Of Reynolds Shrine At Wintoh PRESS RUN IBB WEEK 9,880 2.000]\C Elks At Dedicatio Throng On Hand For Nat’l Event Members of the Fideli- Raleigh Woman Says She Was ^Jerked Out Of Car’ ty Lodge number 277 and Capital CltyTeranle number 310 of Raleigh attended the dedication ceremonies of the Hob son R. Reynolds Elks National Shrine held in Winton last Saturday. ‘Mistaken For Sister:’ VOL.31.no. 52. North Carolina's Leadir^ Weekly The bus le?. Rslw^vb dsy morolnf at b:30. Another bus carr>'lnc 34 >'outh members also made the trlr. Among the Junior Elks attending «ere Lawrence Miller, a-ho Is chair* man d the Youth Department, and Rooalj Latta. More than 2.900 Elks from all over the ea>tern seaboard of North Carolina and frmii all over the Unites’ States, attend ed. The honorable Thad Eure, North Carolina's Secretary of the State, «’as the speaker. Buses carr>’ing Elks came as tar away as Connectlcutt, New York, New Jersey, Dela ware, Maryland, WasMn^on, D. C., norWa, \lrglnU, Ohio arxl Michigan to see the $2CK) thousand shrine dedicated. Activities tocluded a social r rlday night at ;be Elks Home in Ahoskle. A parade was held Saturday afternoon at 1:30 wUh 15 units which Included the Youth Department of Fldeltty Lodge number ?77. The dedication eeremonlds were held at 2:30 Saturday afternoon with a dedi cation banquet at 8:00 followed by the grand hall from 10:30 until. Memlwrs and friends from Raleigh who attended were Ju lius R. Ka)'wood, Exalted Ruler, Harold McClain, Isaac McClain, Lr-Os Dunbar, Junlous Kates, Robert McCoj, John wmiams, Fred Wflliams, CUbert Mor gan, A. A. Vance, second vice- president, HardJe Lee, Junior Young, Mr. and Mrs. George HoUenray, Leroy Upchurch, Mark Smith, Artis McCabe, James *'KkJ Sparrow'* Crews LawTeoce Miller, iiooLei Sanders and Ronald Latta. (See Z.m ELKS. p. t) RALEIGH. N. C.. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 28. 1972 SINGLE COPY 15c Mrs. Keily Big Dispute Ends As Evers Backs McGovern lo Charter Of Raleigh RCA Opposes Change Group Goes On Record At Session BY MISS J K KICKS .M its regular monthly meeting last Thursday night at the lAVCA. Chairman J. Henry Brown of the !''ol:tical •Action Committee, re ported that the study comniTHee apj ninled to consnic r ine eh: nge ”n Ihe city charter to pt-r- Harold McClain, Isaac McClain, Louis Dunbar, Jixitous Ibtes, Robert McCoy, John WlUlaros, Fred WQllams, Gilbert Mor gan, A. A. Vance, second vice- president, Hardle Lee, Junior Young, Mr. and Mrs. George Hc^loway, Leroy Upchurch, Mack Smith, Artis McCabe, James *‘Kkl Sparrow" Crews Lawrence Miller, Booker Sanders and Ranald Latta. (tM Z.MS ELKS. P. Scribe In Clinton Is Eulogized CLINTON - Henry M Johnson of Clinton succumbed Friday. October 13. at (he Veterans Hospital in Fayette ville. Mr. Jemnson and his wife Mrs. Addie M. Johnson, had been writers for The CARO LINIAN from Ginton for over 12 years. He attended the public schools of Darl ington. S. C. and Raleigh. N. C. His under graduate train ing was receiv ed at St. Aug ustine's College, received the B. S. received the M. A. degree at AfcT Stale University and did further studies at North Caro lina State University. New York University and Colby College* in Maine. A civic, ed'ication and community worker. Johnson was a member of Henry ' J.Fowler Post No. 319 of the JOrtKSOS. P. 2) meeting last Thursday night at the YWCA, Chairman J. Henry Brown of the Political Action Committee, re ported that the study committee appointed to consider the change in the city charter to per mit district representa tion and merger of Ba- leigh-Wake schools had reported its findings to the committee. The Political Actions Com mittee in turn had heard and debated the issues and voted as follows: against the charter amendment and for the school merger Pr*sident Campbell threw the meeting open for discussion. Questions were raised re garding the negative vote about (scr ftc.x .