r - '■ ' k--- HalmOfUkigh Press Run This Week 9,820 Phimmer Gets Top Paying Job 1st Black To Hold High Post Rakigh Woman Tek Newsman •J'-iy Manager W. H. Carper Tuesday an nounced the selection of John O. Plummer, Jr. to the post of Intergov ernmental Coordinator for the City of Raleigh. North Carolina*i Letiding Weekly VOC. 31 No. 49 RALEIGH. N. C.. WEEK ENDING SAT.. OCT 7. 1972 SINGLE COPY I Sc North Carolina Branches NAACPMeetNextWk. At ^JameiAMEChwrdi Sundry xi-xi-il-si- Pluinmtr wlU leeve the 9*8. Depl. of Labor u maopwor apectallal vlUt tbo Oitnet of Emptoyffloot DtrolopnoDt tohleh U a dJvlalOB of Work Esptrl- me* Procrams, rtfponaftia lor niort than 1719,000,000In Man- powor proframa. Hi* wOl report aa an Aaala- lani to tKt Ctt^ Manacar lor Inlrrcovrmmental Ralaf Iona on October 16. Thr new Interfovemmeotal Coordinator, vfeo re ceived bU Doctor of Jurtapru- from Korth Ccroilna Cm- iral Cniv.T'itlv, la Ibe non of tt.e late and well-tasownRalelfb !>ilU itiroptal, Dr. John O. fitd a Ntfth Lee To Keynote RICH Meet Mayor To Address Audience Rich Park, a mlddlo and lov ineoma bOMtaf project, located la the method oommoity, will bold be annual raeetlnc Sunday AftArfiOBA. r*--*-*- -j a. at biOD tanl to tbe Cby Mana^ for Interfovernmeo^ Relaf'lone on Oetoter 16. Tbe new bdertorernmentil ReUUoM CoordlBator, wbe re ceived bla Doctor of Jtrlepm- deooe from Rorth Carolbm Cm- tral Uitvereby, le Ibe eon of the late and weU-tawwnRalel|b ptiUanthroptal, Dr. John 0. Plummer, «bo pel 31 North Caralina diOdrM tbroegh eol- Address Audience ^Knocked To Ground,^ Miss Alexander Says BY CHAKLCS R. JONES A 32-year-old female nsident of 1322 Wal nut Street, told a story to this newsman Mon day of undue harrae'.>m‘ ,• by a police officer, who Is a plainclotbesman, working out of the ■Dedal aervloee dlvlalaa of tbe Raleisb Police JfUss Alexander l^ys BT CHARLES R. JONn lore. (•rt pLimma. r. s> RkhSquan Residentin NaflOffke Rleh Puk, a mMdto and leer Ineame booefeic prcjeol. located la tbe meOMd oommonty, wIS bold be vmml meeUnf SMday afternoon, Oetober t, if 3t00 p.01. at Ibe 8L JbmM AME Cburcb on Method Rood. Tbe Rev. Jamee Sbaarea la paetor. Tbi rettrtac prietdant, Dr. C. W. Ward annoMcea that tbe five ^mneorlac cbercbee are tovlted alons wbb tbe peb* Uc of Raleigh and iiirrnenrtlng eommunblea. Chapel Rlll*e Mayer Howard Nathaniel Lee will he tbe key note ipeaker el RICH Park*e Anneel Meetbg. mas HILDA ALEXAMDER A 32-year-old female realdent of 1322 Wal nut Street, told a story to this newsman Mon day of undue harraasm'' by a poHoe oOioer, who is a plainclotbesman, working out of the ■pedal aervioea dlvisloa of the Raleigh Police Department. Miss Hilda Grace Alexander aaid that abe was knocked to tbe ground and treat ed with aevereness on the part of Officer C* C. Heath, who was accompanied In an un marked .car last Thursday morning by Of ficer W. A. Blackman, also a apedal cop. The first aciion occurred on McKee Street, near Fayetteville Street. RICH Park a middle '^ind low income hous ing project, located in the Method community,, will hold its annual meeting Sunday after noon. October Sth. at 3:00 p.m. at tbe St. James .AME Church on Afethol Road. The Rev. James Sheares is pas tor. RAl*l|k ktH’-climk HowSw Corporallo. (RICH) te . iwa. prolU, MOMnile, ud nctallir M«rcr.l.l.d bOMke dtvtlop- mnt ot too uutnwaC vR. tan MA.oa iS r. o Mrs. Fwwl* T. Nniont ot Rkk Sear., m. *lMl.d Ul vm PmlOtM ot llw Nalioml Coatmion ot Clae Worm. Md Id Su JOM, CtlUornliL Mri, NmrlOfn. If a Mtlv. of CUn~ cootw Cow,;, Vlrtlnla. Hor undorfradiaio and frad«tt ^ work va« don. at Hamidon k- MUidr. Sbr did fnnlwr aindr ai Eaal Carcikia