Heads Nation's 6 !4 Million Black Baptists RLTH TIB wra Dr. Jackson To Speak As Baptists Fete Dr. Sherrill Am Fight Over Whiskey Ends SON CUTS MOM :lHEi CAROLINIAN VOLUMF. J2. NO J North CaroUna'M Leading Weekly kALEIGH. N C WEEK ENDING SAT . NOV lb. 1971 SINGLE C»>Y ISc To Aid Area*s minorities ^Outreach’ Opens AUo Taken Home Key I Shoots At Raleigh Female ' Executive Of Baptists Will Be Honoreil Hapllsis of North Caro lina will honor the Rev, Dr. O. L. tiheriill with a Teatimonial Dinner (or twenty-five conee- cutlve years of faithful - Ill', as Lxecutlve isecretary of the General line will honor the Rev. Dr. O. L. Sherrill with a Testimonial Dinner (or twenty-five oonee- cutlve years of faithful service as Executive Secretary of the General Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, Inc., at the Sir Walter Hotel's Ballroom. Friday, No vember 17, 1972, 7:00 p.m The guest speaker lor the ocrasien wiU^ tb* Rev Dr J H Jacitaoti. Prestdent, Natiofial Baptist Convention. USA. Inc Dr Jackson and Dr Sherrill have worked cloaely through ISM Dm kusawUX. e I) Blind NCCU Professor Is Ordained AME2 (Hie o« the ouiklandinit fealum ol (he Wtod annual temaion of (he Cem'al >Mirth ('nrolina ('onferenc -. AUK /um C'hurch which ckMcxI at S( Mark Oiurrh Sua^) night waa the ordmalion of Dr Uarcuk Voner Ingram, who h^a PH[> in buMnew from (he t'niversity of North CnrolHia. as a deacon m ntual of Methobst Church polity iSM ioA.i.\D Ai« u r n DR. a L. SHERRILL ‘Boyfriend Shot At Me,' Says Woman 0(33 Mrs Gladys Lewi* Branch, SI. m2 Sundial Place (Apollo rietghts). told Offlcen S. M AnmsaodB W Hams at 10 . M p ra .Sunday of last week that fiar boyfnend. Howard Ihomaa, 01. 1100 Mock of Battery Onee. left her house at approximately 0 S0 on that dale “A moment later.' she declared. walked out of the house and was gettuig into my car when Mr Thomas, who was M the dnyeway. veiled at me that I was no good and he was going to kill me " The woman went on to say that, at thia tune, he fired (wo shots at her. doing no damage to her. her automobUe or hv ‘lome She said Thomas then M udo hos own car and drove off after he grabbed her house key away from her Mrs Branch was advised by the officers *e sign an asaauM with a deafly «eapen warrant against her asaailsrit Investigituin is beloeved een- twiiuig w Uus case Joe Pittman Recuperates ROCKY MW'NT As The CAROLINIAN went to preM. it received word that Joseph E PiltiiMii wcUXnowu pvrMoali ly ol Rocky Mm'; *•» Trouliles In Families End In Jail Here Mrs. .Margsret Csntey, 49, 2213 Roberts Street (Oberlin). reported to Officer R. H. Phillips at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, that her eon. 26-year- old George Edward Can- tey, same address, and hernelf rot intnanareu- 49, 2213 Roberts Street (Oberltn). reported to Officer R. H. PhllUpe at 7:30 p.m. Satur..ay, that her eon, 26-year- old George Edward Can- tey, same addrwea, and heraelf got Inti an argu ment over aome whiskey s.id they started' fight ing. This wae only one of aome three Incidents Involving close rela tives reported over the 'teekend. TVw wanuo alw Malad thM her mi packed up mne bhm uMnimer’ and Ml her In the knek of the hand, dian nn «a of ■he houae Mr ''nnley wet trantad