Kncwn Throughout Stale As Toptduartor Press Run This Week: 9.63U CHy Stunned By Brown’s Death •Ct-Cr-Ci-Ct Other Vioknce Also Prevails, Bet WOOtJ)«BE HOLOCP MAN B SHOT AND WLLH. • Nw* Yorli: Mm m EnvMti#l Parlwr U carrltd fa-to an aitvtyl»r»— after aJ-.oe and Wiled rntfle '-tly trjiftf to hold iv a chMkeaahtnc More U. N. Y. SeteirT.twr I. H* held a f irl hoa^e to the store antU ccnetoced to let her fo h fa% t of a r a:, ^ho'olwOeered IwUke h-r pUee. with the sobailiti- bootMO ob^ * pQiic*n:a ts fet dr^er, the r-.a*- fledonl; io^«>hotafew blochsawi)' (CPI) Former North Carolina Teacher Cited By National Urban Leaime NEW YOKK CITY - AmonK the many thini^s that happened at the an nual Urban Football Guine, played In Yankee bfadlum on Sa turday. ^jcpl. 9, lietv.een Gramblin^ Collegf and Morgan College, was the giving of the Whitney Young Service Award to Dr. Susie Owens Bryant. Pinglewood, N. J., for services rendered the Urban league, yoors. Sho ws« slto ProfoMor i^n. of History. Vi innluft Mttr. Stato Cnflovood. sh-. Is a raooi- Toochors Cottoco.Shrvas Pro- twr of tb« Hurd of Dlrodoro l«sor of o»-Pr-»Uoo*» Bor, 4, Kills Self THE ’CAROUNrAN North Carolina’s Leading Weeldy VOL. 31 Wo. 46 RALEIOH. N C.. WEEK ENDING SAT . SEPT. 16. I9?i gmou COPY lie Ex-Lioon Principal Is Buried sr STAFF .urns When the news spread “like wildfire" Satur day evening and Sunday morning that “Mr. Hrowr ts dead,” deep sorrow penetrated the hearts of everyone who knew this kind-hearted, unselftra, religious, ci vic and: ratemnl leader. He was principal of the John W. Ugon Sentor High School for 14 years 1957-1971. North Carolina Group Dr. PryMl Is s rallvt of OalDrd. X C.. and hss an on- Ttoblo roeord as • t^achor and coaimviay workor. Sh* uoght St HilUldt Hlch Sdtool. Dor* N. C. for s nvnbor of ChargesJews With Bias PoWIcal ScloMo, „„ ^ Mut, t(uii\ai*. mstoo OOMT Edoeatla. Com- First Mothers'Marfh Is Pfonned Here Saadof BY MINS J E Thr Raietgh aerlion st tfw .Sstionsl t'ounnJ of Nrgro WomcwmrtstSpre Sunday at tbr wiffrnrr «*f Mr* Hrim Starks, m K Braa St Thr principal raoerm of the croup waa a dtoowstoci about the daor-todonr regtotratran upon •orad by the group with the caeprfiition irf (RArr women in Ihr cil> Becaiaif it t% Ml m ttw HICXS jryhody'i busioaia. for wa are affect^ by thr deemona made by Uie mm »r diooae In (be rawRy riti tion we hava tha task and opporiuftily to fleet at one of the Wake County Coiamis Monera a black cantfeitole. Mrs i-:ii2BbrUi Cofietd. an educator anda mother who can represent us W> must rally around tlua kxral candidate W> must afan Ike Halalgh sartiaa al uie Wahaaal Cataeil af Nagra WaaMa awt at I p.m. Saaday al dH raaidiBca W Mrs. Helan Storfca. m B. Br^ Si The prlacipal caacara af lha graup waa a diacaaalea abaul the dMr-twdoar rtgiatratioa spaa* taiad by Iba graap wHb tht eatperatwn af adwr woawn M the city Becauae it ts fell in the Black caaimunity that this eketton is craesal. lha woaiia are sayiag that IMs is a **MeChcr’s March Par Survival *’ Pobtws to av- BaighersSee Businessmen In Georgia BY MICHAEL 0 PETIT Nattoaal Black News Strvice ATLANTA. Ga - The Black Paathcr Party is becoming iacraosmgly visable here and iCs aiakiag same local business marchants arryoui “You am* 11. ibry wml it,' satol Ernest Boyce, prestdem at Golaaial Food Stares. Inc. Boyce was refemag to faca- ta-fam visits he hid other Atlanta busuwas executives have had from members of thr Black PaiKher Party who are •aUeiliAg for weekly conenbu- ttona af funds, food or dething to carry on