t • • PRf5S Rl^ TW WEEK 9.850 Description Was The Key Young BlackNCCop Nabs Paroled Bank Bandit Says As Race ‘Our Future Bleak And Darki'Jackson The Carolinian North CaroUna*$ Leading Weekly RALEIOH. N. C., WEEK ENDING SAT . NOV 25. 19:: SINGLE COPY IJc BOCiI>' Ilf TWO DtAD iOVTHERN UMVEFsrTY STUDE.NTS CARRIED A* VY - EWon Rouf*. 1 . - Ij r. 4itt.i)>nls HR ih* body (K • mofUlIy »CiAii)»il black Sj«Ui»ni linh. «tiid«R trrt: lb- c. i > bi-^alk NotFAibcr M »b»r» k* ud »iio«h»r aladcM, ilrnd] dbad were l*U«d b, ui. k:!.. 1,1 I cause. A ciTonai’a aarl> rafKirt aald lha pair ware tallad by buckahot or i fra. ; Alar rrana-l--. Tba daalha Mlowad ika roulaif aludama Iron iba AdmlnWrallOB Bulldii.r -rr taarfaa, i i lawman. Shova u. Inaal pRolo la Dr. G. Laec Nallarallla. praaldaat o Aoral-ri! ■■ -jncad mllRania’ claim ihal ka eoaaplrad to aa« « a aludaat-pollca claab tkal rialr. ad lb.. Itx.A id tba two aludanta. (DPI) i Medgar Evers Fund Receives 2!ilfis Grant \tW YORK N V The Ued$Mr Z\tf^ Fund mcttvud • gram U t^s.M from Uw Joafphtnr H Mrintoah Found •Iran of Yort (‘il> to (urtKor thr Funds progrom ol dr%-»lofMi>«nt (or the Fo>r4lr Mils rogsun it was announcod «>dimda> b> Fwid Prmdrnt >kartr» hSfT’b Tbr grant 'tvr U'Zrit m'rivMl b\ Itir Fund in lO tlirTr >p*r hi%tor\ Mr Fvpt* nutrd Thr irani oat pm«itod to F\nw «fto i« ihr fna>or of Fidkrttr bv Mk-HmI MclnloiK v^cdrfli of thr Mrlntoah Fns»naUiir«i at a SIiIMk .!«« Misr >1 IMh Several White *Hoodlum9*Allegedly Beat Black To Death il-ia'il-ij- W9th NC Session Underway As KinstonHosts AMEZMeet >at Ni.k at gram Hvod by thr Fund Mr IB ita Cvora T> a: Ca- 'Lorr» LAWh • Mon Roufo, La. * T^o low omeorr y Oak Webete and hrlOMta watch tf (oar gaa clouds Uwr of tho AdmiatairMlao BuUdtaf al SoMhora UalT. K. . M. Durii thr roukMg at dlooMaoi atMiMi from tv ' >lr two Mack audonU wrrr klUod. Aecordhif to a r a w^p^rt. one died at shatra wounds. Tho eauoo of dr^'* ■ ' "outhr^- sludrothasaol boon mnotuwod. (UPI> Dr. Greenfield, Native Of Tarheelia, Smith U. FYexy CHARL(.'i i ' • A naibrr Tar HrrI boon meal- •“Si' Y'ledod prrtidmt ot J-’ C ' l^t%orttt> d a sprelai r at Board otTn^f A. Dr. • Ul. - .Arid ot JaeV.i. MU5 .iK df- ot aeodrmte affatra at Jackaon Stair Collrgr Sincr 1967, wlU aaaumo bis ^ duilrs oo January 1. l^T). Williams Is Founder’s Day Orator At Shaw BY “rtLl’ lILLtft •** dc •• A«rr »ho*s 00 1- Ifth Ylp istnk- ■ tv w. d.'* ( lUu a. dirrc* • iitpr fe: Social kY. P.2) Ho auecrodo Dr. Lloool H. Nrwoon. who rostenod hi Oe- tehor to bocomo prooldtnt at Cootral Slot# Uhtrorally la hflbrrforco, Ohio. Harvoy R. Alrxandor haa booa atnrkig aa Mtrlm proaldtni. Dr. CrooafMd la a hayno County oathrop an honor gradu- aio at aAT Ualvrratty In CroonaborOp and oamod hia maalor*s and doctor*! dogrroa In ihyaiology al tho Unlvtrally ot Iowa, fannodlaiol) foOowhig bla graduato atudloo in loua, ho bocanr protoosor and hood ot thr nrwl} formod drpan* T cnt ot bhotogy at Jackoon ?3tr Collrgr. Hr arrvrd brWfly to IM' ±s as--iatr doan ot librral atudlro, and i- thr (all ot that yror was Mrvaird to hit prr* amt