I- r • • PRESS RUN THIS WEEK 9.8» Raleigh^s Blach Community Spokesmen Will Probe Death Inmate’s Iflan Also Faces Drug Rap Death Is City Woman Raped? studieii TVort/t Carolina's Leading Weekly VOl 31 NO 51 RALEIGH. N C. SATURDAY OCTOBER 21. 1972 SINGLE COPV ‘Cr Sets Thursday Night Session Merger Tops RCA Agenda Black community spokesmen here have promised a determined investl^tion to uncov er the cause of a cell fire that killed a 34- year-old black inmate at Central prison last week. Chtrles C. RlctorosOD wu the victim. Richardson, mteo hsd been sert'lnc sentences of t9> to SO yeirs for assault and armed robber)'* vas killed by On Firebombing, Conspiracy Charges L'lavis, 9 Others ‘GuQty’ the blase vhlch was so imcn&e that U charred the cell*s steel and concrete wJls and meked the toQet fixture with Us beat. Acents from the State Bureau of Investigation (5BI) were as> signed to look Into the case, and, within two days. U was announced that two fellow pri soners were being held as sus pects. However, black commititvr»- (»«« rueiii .^tAiai. r. si Elks Set Man, 29, To Face MAYOR’S Car "SUIPm” . Washington - Official cars be- longlnp to kla>'or Walter Wash ington and his deputy Graham Watt hav«* been sto!^’ from the ■i 22-\’ear-old young Kaleigh woman. Miss Geraldine Freeman of 1238 Sew Bern .Avenue, told Raleigh police at 3:30 a.m. that hse was raped by Leroy Watson. 29. who was arrested for rape and on a drugs .narge. The incident, according to Miss Free man, took place at 11 n m nn the nlwht he- h.rt Ceremony Sunday CRmcBES COUNTY OFFICULS - Cl>lcar> - Dr. CtarlM Hur«. lift, prtslUmt o Ualcolm X Collwr, l*Uj nenmm »l a confermw October 16 that Cook Coonty aottiontles — ImI r«a1U«..T . Salt 1^ MAYOR’S CAR ”SWTPEO»’ - W'sshlrvgton - Official cars be- longlag to Mayor W'Uter W'ash- K^on and his deputy Graham W att have been stolen from the CaDttol narking lot. (UPI) RCA Will Talk Of 12*38 New Bern Avenue, told Raleigh police at 3:30 a.m. that hse was raped by Leroy Watson, 29. who was arrested for rape and on a drugs charge. The Incident, according to Miss Free man. took place at 11 p.m. on the night be fore at 913 1/2 New Bern Avenue. W'DrrON • On Saturday, Oc tober 21, tn the town of win- too. Hertford County, the im proved benevolent protective order of Elks of the world wQl make history, h «1U bdd the official dedicatory services of what, when fullycon.pleted. will be a mllUon dollar shrine and camp site for mderpiivUeged yodh from throughout the V- nlted States. Coast speaker for the dedl- cstor)- services will be (he SecreUry of Stale of North CaroUns. the Htmorablc Thad Else. ColncldenUy, Eure Hnbson R. Reynolds grew .ogether tn Hertford Cointy. A graduate of the t’nlveratty of North Carolina, Law sebool, Mr. Eure was one time Ma)*or of Winton. from 192.i.Tfl2R ntc PAHhAHA JucAAin, raCE NARCOTICS RAPS - Newark, N. J. - Actresa Barbara MrNair ( Inset at right) hides face from photogradiars and clloga to her lawyer's arm as her business agent-husband, Rick Manzle, also attempts to shield her as they left federal eourt Mie October 17 following Miss McNair’s and htancle’s arralgnmant on narcotics charges. Pbete was UVen just before actr^s and husband rot In fight with photographer. (U^ Smithsonian Institution Lauded For Aid To Black Voting Rights W.ASHINGTON. D. C. - john Lewis. Kxecutive director of the Voter Education Project. Inc. (VHP) has commended the Smithsonian Insti tution for the depiction of the black voting rights struggle in a recently- opened exhibition entitled "The Right to Vote." Ibe exhlbttloo describes bow ballols ware bestowed, at times only after much struggle and sacrifice, ’o various groups of oisfranchlaed Americans — the landless, soldiers. Flacks, wo* atwM, Selma to wh^ch was brutally attacked at the Edmund Pattus bridge x) '•Hoody Sunday", was noe of five speakers fbr the oCflclal reception which opened the ex- Sutad Lewis, **1 wish that all black Americans could vlstlthe Smlthsralan to see this dis play. B is good that we are eunstanlly remuidi^ that th* vote did not come fra*l) and Merger BY MISS *1 K HICKS The Raleigh Citizens Association will hold its regular meeting at 8 o'clock Thursday night at the East Hargett