. .1 • >U- i-'t Press Run This Week: 9,775 William "Bill" Trent Johns Vklim As 1 niB TV eeik, 7, i t it pc-CIAACommisskMierb FoundMurdered InOwnCar Rites For Johns Are Conducted Woman, 40, Slashed On Side BV ALEXANDEK W.ASHIXUTOX, D.C. - This seething govern ment capital, that has been much aroused over crime, came back to some degree of normal cy when the time and CHECK PCD wake: FAMILY HEALTH CEXTER PROCKAM ■ Shown ttov* art OMICcri ol W'akn HMlth Snnrkrs, he. pronmltrc >o Otfictah of Mnehnnlcn and Parmara B»na tor dt- ponK Ihr nm chKk r^-nlvad trom Iha Dapattmtnl oC HcalUi, Education and W'aUara In Iha tundbic et a SSao.nw nc nm ynr dewloficnMial frant tor a FamU; Haatth Cailtr Profraa IhrouilMM Wake Coonn. Pictured, left to riflit, ehairn-.at. - - -- ^ ... . . »» Mra. J.W. Taylor, C.A. Haywood, Sr- ^^***^*'' ^ ***• Bq»r« of MaMf»rr,ct4 jf the IUl«l|h Braneh of Mechanics sad Farmers Bank; »Bh wake Health Services. Inc., -Arthur L, Becker, trtasorer: Mrs. Marjorie & Dthnam, Vic** chairman; aod J. Forrest Barnwell, ehatrinan« The organUatioo is currently talerelev- wf appileanis for the poatkn of Exectillve director of Wake Health Serrlces, toe. This aollaa tOo^ place in Raleich last «fwk. Shirky Chisholm Not Campaigning for Sen. MrGovem, But Barks Him ' W.\shiX;:tox - Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm isn't going to cam- ugn jictively for the Democratio Presidential ticket because rte feels l " t. ii r" “*"1^'. McGovern. She, however. 1^ ''■•‘n-? everybody that asks her that they should vote for the McGov- ern-Shriver ticket this Xovember. Wr oaii't have another lour ♦Tarn ut Kwhard Xixoo in lh» “ umuccmi-j While Howe. I aims we ll have 2™“*^ 'w the Oemmiuc iKioif for .Alrdmern." she said v*v>_.notn.iiatioo for Ftcni- place of William (Kll) Trent Johns' funeral was announced here Tuesday. He was fu- neralized at Trinity A. M.E. Zion Church, 625 Park Road, N. W.. Thursday, 10:00 a.m., with Rev. Rl'har.! Thompson presiding. Bill John,' death wan reveal ed Sunday nununa when a keeper of Marvland National Cemetery reported Uiat a ToyoU car. parked between two markera. conuined a botfy of a An inveatiiatioo nhowed ^ man to be WiUiam Trent Joto. Uie non of the tote Vernon Jobnn. eminent preacher and xiucator of Lynchburg and ^fJglpat^ of the late W. J, TTent. a former It of Liviagntone Col- pn- rortn 10 get detailed infor- matioo on how ha arrived at dmth could not be ancertainad by the writer. It wan learned that he waa lent nemtSan!^ i^t. It waa aho reported lhal three other raen'a bodiea had been found in that vicinity of Officera were not able lo ucTtaui where he waa abol nor l«w nc-ctAA. F. t) an t have another lour woman w« an . I have Iremendoua organu. k...t i«r.M6-o6nrrn. «irwiu .d^.'cisr rfWSI- 'Aildly when stked aboul her JTi . .f^'***‘W^Wsgale *««** have bs«o oos of vlereTHT lhi9 November •* convention not jitackins (*eonte ^hhe waa a hllle irilaled lhal [he nfl which alerted ahortly before the coovcnlmn had not been reaolved after the July c before the convention ol Mark leadera formed a „ _ commiiiee to aupport and rAUL H. WTCHE, JR. aihiae Sen McGovern, and NATIONAL BLACK IlEWS tsIcAl ——— -am. Mra OiiUiolm, aa a c»!didale SERVICE 2^ Mrlimem," she added. "1 Hunk Iw V j decent and senous man ll'.t thtm' ironpa he has aniutKl him lhal are arrofanl .