Oolvrraay, CrawivUlr, N.c. Durham Is Ready For Ginvention DURHAM - Ibe 9lh Annuel CenvMtioa of the North Cere- tine Sute Coofercoce o f Brenchee. Netionel Aseecietien for the Advencemeot of Colercd People will convene in this city, becmnint Thundey. October 13Ui. with n Pre-Convention MmiMen end Church Work Committee meetinb. under the director of Rev. J. T. McMiUen. cheirmen.N.C NAACP Church Work Committee end pretidenl of the Winston-Selem NAACP Branch Speciel e%'MU of the Thursdey mcetiog will be en tU* Di'MUM It. P. 1) Tbe women eeM ebe wutetv- tfl« e blue 1396 Cbevrolel wbM ebo bcerd e eer bMitad her UowMf the born. Mtee Alex- ender mid ebo flopped her eer. **Two wbbt mM eeme to tbe eer ead eekod to eeo my drtver'e Ueeneo,'* ibe etate^ «I Mmwed ft to them. Neftber of the mM knd Aown mo any Miiitlflctllnn ee to tbe feet thet they were poUot afOeere, eo I dSdn*! know them from Adam.'* She went en to elete thet ibo wee eeked by Heetb to elep oel of tbe ear end Mie eeked him Tor wbet?* **nw>‘ seM they wealed to aeereb me, edd- ing that they had beard tket I had a ptatM to my poekol- book, t tbM asbMl Offloer ret* '.taiiK cop.’ p. t> Philanthropist To Saint Aug.'s On October 17 Mec/jc/n S/HiYear OfPmctke saw AugMitae'a CoOege of Raleigh, will sponsor the sp- pearanct of a renowned au thor, lecturer, world traveler, lire «n UHlTxeY, p, o NCNW To End 'March For Survival’ BY M6S J. E. H1CI6 Tbe Raleigh Sectlm of the Natlooal Council of Negro Wo- mM win eonelede Ita Regla- trallon ^Mardi For Sunrlvel’* la a meetiag to be bMd at the Y.W.C.A. Sunday, OeLI at S p.m. Mombera are roqpMited tokavo all mreglfllerod pereons to re- glater, and nmaa needlof tranalera, to be treaaferred to tbe rl^ preelncta, for the reglatratloo enda on Monday, October 9. Voluntaera wbohave caw NCNW TO. P. s> PkSmkMMMfttSMMSSSf BY J B HARREN ROCKY MOUNT - One of tbe deans of tbe Rocky Mount Medical Fraternity la much loved end venerated Dr Leonard Plummer Armstrong, an Edgecombe County native, who finished the Leonard Medical of Shaw Universitv. Raleigh in 1913. Popularly addressed as “Doctor L P ibecause he haa s brother, Dr. W. Iburber Armstrong, who is also a phyticiani. L. P. A. is now e^ty-three years aold. L P. Armsirong. M D. started his medical career here in his home town inlSIS. where be has remained in service to the people fifiy-aevcn years* Duri^ this lime Dr. L. P. A. has loM count of the hundreds of baby arrivals he has officiated MRS. ELEANOR 8. WHrTNEY Two Claim A very modest man. ISW MCINC smt. P t Appreciation Money Here OFFICE A DAY CARE CStTrCR? - WaMOi^lon - Rep. Bal ia Ataeug's office took oa tee appaaraace os a oay care om- ter October 3. A groim of motbera oame to Capitol HIU to lobby against tbe elimination of day care center funds m tbe present Dtecrlct «f Colambla asgroprletlane Mil. While tobbytag en tbe Capttol steps, tbe motbere dxcgpert ff the hide ai the office of Ibe Nm York democret. Rep. .\bxug wee picked by tbe New York State Democratic Cm- tral Commitiee to replace the tote Rm. wtuiem P. Ryu as the parly's candidate in tbe tOih CcngreMlonal Lietiict y, (IW Ryv had ielMied her In the primary. wtmwmmtfmmmmmti Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK aRTBl’SMC. For Qeality rvnftire At Moderate Cost iWhYinnY Yea, tbai'a right. Two oftbroo persona whou names appeared on Tbe CAROLINlAK*S new Ap preciation Money pegs claimed tbetr 910 cbeeke tost week. Mrs. Carrie L. StaUtnge and Mra. LooIm 8. Rarrto were ow winaere last week. Mrs. StaUli«e nbo Uvee at 734 De- laaey Drive, mw her name bi tbe Downtown Wig Mart adver- Itoament on page 13 and Hunt GMcraJ Tire Compuy carried tbe neme of