a) Rai oipiul for t two inch Incartuon on the bnck of hor hand which -aqinrod ooinc lUtches The ton wu lalar packed 'jp and adoaad af hat r^u. takan to the mnsiurnla'i offica. artiara a warrant wao rafaiaad "an ladorwaatioo aaad baliaf " The cop waa aahriaad by the masiairaia lo lal Mn Canaay caana down and sagn the warrant In anaxhar caaa. thaa one Awarding Of Contracts Is Announced A J rurnrr. prestdaot of TAT Aaaociotaa. Inc. has announcad tha jwardwg of a coniract by and batwaan tha If S Dapartmant of Commarca and YAT Aaaociatao as con tractor to footer and davalop opportumtioa (or mmonty bust nc^ antorpnaos to achiavt ac- ownarship and oparatkm Tha Suta Outraach Offica’s purpooa will ba to halp mcroasa tha numbar of mmonty buai- noss antarpnoa star tars, strangthm axistuig mmonty businaas antarpnsos and im* :ios for secial- AhAKDBD THRCe. QUAR* TEJtS or MILLION I - Da- traR • Cuba GoMnisa, 10, of Btrmlnchsra, Ala., who was warded 1759,000 by a Nn after a Dsfroii poUco ear rsmmad hu auto two yaars ago, has decked ic Niara part of hU MX«e; wRh (he vMows and orptiaAs of Dotroh polleaman «f>d flremer. Coldmao mid ki Tetroll November ISthathewOl gtve 15,000 to a fund lor widpwg gfMi orphaas to show **how tsir Ike DetrMi polke and the coarts*' ba«e bean to hln . His rlftit leg was shatter* ed wher. Ms ear was struck M • police car nsialng a red llTM. (VPD i cNi the sock itM (or about 0 provwg oppertunitios for social jth. was dmng well at the ly or ocooomicaUy dmadvan Nash Count) Hoopiial which he ‘ re-entered about a week ago A direct call to the hoapital resulted m a conversatwo wHh Joe He said that he had been sick, but felt that he was (aged persons lo own succooaful buiinesaos The State Office will work throughout tho state identifying potential buainoaa candidatas and duuctifig them . ^ u lo the Small Bminom Admims- “hTSSJ iS •"* i««n«««i> rdcnmlbvlhccndoflhcwcck oi.nxAin u. r ji > > I MMi U. WWIWaillMWl Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK SHARPE’S FORMAL WEAR For Tlw Bm In BrUnl Ann varmni Wmr •-nnHCB ARE CHAMOIMO:" admiral - TkUnhMnw, Fin. - Runr A4mlTnl Snmunl L. Onv»- ly, thn nrM black ndmlnl In tha hlatary of Uw U. t. Na-y, lolU k lUiidlac rona only oa- dlanoo al Flartdn aAM that -tkinco oro thoackw In Ikn Rtvy." Crovoly won tho hoy sponkoc tforlocMleoUcneoro- mooloo which offleuny made FAMC the ufloa'i kh pro- domlaeally black imlvcrcBy In kivo a Naval ROTC wdl. (VPO Naval Leader Cracks Dovni On Big‘Brass’ WASHINGTON - Admiral Elmo R Zumwalt. chief of naval operationo. has toM hn top officers they muol end racial ducnmination m the Navy or be ‘ weeded out" of the service Backed up by Navy Secretary John W Warner, the Navy chief delivered a sharply worded speech to more than 100 admu’als aad Marme generals at a special meeting m the Pentagon , •The Navy." he said, 'has made imacceptable progrossm the ctpial opportumty araa " And. Zumwalt wanmd. ’‘ev ery effort will be made to seek out and take appropriate action, eithei punitive or aihniaistra- tive, against those persons who are engaged m or conconmg dkscnminatory practices or who have vmlatad either the spini or the letter of our 09ual opportunity policy." Zumwalt and Warner acted quickly following racial d»- ordrrs on tho aircraft earner Kitty Hawk and other warihipo and a titdown strike of 190 men aboard the aircraft earner Constellation The incidont aboard the Kitty Hawk occur red as the Nup was returning to Its duty statioo off Vmtnam The iM« inAta* ouwA. r. » Minlcr And Hagwood Win Apprcrialion Two mon won a total of 990 aa they elaimad their rhacks m The CAROUNIANS new Ap preciation Monev fenture They wore Elltworth ..'