r • • •-:oi Preaa Run This Week: 9,675 Voter All-Out Effort Is Underway BY OLGA COREY National BlacH News Srrvlce WASHINGTON - Deapile a thortaic of funda. the McGov- ern-Shnver campaign i a mounting an all-out effort to register 2 million black \’o(ers. But it needs help According to District of Columbia delegate to Congress Walter Fauntroy. who heads the 21-member Black Steering Committee for McGovern, the 'drive will be concentrated in six key states ivhere the Mack vote co^ be cnicial-‘aUfomia. lUuMMs. Missouri. New Jersey. New York and Ohio Faimtmy says that the pledge made by McGovern to Mack leaders before the Miami conveotion-that «ito SO percent of voter registration resources would go to the Mack dnve-has been kept The problem, says Fauntroy. is that money is scare ••Many generally large con tributors are turning their backs on this campaign." said Fauntroy "This is ample proof that McGovern's policies will benefit the poor " Fauntroy predicts that tO percent of all blacks will vote for McGovern-if they register- ' ed. He hopes the dnve will be able to register a sixaMe number of the country’s € million unregistered Macks The kev to a McGovern- Shnver victory. reported the D C. Cor grrssman. "is voter f registration among blacks and tg-M year olds " Fauntroy charged the Re- puMicans with cairyiMt on a massive effort to buy. beg or borrow Mack votes He admitted that Democratic (sm v 'tik raivT. e. t) Wife Of By Democratic Presidential Hopefuls ' to Registration Drive Seeldiigz Millioa Blacks ^ I • M ; ' Motel Manager Admits Killing MaiiZS^SlainHcre „ ^orth Carolina's Leading Weekly VOL. 31 No. 47 RALEIGH N. C WEEK ENDING SAT .SEPT 23. 1972 SINGLE COPY iSc Woman Shoots Man In Head Boyfriend Murdered '"Sold Blacks Down The River?" McKissick Criticizes McGovern Female.21, Bulletin JaSed bi QieslKills Mans Death H. Sanders Rev.JesseL. Jackson Will Sue 8 Fauntroy charged the Re- pubUcans with carrying on a maaive effort to buy. beg or borrow black votes. He admitted that Democratic (■•V y^tu romt. e. ty Wife Of Columnist Given Rites Laal rkea were held Tues day, September 19, at 1 p.m. for Mrs. Mattie S. Holloway, 90, of 9119 Wilder Street, Ridotlti, at the Wake Chapel Btpllal Church, wth the Reva. James Fogg, prMkHng. Rev. Clyde B. Walton and Rev. B. tt. Ctoaa asalatlng. Burtal was in the church cemetery. She ’’ died Sonday, September 17, fol lowing a pcoloogod lUneas. Mrs. KoUoway waa the wife of Edward Holloway, Sr., ma nager of the Coa^l Jiditlee Slagers of Raleigh. She was the daighler of the late Nathaniel and Rena Sear- burough of Wake County. Other survivors Include five •ons, Orta, Johnnie, and Enoch of Raleigh, Edward, Jr. of the home and woitam Holloway of Fort Cordon, C>orgla; three daiMhters, Mlaaes Rena and I at* wm or. r t> ASSISTANT SECRE TARY OF STATE - Washing ton; Being Mack and a woman ia more of an aaaet than a disadvantage in finding and holding an important )ob. according to Barbara M Watson, first Mack wwman to hold the raidi of assistant secretary of state. She is head of the Slate Department's Bureau of Security and Consular Affairs In an interview. Miss Watson said she never has felt she works under a double preJudKe. (I’Pli. No Blade Pres. Soon.. Julian Bond HRS. HOU.O»'AY Area Citizeas Are Urged To Attoad Sessioa Ralpb Campbell, prteldeol the Raleigh Ctttaen'a Aaaoeta- tlon la urftng aU members and IntereMod cKtsans of the Ralelgh-W'ake area to atteod M.e flrol fall meettags at 9 pjn. Thuraday, September tl, at. the Eaal Hargett Street Y.W.C.A. Bocaaae there art ao many praaalng problems and laauta that naed attentton In (be BUek community. Inactive com- mltteee win be reactivated and new onea win be appolnled to deal wuh theee protleme and lesoes. GREENSBORO .CIvUrIgMs leader. Julian Bond, who ss- pires for aome national polUi- cal office, aald on Sept. 19 that he doeen^ brileve that a black man can be elected President of the Chked States In the vvr'. near future. *'Tbls cowitry la 99 percent white,** eaU Boimi, **aod I don*t believe that half of these whtt are wilting to vote for a black president.'’ Bond, a 92.year>old member of the Georgia House of Re presentatives. was in Greens boro recently on behalf of a three.day non^rtlsan voter registration drive In North Carolina. He spolw to a crowd of se veral thousand students on the campus of AIT State t*nlver- «»y. Bond urged the students to get Involved In polSks at all le vels. **Many yooag blaclu mis trust politics,** said Bond. '’They mink k U Just a white man’s trick. But I say that young people can make a dif ference In what happens in this cotsitry. ’*AftT has 4,500 studenU. Just think bow i>;ans local e- lecllons art won by less than 1,S00 votes.” Bond said be intends to run for office In a few years, but he refused to specify whldt offleo be would soak. Bond told the students that north Carolina has the worst record of black regMered voters la ttie entire South, even worst than MlsslsslppL Accompanytog Bond to tvv* sfLias a-w. r d rv HAl I’t . K KINSTON - Ml: lo- . ,1,1- ' ■!: '"ll- UaraH, ’.II, of >•>- N. Oii- ui Man’s Death BY RALPH A. iICKS KINSTON - Miss Jo- ... phlTA- KIl/:ii ;li Wil liams, 21, of 502 N. Ou- vls St., wascharcedwith murder by Kinston po lice of her boyfriend. Wilbert Blango. 27, last weekend. BlanRo WAS shot in ihe head with a small cslibn- pistal al approximate!) Si-lS pm in front of 110 E Shine Street He was found lyinK AsHinded and Mill alive on tlw sidewalk by Kinston Policf but died thotlly after arriving at Lenoir Memo rial liospitai Miss Williams reported to the uiveMigaling officer.- that Blango dragged her from the Manhattan Tavern and threal- enedherlife Sheclamistohave shot him in self defense Miss Williams is being held in (he city jail wiihcnit benefit a! bond, p^ing a preliminary hearing in District Court here on Sey. 19 The resulti^ t f ibe hearing have not been puiriiciz- ed The incident was in\'•ligated by Det. Frank House and H L, Wallace and Captaim- C b Broadwell and P D .^mith II IS reported that \Vill‘*rl Blango was rrka>ed from prison on ThutMlay 14. 1972 having been a prisoner lor ten or more years s. : srssi .“arss.*«.£rss-.; Loulslsni. T«as snd Arkuss,. (bPIX Herman Sanders. 28 v-'ar old black resident .>f Kil-' Hranch Sf. in Walnut Terr., will ne- Boards To Keep Books Open r.HlC.l'lO - The Kev, Jesse Jsekson plans on suing election boa nl.- ILSandcrs Rev.JesseL. Jackson Will Sue 8 Assault At ^ Attica Was Unjustified BY I’AtiK TiAVNSEND Njtmnal Hlavk New?- '-.i aibany n ^ aw .11 . a.:; Stale 1* •N-nv «•! tirr- Iji.—,1.,pj ; m - - ' TV in Amerik;,- b.-- ;, v--:^ •-rned out by a poli\‘‘ lorn- uhich -iiri not have a plan to m the Ic ' * ItU other failings .• lc‘- ol 4;l livi- \r -«• iSrs Vllll V r -It lh»s a: HUWK PKIME MINISTER HFELEiTED Bimini, the ! tP Prif ■ MmiMer Lyn don c iiidUng's government ,-port for indc^Kodence in-' Britain within a vearwa* .?^edSept. 19 as some So.nnri Bahamians voted in a -r-rral slitiKm here L*PI». Wall Street Responsible ..JHtKisshk WAisHINGTON Former (.lack civil rights activist McKi'Vick has blaMed the ..andidai'N of Sen George Met^overn claiming the South Dakota Senior has sold out his black supporters. To >.4>ihe Wall Street, to -ave the old plantation." McKiNstck aid in a Matement follo-ving McGovern s appear ance brf«»re some ^all Street i:. • tors. McGovern appears to have sold hts Mack .supporters down the nver." Spe«: illy citing the 96.309 c-jaranued annual income, ♦hich the Nitiocul Welfa-e H Afii!w (irgani/a'ion and the - ire a nl Black Caucus. T r.iught lor and endofsed. MiK:- .k aid the Dcmocratu . had abandoned that pianto itifv IheWallStreeters f»i; * 29. Mr .McGov ern cU i-h-d his own Mack 4P -r* r-'kefeinihebag, that the.' had new here else to go So (he .ndaie ol Brolht . F:. T■- riav and Wilev weni New York- and to tne ! I The Wall Street Fat 1*, -nped $2 mjt of the , • arif* ■ ed income he had . vi.kis*: K ’ tl Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK LILES SHOES i asl.uAnji, Cwar«d To A Modorale Budgut Herman Sander*. 