«nd msenMlive The>’re gmnn «u «cnt him from ftetlina lo ICAin IVnn\vlvania Avenue F^irlKT in the week ■vh MU. CNItROLM. P. t) 'Nixon Nation’s Biggest bSSS Slumlord/Soys Rep. Cloy "peevh ai Speiman Colk ollege. .Mr:: t hiNhiklin ^id the ^ to vole for McGovern." Mit said candMfly when asked about her preference thts November “I'm not attackinf Geone McGovern." she added. "I Hunk he B a decent and senoua man lt> those troopa he has around him that are arrogant aod insensitive They're going lo prevent him from getliM to ICOD Pennsylvania Avenue. ^y nomiutioa for rrsm- d^ She roettvod IS2 delegate votm el the convenUon^^^ FUrlier in the week, in a ipeecfi at Speiman CoUege. Mrs Chisholm said t h e Me* Govem-Shnver ticket There's no place ebe for us to go " iW New York Congrem* She wa« a bttk ihuiod that the rift tvhich started ahortly before the coaventieo had aoC been reaolved immediately after the July ceofab Shortly before the caaveattnn a numbor of black hiadrrt formed a committee to support aod advtot Sen. McGovern, and Mrs. Chisholm, aa a candidate heraelf. waa not on it But she was again denied a scat after the cooventMo aa well on the steering committee levcl....l could have baan one af aaecrtalawbarehawasahota MU cnsBocM. r. ai **** “•****• *> Nixon Nation’s Biggest Slumlord/ Soys Rep. Cloy BT PAUL H. WTCm. JR. GOP’s Turner Voices Concern Over Areas KNIGHTDALE - A J Turner. Wake County Republ ican candidate for the North Caaotina Houm of Representa- iHn. told a crowd of concerned parents, teachers and citizens that everyone has a n^t lo be concerned when gosemmental officuto can find solutions to problems that effect only a few. but allow solutions lo the problems of the masses to go unsolved Turner was referring to the three-year-old dispute with the North Carolina State Highway Commission and citizens of the Knightdale area, who have been try ing lo gel the CommisaMin to do something about the busy intersection of U S Hii^wayM Flasl at Knightdale. where three school bus accidents have already occurred since this school vsr h^in Turner said the golf cart underpass, which was erected in the same area of the county, may have been necessary but in his estimation “an intersectioo where some 2S school buses k.raas the busy intersection a greater phonly extsls " He alM became involved in the water shortage of the neighboring towns of Wendell and Zebulon. and said that if Raleigh-Wake County School merger comes, he wanted lo make r:ure that oach system was treated fairly and had an equal voice m the system. NATIONAL BLACK l(B«S 8ERVICK WASHINCTON • Coagreamnaa Wflilam Ctay, In eu of the sbsrpsst stlaeks on the Pro- aldeol dartacthlscampalgngku labelled Nfamo the higgasi **stMalord** to tha eowNry and saM he dasorvas lo »alaad on htofacord.