..mas (PW> Minter, whose name appaorod in the Cartar’s. Inc . ad The otoroo are located at 110 B Martm Street and 10 E Martin Alao wtiming wao Phillip Hagwood. whose name wao undor tho advortmemont of tho National Pure Food Market. M E Martin Siraet iOm R n THPtE HUACKf'RS .tRF IN CUBA PRBC OR LIFE - Mlosnl • The Federal government Cbarg vovember 12 three young Hack fugUhres stlU in Hava'- ih air piracy tm the hijoeklrig of a SoWhern Airwa' ar and recom* mended bond of $1 million for eaci -em. The bijMkers Banquet For Masons Big Success Banging the guvel at exactly 8 p.m., Maater of Ceremonies, Prince hurdle AiKlers, Cere moniously opened the banquet andprogram for the evening of November 11, 1972, sponsored by the Boyer Consistory, number 219, Masons. Pnacw Clartor E Li(htnr. Mayor Pn-Ttir Oly of Rj. Mlfh dunns hu uHrooucllon of tho ipeAkor wao oflon inlor. nj|XM with opplAijoe and IkdShlsr unofl rwcountuis tov- triT Jovul and incoavwiuml callor ddnanuo lor mtvk* Adhortna doMly to lus conlral Uwmr. "olnv* lor a dtfroc of excrUonr*." Pnner JImmw I Barbw. ProfwMor. AST suit CoUtat and Grtm. boroCHy CounciIniAn. iftAkiiig from lilt tubjtct ChAlltiitt. Concern and Commitment." staled that ’’We are caught up « a plight of exceesive crime, inadequate houauia. poverty m a land of planty, dh^. school central thame. "ettive for a dagree of exceUence." Prince Jimmie I Barber. Profseenr. AAT Su e Colkftt and Grecna- bort at’ Councusnan.tRaakiflg from tie subjoct ‘OiaUentt. Concer i and Comraitmant." stmad that "We are caught up « a plight ef excemive enma. uiadaMte housing, povertv in a land af planty. anigt school daaagregptwn. unomployiiianl. poUution and many other vkes." The speaher in aUudi'-g to our concern for matters at they stand inter)sctad that ‘Masom are conc^ned about (hair (amilMS, Masons are concerned about th^ church. Masons are concerned about thoir nrganisa- tion and fourth. Black Maaons are concerned about the EUack struggle " Addrseeing himself le his third premwe. 'coourntment." the speaker congratulatad Charias Boyer Cons^ory N>. 210. CommaodST-m-Ouef Wil liam L Wwgate. other officers and Prmces for reaching another plateau in the upward climb M (his magmficMm procem where the ttrese is on excellence m hvmg You have net faltered in your commit ment to God and man You have become e port of the action 0r« roa. p t> N. C. BANK ROBBCftY StBPCCT • Greenabero, R.C - Two M. C. Stale Highway Patrolmoa eeeoct om of two sua* peeled beak robbars le tw FBI office ot the Federal BMW- Ing here. Captured aftm a loag chaee eo 1-00 aad 1-40, be bad not beea IdMiflad by midnight Novembar M. (UFO Justice Department Now Prosecuting Law Officers WA'SIINCTON, D.C. - Tb» oiniott, wbOa n • ^.