\nxiNsi. -. z) Cites Meet With Ciark, Statement WASHINGTON -Saying that he “would like to completely clear up .f the misinformation that has been planted by George McGovern’s op position,’’ -Aaron Henr/, chairman of the M’ssisslppi Derrocrif- Party, called reoentre- nnr*« that Fnv^tt#* uiat REV. CLYDE B. WALTON City Cleric Is Feted In tr Who’s Who” Jim Crow Makes Big Comeback Howard University School of Religion Library*. Washington D- C., has selected the Rev. Clyde B. Walton to be included in the "Biographical Directory of Who's who of Negro Ministers of America ” Rev. Clyde Belvin Walton is a native of Gamer, a graduate of Shaw University, both liberal arts and School of Religion with P. SI completely clear up .. the misinformavlon that has been planted by George McGovern’s op position.’’ Aaron Henr/, chairman of the Mississippi Democn^. Party, called recent re ports that Fayette, Miss. Mayor Charles Evers is cool to the candidacy of the Demo cratic presidential no minee “malicious’’ and “erroneous.’’ Henr> said Hb. Evers, and former Attoraer General Ram- ae}- Clark had met on October s and had approved the Me- Govem-Shrlver campelpi pro- cram. He added that Evers had Issued a statement In vhlch the Fayette Mayor sah), 'T am proud to he on the team to elect Sen, McGovern and Sar- BV CHARLES R. JONES “The officer must havf- mistaken me for my s,.-;- ter (Miss Hilda Grace Alexander, who was ar rested on two charge- about three weeks age by p] insclothesmen at her home on Walnut Street), “because ne jerked roe out of my sister’s car, a 1966 Chevrolet, twisted my left arm, bruised U.and choked roe.’’ She identi fied the officer as R. H. Phillips of the Raleigh Police Department. 'itiese were the u-ords oi xirs. Mary Alexander Kelly. 34,1212 Savannah Drive (Kln^'ood Fo rest) as she ^ke tothlsneu's- lan about an Incident which took place sometime Saturday night, near the King's Lounge. JACK ROOSEVELT ROBINSON Jackie Robinson: A Nan Among Men, Says Writer The woman said she was or. her way home trom a movie and was not speeding, as charged. She also said she wa& arrested for Interfering with ar otficer In th performance of his diky, *'but I didn't In terfere with him,*' said Mrs. Kelly. Mrs. Kelly said she was on her way home, by way of Rork Quarry Road and she made a *iefl turn Into the comer of Southgate Drive when I heari a siren.'* .The cop alighted from his car, came to her car and asik i for !•«. L emse, not a legLStratlon card. BY ALEXANDER BARNES ST.AMFORD, Conn. - The thousands of people who paoaeu the bier of Jack Iloosevclt Ro binson. known as Jackie to the world populace, even though they knew* he was dead, it was discernible that they were looking at immor- tality. Many of them did, perhaps, have a new interpetation of that familiar bille verse that says *T shall pull off mortality and put on immortality**, funeral se ices are tentitively scheduled for Friday, C’j'obtr 27, here in Stamford. Burial will be near Ebbetts Field, in New York. Many of thorn had known him sLire his mother bxmdled tq> th' brood In Cxlro, Georgia, almost fifty years ago. and fol- Icmed the Stage's advice to **Go V.^*' and landed tn cazi- '•rvwere fnany o# thLi.i. like this witter, who had NC Mutual Observes ndji 17 mvea-vuj m hotel room MIXUF - London - Zaire For eign Minister Nguxa L*Bood arrives ^ alrpon here Octo ber 22 after cuttlqg Aort his visit with Brttldi officials In a huff over a hotel room mix- up. L'Bond arrived from the U.N. for meetings with Foreign Secretary Sir Alec Dou^as- Home and other top officials on a plan that coifld extend Uganda President Idl Amin's deadline for the eiqnilslon of Uganda's Aslans. He foisid his hotel suite was not ready upon arrival. and was ptk Into smaller quarters after watting three hours. (UPD an omcer in in penormance of his duty, "but I didn't In terfere with him,” said Mrs. KeUy. Mrs. Kelly said was on her way home, by way of Rock Quarry Road and made a *ieft tom Into the comer of Soiihgate Drive when I heari a siren.” «Tbc cop alighlei from bis ear, came to her car and ask ^ for he.' drivLr*bll cense, not a i-egistratlon card. Then he asked Mrs. Kelly, ”ls this your correct address?” (Sec ‘JCnKZO ME- P. 2) scheduled for Friday, October 27, here in Stamford. Burial will be near Ebbetts Field, in New York. Many of them had taiown him since his mother bundled up the brood In Cairo, Georgia, almost My years ago, and tol- lowed the Stage's advice to ”Go Wj^” and landed tn caii- fejrU-'^There were many of theiii, like this writer, who had known him as he rose tu the heights of grandeur and could (See BOBINBON. P. 2) NC Mutual Observes 74th Year Two Young City Men Die One Day Apart gent Sirlver to lead this na tion. 