Street YWCA. Presn' nt Ralph Campbell Although die gave no reason for delay in reporting the capi tal crime. It Is knowii to ^- leigh police authorities that the wroman arrived at the W’aVe Count) magistrate’s office to charge she had been ravished at 3:30 a.m. Saturday. The c! arge of rape is not listed on the W ake District Court docket, bouever. CRITICIZES COUNTY OFFICULS - Chicago - Dr. Charles Hurst, lift, presldect of Maleotr X Ctdlege, teUs newsmer at a oonfarenee October 16 that Cook Cototy authorities had perpetuated tor politieal reasons ”the m}*tb that black people come otS of the ghetto, sweepdowmand kill the whites." Hurst crltlaed them for ascribing racial motives to the mur ders allegedly committed by members of a group called De Mau Mau. Six men. Including four former hlakolm X students, are tnder arreat and twro more are being sought for the murders of nine persons. At right Is ^iry Wright, a representative of black veterans. (UP!) expects the committee aDoinicd (o studv the merger ui city county scho^ and the and charter amendments of the city of Raleigh to report Its find ings. Other business will consist of reports from the political action chairman. James H. Brwon. Two meetings have al ready been held b}‘ this com mittee and a third meeting will convene at 4 p.r.. Sunday at the Cofield campaip. head quarters. SIS S. Blount St. - Because the Issues to be con sidered aie so vital to the Black eommuntty, it is hoped that many memt*ers of this Urge committee will be pre- sent. Watson, who resides at S27 Bragg Street, was also nabbed for possession of a needle and s}Tlnge. He was arrested on this rap at 3:43 a.m. Saturday. In parenthesis, the arresting officers, J. L. Brown and D. N. Scott, placed the name O'Neal in back of the woman's name, giving specuUtlOQ that she may b married. She suffered bruises on the right arm. An attempt to contact a pos sible attending physician at Wake Memorial Hospital on Tuesday end Wednesday of this week, proved to be of no a- Mrs. Toflimie Young To Head Body For Nixon WASHINGTON. D. C. - Mrs. Tom .e Young, whose Republican background stems from a Nashville, Tenn. mother, who worked in the Landon, Wilkie and Dewey campaigns, was tap ped by t»ie Committee for the Re-election of the President, here .Monday. Mrs. Young, WDU immos the v’U. Investigation la allegedly con tinuing tn the rape case. Sentence Parsed On Rev. Chavis pre-educatlonal program at Durtiam's N C. Central University, was picked because of her dedication to improved education and uie seemmg oe- «tre of Pr*.*std«t Ntzontoeome vp wsh an improvea «ouea- 2 Parties 'Mum/ Savs Analyst sillTtWS NOTE. TWI* e»iiama •r tesiurr U proSoreS Id the puk> Ur ItttrrrU «itb sa aim to«arSt rttmtwatlDc li& reaUDt* Noarr- ««i laSi'.iduai* Waie mauetteS that thr> hr clirn thr coatidrra* tlea at etrrtosktn: ihrir Hrtiat oa the ftaUrr Slattrr. This s-c aouM Uka to So Hoovvar, it is not oar pmtttoa to ha JnSea or Jar)-. Wr oaaral) pahllsh tba farts as wa ftaS tham rrportaS h> the arrasUax etitrrrs. To harp out of TWa CrUna Baat Cottunas. marair maaat sot hrlns mlstrraS b> a poUra olfirar ta raportlac hii flhSlBCt uhUa oa Sutr. to sim ply kaap off lha "BlMtar*' aaS yew woet hr ta Ihr Ctlmt Btat. ACCUSES HUSBAND Mrs Mary Kirk Winston. 26. IRC Savannah Drive King- wood Forest». told Officer R. L lf«wle> at 7:26 p.m, Satur^y, (hat ^ was in her house. dr»sing for a party when hei husband Donnie Nathan W’ins ton. 90. S2»iy £ Edenton St., came tn cursing She said the man then slrttck her about the face, causing a cut on hv chin. She declared he also tore her panu suit An assault on a female warrant was signed and Winston was ‘ hauled off" lo Wake Cowty Jail ^ ran .NEW YORK - A leading black educator and political analyst claims that neither President Richard Nixon, r'lr Democratic candidate George McGovern are responsive to the needs of black Americans, and he warns that Blacks are to have a major impact on the 1976 Presidential elecuoo lhe>- must begin to mobilize immediately .