pMlIlon as drm ot aca* domic afCaIrs. Dr. Croonflrld la marrlrd to thr lormrr Frllela Black ot Crrmaboro. Mra. CrronflrW holda a B.». drgrrr to rduea« then from A4T Stair Chlvrr- ah), a aairr*« i.'grrr from Jici.tr- ^atr CaUrgr. and baa GRFFSFIELD, P4) bv thr thrro yrar hutary nolod Thr grant wna prooantad lo Evora. who la thr mayor of Payotto. by Michaof Melnloah. prauidant al tho McintoMi Poundathoo. at a public cum- mony in Jhcluon.Mtoa an Nm- iSth “Our uMonUona m matang this grant to The Modgar Evera Fund. Mr MrintoA atatod. "arc to dcmonalratr our brhet that blacks arc capabc of namuig a fovemmmUl aya- (cm to acknowrlcdRc the fact that in the rural South aurh a black ayitcm aUrU otf with several stnkei against it pn manly economic and emotion al and to buttrcua our belief that we-blacks and udutea-muKt make it' together, both for our coHective benefit and to mam- tain this nation's strength, without which we will bo a 'house divided. ' be added In expressing the Fund's appreciation. Mayor Evers SM "this grant wiU enable ua to sustain the mocncnium we have created in Fa>'ctto dunng the first three years in the areas of social and economK deve tap* B%'fUk rtNO p n * Rev. McCloud Presbyteria Agency Head Nfm YORK • The Rev. J. Oscar McCloud at Tmnock, N. J., baa bom oloctod gmoral director of the Vnicd Prosb>« (orlar Church's 'lOw Program Ag# ::. One of tr - \Ou;gest eburch> 4^ is It) ♦- •ral a ”ia- Jor . It of the is’ (S** nrv j wirtoco r r> Boy Of 15 Is Victim Of White Gang TORI' .vr»> uERYir SEW YORK - ' bluck youth ip tilts- ly iltjkd and anolhitr i\ •enouily injured in allaj^ reinili o( hp • il bealingf i.y white te,-i- ■lerb In i stalion TOBD MEWt SERVICE NEW YORK - One buck youth Is alUgedly dead and another Uy serloualy Injured as an allefed resaU of bmul beatings by white teen* agers In a station section of this metro politan city last week. IHa WBITI MB . « Pelican Bowl Game Caning To “Bull City” BY IARL MASOM DURHAM • After a thirty* year thomet. a bowl game wU] rotmo to Dmliam. E>«1mm wai hoot tho ftrat aaaual Polleoa Bowl lootbaU gamo, aecordtog te aa an* Bomeomont made late Tusoday algbi by Dr. Loroy T. Walker, aettag eommlaotonor of tho MU*Eaatora Athletic Cmler* toco (MCAC) Tiebita lor tho game will go oe aalo Immodtately to Durham and RaUlfh. TIekola may bo pmrehoaod to Ralotch at Ham* lln Drug More on C. Hargett Street, Thiom's Record Bar oa h. Hargett Mroot or at oithor at the Record Burs to Cameroo VQlage or Nocth HlBa, Ralelgb lud Durham. Tho gar^r, which la to decldo the national black football champlukshlp. «tll be pUyod .icA.v> uouL r I) HOT GUILTY W •TRAC- GOIC’* • FI. Ord, CalH. • Pvt. BlOy D. Smith (Mmwa to Hovtmbor Up IWTt photo) was found tofioeswt Kovombor 14 of plaaftog a bueby-trappud baud grmado which klllod two offl* eora to the first "fruegtog** trial of aa Amorkaa aorvleo- maa lo bo haW to tho U. S. Tho aovoo moo court marktol fomd Smtthp K tonoeoto «g aU eomti oscupt one ehargo M aaoaulttoc a mOftary poUcoman who arroitod Mm shortly after aa oiplooloo klllad two How* 1. (UPI) rOOOt NOT WORRIED • HoUy- wood • Redd Fan, TV*a bUck Archto Bmkor. Ian*! worried nboto erftlcal raps of bU •*BMi4ord md Sob’* TV aoiim tmcaoos ho eon take a boR to tho ehopa wkh the bout of thorn. ••I wus raluod to 81. Loula by my grandmothorp** aaya Fon. -Site was a big womaa who wolghod tSO pomda. »u Mm aooor whipped ua whm wo klda wort b^ She )uot pmebod ua sad Imoefcad m out. Thal*a tho trudi.