'Overturn (See a.VBS l.VCKS. P. 2) (Sec B CRIME BEAT from Ralrtth't OfftcLU Police ETITOB-S NOTZ: Thlt cel’-ma •r (Mtar* It produces la the pub* Uc iBtdrret with aa aim toward! cUralaatiDs Its roaicati. Numer- oar tadlvlduali have reouefted Hilt uiey be ctvea the coaUdrra* Uea of overlooklar their llstlot 08 the police blotter. This wo wr-Jttld like to do. Hewever. It is ni4 oar poshiea t« . e iudee or Jtrr. We merel) publ.ih the (acts at «* find them reported by the airestlna ofneers. To keep out M 1 le Crime Beat Celamns. merely meaaa aet bciag registered by a ps Uce officer ta repertlax his (ItdlBgs While OB duty. So sim* ply keep off the “Blouer* aad yot woa*t be la The Crime Beat WOkUN CHARGE^ HUSBAND Mrs. Janet kfarle Montague, 22, Hi N. Carver Street, told OfOeer C. N. WombL at 4:59 p.m. SatiTday, that her hus band, Curtis Montague, 23 came home .v>d started fus'liig a\ her. .*«ald the mr.i hit her violently tnr no arparent reason. She said her mute was ven* Intoxicated and she couldn't reason with him. Mrs. Montague would not sav wiiether or not she would presc as sault charges against her hw's- band. She suffered cuts on thi chin, face and a cut lip. (See CBDCE Bt.ll. K 9> Black separatism Is a poison distilled frorr equal parts of traditional white racism and a new, xlrulent blacknatlonalism. Self-segregation by blacks Is so widespread that it now re presents as grave a threat to American society as white-im posed segregation has in the past. These are the views of a pair of distinguished journalists - one black, the other white - who have surveyed the bleak racial scene in America and have concluded that the two races "are as far apart as they have been tn half a cen tury.*' *‘7he worrisome conclusion almost everywhere Is that the old American drean. cf inte gration is dead,” write former USlA director Carl Rowan, who is black, and Ms white coUa- (Sre JIM CBOU. P. 2) H. 1. Gregg, Conviction,’ Court Asked RICHMOND. V«. - The U. S. Court of Appeals has been asked to ox'ertum the conviction of Jtm Grant because of rarial bias in picking the jury. Grant s attorney’s charged discrimination in selecting both the grand jury that indicted Grant and the petty jury that found him guilty in Raleigh. N. C. last April Grant is a black actix’ist and a reporter for the Soutnern Patriot, published by the Southern Conference Educa tional Fund rSCEFi. He has been sentenced to a total of 35 years in prison as a result of his work in the black liberation movement in North Carolina He was sentenced to 10 years in U. S. District Court at Raleigh on charges of helping two young men to flee to Canada to avoid prosecution The young men testified against Grant and the Rev. Ben Chavis after (fee COVET ASKED, p. t) This city lost two of its most popular young men last week end as William Henry (Shot- gm) Jones, 39, died at his home at 5:15 a.m. Thursday, followed by the death on Friday at Dur- uam's Duke Hospital, of W alter Draper (W. D.) O'Neal, 34, whose address In Durham was 00 Columbia Avenue. \ few- years ago, the two llv .d just iwo blocks from each other. Jones resided at 808 Cotton Place and O'Neal lived at 217 Camden Street. Jones w-as borr on February 2, 1933, at 326 Bragg Street, here In Raleigh, the son of Mr. W'iUlam Henrj* Jones, Sr., and Mrs. Rosa Lee Hinton Jemes. He departed this life at 5:15 a.m. or Thursday. Oc tober 18, after a brief illness. He attended Crosby-Garfleld Elementary- and Washington High Schools. W'illlair., known to his family and friends as JONES "Shotgun” or **Bro*’, professed his faith In Jesus Christ at an early age and was baptized at the age of tm at the Good Samaritan Bapt'st Church, while the Rev. C. C. Heath BY STAFF WTirrER