^4^ WSS ChSIVad nih lag bars. Captwad after a long chase ee Ml tad 1-40, ha bad not beea Idoaltflad by mltelgbt Novembar 14. (UPC had coUeeled 92 mUl.'ea W raaaom. Tbsy have been ld«atl- fted as a-B)( Hoary b. Jackson Jr.. 27; Lmds Moore, 27; aad Metvbi C. Cale, 22. Jackson and Moore are both from DetroM and Cale la a (kglltve from a Tenneaave prtaoM. The trio has beea ■■nteacad to IMe. (DPI) New Goals ire Pledged By As. 0. Allen Mrs. Dorothy Nixon Allen, Executive Direc tor of Wske County Op portunities. Inc., with offices on E. Hsrgett Street In Rsleigh. was unsnlmously elected president of the North Csrollna Community action Associate meet ing, held here on Thurs day, !;ovember 9. Mrs. aHw Wta •iKt.d ky a V—. of Ik. AsaoelalUB ot 490 —wnbM.. 9k. rM.tv.d Ut volM M ot IM Ut CAAI. Hra. Kafkwln. M. CravaiwuMKi- oS aril vie. pTMlS-x. k eemawntlBS o. k.r ewtdl- 4My for yrMWont ct Ik. lUi. ernatkStlOB. Mre. AIM. k.e Ik. foUtarkif to My: ■*Aa a OMilliWI. tor prMkIM of Ik. Rovtk Caroiku Cewim onl- ty AMIaa Aiwciailoe, I wlU lodte—a —y nateu tor rwialat aaS aiy eoaunS—a—a totka Aa- aocl—Ion tt aketad to a—v* In UUa poaSlon. "I'liavt bMO afnuattd aa a Justice Department Now Prosecuting Law Officers Dr. Robinson Gets TIree Appointments Dr Frrtell R Robmaao. president of Saint Augustine’s College, has been appointed by the State Board of Elation to membership on the Commiauty College Advisory Council for a term ending July 1. 1974 is** a* «kca«..»..N. r. mi Jordan Raps Disinvestment NEW’ YORK • Basing hU re marks on researck flndtags of the National Urban League, executive dtrectM Vernon E. Jordan, Jr., eharied Thursday that some financial insikutlons ‘*are participating in amasatve dlakiveatmenl policy that wiw derculs their own growth. Is halplng to destroy the ckiea Ir which they operate, aad betrays (heir depMltors.** Mr. Jordan made hla remarks at the Tftb Anneal Convenlloi of the Savings Banks Assocla* ttoa of New York Stale. He revealed the pretlmlnar; residit of an Urban Laagw aludy of lavestmontpracticeso a doaon major aavings bank aad savings and loan asaocla tlona operating k) Bronx Coogy H. Y. Jordan summarlxed the find taga, staling that: *'Daapg#rla- lag assets and depoaks. oir reaearchert fowid a pervaalve, tboroigh patten of dlahivoit- meat by thoae Inatkellana In Bronx County. From 1000 tc iSM iCJUfAM UAFS p. I) WASmorOH, D.C • Th# 0. S. Dipartmoot of Jeatlce obtaMod iadlfltmoota agalaM IS law onloreamaal offleera lag Oetobar oa ohargaa of v«a- lafkig tho rigbU ot cblamia. Fodornl olvg rights lawa make k a crime for law enforce- meat officers to tofllet pimlMi- moat OB cttlaens befbra they have had thatr day M eoert. Tmi ofthoaaindletad are mem bers of tho Galvodton, Texas, police torce. Sti were charted wkh beating a blaek man after he had been arreoted and hand- Joint Effort By Shaw-USC Is Paying Off The joint effor: by Shaw L'nivertity. third oldcet black umversity in America, and tlie I’niversitv ef Southern Cali fornia (tSCi to give Shaw a program to Public Admimatra- lion IS succes«lully meeting its first year goals That announcement came Fndiay from Dr William J Williams of Los Anaeies. Director of the USC ^^W program, which will see its UT'iergraduate sector fully establfhed by the conclusion of the present semvster Dr Williams, a black who earned