Mrs. Harrto. Mrs. Rarrto rteldea at 1340 Braoeb Street. Downtown W|g Mart, formerly (sw ArmaiiAaioN, p. ti AT LAST RTTES FOR klRS. CAROLINE WOODS « PtU- beaiwre are sbow?; taking the remaine of Mrs. Caroline Woods, 106, u the steps of the Maple Temple Unked Chtirch of Christ, located on DocUn Rood. Mra. Woods, shown la two-yeer-old photo at rlghl, passed Wedneadsy, September 38, after s short period of Qlnees. Hundreds AtFuaeidOf Mrs. Caroline Woods, 106 BY STAFF WRiTCR A pall of sorrow fell over the city of Ra leigh early last Wednesday afternoon when it was learned that one of this city's oldest ( If not THE oldest) residents had died fol lowing an illness of some two weeks. Mr.. Cirolln* Ptorc. W'o^, n.Mih, 106 yoers of agt, peaaed at tbo homo given her u s wed- dbig present by bar tote hue- band, W'Ulle Woods. Hm com- fortabta borne to located at 919 I. HargoH Street, where abe resided wth a daughter, Mtoe OdeU Woods, a au, Goocft Woods, and e grand- son, Mack Watts. Fvieral aarvicee were con ducted M Sunday, Oetober 1, at the Maple Temple United Church of Christ, where Mrs. Woods held memberiblp tor more that three quarters of a oaotory. Tba pastor, tbo Rev. Matthew C. Steed, officiated, accompanied by other mi nisters. Borlnl wu to MomI Hope Cemetery. Born on a term near War saw, in Duplin County, Mrs. woods moved to her preient and only resIdMce more thu 79 yearn ago. WbM abe errtved hi Raleigh, her home wu oMnlde of the city Ilmltn, tor, u tin-- re- eaUUd, the Ilirtte exteoded «!)’ -i9t feifMkfe- onM of the Ca&i- Mre. Woods Mjoyed eaeellent heafth most of her life and until recently, oftu eat on her front porch and watebad paopio pau by, moat of whom aba bad toown atnee their tattoncy. gbe also kept u ampla vege table gardu, whkb abe teoM until aboek thrae years ago. Om of bar mato hobMu wu quilting and aba bad muy to show to her frtondj and newa- mu wtMO they called on bar on be'' anneal birthday party, May 1. She only wu hoepllal toad once in 1966. Sba commented: **nte ntrsM got mnd at roe tor trying to do for myeeU. Tm not used to kavtag poopla wall on me. rve bsM worUng like a mu since my heeband died In 1919, and. tbe Lord wttHng, VU go on working tbe reel of my Itle." She bad u uncenny memory tor names and eventa. WlMH CAROLINUN managtag edkor. CharleaR.Jonea, called or her year^ at birthday time, MRS. CAROLINE WOODS McGovern SeesBIadc Publishers NEW YORK srjf-iinf George McGm’crn mn ‘ .kt w^ with reprnr 'ativt ' iif tbe National Nwr-^puper liihcra Aaaocialton >NNPA> tn discuer many of the laMa - ihr Dmocralic nominee muM .id- during the caropj iit. at lion’a buck thenalion’f Dr. Carlton Goodlet. forrr.rr preeidrnt of the black pulTi^^b ere nieocialion. m i the inn** r *r (IM O. A.rOOVKIIN. !• nialere. Burial wu to Mout Hops Cematary. Bora CD a form aaar War saw, to Dulln CoMty, Mrs. woods moved to bar praaent and only reeldMei nwro Ibu 79 years ago. Wbu aba arrived to Raleigh, her home wu outside cf the efty llmite, tor, u Mm re- uUed, the llmite extended only six blocks cast cf the Capi tol and mulM polled Mreet- enre along dirt roada hi aasi do tor myaoB. Fm nd dsad to having poopla out en me, I've beu wortlng like a sau alaee ray heabud dlad to 1919, end. tba Lord wOHdc, FH go on wueking Ibe reel cf my life." campaign in the Mlioa'ablach commumlK-* Dr. Carlton Goodkt. former praeidtnt of the black publiMi- era aauciatton. eel tbe tone for O. ArOOVCKN. e. tor namaa and evonta. WbM CAROLINUN managing odMor, CbariM R. Janes, eallad on her yearly at btrtbday lime, Mra. Woods, who bad taMwn btan alnea ehlldbood. «otM6 al- (om mbs. woooa. p. n NCHtason'sCBrawn gBITOtoS NOn TU •f hanm B pr«e*c*e