*' Rodd erodlta hlagraad* molhor tar bto golnf tolo show (UPD Officer Gets Ex-Coivict In Rocky Mount 1. n. RARRER Rui KY MOUNT - A Ni^;r.. .idlceman wai It inc.uAl figure Ir llIII. .■ .^iiure ol ar all., i rohbei . M" ni l' morning tiithin an hcair of the J. B. IIARREM ROCKY MOUNT - A Negro policeman was the p.'nclpal figure In the 'le capture of ar alledged bank robber here Mordkyr morning within '.n hour of the robbery. President Of U. S. Baptists Lauds Sherrill BY THAHLES R JIIM- - Although the Rev. Otho Lee Sherrill i not surprised it a', monlal dinner honm him last Friday ii; : at the Sir '.Valter Ho i and although the master of ceremonies was not Ralph Edwards of tele- vl Sion fame, but the Rev. Dr. Chancey R. Ed wards. president oi a.e Genenil Baplia! Convention of Ni Carolina. the '• momal still had a "T! . Is Y'our Life” iiuilf' about It. lor Dr. Sh-r- rlll has served the l!o>- M iAr«~" r ■> RCA Will Continue Its Many Drives In City BY MISS J E HlCXS voter-trogiatra Hen - CMctge • T'*o ycjihs to *jr«cromd opoaro otf aa another chaaoa a A e ' “ '’s and riucha at Chieago*i Cago Park Hlgb Schoei Novombor 4rrMt«d duriag ttc aooond day of vlotmco at tho trouMod achooL '. Tr : vaa cloood mrl) to th* aft*n;ot- md «1U rooian# claaaoa IMTOU't won TUM tliuwm •c t**!*** !• awvOarwO lo th* peb- Uc tmutea wua mo aUo lowarO* iUwaii~ri Kt emofon* nomt- •M lw«« r*u—*• ISM the) h* |l**o (O* fionOnra. 11*0 et estttembbkt lOMr Mwloi •• to* fiUt* TIO« b.« ««oM Oh* !• 0* U«o*v*r. U M oM Mr aouwo f a* tedge •* tmy W* mau«a (gelt »g «* rioO vb*oi r*p«rt*0 by (iw •trvsUOf •tfirvrv. T* b*«a mt e4 Ih* CrUM Cil—ii. owrviy ■MOM oM bvMM r*«i«i*r*0 by a MUr* arnTwr lo rvmrtUM M* noutogi wbu* am a«cv •• Wm* ply b**a ett to* -mMMr *o4 yv« wmot b* m TO* CrUow Umx COP obsf:k\fa fh*ht Officor Cecil Ray Aycock reported at 4 M Saturday that he was inveatigating a dmturb- aoce-'tJHS Bkmdworth afreet and i observed two Negro femalea alappmg onr aoethw I attempted to leparaie tbe two The> tlaiied throwing bottles, one kitling my oeoeon ' Officer R N Hogg amveaal the scene and both subjects were arested Jailed and charged with engag ing in aa affray and restating arreol were Mtsa Francinr Burt 17. an Sonora Trueadale. At lU regular meeCiag. held Thuraday. Nov 14 at S p m al the ^niVCA. the RCA decided la conunue its continuous drive Presently, the Raleigh Wake registration stands at approxi mately I4.