** (ucai areas Dr Ch..rles Hamilton, profes sor of political science at Columbia University, joined Jet magazine mana^ng editor Robert DeLeon and host, executive producer Tony Brown iSrv SNALYfT. P t, BURGAW — hentencing was due to be held Wednesday tnis week in the cases of ihr Rev. Ben Cham. Oxford native, and nine other young men. charged and found guilty late Tuesday of firebombtng and conspiracy lo assault emergency personnel in Wilmington during racial up risings there last year The Pender Cotmty Superior Court mn-. wl'ich has been listening to testimony in the case for more than five weeks, took exactly three hours to cemsider a venhet The jurors delivered guilty verdicts on 19 counts in the ^rsely attended and quiet courtroom At 8 p m. jurors asked that the definitions of the terms "con sjuraev" and "aiding and abet ting ' be repeated to them Judge Robert Martin ol High Point, presiding over the Inal in Pender County Supenor Court reiterated the definitions he had included in his charge lo the jury earlie** in the dav On trial in addition to Chaiu were f'onniv Tvrdall. Marvin tare agv. t«iA\IS. p tlonal program,despite his bus ing attitude. She not only feels that H Is not only common-sense wise to work with the committee, but polttlcally-aatute to be In a position to ak! In the policy making of a far reaching edu cational program, designed to meet the needs of everybody. She feels that the black impul should ht viable, as a campaign Issue, and should ser^e as a big factor Ir. the proper im- plementatla’i. At a press conference, held in Durham Tuesday, she out lined the wort of her com mittee. the National BUckEdu- camp site for tnderprlvllagad youth from throughout the U- nltad States. CuMt speaker for the dedl- catorr services «1U be ibe SecreUry of State of North CarhUna. the Hooorablc Thad Bare. ColncldenUy, Eure aao Fofaeon R. Reynoldi grew .jgether In HerHord Cotrty. A graduate of the Uitversitv of North Car^lna. Lew school, Mr. Eure was one time Mayor of Winton. from 1923-1928. His polttlcal 'l^rotsid is exten sive having served in many capadlies, local, county and statewide. Winton Is the birthplace of the present Grand Exalted Ruler, Robson R. Reynolds, and it was In 1966 when Mr. sod Mrs. Reynolds donated approzl- matdy 100 acres of land on which the shrine was to be built i9on the recommendation of the late Charles F. McCXane of SteeUon. PennsylTania, who served for many years as Pub lic Relstlot.s Director for the order of riu. H was be who proposed to name this magni ficent shrine In honor of the Grand Exalted Ruler, Hobson R. Reynolds, who bad so gra ciously donated this valuable land to the elks. Charles P. McClane stated be fore the delegates assembled Li Cleveland. Ohio in 1966 at the Grand Lodge ConvenUon. 'This Is the first time In the hlstor)' of our organization that a gift has been made to the organization bj' anyone.** Oe of the bulMiJv* In the shrine wDl be named in me- mon' of the late Charles P Cfc« ELkS wux. p. n — — ^ I WAAS^ AWA^AIEO WASfflNGTO;:. D. C. - John Lewis. Executive Director o£ the Voter Education ^ject Inc. (VEP) has commended the Smithsonian Insti tution for tte depiction of the black voting rights struggle In a recently- opened exhibltl >n entitled "The Right to Vote." ’ Tbe exhibition deicrtbee bow ballots were beftr /ed, gl tiroes ooly after mucL etr^le and aacrtflee, to various groups of disfranchised Americans — the landless, soldiers, BUcks, wo men, native Americans, ettl- zetis of the District of Coltxn- bls. and, most recently, to 18 yesr-old citizens. The exhibit contains some 200 exam{des of songs, slo^s, posters, pamphlets, historic documents, and other objects from pre-Revolotlonary times to tbe Voting Rights Ad of 1970. Included among the hems In the etdilbU were various arti cles of clothing wombymareti-' ers In the 1965 March from Selma to Montgomerj’ which produced the 1965 Voth«RIgfats Ad. Other items from the Sel ma struggle Included photo graphs, posters, snd an audio visual presentation depldlng the march. John Lewis, who ledthemard: 444M.. Seims to M0Mi«ut»M> Stated Lewis, **l widi that sU wrhlch was brutally attacked at black Amarleans could visit the tbe E^dmvto PattM farklfe oo SmltheMitan to see this dls- ''Boody Stndsy", was cce of play. R Is good Uul we tre five speakers for the olflcUl eocstantly •‘tmtodad that th- reo^loo whldi opened the ex hibit on September 26. Tbe ex hibit will be open *o the ge neral pdilie through January', 1973. Tbe Vd/T Education Projed was one of many organizations which cootrlbuled edueallonsl materials, posters, and other articles for uie special ois- pisy. state NAACP Outlines Its Bi-Partlsan Patti vote dla onme freely and easily, but only after people paid a price — soroetlmer at tne cod of human lives. We roust rememter thesestruiocles through sd) spedai exhibiU. bd to truly commemorate the efforts of those wbo have ctven so mud), we must march to tbe ballot boxes on November 7 to exercise'h'lserigfatswhich we have w*s).'’ Dr. Larkins To Speak In Wilmington McKissick Forming 2 U1LM1.NCTON - Dr. John Rod- man Larkins, a native ofWll- mlngtui, but now a resident cf Raleigh, will be ""e speaker here Sinday afternoon at 4:30 for tbe Episcopal Church twee DK UUIKINb. 1‘. Zl DURHAM - Even ihou^ the theme of the 29lh annual meeting of the N, C. Stale Con ference of Branches of the NAACP, was “The Challenge of Facing a New Political Era," there were only two concrete projections - the need of a strong two-party system and more black representation in law-makingbodies and policy-making boardr. The He\'. .Matthew- D. McCol- eouto be motivated to the ex- li^, president of the S, C. tent ’Jisl be would stop csliing Siste Conference, who keynoted you by boy snd sddros vou as the Church Work operations, Mister, tMre was the sequel sd the stage for a vlaUe two- to the Conference theme. PUij' sydem when he said that Kelly M. Alexander, an arch S. C.’s Senator Strom Tbur- m Old had been converted enough to demondrate a respect for the black vote. Rev. McCoDum said that when Strom Thurmond Party Unit ors Committee, to support esldeni .Nixon’s Election.She plans to conce.itrate on south* em states, where she feels the (See aiA». tUL'Xo P ft Appreciation Cash Claimed By City Man Appr treciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK WARKHOUSt OF TIRIS T How- would you like to have an extra 5100 Uell. It IS Dossibie if you spot ffvr n*tne on The CAROLIN IAN S new Appreciation money page which appears in each week's edition. Last u-eefc. Joshua Massen- burg of Washington Terrace. Apt IS won 510 for spotting his name on the page. As many as three persons could have been winners last NEW YORK (NbNS) - Saying that the Democratic Party has made "some accom plishments'* for blacks but "has done as much as it can do at this time.*’ Floyd .McKissick. form er director of the Congress of Rarial Equality, has announced that he has formed a new Republican-onented group, the National Committee for a Two-Party System .McKissick. a supporter of President Nixon, said Blacks, who have traditionally voted Democratic, "should belong (o both political parties rather than deal with SO per cent q( the syxtem. "Now IS the time to go in and do something about the Repub lican Parly." he said "I'm not happy about everyting it's done, but we can't change it without getting UI and fighting to change It " Tbe former CORE director week Tbe same holds true tius week Massenburg's name api ed In the Hunt Generaf^Tlre adverusement oo page 12. Hum General Tire is iw^ted at 428 S. McOow-ell St. Wr^ch for your name this week. (art AA'MxL'lAllun. P. Z| said he changed his pany affiliation from Democratic to Republican last June, denying publicized reports that be u supok '’ting Nixon because of Feiiual funding for his Soul City. N. C. housing develop ment. He added that the new foe of Richard M. Nfaton, head of Ui« orgarlzallon since 1947, saw much virtue In the two- party system in North Carolina. This was due to the tact tha! • SIATC NAACP. P. VI I t ISM McAlSSlCK. P. Zl GETTINC IN ON THE ACT - Alczanoer uamas, praasoaot, tmrbam aaneh, NaacP, wfaieo oceted the 29th annual State Conference of NAACP BrsnehM, October 12-15, extreme right, seems moat happ)- as be watches Mrs. Beatrice Burnett, convention secretary, pin a corsage on Mrs. Gloster Currem, wife at tbe Director of Branches, at tbe Friday nlgM aeaaion. This was the first vial! of the wife of the director, who was presented Just befwe Gloster made the keynote addreas of the meet.

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