er» erected by the State of North Carolina, potattag out the plaoo where the first A.M.E. Zion Church was both. Tht msrker, localod at Broad A Georft Siroots. eommemo* raioa the foandkig of SI. Potera Church, by BIMMp J.‘w. Rood wao orougat the tonoia of tho ilononilnathTn to tho stato. The orlglaal aht la located one bloek oorth of tho marhor. 1 ta mW to ba another step la the effort to toeoa atteniloa on Hsfk hlatory. Tht laiveUlnc wfU take plan al StOO pm. and will foatort a doaeatln eertmooy that «iU bo oooduelod by tho Mahepa. ctee MctwoostTa. r u Much Fun As many North Caroliaa reaidenta rush to catch the last days of ttiromtr hnd take to the hi^tways in a last ditch effort to enjoy the Ubor Day wsiknrt. too often safe driving tends to be the last thing on their mM.... the very last thing, said the Insurance Information Insti tute. If trends of the past few Ubor Day weekends hold true, ap proximately SS people will be killed in North Carolina auto crashes during the coming throe-day hoU&y. Moreover, approximately 7W will suffer inpnies in the expected 1.210 or more holiday-peiiod smashups. Warnings seem to da little good in stemming the state’s holiday death rate, the Institute poinu out. Despite cautions. Last year 3S people died in Ubor Day weekend crack-upa. Anoth er C74 were injured as a total o( 1.227 accidenU were reported. The blame for such appalling sutistics ta quite often Just plain dnvers errors, the Insti tute sUtes. The chance for these errors b greatly magnified though, by akohol. speeding, the lack of sufficient rest, causing driver fatigue. Here b something to remem ber for the LAbor Day week end; An army of cars will swarm onto the stale's roads, going to and coming from the beaches, mountains, and other recreational areas With great er congestion and increased exposure, the odds for collision increase. The Institute urges drivers to make frequent rest st(^ on longer trips and change dnvers. if pouible. every couple of houn Don’t mix alcohol and gasolinr even in small doses it can be a deadlv combination, and in all ca>M ohaene the Mrs Reid is a member of the fund-ratsuig campaign to rabe an additional tSS.AM for con struction of the new center locto^ed at 3lo N Tarboro Rd The fund has been named the Jim Reid Memorial Fund in honor uf (he late Jim Retd who waa chairman of the first fund r.. '..ng campaign This «>nginal campaign b expec*rd to net tis.oao M the pm-»-r ‘ed c'wt of $i59.u0r* leav- in;: a difference i^f tnaea of 'Ahirh ’H*- Krid Fund la hopeful ••t rai«>i:iK Thr fund raiv.ng >rtiimittee is f r.-ri b\ Pro Tern I.,*;:. fi r • r.n^r r- fj. #J the ( c.i! I Ml additMO to L^ht- was chairman of the first fund-rabing campaign. Thb original campaign to expected to net tlt.0M oi the probetod coat of IlM.fNi laav- mg a difference of ia,Ml of which the Reid Fund to hopM of raisiag. The fund raising commitlot to chaired by Mayor Pro Tom Lightner. Otbor moinbtos jf the committee In adthtion to Ligbl- oer and Mrs. Reid art Mrs. George Bason. Mavor Bard- Southern Legialator Says ‘Choice ti INoveml 2nd Body w Discovered itf» i\no« OAV. a. CtM TtnrLt. p. t) legislation May Hurt NC School Work BY RICHARD MOORE GREENSBORO - Approval of legislation to curb school busing could put brakes on achooi daaegregatbn aa well, the presideni of a national program for prei^inalely bladK ceUeges sm in Greens boro recently. "There ultimately may be a Supreme Court deciskm which may limit busing and deaegre- gation." said Dr. Elisa Blake. Jr . president of the Institute for Services to Educslkm in Wash ington. Blake was the keynote q^eak- er at the openii^ sesabn of the annual factilty-staff institute at AET Stale Cniversitv. "This b a very delicale kind of transitional period." he said, "and we are going to have to be careful to protect predomi nately black institutions, while people work out these other ^^ke said the hblorical dev'elopment of predominately black colleges in the United Stales 'iipports the fact that (Sm ustsvAnow. p. t) JerooT, Linda Barney, shortly after Mtoa Jkekaon was aamod *'Mtaa Mack America.** Miaa Jbekaoo wan erownaa taw* told Mias Barney she was gtvtog « the ml# boeaano aho woald DOi have tht tlmo to dsvolo to tho oCTlea. (UPf). NABBED IN IlM.Mt THEFT — Cbicato; Former Qumm Alderman Fred Hubbard, who dropped from sight more than a year ago and was indicted on charges ot taking more than tioa.ooe from fedtosl projects, has been arrested in a Loa Angclts suburb the FBI said August 2L Hubbard has not been seen since May 71. when he dbappeared while serving in the t25.M0 a year Job as director of the Chicaao Plan, a federally funded program. tUPD. Says Busing Measure is Big Fraud WASHWCTON, D. C.