was pastor. He had held other membersh^ at the Grace Chapel AME Zion Church, where the Rev. Sis. Mabel Gary was pastor, and at the Martin Street Baptist Church, under the Irader^lp of the Rev. Dr. Paul H. Johnson. He also at tended church at Smith Temple Free Will Baptist Church, where two of his sisters now bold memberships and are very active in the work of the Lord and the church. "Shotgixi” loved his famfly anJ frbieds with a fierceness sledom seen In these days d ITiVJ Mila SUV Thursday. Oc- k toll and strife, both at home and abroad. He showed joy to those who need ed hipplnessand at the time of their direst needs. He was the comedian when no one dse ° weal seemed ready to accept any thing but sadness In thelrtlves. He travelled extenslvdy with tfa^ids and otner entertainment media, spreading joy with bis versatQtty of singing and come dy acts. His love for people is without Question. Mr. Jones is surx’ived by his w lie. Mrs. Man* Am Jones. DURHAM — North Carolina Mutu^ Life Insurance Compa ny observed the sex-enly-fourto anniversary of the film’s organizatkm last Friday with a simple, short but impressive program in the Company's borne office auditorium. Two musical numbers were piovid- ed by the Madrigal Singers of Hillside High Schml. a "LiUny of Thanksgiving and Remem- tM-ance” was conducted by the Rev. W. E. Daye. pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church and a short address was made by John W. Wheeler, president d Mechanics and Farmers Bank and a director of N. C. Mutual. The theme-title of W'heeler's address was "Wanted: Pio neers For the Seventies!” He stressed the fact be was honored to have an opportunity to "share some moments of refleclicm upon the remarkable contribution w-hidi the femnders of N. C. Mutual Life Insurance Qmipany have made toward the quality of economic, social, religious and educational life enjoyed by black and white people throughout this great country d ours.” "It was my special inivi- lege,” Wheeler continued, "to know not only the two founders of this unique enterprise, but also each of the five presidents who followed them." He recall ed several visits to his home in Atlanta where, as a small boy, he oteerved the personal charm and great dignity of John Merrick and Aaron MacDuffie Moore as they talked with his father at the breakfast ublc. >k'heeler pointed out that vr wTTTt««i w *> Insuranceman, Here Sunday PH.AR.x!AC^T POSSESSES DANGEROUS DRUG'-? - Jacx- SJn, Miss. - Veteran Mississippi civil rights leader and pharmacist. Aaron Henry was arrested last week In Wasb- Ington on a charge of possessing dangerous drugs, tt was revealed October nis anorney ^ays tne drugs were pre- scrlptloii and that the charges will be dropped. (UPl) J. Rochelle Appreciation Cash Winner N. L. Gregg, retired district manager of the Greensboro Li.'rlrt, North Carolina Mutual Life L.£urance Company for some 30 years, will be the Men's Day speaker at the Davie street Untied Presbyterian Church, coriier S. Pers-jo and E. Davie Streets, on Sunday, October 29, at thella«m.morn ing worship services. Mr. Gregg is an elder in the Presbyterian Church and Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK HUBSON-SEIK DtPABIMEHT STORE For Big Bargains In A Downtown Store (S». N I. CRECC F. 2) James G. Rochelle, Jr. of 2621 Davns Street added his name to the list of winners in The CAROLINIAN'S new Apprecia tion money feature last week a: he came into the othce ol this neu-spaper and properly identi fied himself. Rochelle’s name appeared in the Raleigh FCX Service advertisement on page 12. Raleigh FCX Service, located at 301 W. Caharrus Street, has everyohing you need for your (Set APPKECtATXON. P. Z) PRESENTS EMtKGhNCY IDENTIFICATION BRACELETS - MUvatftM • Louis RuasaU, In dianapolis, Ind., (LX the longest living heart transpUst patient, prasented emergency RSesti- fleatlon bracelets to Mrs. Betty Anlek, Milwaukee, the longest living female heart transpUnt patient and Ervin Sokolovski, president of the Concerned Hearts Club at a dinner bonorlruf Mrs. Anlck’s fourth anniversary of her heart surgery last Saturday. (UPD A