r S?W»»€. . • I Cause Of Fin Unkncwn As jr.~ Prt$$ Run Thii Week: 9,340 Rev.BenChovis Escapes Hb Blazing Cadillac Here Raleigh Hlan Murders Girl Kills Self iM^n^ster^s Injuries ffo • Serious 99 BV STAKK WRITKR The Rev. Ben Chav is barely esc .jiHd the The :C%ROUNlAN North Carolina*$ Leading Weekly VOL. 31 No 4S RALEIGH N C, WEEK ENUING SAT SERT ». .97> COPY lie Body Found In Kneeling Position Durham Woman Shin •Cx-Cxrt ■Cc-Cr-tr-C: National Council Of Negro Women .Set* Women In Registration March’ Alleged Lovers Now Dead LI "Thl.s » IS munier and suicide,•• suldWake bounty i oi-oner .Mar- ahall W. Rennett around 10 p.ir .Monday, as he «FTCr5 Now Dead m DONZELL VICK. JR t kites Set For W, Morgan Of Wendell WENDELL - Laat rite a for Waymon Mor gan, 71, veteran barber and huaband of Mra. Ruth Morgan, who died in Wake Memorial Hoa- pltal. Sept. 4, wereach- eduled to be held from Pleaaant Grove Baptiat Church at 4 p.m. Fri day with Rev. J. D. Lockley officiating. Rev, Joaeph .Morganwill deliver the eulogy. "Thia waa murder and suicide,” said Wakt County Coroner Mar shall W, Bennett around 10 p.m, Monday, as he viewed the remains of a •7-year-old girl andher 23-year-old boyfriend as they lay sprawled In a bedroom in an apart ment in Walnut Ter race. The girl is report ed to have been the mo ther of a very young child. Dooifll Vick. Jr., addreu unkiiown. it uM to have iliol Miaa Hattie Mae Rocars at her I3M Branch Street home, then turned the weapon on hinueU. Uwrehjr voidins prooecution for murder h> pumpuia a bullet from the a calibre weapon into the naht temple of hn own head Hn Hurars coaoias romk - am dioso: Mrs. ogt Ckarloa dUplara a photsfriph of ksraalf, bar kiabMd, Hor- rla and Uwtr daiahtar, Klratoa, aBor laanlac ksr haohonf, a Kory flier ima shot down Doc. la and la one of the moa named for reloaae hyUw Horth Vlotnomoao. (DPD. 24-Year~0ldDvrham Woman Shot 4 Times Miu Roaen waa pronounced DURH.AM - Durham’s Detective Squad was oon- tse. HLuotne cmi . r « tlnulng investigation Wednesday In the early Satur- •^7 ww w deBth of a 24-year-old Durham wo man, who was discovered in her bedroom by her housemate. The deceated was horn m Wake County Uw son of Ute late ' Sydney and Lucy Oabnam Moraan. Octo ber la. UN He attended the el- • m • n I a r y •dwob or Walw County and *: Franklin- ton dinitian ^^trhSe at the ^ . !f Franklin- too School, h. nM the former (•m nr. MoncAM f» New Head Is Named For Dobbs —MMiAM f» Appreciation Money Won By Bass Damek Baaa naa the lone wlnaar hi The CAROUNUH*a new ANreclallon Money feo- lare laat week. Naa who Urea at 411 Watson streot, ^■e. he Hie The CAROLIKUX •Hi UantllM khnu Mrs. DoroUwa M. Branch, a Jnrsotle Eralintlon Coeneelor at Ootaw School tor Ctrla at Kloatoa lor Uie peat tt yeara has boon nainsd dlroclor of the ichooL eftecltve Seiaember I, Commlaaloner James M. Pil^ of the State Oeputmant of Youth Dersitpmant announced Taeodoy of laat week. Ura. Branch repUeea Mrs. Mae D. Holmes, who to re- tlrtot Aosual A craduoto of AAT Steto Ual- eorellv of Croonotoro. Mrs. Branch Jolnad Iha DopmoMM of Yoath Doirolopmsol ki IMO. Ska holds a dacroo In appllod •octolcfy from AAT. '1 foel the Doparlmont to fMmato In korliiii a wonioa * Mrs. Branch's eapabUkUo to uke seer u dlroclor M boHis," Palte