** The MUoowl eoQgraosmsnp a membor of tho MeCovon oam- palgn atoortog eommlltoe, aaM tho Protktoiil ’Moisrvsi lobo kntghlod iDfktfowsrvtoglack of commttrosol ol tho oradi* cation of the oeonomlc and po- Womanis Killedin BullChf Miss Fleming Given Rites CRIME BEAT In Raleigh Misa Lucy Alethea Fleming. Wash- From ILsIrlsh's OfflcUi Poller FTIm iwRo. BMo cmmmi , V er *•»«•*• »• prosocto la tkt pah- JW m lM«mi waa oa olm iMorm okauwouaf lu rsanau. Mamor. mm mWSmawo laoitioaaH kav* roaottua tam Um a* ^oa ca* romMorsw -* itrfiwi !i y*»hwkai tatir IMMt waaM nao to Sa. nowovor. n la ao« oar poWttaa so at jaOst or lafy. mt^ paanm ta* fatu u wo OaO latai rtpotttO ay tao •rftwau oimtrs. iw aoop om or TWO Crimt StM Cttamai. »ttt*y aMoat sm atiac rttMtrtO ay • ocnctr la rtponiac Mi nasiac* waut oa emy. to tha* ply Uu? tir cat ■wtmr aao yoa woa^ at to ta# Crtow ntti. MAN IS MUGGED Mkhaol VlUtom Bowloo, U- ymr-oM wane rtsldsrN of $15- D Wyton SIresi (ftntterd ParkX told Otfloer W.L. Car- lor at 10 p.m. Tborsdsy that ke was •*magcod by sto or elfbt Nsgro males'* st Pey- ton Streol’o totersoetloo wkfc E«Mom Beolevard ta Apollo Hetgbts. The man oald bo dfet aoi roport N at too time of tts oeeiffraneo, on Tuoodsy Blgto. boenuee b# did act have a daoerlpIlOB of bis asaaUaats aod also boeaus# bo wu *fSol- In dspressod si tool tlmo.** Bowloo admNtid ‘Ilitfsdsy tool he ollll did not bsvo say do- scrlptlans of bis sttscksrs, "bid 1 wsalsd to roport ft juot for too records.** Hs tlso admitted tbat nototag was tskto from him. Me eahibfted bruISM On both sldeo of bis body, latr raiMk. M%r. P. t) resident snd teacher in Wsi mglon. D. C- snd s nslive of Rsletgh wss the ds^ter of the Iste Dr Harper L Hemingand Mrs Alverdo Boyer Fleming snd the niece of Mrs C B Ligon. Mrs. Ruth B. Walker and Or. James A Boyer She was an alumna of Hampton Institute, holding the M A togree from New York Cnivcrsity. She wss s teacher for many years in the Disiiict of Columbia snd wss teaching at McKinley High School. Wash ington. at the time of her death She oassed in Washington. (Stt MISS PLCl IMfi. p. t) DURHAM • A young Durham man was charg ed with murder early Sunday after his wife was found shot to death in their apartment on Commerce Street. bnemian Logtoi Alien. 37. of 14S-D Commerce St. was beiu held Sunday in the Durh^ County yail on charge of homicidr. The dead woman was identi- fiod as Mrs Lula Bell Willums Allen, about S A county medical examiner said she had been shot three tunes with a small caliber gun some time dunng the early hours Sundav lOM -wiU. cirr. p. p} Anti-Poverty Bill Approved Appreciation Money Won By 2 In City iwo of tbs to rat persona whose names appeared oo The CAROLlMAN'i new Appreeto* tlon Money poge clalmod tbetr $10 ebeeka last wotfc. Mrs. Shirley T. Rowland and Raymond A. wuitoms wort oar wloaera last wtok, Mra. Row- land'a nama appaatod in tha Warohooaa of Tires, toe. ad- vartlaemonl on pogt tt and tot Plggly Wi^y ad carried too name of Mr. wuuama. Wartoooeo of Tlrto, toe. to looatod at $18 Sooto Parson •troot at tha aomor of East Dtvla ftroat, and Plggly wiggty U leaniad at Piva Peinta to Mlto LUCY FLEMING tSM APpatcranoN. p. ti City Dcatb Probed North CaroUtia*$ Leading Weekly VOL. 31 No. 48 RALEIGH. N. C.. WEEK ENUlWG SAT., SEPT. JO. 1972 SINGLE COPY 15c In North Carolina Cities BusinessSeminarsSet AtV.S. MUitaryPont Hflck Airmen Of Raasm Si. Aug.’s, Shaw Sites In Raleigh TOP JOURNALBT SHOT TO death - BMon - Jomk