M Uc e«li- It mumot wna m UfeaniB Sets IRanf New Goals MM meivMwiti iuv« reeo*M»e mat Uwv W fl««l in* rafeUStfi ttan W *T*Tl**auf NEW BERN - Clark S. Brow.i, Wtoatott-Salem funeral direc tor, who bu bsM Grand Mas ter cf tbe N.C. Jurladletton of Prince Hall Maaona akwe 1959, In giving hla unaul addreu at the IQtnd SeeelOH of tbe Grand Lodge here Tuaedey af ternoon, edfflonlebed ibe more thu 30,000 members that ‘r- ^ere times that tried *s eoola and certainly Maseis had to rtoe to the occasion, clsrk S. Brown was rv-elect- ed Stale Grud Maei.r for tho I3tb time w-iroeday mornlnf of this week. Brown hegu hie term in office in 1999. Evm ihoegh he did not mM- tion dope ageciflcall), he celled for s new appro^ to the ealabllahlag P'.thagai as Clubs Ihrooghout North Caro lina. These are cliAs tlut aponaortd by Prince Kali >u- sens for the drveinpmt t of yoMgatera. The slog*’ ;-^r (he clM) Is "You never rose so high u whM you atoeped to pleki*»l>i>».’ ^ ^ He traced tbe work dono to tbo paM foor years, wttb uo- clal tatersM en BMOe Ax Lodge of Roxboro. Du to work done by this todge II reulved tbe 1973 Mssonie Acblevemenl Award. Jedge Sameul Cbees, Special Suvrlor Cowt Judge and tbe first appointed In the state wu tbe prtadpel igealrer el tbe Grand Master's henqnel Time- day nigbt. He too told of tbe muy opportunlltee now being afforded to urve manklod to several endMvors. Unlike prevloee election yr*re there wu not moeh polttical talk. Broom did mention tho tact that the lOmder of Prlnco Hall Masoor- in North Caro lina. Blaaop J.W. Hood^ wu a Repeblicu. ft wu tbo cenceo- aei eer SMBton •• a* JeSe* or jery- W* m*r«»y peMNii tlw MftR as w* line mil r*pa«t*e to ts* anwottm •metta. Te b«*e **1 *1 11w Cftma Bast CalseMM. aMr-l> Uatna r*cal*r*e to « c*r bi sanra aCflctr ni re part fen mmm9* wtoUu an e««>. Se me- jrsa wsn*i to M Tto Crto* B*«t WOMAN USES SHOE Mtoe Ltnie Rtoh Hrldgee, m 8. East Street, loM ofllctrs R. L. Hawley a^ J.C. Keeler St 3Ut p.m. Thursi^, that she and Miss Ariel Merle Porter, 37, 601 Solar Drive (Apullo HelfbteX were arguinf wh-n MIm Porter atreck her aboM Ibe heed and face with a Mtoe. Mlu Bridges advised tbe ef- fletra that she would sign an seuuli warrant agalnal Mlu Porter. The IncldMl took plac^ at SH S. Eloodworih Sh’eet. Mlea Brktoee, who sMferod la cerations of tbo face and bead wu taken to the hospitel In- ambuUnee. Dr. Parker Is 'Master Of The Yr. GKEE.NSBOKO Dr W i Parker. Jr. 33. haa been selected at the moM outaiand- wg Worshipful Master m the Sixteenth Ihstrici The were presented by Deputy Grand Master Aaron Ughtneir of the Sixteenth District of Pnnee Hall Masons of North Carolina at their Annual District meeting at St Johns Lodge .No 12 in Greensboro Parker is the Worshipful Master of Invincible Lodge No. 251 Free and Accepted .Maeom in Greensboro He wu honored for exhibiting the most cr( stive leadership oh u> Warshipful Master in the Sixteenth District The program of Invincible Lodge wu centered around innovative way to involve the lodge and its members in community action. Parker uses the motto “You can. if you think you can!" He comet from a family of fourteen children in Motmt Gilead. North CaroliM. He holds s Bachelor'e and Masters Degree from A*T ^!3te University, a Masters t-um the Universitv of North ('arolina at Chapel Hill, and the l;tcitiralr from Indiana Uni versity Parker serves as fs«* . B. r.vNKiK. r. t> EX-POW LEAVES HOSPITAL • Su Oloeo, Calif. - Re cently releaaed North Vietnam priaener of war, U. Nfcria Charles, 37, leavee Naval HovpkM news coorerence win wife^ dJga*. a^ daugtder, Kiraito, 1.' (Vpl) to

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