his Ph D m Public Admimstration at I'SL'. de scribes the CSC Shaw interac- l».E 4USAA ^tlowl r 11 » 4 whBe a iiflh offtoor waa charged wkh UlaikjatilMg hha M (ha police stafta. TVea ether Oalvaatflo pnliaa- moo were charged wfth boafliw a wbko maa on a daaorted vtroloh of beach. twp potteamen M FraaMla, Norlh CareUna, and a Macon Comity deputy Miarfiff wore charged wkh aaoatdlfew 0 >0* they were arreathic lor drMng WhBe hkonlcetad. Two Wayne Oomfty, Mkhlgan, Oepiiy sheriffs were charged wkh aaoenklng a fedeml prl- aoner hi the caenty jail at Da- trek aftw ho objokod te heksg placed In a cell wkh black prlaonera. Thaprlaeaaraaooae depky are whk% Md the ether deputy Is blsck. The Juotlee Department was alao Involved to a variety of other civil rights adhklaalaat month. The JUattee Dapartmant ob tained a eonoent decree In ka ftret employmen* dlaertmlna- tlQB euk againel a pUUl. Ma pper. the Cky of Moatg-*"***’/* Alabama. The Buk. filed bi A^eat charged that MeatgoaMry makitalBed a eegregeted em- pfoyment atruetire, wkhwhkes assigned to ctasskbed pookUms and black aasignod fee mclasM- ftod eommoe laborer work. FoUowli^ negotlillana wkh jMtIee Depertmoat Mtomeys, the cky slgBed a eoaaeat de cree reqidrlng that aO hlrieg and personnel practicesbeeon- ducted on s radaBy oon-dla- erlmlnatory be.jla. Key p«ovl«iCna required the ekv le fUrt a mWorky re- iM« •tu.aan.TSAC P o Mrs. Allse had the fetiowhig lo aay: *«Aa a caadldts for prtaMom ef tho North Carolina Comm iml- ty A4KI0B Aaooemllaa. I wUl indleaU my roaaona for naming end my oommkmeate totheAa- aoemtka k ekeied la aerve hi thle paakloe. *l'\ave baea affiliated as 0 member for many years wkh th# Nerth CarollDs Comaiimky AetloB AsanrtaMwi aad I am laee MR*. r. «) CRIME BEAT * ...M. ■•Irt.A-. omeLiJ ‘ Filve smnmasms a* r mm mctviSnili new IM mev ee ftv«a ei« ti—tavrs- Uae mi ivsHMOms ta*«v nwiee •• RUiri kIWSsr Thu vw W Om. Umwemme. a te tm h* JeCe* ee jery. We eMrvIy >e0Hm m* toew M w* fled ihM rveaneO by the Arfe«sms «nir«rt. T* a«*e vat the Cr^ Bmi '’iiemei. —rnty Ml tolBa Mfllvive by • •Mirei le rvpMtlM Ids Weeteei whUv ee emy iCy bvee mit ihv 'Wmiwr’' aad yea omot b* la Thv Cteev BMh feJl-HUBBY SirSPECT Mrs Dorothy Mayo Morgan. 1J9 Raleigh Boulevard. (oH Officer G E Guplon at 9 00 pm last Sunday, that Mw hom* lor work at about 4 99 a m that day She suied that whan she Arrived back home, kie dtecovered that clothaa balongmg to hor ex-huobond. Waltar Morgan. 2i. MS B Edentoo Street. and (a her aona, were misamg from the cloeet m the bviog room Mrs Morgan’s daughter told hor mothor that after she left tar work, hor (atlier came over to tlie houae and stayed akmg while Clothes valuei.. at 9409 are bebeved lo have ’’dnappeared" with Mor gan as he was bated as the AT. r n FOUND INNOCENT _ _ _ UNT "FNAOORW CAM - II—Me Of—. OON. - F*«. MOf D. SmIUi (tad LI vt« knad laaacMl Nov.iabM M M t Ft. Old en—t OMitldl M pt—IM« > Makf- irippal pwiak Out killed 1 oMIcera. ■ au tke lint ■■»!«-(*■ trial ol m AaMClaM Ot la Ike V. 9. ARar ika vardlet, 9mlik bald a praaa aoafaaauea M alvlaa, ka raaalvad a bad taadiiit dlMkarca a*ar Uw trial. »mi Idia wt hla attarkar. LMa McKlaaaak, (L)S-Nk, kla -a—, Mra. Huai Sn.Rk. aad hU brotkar. Benala Smttk (NX (UFI)