work among (hr city’s post Owners of food store and drug store chama. in parlicuUr. have boon aaked to "give m a re^ilar nunner so that we can plan the pragrsina around (he dsna- Uana," accerdwg to kaftets left with buMneasmm b> Panther dekgatiens ISm rAMTUfWS 0 *» eomminity aarvkaa rsnderad toelnde her havte aervad m a dtraeior of Ra- nadlal Raadtog for IIARYOO ACT. lae*. of Now York C»y*a Prolael V|«BL Sha «m aettag prtoclpsl and dkaciar of Ta- lortol Sanricaa ter lha Hawark. N. J. Praparatory SahooL Ae racatvad the award akw wiik Pato Raheaon, temad ata. ^ racatvad 2*1**®* Mamoftal Award aod Robert a* BtrtoMrd. who tsM TaAcus n. n. t) MrGovern lashes At r-Crrr d-d-d-Xl- Shadea Of Slavery Time .n*cM tiy Uw by Um omu « c*uMy •tacUaa in ha>* Uw IMk mS • •*— •• —■ a( m* W*k* OMBIy Cta—m- wUam ■ Mack caaMw. Mn. DMMli CMIcM. HI «duc*lar Md • BMher arin caa rapnaHil IH. W* man raky anaad Ihu local eaiididalo We mool at— vale In the heH caadMole* naaaat lor oUmt offlee*. The faHonliit NCNW aMm- ben pteMnl Suaday pMgHi la BurehUiUieirreipecllv* arlKhbiichDodioraeHH: Mine* Beatrice Martui. EUiaheth Jar- dn. Ahaeno Nunn. WlUa Mclv- er. Emma Faremaa aad- Jeaimelle HkIb: MradamH Ray ikni'h. Etna Young. Hatel Williami. Sarah Sharper. Beatrice WItIuma. Laura wim- t^ly. Mcrtya Lytle. Eva Branm. Heim SUrka aad Reg- iatrar Jeaale Brawa. ktra. Paarl McDoaald. cwchairman mli work wiih Mn Glia Harria. tn Horneaa'. r i> Hampfonians Give Money To Institute Hanplan toathto# kaa recelv- ad fl0d.M6JS from the col- lego's t9Tt>7S AanosI Alaiml land Campaign, Dr. R. L Pooletllo-Naaloo. director of davslopmmd. has tanoanesd. Dr. FontelltoaNaaton ssldtlie alumni gift represwited a re- cord-bresktoc response from the mere than 10,000 g^- aatea. with maay chapter gifts reflectiag otostaadkto alomol participation. 'This is the ftrsi time m tht history of the caUege that aaefi a figure has heaa reach ed throagh alum at giving, •a— WBwvmhiiSht* p tl Pato Rdhasoa. temad gto- .a.A^ «ko raoStoid I® *ko itotlannl Msmsrtal Award and Rabart a. Banterd, aha (SW nuwM toi t) mUGoveru lashes At Pres. Nkon Natiottal Black NawaSorvlca WASHINGTON. D. C. - Unempteyment hM mara than doubled siaca Richard Nixon daiaiad the WhHa Houat tew yaara ago aad 2i puhtic housing ■fenrtoi will be bonknipl by Says Mayor Warrenlon Body Makes J Statement 1 EdRor's Motor yoQovlnf era TTarraium lltl IKackMan Youngster Dies After ml Six Hours BY STaPP WlirrER As vlolenoe contIntMg HERBERT E. BROWH Ysa, Hsrhart Entoh Broan dlsd al the eompsrattvelyyouito ago af 9P years old, betwaae S aad 7 pjn. last Saturday after drop^ off to sUep whila wetchtaf tetcruion fa the dSQ at his vary comfartahfa its S. flbtop Siraat hem*. Fa- Mral aarvleea were eaoduciad W'sdaaaday, Soptamlwr D. to the Salto Paid AVr ctraren hart, with hUpato^, ■ i«v. by the Admintotratian are chartca and many ccuaatwna againat the demeetic pottetos of the Nixon AdmioMlration ware made hero in a campaigi "white paper" relaaaed ^ Democratic Pmai- dential nominee Gaorge S SdcGovem ’The root fact to that Richard .Nixon's govemmant has cheaan to neglect the hard problama facing this nation al homo ter thr more glamorous, bendtine* making tripa abr^. " tht South Dakou Senator said in his sharprst attack to date an the domestic polictoa of the Nixon Admimsl ration. McGovern's charge that pu^ tic howag agcnciea in SI citica were faced with the praapect of bankruptcy waa affirmad in a toaiemont released about the ume lime by New Orteana Mayor Moon Landricu. chair* man of the