U . t t In North Carolina PRESS m TWS WEIK 9,650 Black GOPs Treading Cautiously Republicans Want ‘Piece Of The Action’ AdtIreMes L2(Ht Muhliiimien wh ei U »: r. :'l- K 'flicans, th. . ontribut- hir_ !o ihf- e- of Jim Ifoli^ous' ■ .■•r. alihoui(h oi Ml.ick pre« xt ;r in run? ^‘Rights Gains Vanishing:” J. Bond THE CAROLINIAN H ) • H ^ho\A ,\v.. ' Ul !* -m »n rm ' in . m un North Carolina^M Leading Weekly VOL 32 NO > RALEIGH N C WTEK rvniVG nr.r ■ jO SINGLE COPY ISc ol 11. iht V .r*>. It - ic^ion to Ije- : rt of ■ibiu .m in Raleigh Area ••OTHER DEFtVCA'V* sHcTO»T OK TRIAL • am Fr»ftoeo - RaeWU IUc«* (L* ••ellb*r d»fr- -•' (*' • tb« Ar ;tU L a' i> earn. *«■! m trial Swmb»r 27 far tW I9‘0 Marta Co«i* ty CoarlP' farl^-ji- i r? 411' um paaalt) of Ulr imprlaeamanl - tte tarni ba la alr^v Mac** a~- hla Bril (L) ar* gKov? iMrr la fU* piMRo maka Marrti It, 1»T1 ta >»n Raljrl. Tnlil , .r j ? r-trul nrlnga at.^-ha waa a eo-drf«»dam M tlia AafaU Oavta eaaa. v «a r* > 'r: Jwa, It'Tl oa diarcaa of fmlafclac waapoaa and kalR*- lac plot tba ‘ t'i'i q-^T hfs *. *ilh **f‘ • that Mat'll • • n ’ »n -•’‘ffbd >• to the tact hal that •hj’'‘=var •s. . g.- «|U ■r- ' r^^^pactit* -■ the fra c’rnard %prcial l*r» I*; ’ Nicoft, -t ■s’T t any * tha> muat Thieves On Spree Bishop S. McDowell Shelton To State For Worldwide Broadeast tl-Jt-U-st' For Beating Prisoner . . fti r-rrad tha* . 4 ;.«] groui>'' ihrir la\«rr» IT ■' r .i»*l «■tocam ” . tck t'aiH as . - . y.,r agu •' h-.- bran tha t'.jrk -prra'i--n It - -itork with thr 'M*!’ , •y! wiis abla Police Chief, Cop To Stand Trial itsait . 1; di^tnci. -il W . l- It g tha ttaia • rr potant- It for a -f. dnJ ramad 1) Id I) Pnikirk to .1 '' J Hawkinr ' T!, Mack .it. was ^ • ='. Bl.ck Grad lury’s Indictment IH Against Two .(Ck* ■ tham ot. tha Thera u* LUMBEK CITY,GA.- The police chief of Lum- l>er City. Ga.. and one of the city*! polioemen were indicted by a fed eral grand jury Monday on a charge of beating a motorist thev arrest- Mn«»fiti. l-i.iiiar. aa^Mmad Aiiuroe’. I»‘ i.jld I) PoWock to haad aam'’ John J Hawktaa. Wirrar'-n ’T- ‘"•nl> Mack ^'(.iirman «aa riamad >>**»d -f Hit Black ThfTf ttbo wr-ti.-l ! r •ha Hrrtwa af Jirr H« Same of tham ha'.s- pli'^d '>n tha InauK j' ■ > iMr«- Thera ta .till .-. I '*her gr-ap whtrh it Mod to br wort ''g i!c-Nrty with Ihf g..\rrmtr rtrrt kn*»wH ai tha LUMBER CITY, GA. - The police chief of Lum ber City. Ga.. and one of the ctty*a polioemen were indicted by a fed eral grand )ury Monday on a charge of beating a motortat they arrett ed. Hol^h u ^f Ad\i»ar> Como- nl VI. rking rt tha natioMl 4r nr «arr the mambara of tha ' Aoin.:*‘rv''hi Ko^lectioiiof the Pit N .1. nt ItamcKTats (or Nixon -dd line KapublicaM «ha '• th*-;r pitch for Keput t' .1 . j^.T.fl from tha While linuM- ta the courth- U'f The porpM»r «j4 the Kalaigh maating wa» >0 bnng all tbaia (Mdar one umbraiU and join fur, i >'m make Mack impiil into Ih* R*T-iT‘ *n Parly A J Turner Rairtgh MmnaMmaa. -A ho made an unworcauful bid r., th> Ni.tif Hou'i »ai named Uapu^ Attanwy Gaoaral Ralph E Enekaon. who la m charge of tha Dapartmant M JualEca whila Attocnay Ganaral Richard G Klainckamt la m Ruropa. aaid tha 'ndictmciil ra#« cwif AW* CO cocu Tas Zion Man Midshipmen At Annapolis Hear Julian CHARUITTK TM- » hur. r af tha Lord Ja?