siaiad. ‘'Sbo to watt qmllftod for tho pool and to thoroufbly famUlsr wkh Ibo ton Dunns HMKJi. r ii \o arrest hod been mode 00 of Wedneoday morniitf. but Dw- horn deiectives believe they hove Mme leadt on the case involving the killuig of Mias Chnsiine Barbee, who woo fhol lour times from cioae ratm in Wabash Street Mme Barbee, who was fun- erolued Tuesday nflcmoon. was discovered by Mioo Rita Bishnp. about t a m Saturday mOTint. kneefins. »uUy cloihrd and her shoes lying near her body in the bedroom. A«ordiiig to the medical ISee WOMAN IS, e t) wiMun n. r ij Julian Bond, John lewis To Shaw for Rahy Sun. •hihn Lewis. Executive Direr- .. ■ . . John Lewis. Executive three- pr,.ui,ni i a—k,. u., Wr ol ihr Voter Educalioa iHy ^jecl .VEP. and Julian re!| Bond VEP Board member and Hs.r£,j .Stale LrgisUlion will tour North Carolina Smn io-I2 t'^S!***** C^Wd. ^•IhaitopintlicRal^-Wakc rhirtoS*bii^nSlIlb^^ lounty area Sunday. Sepi lo RjJSf that If ichcdulcd to conclude — —»-~-wweem«o sxe WWNSVSWH wiiha rally el Shaw I'mversiiy Tl.. . ell., ,s Ualed to be held oulidr al Ihr I'nivrrsily Mall el nine o clock In addunn lo Lrwi, end Bond. Ihr rallv will Irjiurr .Shaw I'nitrrsilx need lor HU nemo ippoored U Uw Tony Pwnhm Coraiaoy od • on poge B of Iho popor Uol •ook. Terry Farekore Com- poey U loeaud at IH E. Marita SUsef. Parsons wko sao Ikalr aamao la tka cmiann on Ow Monty pago, SHOULD NOT go dlroel- •T-'® *?! J??”*!!** W-»W- newoNNB M gHPUf. P Z) swNiiais .VINW I Hll CTfll 'I, idM»MTO».nitiaii»Muiiiir'.\'Aviai'ivvtiiviii||()wt||(pppip||^^ Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK taee AresacuTMM. •09n>. Lcwia. p t) Mrs. Webster Given Rites NATIONAL PURE FOOD MARKET For Good r ood Al I Sho was maaagtr of Wahalor’s Toko Homo, a toad sorvleo, A Rosary nu hsU at Ray- wood Mottoory. Sorvtvon toclodo kor kis- baad, Daorl Wshalor, Sr.; ono aoa, Doort, Jr., bar msthar, Mrs. taoUs RIskaofRalolih; 000 brsUnr, Vdnurd Riekt of Rololgk: 0 graaaaoo. mass of flames, which wis his 1970 Eldorado I'l'HIIac here at 1 a.m. Thursday morning ai the corner ofS. Tailxyro Kd. and E. Jo:'.' H bl. Chavis, ‘‘Fell liki- there was some kinri of Incendiary device under the front seal.” Bri Chavi- s,nl by Ihr "fit-'- .1 Ihr t■iimtiiis.iiin for Re-lal Ju'i".’ .ii ir pm *r.cc«lj., nighl and -layed Uh '■ uiial II y, a m Rev Chavis leli hie car parked m Irnnt of Ihr Alrxsndrr H'jilding. which hotim the rommti.3ton‘x Dff:i-r» on FexrtIrMlIr SIrc-i Al lX:Ua m he came out of the building and headed toward .Si Auguninc', College A» he altrmpird lo turn left ol Ihr uilcrxeciKHi of .4 Torbora mid E Jonn. Hex Chavis reUIrd. • FTomex stoned under Ihe Irani •eoi 1 slowed Uiv cor down, napped and npmed Uh- door andgot aul As 1 K"I out. I tried lo ice whal .juwd the lire ISw BON CUXVIl. e. :i “"*7 0# thta -ook mid WN a eompUt. foam Th. R,;. Boa loft Carey Baptists Now Convening In Norfolk^ Many Officers Named Plans Of NCNWAre Revealed In 4 s-rff lit 4 iiii.initlcf meetings tu'ld Ijft mM)tn at the YH(A. Hif x'ltrr r«®^‘!4ratM~in coniiriij.e- .-t the National I. * > M'rnncn a|. tempicti i-t .