U. S. Confarenct of Mayors' legislaiiv; nctioa com mittee Due to an economy dnve aod d niihhokluig of tlJP roillioo ISs* JSruuvMi^ r. aj PORT onw DBPtmr com- MAIVkM • Ft. Dtx. H. JL: Brig. Oon, Jalhto W. Bactan JTeg lha Math anok gaairal la U. g. Army Malory and a aoahaft vataran of (ho Mlat Alrhamt ..v., baanma Dapidy Oamaimdar of PI. Dhr iat- lamharB. (UPD OHkial Indicted For Slop The Mayor of Wells- ton, Miaaourt, was in dicted by a federal grand Jury last Tburs- day on a charge of Um oetnciAL n, r. I) CRIME BEAT iroM iuiriih'« orrwui Pallre hMn or taotmrr Is arsOtta In tns pan- at mtotMi *101 m tom iMofOt Ml Imy. «• OMfshf pstoito Uw tocu ss w« ima intm rtatota far m* smtUBf tolltsn. fs M*p sol to Tht CriBW HM CtowM^mtfftojr mtsm nto Stoss rtsiictrtS hv s oslirt tonevr to rtpMtmt W« ■Bams* whut tn ator. s« um* plv fe««p tot th* -niiuif snS foo •oon to In fw ciUm Bsto DSCS BOTTLE ON HEAD Mrs. Mary Aaale •mhlig 5«, It M. East Siraat, toM Offlear t. T. Bart at lOiM p.m. Tharaday, that aha waa aaaaul- lad by her haoband, Caaay Smith, aboto hia gtrllrlanda. The womaa aaM SmMk, M, atroek bar whh hla hands and a bottla aod torn ran from E- danloa Shroat lo Om 100 hloek of 8. Hoedworth Stroat, wRh IMT haoband la hot paraull. At the S. Bteodwoeth Sirool lo- aailon, tom mU ha atmek bar wRh a gm. MMt at iMT than . m. MWikh, Body Makes Statemenl Bdftar*a Noiac FoRowlnc are •tolMMoU, made by Laen Party, ■■■atohri dtraeior of the Vvranton-haaad reonomic DavsiMMd Corpertleo of north Caratinak WAtREirrow - **AaEiaeuilva Dtraamr of the Beenomie Da- vaiflpment Oorpondtan of East- am North Chroltoa. I wlak to volea onr atraagaal dlaapprowU oondaomatloa of Iba lef ihaAmarl- COB gawtoh CommlRat In of- lag both major Priitdanttol CaadldBtaa to wank oto agahito tho tmpoaltloa of oaetaaki btrtog ter ftw Podtral Govarr. mfld. *'Bteek ettaana from the gholtoa of ftda Batten have tang bean lawtct of ftw allagad urothirkBBrt htowiia the A- marleaa law and thamaalvaa. Ona l«a only to view Om Ufa- atyla Otot axlala to the gbal- toa to aaa clearly that thoaa of graltoi hnelground are hi aaoto maaaort raaponstela ter the daprtvatMn aad oQlokailon whiek flouiitoisi no fraety. **k ow opbiSon, the Amtorl- can Jewish Commttlaa has stack Ra worn toto a ahoallan that doaa not diraetty aCteet M ai Ra Jawlah eontoRasney. BDC aad Ra govemtag Board weald ha atoramaly plaaaad If the caooa af aeetol jitollea and homaa rigbta eotod ha advanc ed wRhoat Ibt naaaaoRy of qao- tas However, the Hack «- parlenca In America baa been such that wa are ecavtocad that wRheto a gsota aytoam, oar pacpla wUl aidter inotbar 100 yaara In aeshtog aqualRy cf oppwmiRy. *'W« ttod R toexeusablt aad an overt raoto action on ba- hatf of (ha AJC that wOl al- moal aaraly aomd the dsafh Ml ter the pubUcIsad **l>hl- IMphta Pton.** At boat, the **PhRadalphto Plan" oojayad (■e* jinrs cuAnctn, r t> Commissioner Challenges Youth Group The First Casmopolitan Bap tist Church. 111! cress Link Rond celebrated its monthly (Sot CHDRCH YOtTH.P. 1) dlad to (ha oomparaliv^yemto of IP years oU, bstwsaa Dies After kTiS-S Six Hours off to alaap tag talavtolmi In the at hla vary eomtortshla ms S. gtoto BUwto home. Fa- RALBCITTE RECEim UPB MEMBERSHIP - Mrs, Uutao M. Rbiloa Lynch, termer er- «r raealvadlMrLtteKambar- •Mp In the Ntoloaal Aaaoaln- (loB cf haahtoaa and Protea alonal Wanma'a Clitoa, tec. of Broektya, M.T, at Ra m an- iMl Oenvgatton. hold te H. T. CRy, te AagiaL Mrs Lynck, a mamhar ateca 1187, has sarvad lha dab as aceompaalto aa varteaa occasloaa, (hM