«- s af ti •- r ioltc Faith and Hi- Gr::-.‘r Honorable Bi'*- McDowell Shatiun will br calahralfM WNYW Worldwide Broadcaal Day on Dacambar 1 m tha Mg aly of Charloita His Grace Biahop • :* i wtll be tha pnncipal sprawar for thia sanrica. leaching and exhorting the world to tc tha ark of ^faty tha iwurch o* tha Lord Ja*j': Oirtat • Uu- Apootolic Faith bafora tha - oming of our Lord and Savior Jooua Chnat Tha brondcaat gorv .round the world from 12 neon to 1 p m booming into Africa. Eur»(>t Aaia ai^ many other i-ounfr .-' Iha Church baliavaa that out of one Mood dni God make ai' oatMna Tharafrre the body - mambarahip « AInca. Nigana. W.?‘ ^xauAu Bahan--4s 1. i>r-r • Br Honduras Jd. ' .—a St Elua Jd. i i: « and Mofiro%ia East. His Grace praocniao um- ivn IntamatMMial Apeatofic Humanitarian Award in Saw Delhi on October • to Mr« tothaMidcia ite* Hwwon wnt. r n .Attempts To Get Kids To Speak “White” Blasted \t '.TIN Taxa^ The attempt rr.,aira black rhildran to Ir:^- ihr middla'Ctas^ white Cheek Calls For Confab W. Of Presidenfs .'N.S.APOUS, Md - The gains made In the civil rights sres “Are vsnlshlng todsy.” and much of the blame can !»e laid on the should- , of the President, ctvil rights leader Ju- Shaw Faculty Of 30s, 40s, HoldsReunion Nutinnal Black News ;:ca VN ASHINGTDN la the language yet uaad by - .,k praaidani on tha . :*•: of •.'•uhea slayinM of - irtfiad studrota on Mack rampMsaf.Pr JamooE *. ipk pra«idc'9l of Howard r ..;'ev anriy laat waok ,,..1 • avMianca of an -.rd rtu. .■'■nr. f r , MMUMMiMlalv hlM-k iMiltn- language « order ta actue^ t upwara moMlity ts a refNignant a^ dead mosamcni. a t'nivar Mty of Texas profesaor said laat Wa^iaaday Speaking to the Languago Rraanrch Saminar at Auatui. Eagltsh Prof Jamoa H SMd said the concept, known aa bi' aiacticaliam ta both immoral and iropoaaiMa Buhalecticaliam "aeta up white prejuihce aa an immov- aMa etaatack ta Mack aelvanca- mani and requuoa Mack chtldren la remake themaofvea r a wtute ima« if they ant ta move themaeivoa upward'." Dr Sladd said He added that Mdmkctical tam a a "flap " Its failuro m not due ta drfioenry on the pnrt ef the ougN to arknowl f «mte 1 ’ that if le paopk I Mack peopk are ta talk alike they will have la bvc iltka and ANNAPOUS, Md. - The gslns msde In the civil rights sres “Are vsnlhhlng todsy.” snd much of the blsme osn laid on the should- » of the President, civil rights lesder Ju- Ilsn Bond told midship men St the U.S. Nsvsl Aesdemy. ■a hii ifMcfc IS ihs sMsUy ahiw ..ass-msa bnssSs. Bsod ■barply sischsd PtmiSsbi Nii Shaw Faculty Of 30s, 40s, irmed HoldsReunion kgei (sm miATv mono. p. n With Office lampuTars •'■TTian Hunts Wjrrm'Hi w* Henry named J..hr pr. ■ Jp Pr. - '»an' Mrx TomiWia Mil prii("v.w was -• VTc'sryvhip and Durham antra , V 1g chairman u ■ ware sat , ,t .1 ..f.'