The North Carolina and Economic Improve ment Corporation will sponsor the Start Your Own ikisineBS ifemin. ra In Raleigh SWfrM neUai ki Aravlea." -HI, Smtad uflMl tar Om ■Mdi lad iiplRtlou ft Etaek and mkar*t iraio Aa«leuu caa oaijr ba Bwrtaidwnd Iqr kla al^parr itkaaii Wat ara- taiiialle^ apraads totaa (adaral dollara to mlaactlF trov koaatot, acoooalc da- vilntaita, aad kaaRheanpro- trana ki llw hopa Iktr will m tale cop votea Oda Ito- vambar,'- Clap endiaaad. CrRlc^ of lb. adnlnlatn- Itoirto bandltat o( lb. F.d.ral pncian, Ctay aaM Ibt arob- laai ‘S—a auda bim CHtaon) Iba Hnaal altaalord ta Aaiarl- ea.” ‘Malaadaid wadRtana lahla its banataf prapam lav. bata Iba lubjacl oi manaoiia aa- poaas lod aeaadala. Tb. prob- ■an at abaadoananl (rawa, vbOa amraalaialMT tt pw Mnl o( an dvaOtafa eecisdad By Btaeka la tbla coodry aia aitanlandard^ If evarcroadad aaRa art taclodtd.” Clay alao bad taarp aorda for titaportora of lb. Prttl- d«.t. 'ITb.y) aould htvt oa btUm bt baa don. mor. for tbo ool- vtlloo of IbU comlry’o Stack cKtaou tbtn Nooh dM tor niolbor naturo dorbw tho cratl law rmrcN hot. f iv TOP JOaUfALBT SHOT TO DEATH - Boatoa - JootMi StrloHaad, 44, ta aaatalaal lo Ibo Doia of Aria oadSetaaeoo ol Harvard ItahraraMy, «aa fond MmI lo dtolb aarty Sap- laaibtr tt ta bit Boaloa a- paitaiaal. PoUeo aaM Stalek- laad't dtatb oaa awtraolly a boralcMt, bol a madtaal aa- antoar doeUnad to call I nar- dtr iMU aolapay roaidta art kaotn. Oaa of tbo noHOD-a laadtaf black Imnaltala, SIrtaMtBd «aa tvlea oorataalod lor a PMIlur Prtaa—coco tor eovartaf tbo Dotroll riala ta ia«7 tor Ibo DalroR Moot, (DPI) The North Carolina and Economic Improve ment Corporation wilt aponaor the Start Your Own ^Biness Seminars orSroall Business Problems Seminars for •11 persona interested in management training classes will be held at •aw tamNAB aar. Husband Home As Wife Dies The reportedly strange de.Tlh of .Mrs. Eula Mae Williams, 40- year-old resident of 510 E. Lenoir St., Is sllll Wife Dies «— tamNAB lar p. i Airmen In local Cop Texas Tell OfRacism Assigned To Youth Raleigh Police Chief R. E. Goodwin has announced the asatonment of Officer Gabriel Sanders (o ibe D^rt.-nrars Juvenile Squad in an invtsliga- tive posiilon. Formerly with the Police- Community Relaiiom sectran, Sanders has had special train- BV NATIONAL BLACK NEWS SERVICE LAREDO. TEX. - A (roup of black airmn from Laredo Air Force Bale, who look over a dining hall and refuicd lo ce nc out for more than eight houra. have lamented lhal there are no block civilinm in this South Team border aly. and IhnI many of the Mexicnn-Amcri- cana here are raclala. If I could import about IM btaeka girla down here, we'd have ihis proMem ulced." tnid (Om AOUiav TtaX. F t) EX-RALEICHTrE PMESENTS NATIONAL TROPHY - SL Loida - Zoate Dotanay, --Mtaa Dtalrlel of Colambk,'' ta m- ooenead and erownod --Ittaa EUdom of Amartaa-' lam weak by Grand EaaRad RMtr of Iha Elka Hobtoa R. RoyaoMa, al tar wlaatat Ibo UtU ta a vary compaiaivtbaaigypacaaal al Ibo organlialtan’a aaooal convaoltao kata boro raeaolly. Eogaoa MeCidtara tormarly of Raleigh. N.C. right, oeeoal oatcollvo, Coca-Cola USA, Mw- aonla Iba wtanrr'a troMor. The reportedly