(i.i,.,/,- Ihr Mark •omen in tits- Ralvuth Wake COitimuniiu-w lo ffjfi'luri a aSOMFOLi; Va. . Dr. Waiter So P%lK«p cf finlllinore, kid.; and Mrs. A(bm Jdrdui, of PorUmoidh. Va.. were re-e* tactad pTMldtcda of tka man and womm’B dapartmentaeftka ^ Coroy BopUat FortiN Mlaaloa Coavaatloa moollog bore at Ihe iBibUae smoIob at Now Calvary EaplW Chwdb, whero Uie Rov. MUtam Raid U pastor. JooNh Marker, tram rittoborg, pi., was cboaaa as now hood of Uw Laynwo’i Loogus tad -lima attUo, Co- Inmbos, OhiK won 'tan cbolea of Ibt Touxe ptapis lo bo thoir new oeeotitaft Olkors tUeltd wore; Hon; Flrit Vlea Praoldaol. Dr. C. R. Edward. FtyoHovUU, N. C.; Sacond Vies Prooldonl. Dr. J. D. Baaaoy, Wtahtag'^ D. olonartao at home aad ohroed most make race retallona work," ProeMoal Paige hi hU tecoad aaniml addrtea at the meeltag on WitaiiSsy ctmatag la New Calvary to aa ovtr- flow andtanco appatlad forrta- aookig and comawa aaaaa a- along all pooplo. Tko mis- ■lenory htplUI chwth miml too to H that pooplo tear:; how to llvo lagoUMr. ‘Nobody woalo •o Uvo Boat door Is tadIvU 4n1o «w are onUdy." PUbw N of dobras, throwtag Iraak la Iha alretU aad nrda la not ekrUUan llvh«. Wo moal to*, LoiT raasT, e 1 "Community Day’ Set Al Harrison Library Stmdov Itartamli.m in * Bwidoy, Saptombario.lmalieta poclalmod ■VommimRy Day" *?*?**■ ■'■««> tkadahow. Ro- tkU avoai, uMoh wUI al SdM pan. aad laal will 5:00 srfTjrrrr c Revealed Mriat o( couimittaa "'••NNM- Md last month at Iha VH’CA. the vetar rcfitiratian coomuitaa of thr National ^'^>u*«ctl of N9^ Woman al- Mmptod to u/ganlae the black wnman in the Ralc«cb-Waka communitMo to conduct a rtfiftiralion drive There hat been from time to time ^)pmla made for Mqjport for the March of Dimes. United (Om MCNOr PLAMa P. t> Wow Calvary iaptlai ckwok. nkora tko Kav. iflkon Raid la new ktad of Hw Loymoa’i Loaguo sad wmia BotUo, Oa- lomtam. Ohioh uia Iho choleo of Dm Yeaag pooplo Is bo tore LOTT caan. p. t. uzvT cannr, p. t "Community Day’ Sel tkaW saw OPaaMwo Omars alaclad nara: Man; New Youth Commission Adds Three Tkraa saw addhtons to tka staff of tka North CaroHaa Dopartfflont of Youth Davak|>- nottt wort annouBcod racontly by Jamta M. Palca. Com- mtastonar. Mias Fat Tsnar has bssn aamod assistant dlractor of Natloowida Ednestlonal Pro* flams to OorractloaswEast Ski roplaeos Mrs. Pamola MlUar who racantly rttSfitad. Palfa also announcod that Miaa Bonnla C. Smltb and Raymond Floaors bava baan sdM to the staff aa adttortal consul- tanla aad aaslatant* to Dr. Rickard Cotamart. dlraetor of NEPIC-eaM. A nMlva of Paf.aaeola» Fla., MUs Tamar U a 19?t frad* oata of Shaw CniTarslty with a major fci behavioral scU anee in tba flald of urban lasnao and problams. She for* marly sarvad as assistant youth procrams ehtef b tba Division of Lav on tha Cover* nor*a Co^T.isaton on Lav and First vies Prusidaatp Dr. C. R. idwsrd. FaysttonDs, K C.; Soeond VIot Prsstdsnl, Dr. J. D. Basssyp WsAkicto^ D. C.; Bs. Sseratsry and Traa- a«ar. Dr. WsndaO C. Somor- vlOa, WaWdnclODp D.C.; Ra* eordlnc Saersfauy, Dr. J. Jas* par Froomaa, NoHotkp Va.* Asalslaat Raeordlnc SaeroCary, Dr. c. W. Ward. Ralalfh, N.C.; SteUsUelaa, Dr. U J. Skipnian, Younfstowa. Ohio; Dlraetor of Prfwmtlows, D>. M. C. Wood, BaUtmora. Md.; Ladlaa: Plrat Vlea Prasldsnt. Mrs. NsHla Gstkar, Waskb«* ton. D.C.; Sooond Vlea Pre side Mrs. Vars Slada, Rick Squarop N.C.; RaeordlncSaera* tary, Mra. km C. Tkonma, McKaasport, Pawi.; FInaaclal* Corra^ondlBC Sacratary, Mra. L. 8. Hobbs, PkHadalpliM, Psna.; Aaslstaal Raecrdhv Sa* eralary, Mrs. Atleo MeKlnnsy, McKaasport, PanB.;Trsaaurar, Mrs. R^ Mariksllp ’.