vlea yraitdeat te eha^a cf yotoh, Eds cat Ion chatrmtn md raeordtag aaeratary. Mrs. Lynch, a BrooMyn sebedtcnch- ar, ta a imdaaia cf mms V- nIvaraRy, hrids v atotoar's md has dona advanoad prcfSaatonal atadlat to SL Jbhn’a Dsivar- sRy, lha to marrtad to Gacrga K. Lynch, a gndmta of tomw and now a real aatata broker aad toawnnea apactoltto la Now York, mother of fomr daughtara, aad ta the dawhtar of Mrs. Swla H. Scott of Raleigh, Appreciation Money Goes Unclaimed Tharo ware no wtonara to The CAROLlMAN's aaw Appracta- tkm Heaay teal an lato wish. However, thraa paraoai coaid have elalmad ton doUara esch If ttMy had spotted twir aaaiaa to the advert toamant a of the tollowtof bualnaaaass Vifiaga ten Plaxa Parlor, 31- J1 W***nBaul*varl|Cui«“* IP E. MutH SlTMti Md ftritt* RAidwire. ttO Ftren,. via, are—. PMreoM wko le* (kelr uemea la Uw celMui ea tka Monay turn AerucuTto... r. i> BveTAFFWRym As vtoleaoe ocattnuee to iDowM in North Ca rolina*, Capitol etty, the lateit incident Itste a four-year-otd boy into an aban doned old automobile, ptddng up a .38 cali bre pistol and shooting bl'naelf over the right eye with It. The child died some aix hours la ter at Rex Hoqiltal. He Smith of 3113 Wilder Street, In the Method section of the city. The incident took place at 3:15 laat Wednesday and he died shortly after midnight the next day. AAfwortoT lha can wort Of- fleara R V. Jtomaon and L. T. Uggtoa. The offlears mid they went to aaawtr to a to- J«r^ peraen can, and, ofm arrtvaL they obatrvad tht hey lying to a pool of hloed on the front aato of a IMS black Btock. Tho ear, they aaU, did oel (ass MV UUA WsMaaday, Ssptomhar O, to the Rate! Pato AME chwen bora, wHh hla patoor, Rw Rav. Rathantai Onytord, ometottog. Burial teteaaad te Carsftos tt- blleal Cariteas, Tbs Rav. Dr, Paul M. JtomasB, mtolalrr to tht Martto Stoato Bipllto Charch, prayed tha prayw of (•ss MBtoii MSS. r. n Appeals On Busing Are Accelerated BY PAUL H. WYCHE. JR WASHINGTON - NBNS - Aiiti buakig partnto in mora than fiva toataa. in bath tht north aod lha Sauth, hava appaaird ter atayu of tcheoi daaogrcgatiao orderx which terca iocrenaad buaiag m thair Parenta in Auguau. Gm., Laa Vagaa. Dtoroit. Memphia aod Princa Caarji’a County. Md.. all attampted ta hava daasgra- gatien ptim stayed until tolar this yaar or ooxt Only tha Princa Gaorge’s eaac was ilayad until January, ivn. Prepsoanti of anti-li togiftotton wera daalt a otvera blow toto wash when asrema (■ss AwaLa. r. 4$ COtoPER OVER PLANS TO RECBTSR MORE BLACO • (Lift to rlghl) Pratodato J. AreUa Rargravaa, Gaorgto Rspraaanttolva JaUaa Bond. Votar Bdaaatloo Projset (VEP) Eaactolva DIratocr, John Lawla md Rav. C. T. Vtvton, ValvarsRy mtotoiar to Hmw ooafar avar liana to ragtotar mora Haeha aad tohar mtoorhlaa to veto ta tho Waka County area. Bead and Lawla wsra at Shaw Unl^raky Sunday ter a raUy to lawieh voter rectatrtoton ta this arsn. waa totextctoad andwaacarfisd to WahaMamorlal’a Emargoacy Room. She toM tha eop that aha wotod atga a warrar*. tew atoSarad a pmatma womd on tha top of bar haad. Apprsciotion Monsy SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK PI6GLY WIGGLY FOOD STORES For aapece Feed Al Low Pi«*s mr WAVT TO oo TO acaooL - fauaMpaie: bimi* t-u Hnmt euMA MM. n. o( FkIMMUe IMe a fRM, « FliMMkMu diHHlary k-ieli ii ptcMke Swlr edM H proteel — a vnk IM laaiSara airitt H FWIaMMIa. Tka aMka lha ta«ad - fhMMMia aakaol Mrld Ua- leer kau loecad tM.OM aladaaM H kava aa -daadad «a- eatlea. (CPI)

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