.n named Iv’^Pir Horton. Kit - named nt ihr Patrtm.iga AU v.indar Bama« • . • -uns circle* t.-ii-a, p.:) YORK CITY At a recant meeting of the Iniarprauiion Commisaion of the Conaultation of Church I'nion. it was aonouncad that Akxandar Barnes. Director PuMte RaUiiom. A M E Zion Church. Durham N ( . had bean chooan to aid tha PuMictty Diviaien. in handling tha communicaiions office, for puMiciiing the meeting of the Kxacutiva Committee, m Lea Af^aks. Cabf. Dacambar IS-IS Ha will aswal Ra\ rf»'v T*r« .t- • - '.a--' ■ BTYCLE NUT W TEMPLE - SsMss. Ids. - flosri fl>«srlT 11* CteU Pr„ost ssd blsTSto “ Prrrasl. U. Ssllns. wms rMlB* to •dwsl »l>ss amis ■ My- cla broke, throwing hlir. Hla band kit hi* of rear wha*l, ambaddlM wing aul M hla laR tempi** PMtea ware that pullb« blfca sway might injira him more aaaaraty, so ha was tabsn to bospHal wit*- *'icyel*- (CM) Shoplifters Go On Steal Spee Here Another Sports Great Struck Out By Death BY AL’XA«\lR BAFN£- CHICA30 - Wendell Smith, natiomilly known sports writer »iw' cs^ier. who weni to l**l many times, both in hl> column ind on his news hour, .l 1- c:ille! out by the Um pire of the universe, when hl‘i cjncer-ravaged body was not able to -wing >* 'be la«t strike. Sumlay. th*- oi. JoF^-'ih Hospital, which he hi.d been in and out of for the pas’ ^ix months. E\an though WandHI raachad his paak a* a sports wniar with IDITOn* XOTt Till* ratMftO •« M prm4m*4 m Uw aoM. hr «Mli «• AM tavAre* HhoHKtMt Ml rMHriM* Nw»*r- •«M iwai- ia««F> ha** r»a—uaa thal t*r> hr «i>*m ihr rMWarrs* tiM •t •■trtmmkim: iKrtr em Ihr a*eirr MMirr IhH - • «*«ia Ukr i« a* n«»*xrr. H w ••I Mr aavHiM !• hr Iwatr ar |«rr Wr Mwrrh ahhUth Ihr l*ri« at »r nwa iHrn trp*nr4 hx iHr arrrxCMis WrKrrx T» hrr* m s*! Thr CtMtr nral C*:uMr mrrriy MTUH Ml hTMf rrgiMrrra hx a POUrr ririrrf to f»p«r*ir- Ml, >■«■» whUt M a«(x s« fly krra art Ihr BMirr aoi 7M WMX hr m fhr Crtwr nm his pa. tha Pittsburgh Couriar in tha 40i ha kamad tha hard way lha lifa ■: a btdCk basabaU playar Ha kR - af tha unpkaiani iravaU f btaok stars and tha Itvi-,. . r.- that thay wara «ubjactad Ha was L-im:rig in whm lha .Amancan Gtar.u Bacharach Giams. iha Ha\ Mnn.« Rad S-\v A rra going r' but had 'ha banafit -jf haartng tha - . ■.-rT’-s; tall ihair '’.