^aakb«* ton, D. C.; Htstoru;]. Mrs. Joonlo Halt, Waaktactoo, D.C; Dlrsetor of rhikWan snd h* tarmadlttF Departmants^ Mrs. Thomas Slater, RUkdalpto, Ps. At Harrison Library kwidoj. lopfmabm in. b..N.». * *V**btrlO,lw.hMa WoaolmmI "CommimRy Dty*' tkta mmt, which will bagta M by Mayor Tom BradMmw. Ro- Tt®® P-ai. tad taal nun P;W wjA^Wlvwa Wom virlooa V*- wtti ha »a Rhfmid E CRy doportmoata wm dUpUy HmtUob Library, Ull Now sad hand o* taibr- *«» *»*na. SSStafcrmollon voa- wxdal oparalioa mt how > '*• * tpoaaorad hv tk. “• *“'• •Mb, Loeafloa kt ,... njuiHta. r. i> Tar Heel 6iH Wins Hafl Speech CenlosI wnjnM - uiu aann.i- moo’a sod Cirlo tore NXW luxTU P II Vmkw horn at Now Calviry BwfUt Chvtb on Monday, Uw Jabllso gotslon woo closad md Friday orootag wdk a vtauU AW pragrun of tho orgmoUa- llon’s work Munra by Uw Rov. Marcus Wood, Dlroclor of Pro- motloao of Btmmore, Md. Taped bilanrlew* xrero board during Uw erontag from Uw HononHo Aogta Brooki, lorm- or Prooktafil of Uio Uollod .Nulono Sscorky CooncU and a prodom of Iho Convootlon Irma LUwrta. Daclarlnr thl ^Ntcfcrwifm WILBON - Miaa Ramoala Kornagay, a soghomsro al dooehlo7^?*Mr'od'V^ North Coroltat School -d Iho wlaasr of tko Halloakl Wo- Bloaalal Coneootlona of tho Mallooal Womsn’a and Girls* etteo haU hi aui Jbaop Ca* lllornls. Miaa KoTMcay had eompoted on tko Dlatrlot, Stela and RiCtea] lavsia. tea compatad afstaal ctrla nprsssntlac tka Morlkarip Eastern, Wastam aad Cantral Rsetena of tka U- aRad States. Miaa aomocay prsasatly ripriiwis tka Ma cro Wonmi*s and Girls* Cites tka yoars lf7t*]P74. Ska also la Ika first to hsvs this ka- Bor hi tha Setehaastam Ractan ISw wms hATL. P. t) CRIME BEAT MBS ROMOHU ROBKICAT I rum RaleichS Offlri*- Peltrr Mlea Mrs. Bsatrlea Hleiia Wats* tar, wko died test Saturday was Clvan last rttas Tussday, Sapt. 8, at St. Josapb Catb^lc Chireh with Fatkar Thomas Haddan offlelatlnc. Burial was la Carotfeia Biblical Gardana. •wdwsw* wwmm. nmm amam^m m taaiare Ii rtyaxiO m Om naa- ■t merm wmi ■■ 1m imwOe il^lBiiiii Hi tiaiiiW, MamiTw —i matiteiiH hivi fiOHinia UMI tMn Si ftvia tei ornmem- them ei i^erfciSna tSilr Welhm wauH me he da. niwteit. n n jovr- Wi oMtitr pisnm isi ineto M •• tea ISm rnpiWia Sy Ite erVMtea imttffi. TS bMf am et ricteiriO Vf e ftt tei ■■■Iilllf Mi FIRE VICTIM’S BODY REMOVED - Mmdrml, Ftrmm flea *’^. ***• flra as flramaa ittimpli la Myi—, yw f’To to_b.liovml to hovo boo. slortod whoa ■ bomb waa thrown la Uw -i-—- mU . i-..,,. ... m lowid. The itaoih loU lo now 4S wdh ooaw 50 olhori tajwwd, away aorinialj. (UPl), STABBED LN CHEST Laamoa WUItamo. M. «ii DoreUwa Drive, laid Officer J B. PMIer at 3;M p m Friday. Uwl Mioo Barbara Joan Todd, a. tuw oddroas. "jiiat look a knife and tUbhad me when I triad lo oMer Uw house " He odmilied Uwl Uwy hod had a "riias"oorlwrinUwday "Both were under Uw lafluoace of liquor'' Uw offlcer'i report Haled Williami woo lakea lo Wake Memorial Hospital for troainwat of Uw Uah wmmd m Uw chosi area. Ho woo also odviaod that ha would have lo aa lotiull with a dtodly weapon warrant againtl Uw woman. Ho said ho would AT. r. u

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