* In a wild and tuouAtoua 12*kour aooolOB last weak, tho Hoimt of Ropreaontattvos paasod by a vote of 212 to lot H.R. nets, the ao-caUed Equal Edueatlonal Opportonttioa Act of ItTt. No one •• not even tta atohora had any doiM the propoaod loglstatSoo was another antl-baalag measure and etvO rlgbts grove wera unanlmoue hi condemning the propooal aa a scheme to ae* gro^e BUck ehOdroQ In In ferior schoola. ftoa SATt KfsiNO. p. t} Three Claim Appreciation Money Here Winners continue to mount in The CAROLINIAN’S new Ap preciation Money feature aa all three winners came into the of fice last week to claim their checka Winners last week include Mrs Bessie Oaklev . Mrs Bren da H Farrar and Mrs Lula .M. Tate Mrs Oakln's name appeared in the Ben Franklin aov'ertiae- mcnl on page 12 of The CAROLINIAN Hunt General Tire Compaiw’s ad carried the name of Mrs Farrar while Mrs Tale’s name was m the Rhodes Furniture Company ad Mrs. Oakley reaidet at ll Edgecombe Terrace l?s? fNir. tb Dr b the Itsied remdeoce for Mrs. Farrar and Mrs Tate bvoa at tit Haywood Lane Ben Franklin ts lacaled in tiM AJPmnATtoN. p. y> In Trunk BY STAFF WKITKR Mystery still shrouds the murder of 58-year- old Chatham Junior Sml:M, *hos.“ dteom- In Trunk BY STAFT WRITER Mystery still Crouds the murder of S8-year- old Chatham Junior Smith, whose decom posed body was discov ered in the trunk of his own automobile last Thursday afternoon. Smith’s was the second body in three days to be discovered in the trunk of his own car. The first was a white man. Accordinc to Dctcctivo Lt. E. L Randolph al the InvcMi(atlvt •SmpleQne’ Solon Says Only One VolingWay ATLANTA. Go. - —Tlio choteo black ntara vm he* ki No- •ontor «ai to a aiapi* oat,” Gooiyla Stal* Raprootalalhi* Mlao Bead aaki tail oaok. "I la a ekoleo totraaa Nlsan- LAWRENCE MILLER Millerls Promoted By NC Elks VolingWay ATLANTA, Go. - **rhe cholM btock votort wU ttoe to No- vombor win be a elmple one,** Gooffto Slete RopreeoMtotve Jiite Bond eeld toll week. to I Mtoiee totmu Ntoee* omies end MttchoU's mtevcp reclel dtvUlon to bom# and doifrvUvt war ekroert, weltore freeiee tor the poor and mil. lloaalre woltore progTama tar ^ vealtoy on tho.one haito. and a govommonl pltdgod to peace tad proporlty on the Divbkm. there wea no informe tion on whether authorittea think there to any connection between the two killinga or even whether there was foul play involved. However, a policeman (unnamedi, said there was no connection. An autopay conducted on Smith’! body last Thursday ni|^t. showed that he died o' e bullet around, located in the ’ip of hb head. His body was found in the trunk of nb Ittt Chevrolet, parl"^ next to a brown and nrange frame house. COM Mcmoim ts. p. n Wilson b Scene Of ChurchAct WILSON - Bo)CO(t of units of the Christian Church Disciples of Chnsi > for lack of black personnel was disapprov ed Saturday. August 20. the National Convocation of the church. The predominantly black convocation, meeting al Atlan tic Christian College here Au gust 23-27. was ask^ to boycott the Christian Board of PuMica- tion. St. Louis. .Mo and the Disciples Historical Society. Nashville. Tenn. in a recom mendation brou^t by the Second Christian ^u ‘ Indianapolis. Ind. The proposal abo asked that hiring praclkct of the two bodies be explored The boycott CtM WILSOH It. P. t> BY "PETE ' WILDER Lawrence '*Skipper" Miller, a native of Co lumbia, S. C., and a res ident of 1117 S. SUte St. this city, was recently appointed Stste Youth Director for the Wes tern District of the North Carolina Elks As sociation of IBPOE of W by Grand Lodge Direc tor William Lockey. Miller Joined Fidelity Temple No. 277. in Nov. 1V71. He b a member of the L. S. Wilcox Shrine and Mamie S. Hkka FEZ Club. Even thouidi recent ly admitted, he has had aa early interest in the Elks. He was voted first place winner in the oratorical contoto. sponsored by Fidelity Lote , No. 277and Capital City TemM No. 310 in 1970. He b a 1970 graduate of J. W. Ligoa High (Om Mnua n. a. i> H. A. Scott Is New US Executive Washington — Rarnaji a. Scon m, a nwapovor raeriiN- lurchtoanf inkilac aptctaUal, kia toon namod a* taaeWIva aaala- laiil to Mkkatl H. Moakew, Aaalataat Saenttry at Labor lor PoUey, EnlaaMoa aad No- flc. aeon NAMID, V. -Tbat la OM oaMral ta***, aad no dalad* abod Ik* Tan- paity ajatooi’ er k*kk« Btock rctoc* kor iraotod* can araa* Ikat Met,” Bead oakL "■ not boint tahao tor piM- •d naaaa tow mor* yaora of Ntooc-AtoM*," BOM aald, •l'd ralbar b* takan tor traatad ttoa Inal staki Ukaa.- •’’WFfeaoaOo— tWco- prlaUau (er veMar* too(r*na to epiilki, fedoral dollar* tor mammoar tovfraiaa ta prorld- kw ekUd ear* cantor* (er Ik* poor to rofoorlet Ik* oO do- plallo* allonoe* to atraoflkon- lac Ik* Equal Enploynaol CB> portiaUtlaa Cooiralaaloa to ep- pookit HayooovoNli aad Cara- **11. Proatdaol Ntao* ka* aMod 0* 0*0 aid* aad Goort* Me- (Sa* J. BOHD, P.S) Mrs.C.Laws Funeraliied In Raleigh Mrs. Carrie Miab Uws. m B. Martin Street, a devoted church aad civic leader, hed Monday. August Hat her bone, after a period of illnesa. F*uoerai aenricca were conducted on Wednesday. August 30at 4 p.m. al Pirto Baptist Church with the r ir. Rev. Chertos W. Ward. officiaUfto end burial fol lowed in the cemetery of Springfield Baptbt Church. Au- bim COaa IBO. LAWS. P. t> Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK HUDSON BEU STORE Fbr Savtoga Galore At xov rnaMiy tocre