^rja* He cama in whan tha Kansas ('it> Monarchs Birming^m Black Barons Balhmora Black Sov«. lha Horr-instead Grays. tT- t'uban Stars and ioma o’har we**** x!..a,i.4 one ni^t ocH in deubk haadar* 00 r«*r SMOOTS C.lirkT P U BY STAFF WRITER Shopbftars. ihiavoa or roguat. whaiavar you rhsoar to call tham. ara taking a 'tiolMlay *praa in Ralaigh as the Christmas Season approaches The CAROLINIAN and lU rapoiional staff has kept a kg of rasas in which soma of the larcamsl* wara caugh: rad handed, whik others aacapad tha panaltias ef "the law In tha following cases, wa '-hall atiampi to trace tha paths t'f h.-'na of these persona Last Saturday tlw Jewel Box )ii FayattaMik Siraat. raport ad that Barry Clayton and Willard Haiih Jr wwra both working at lha jrwkry stora at jA7pm whan a susp^. bstad as Roban L Youngblood. 40. 22fM Warm Sprang- Ava Boiaa. Idaho, maoa off with a sua Ian --r * carat. 7-diamond clustar Dial 4iapad dumond nng valued at It was not (Srr Tmrvrs ow a n BY MRS M 0 TL RNER ClmlMhiiM saamonaa of the -goedok^ays on '*faculiy row" at Shaw tmvarsity in tha lIM's and IMO’s. thirty of former teachers, their children, and fnenda jomed in raunton bora Ul Rakigh for a waakand faativtties foUowing Thankx|f . mgDay Moat ef tha out of tewn group, in order to be togrthar Mcurad lodging m tha Down town Holiday Inn. on Friday aflameon Aflar rafrashing lham*alv« from thr rigorous hc-'day travel, lha group hag_.. ih" netabk rvant by attandti.*: j gala dmnar at Sir Walter Hc'af. tha first ef tha j^y ful fr=-' ^ Presiding at tha brad - >Mp Dr John C Harlan kd wi testimomas made by rv‘ preaeat All gave empF iha axiraorduury hnr.‘ (hat held tha far- *' , -id thair (nands Ir ’• arootwaal ik -lJ»m formed on ‘-npu ♦ - lar.;r colkgas J, 1 j.iivaf-J-;.- !>•- gourmet menu pTrnnadby Ml - Beulah W supervisor of (nod* j' v . gave oppor'ii"- *s for axpe- - stons of great dehgr,' 1'n‘Jrr tha spv!; j'; at ih»* spectacular affair, HaHar a former pr .5*; jt • hi-*-*. -! Shaw calkd to ^ n- -rv tha '.VASHINGTON la tha • m.itast language yol used by -(.k colkge praskdent on the of puhee skyings of d sludsnu on Mack maea.Dr JamaaE •idanf of Howard I mvarsHy anriy last waok u-'ad the exislanca of aa .«ti while board of education for 4 prodommaiafy Mack laatitu- tMMI Ornak calkd (or an amarian- cy maating of Mack colkga prastdant* to dMCuas tha murders ef two unarmed stu den!> by law enforremen* .^ftrers last weak at Southern L’nivaruly ui Baton Rouge. La Ha said ui a ikpage of hts thoughts and reaction to tha student slaymgs that ha noted with ■ disbeliaf and baw ildarmani " tha fact that Mack cotkgas m Louisiana ara admmtstarad by an all-whita board of education that ako hM rrsponjii^ility for the stales publiN 1 , ’em V • ’ 'tor mvolvad in ; V vducatioo can tha face of such in a white tfta unay if they ant ta themaeivoa upward' " Dr Skdd aaid He added that buhakrtical lam IS a "flap " iu failure la nsl due la deflciancy on the pnrt ef the pupila wt eu^ to acknowl edge that if mte po Mack I « paopk j peopk are t# tali alike they will have tn hva alike ana the Uva together.' fxplatncd "la the foroaeaabk future, a majority of young Macks ui tha Umlad Suiaa are not gamg to ulk or wnia aa if thay wara yoiu« whites." Dr Skdd said fSM sTTFwrrs to e n Bishop Charts Blueprint Of Zionism Aocas tor one recog . ircumstaoca such as tLc ingradiants for that ci student unrest and -t that knd easily to and ultimatdy to '■.