strange death of .Mrs. Eula Mae Wiliams, 40- year-old resident of 510 E. Lenoir St., Is still being investigated, ac cording to a telephone Interview with Del. Capt. John V. Haley, early Wednesday mom- nrr oaif f q Hampton Is GhetTfapers Ofb-Prof. HAMPTON Vs. . ProtoMCr t>r. SOO Clerics May Attend NAACPMeet (tat Use At. I or. r i) BY PAUL H WYCHE. JR NATIONAL BLACK NEWS SERVICE WASHINCTON - President Nixon has quietly approied a two-year extension of the nation santi-poierty programs, but without the controiersial free legal services proiision w*hich had bro -ghi repeated i-eto threats Congress approved the OEO biU authorizing $31 billMo in the fiscal year winch began last July 1 The figure IS $300 million more than the President hau budgeted for the year In sharp contrast to rather elaboraie bill signing cermonies in the W hite Ht use recently. the President cliosv to approve the measure with no fanfare and a simple announcement that the White Houe had signed the bill into law withouth Presldenual comment Earlier, a Senate-House con- ftreoct commiltet sgresd on transfer of the Legal Strvicet program to a prlvait corpora tion. which the Prtsldsnl supportad But they placed a number of reatrlctlons on wtoi isw AWTiwMmnmr. p. t> AgnewWonfs Busing End? BY J B HARREN OURHA.M — North Carolina NAACP Conference officials are inviting every black and wliite minister who will spare the time, to attend the opening day of the 3Mh annual C NAACP .Stale Conference al the ts#* w*. c rates i». «> Efflerftus, 6r. Thomoo Wyatt Twow, M, th. oMmI livtiw mtmbw of lb. Hamptao facMty, km doMtm htapmriocialpopm and hta paraooal library lo Ibo eoRogo wgh ableh ba has bsaa ooaoelalad for more thoa a half coolary. Tb# dtaftagatabod oebotar and oattaoally bmwa btakglal, vboao major work boo barn, ta ptam physiology tad ptani potti- otagy, oialod, -whio I wag IwotoMor of oppllod blMoiy ti Howard UntvarsMy ta tbs aa- tlonal eaptial, as aarly aa IMS I waa a eoosuKaiit bars ta Iba aatoral actancaa aad taiHbt ta Iba sammar sebool at Ramp, too Agrleidtoral and Normal htaKola (at that tlm. tka of- tlMDO TOSMSa. F It GABRIEL SANDERS BY XA'nOKAL BLACK NEWS SERVICE NASHVILLE. Taon. . Vie. PrasMant Spiro Agntw aanls to and all scboct bostag for the purpot. of totagraltao and ha says tha PrasMtot's pro posal for a moratorium oo eourt-oruorad aelwol bnatag wouM offoctivtiy do just that. -'Wt’ro gotag to bavo an and to this baaing and wa-rt go ing to bavo a vary clMr,” Agnow toM • crowd bora sbU. ean-.p.lgnlng tor tb. r.-MM- tlon of an faioumbant Sanator, "Tba rttaoo wt bava aU tha coofuston about this subfoct oow la that tba PraiMaot-a pro posals war# not aetad oo by Coogrtaa, and they eamt igi (SM AGXtW WANTS P It Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK DOWNTOWN WIG MART For Th# Med Look At Ftinnomtail Prlaaa TORAPPED ROUSE ■ RELEASED - Hottaan - 'Ibroo tkbuppiri rtlaaaod t 40-yaor-oH womu Soplambor IS ^ had boon mtaotag ttaao SoMmbar IS, »7t from bar cay homo, Tbo PBI aoM tbo ransom tMnd waa not PoM tod tba kktaaioars tppartntly rtloasad bar ta panic, bar hood on bar huabon'l-s •beiddor iRor bar ralaooo SoMombor II. RWisrd Taylor It a woolthy Tanu cay bualntumu. (VPD