28 Y-ar old black resident -'of ■ 1348 Branch St. In Walnut Terr., will ne ver get another chance to threaten to rob any one again. He was shot to death at King’s Mo tel. 1403 S. Wilming ton St., by the white night manager. Charles W. Pritchett on Sunday night. One slug In the chest, fired from a .38 calibre pistol, shortly after midnight, sent him to Wake Memorial Hos pital’s morgue, Det. Capt. Larry Macon Smith stated. Pritciwil. mimi«r«l Aloa- dsy folkmin., the incidut. "Vu. w« did b n-e a liltls ihake up hmlatl night "HrdecUnd Uial he UM Ssndn. illtr th« latter pointed n gun st him. Pritchett wid Uir mnn’i gun nas fired during Uw robbery ailentpl but uid he wu unsure tl It was nctuslly fired si him. "We couldn't find where the isw Kttn IN. p. n Mrs.Cdield WS Address Women Sun. The annual Woman's Day program wiU be held at Grace Chapel AME Zion Church on Sunday. Sepi 24. at 11am Mrs c.ltzabeth Cofield will be the guerkt speaker The theme of the program will be •Involvement and Participation " Special muMC will be prov ided by the church> youth choir under the direction hi the mmikter of mutic. William Vandergnff. AU wo* men of the church will (fet cc'iiLr. Appreciation *^oney Won By 2 In City Two of the three peraonawhOM lamca appeared on The :AROLlNUN*a new Approcla- Ion Money page claimed their no eheeka laal week. Mra. ahlrley T. Rowlaad and Raymond A. W'Uilama ware e«dr wtnnera laal waak, Mra. Row- laod'a nana appeared In the iU* ArravriAiiov. p. n Boards To Keep Books Open CHICAGO - The Kev. Jesse Jackson plans on suing election boards in eight olUea - New York.^ Miami, Chicago. Memphis, Denver, tos An geles, Pittsburgh and Cincliinati ’- in an effort to force election officials to keep voter registration books open. denuoflhiscilybutwtwamnot Ibme eommisniooers and eomr rcgiiti^ « "'boartf'*^ reenosliiuie Last week. Jnckion lost an initial altempi to keep Uie special registrstioa plam in Chiento's 90 wards open. The attempt was Ibe first at a teiic* by Jackson's organiiatloa. Peo ple United to Save Humanity IPfSHi. U. S. District Judge Julius Hoffman refused lo heir Jocksoa's orgumcnis on his request to require about m branch registration officeo open Allboi^ the registration books won't clme until Oet in Uw election board here has doaed all of Uie t.eld jflices. Only the main etrclie office will remain opr,. ,uUI Uw October deadlm.' Jackson '’Iw-ged that the board was nui making sufficient efioru to register ol least M0,Ma of the more than I million blocks who are resi- In Ow suit. Jaekwm can Uw board and end plained Uul Uw decUons boar J systcma' c exckisw, of was all white and he asked Uw wWIe dUiens " federal court to disnisi Uw •« atv, tar t-o- r e NCNWConthucslls 'THarch For SrawaT BY XtBS Jo E. HICKS fa tomt cbtfchM Uit Sm- day, NCNW' womm begao thalr drive lo tneraaot tha ragla- tralton of now votora or (ho tranafora to eorroet proctoelo by makfag anootneoraaota to thtlr ehurehoa or urging the mlftlatora to omphaalaothe drive. Some of the womoo began to eootact the reeldanta of their aelghborhoade Soiday at 4p.mo and wlU contlnot during tbe week. Several reported that they were highly pleeeed with tbetr oootacla. Recorda of at! vlalla are being kept and win te ptMhad ontn tjfoceaaed by the regtatrara. Volunteera are atUl naaded. Ploaae contact either Mra. GUe Herrla or Mra. Peerle Mae Donald, dAtrman and eo* chairman reapectlvely. Theee volunteera win be helpful fa eontaettag votera In the Novem ber eleetlona and an aaaet to their preemeta to other elee- tlooa. CRIME BEAT From Rairlch^f OffIcLki Petirr klkv BDITOra MOR: YM* cefeM m iMtert It pteiectO le Um UK UMtrttt «iih u tlm tewtrOt ■■■Ultima Ut etui tew MMttf* tm laeivieuait Utvt llMi 9t evti I fhrta I Iff—aea uwir tMiea erteM HTe te de. Mewtven tt It - *- •'- ledae er Smy. «t mereir peMltU tut M «t nud tUem reperud far Uw •mtUM enicm. Te keep e«i ef Tbe CrUee Beet Celemei. we^ ■MM net ktku rtettieree far e mUm effktr m wMeiinc Mt ftpiairr wUUt ee dob- ae tue- MORE TEACHERS «l gTBIKE - Wadllagloni Tse*« la me Dlmrlet of ColwnbU. sngry a pay rntoe bOl ataUsd la Ccactee,. wsat oo itrUw fs^ l» ta'Sftom of A court ordor. AU but 9 cl Uw s^ own- fag MOlOOO atudanta In the nattoo'e eepKal were be^ Plcy* ed, a »ton apokeeman aald. Hare, eelence teacher Johr. Almene talke to aludenta outalde Brent SdwoL (UPO. peu weuN ke Ui tbe CrUM Beet.. AKDY MCCUUK SLASHED Andy Edward keCtafa, about 94, 9 aafat Auguatioe*a Avunot, told OCOeer a M. Perry at 4t99 p.fn. Sunday, that be left the Minute Market on New Bern Avenue and went to '’an »- known houat.** He atated that whan he got there, eoneooe atabbed him on bla body. **I don't taow who tt waa’* aald Mr. MoClafa, aa aoon Alalght aoda Shop In the ftrai block of N. Carver Street and when I walked fa, •orr.eoe.e •tabbed me,** sided MeClair.'s report. Re aittfered muttipl* laeerattooe on the right arm, atomach and to the back. (lee CttOU MAT P. 9)