‘ti,ed\ said Cheek Tl c’Tiergfnc) meeting i-> --k. ilkd for wuuki not only .. . ' ^ tragedy at South- . — ' ■ would consKkr !i/r Mack educa • -hip to make our • v««re heard and our known about lha proh- of our %n\m fAC'iTT p if- ' f ' end future • *■ ‘..;.jn5 ( r>,-ak said that where Mack cttrrR TAILS, p t) KIVST'-*^ ^ ^ piMlon. wh presided over the lOlth annual setawn of the N C Conference. A M E Z1 a a Church, which mat at Si Augimtua Church. November S.jl. on Sunday rooming charted a Mua print Jm Chnstum living that he fw would be a panacea for many of thr ilk that baaat Amanca Ha chose (or a subject. A Blue Pnni for Confusioo Ha fait that Amanca was in a bad way bacauae it had dona like tha childrwi o. w*i«i th^ hKl no lun« Mid »v«7 nan irwii to ds nhat wa, ndhi in his own oynifht withoul r«srd for UK fSM wstor rii««Ts P t) ApprKiatiM Cash Wot By Two WoMfl APPRECIATIDN STORY Two ladH”^ c-laimad Appraci- alion Mof>a\ in Tha CAROLIN IANS new faatur* laat weak Thay ware Mrs Harfaanwa Johnson, whoar name appeared in lha ad of Jack and Jill Childran’s Shop. 133 Fayette- vilk Siraat and Mrs iular ISM Arentf lATKMv p n i i w * srd f- X CONXICTS - Berhaloy, Calif. - Rooen . 411 Be sculpiired fromeoapatone.okatdskla Xe Opened to help ex-«onvkts ease back iC>:e«r-old Clemons said he got the Idea . ef), to hoot pebUe ehowlag of works by •r r»I!-ietes, while eervkc a lO-year - '(or armad robbery while aa art -xVS Ml’BBY CIT HER Mrs. Ra^*cca A. PulU . 2?, 314 HUl ^reet, tok Officer B. W. Harris at 1:46 a.f: . Thursday, that Mm came home from her -iother*a ' -uae a- bout 1:30 a.m. and her hua- band was there and she said they started arfukc, and her husband etd her oa the right arm, thaa ehoksd her. She said she would sIgB as aaaaidt on a female warrant acekel Look Edward Pullen, 34. taM rnnet nesr p. ii Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK RALEIGH SEAFOOD For The Beat k FlA, Shrimp and Oyolert J FBfDS 36,000 IK FORMER MlOTHEL • OmrlottaavUe, Va. * When •roehers smashed kto the old Marc tr.Mia -lilc was used as a brothel mug 1 was closed down k l»4k. they 1Blea^^ ' .a.'is of dollars k cash. Several hiaMrod maa, women aad cklMrao have baaa combkig the rr alns for some of the treaswa, k bills, tome ts big as M.OOO, and sski. Ke oa# knows rxi^ly hc> _f7. "oney kas bate foond. but Oarlaaa Harris says ik* fold $6,000 worth and pcaea sUh her find. Most racantly Margulretu's was uaad as a rest koma lor about IS aldarh paopk. Ma.gtdr t!a died bi 199L (UPD

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