«i Vigorous efforts wiU be made to increase tbe number te M.tm tbe first goal The slate recommended by the Poliucal Actioaa Committee m the Nov 7 electMo was accepted bv the Black community Aopneutioi Momj Won Bj Tbu Pirsoss The CAROLINIAN'S Appre ciation Mone> footure came in (or a»'-:her grand slam last week AS three winners claimed a totai of S» when they mw their names of page U of last bk^fk s edition Those winning were Mma Maggie Perry. MS Camden Street wtioee name was found (s** ArmrriATtOM r s» ■ad’’- Miss Loume Latham, vice presKtont. reported on some poorly ctmalnicted cinder block aportmenta which had been visited rocenllv bv mlerested bousing groups Stairs leadtr« to a stcond dear had only a two by four railing Children in such aimrtmenu race danger each diy Tenants soon face repairs te water tanka, toilets. leaky roofs, rotten floors, etc which th^ report ogam and again te rental sgsnciei or to landlonto fs*« nr A wuL. r n MuHonN Of Nation End Tenn. Confab MEMPHIS. Te-i-j; Th. extended seat ton of the I mted Supreme 'Csuncil. 33rd Degree Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Southern Juriathctton. I'SA. Pnnee Hall Affiliation, was held here No% iglt. with headquarters al the Rivermoot Holidsv liui The opening phase of the United supreme Council was (•** wAsoNv CMD r t) It sa am. a man armed with a nfle. robbed the South Church Street Branch ef Peoples Bank and Ttual Com pany of an undndooad amount ef money and cromad the busy Seaboard Coastline Railrond tracks, reportedly number la iSt or more cars m length Following the pobce alen detectives were also hoi on the trail, aa they Inaksil for a bUck man weaimg a bhie turtlemack sweater Th^ dtd not have la long te look before rookie patrolman E L Nerflaet spoiled a Negro male wearing a M F. sweater under a coal ::.jk;ag bia way to a waiting taxicab Norfimt hailed the man. whereupon, he allegedly went to the taxi and pUcod a paper bag m it aad then turned to nsoot the officer Officer Norfleet went lo the cab and examined the paper bag fiiMhng It containuig much money He then arreited the suspect, who was reportedly iitontified aa being Claude W Hodges a 42-veor-oM local (s** atACK toe r n DR. JOiEPH H. JACI60.S St. Anpstus is Site Of Son Conlali BY ALEXANDER BARNES KINSTON The IMUi aMMO ef the North Carolina Cealereace. AME Ziea Church opened at St Augustus Church Widneaday momuig. with Biih op AUrod G Dunaten. Jr proaiduig. aad Rev J ( &wyer as the beet paatar II IS ta be remembered that the confereoce ■ kneewn ae the Mother Conference ef thr South.' due lo the fact that the firai church of the deneminatKir was founded al New Bern to Biahop J W Hood, leraled m thts area The first service began at H ••• BiweroM aosTs p >i Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK UCK I JILL CHIIDIKN’S SHOP For Good Qualft) CMhoo At Roaaoaahle Cools (See ransr SCAT P ii CHARLFY FRS>t, P(MIMCR COTTCM PICKER, REMDv'KCS- NisavUlo, Tom. • as a bop ptokbg oauoa ^ Mlast*-^ Chorley Pride fOMd klmsotf touamtog oongs of '‘^*'z:a€ Brakomas" Jhf^fny Rodgort toatood of walttof tho gui" ^ckei Hues. Theoe days, however, thai bay stoo oao to linttate llhes of Rodgore aad Ray AcMT lo paektog ehy awfkorl’i frorr ooaot ' ooaal wRh prodomlaontly vhte suOioacc* Leal year tho CoioUry Muak AsooctotlM voted kim *'E tertai »r of the Year.** (UPT)