r t. • 9 ^ PRESS RIA rap Wtth 9,400 Newswoman And Congressman •- • TWO TOP NATIONAL BLACKS DIE IN PLANE CRASH % MBS UKHFLl CLARK Beatings, AMsauUs Abound As Mbs I let Airliner Crash Fatal Violence Plagwes Raleigh People And THE CAROLIN/AN • rp c ^ COLl For Miss Clark, Rep. Collins VOL 3-J NO 7 North Carotina'i Leading Weekly RALEIGH, N.C., WEEK ENDING DEC. 16, l»72 SINGLE COPY 15c Weapons In Spotlight .\jttoral Bl*ck Nr«» SrrMce CHICAGO — Black Conurataman Gaorice W. Collin, and Mi,, Michale Clark, firat black woman nawacaitar for a major taitviaion natwork, wara amonK tka mora than 40 paraona killad whan a Unitad Air Linaa jat craahad into a Chicago raaidantial araa Dacambar 6 ti\n ta ItTt Mim Clark a nativa al ('hocafo. waa ratumiiic henw id Thr craih occunad ahar. *he iwoangina Botim 737 taikd to racovar from a lauit) landinf apfwoach to Chocaco'i Midaay Ainort TV total mimbar of caaual- tiaa »aa unrartam aa raacur for lha waakand from Itoahing ton wbara afca haa. boan anchorman on tha CBS Nat oork ^ Momifif Nawa Sho« Ik. .k. i>»« M,n in S,««n After DeniaU Job Rights To High Court For Severly Beating" Prisoner BY STAFF writer Pr,-Chri,Un,, vioUnc, M>ok , ,tronR turn from tb, old Biblical onyinn, 'Poac, On Earth A- monR M,n Of Good Will." laot w„k a, Tha Crimt Boat «a, not abla to hold all of tha crima hara in RalaiRh. «> aoma of tha othar violanca ia baiDR praaantad hara •StH'L BROTHER Nl'MBER ONE JAILED Knoxvilla. Twin Enlartainar Jama, Brown and iwo aide, wara anoMad aarly Dar II aRar a parkuic kM ballla with palm foUawina a coocan lata Dac la at tha Ovic CollMum hara A ■pohaaman (dr Brown uy, tha polm raport on tha arrast af Brown and tha two aidia la "a Ua" and thraatana a ana mil. iMOAloUar civil nahta awl agm tha city of Knoavilla Al 1 U laal Sunday, darar Otia WiUiama. la N Eaal Straat lames Brown, Two Others 0 roominf fncibtyi S R “ Repreoenu • D 111 • wi wrocknee of the pUne and the rubble of til hornet for broken and charred bodiet niaiive CoUma wat retuminf to ClMcago from Wathinfton to euper> lae tV buytnf of Inyt for the annual children tChnatmna party in tV Mh hard CofhM reprcoenled the ward as Alderman before hu etortwn In the t' . S House of Repreaenta (mcaco ■r fMlmp* U In the 9«a- IW hotwrin wUh m elm teoeeOe WMoMlOf I •o* ber 1171. Mita Clark was a teneral aaaifr with the networks outlet. WBRM T\' promoted to newt rorrtapund OM laal July when the wot the Oeoiocratic Na nventwn in Miaou She alto envered the Repubhean NaUonal CooverT tian and several af the ma|ar pretideolial pnmanoa Sbe la aurvivnd b> her parent! Mr and Mrs Harvev E Clark and a brother, all W ducafo Miae Clark waa 9 Rep rilhai. alao a native ef Cluraco. m turvivod by bm wile Carte aod a tan. Kevin TV 47 year oM Coofreoaman fraduaied rom Sorthwoetem Troopers, Man Indicted To Present Rights Of Many Blacks t oivaraMy ■ huainwa lao Hr "x* hia way ap pahu rally Uvough lha Cat* Cawwy Drmocratir ~*fanifa!ian af Oteeae Mayor Richard J Dalm.fnrai Nalional Blarh Nrw. Srrvm WASHINGTON - Tha Suprama Court ia aa- poclad to hand down a final ruiinn nrat spring on tha riRht of am- mIawava Ia ilwnv iaIm Ia Rap. cowoa. alM ■ aottve ef eSucapo. la turvivad by Ua wife. Carte, aod a aao. Kavm many HiacKs TV 47-yaar'oU ConcroHman Nerqiwaacerii mm gradualad rom mb' NaUdoaJ Black Newt Sarvlca rwnfWi bf the IfMiWBt •tfirwn. T« »••• em *4 Wbe fwimi Om riloomi. —rwty St • IMPERSONATES A COP L C Bruce, an empl^oe of the Alcohoittm Informatioo Onter, 113 Payettevdle Street. toM Officer W E Honsky at S 34 p m Friday, that a Negro male, wearing a Mue police coal, entered the Center, idenlifyuig himself at Dm Williams, a Raleigh police detective, with a yellow card m screen inked letters, showmg hw name Bruce declared the subject wanted seme informa tioo on how to enter a "fnend' Mklo tV center He said V cooperated with tV subject and when tv umdenlifted black man waa readv la leave, he asked for his yellow card back, saying he needed it to idenlify himself Following tV depor- ture of tV man. Mr Bruce called ihe law ' and was UmvoraMy in nude lha way through the Cook' Oaiinty Democratic ergamsatjoo 4jf OncaBo Mayor Richard J Daley, from prociact capuin in tv 34th Ward in 1164. to election to tv City Council in 1M4. and la tv Coeipoaa in lf76 to All tv teat left vacant by tV denth ef Rm Daniel J Renan Collins bucked tV Daley machine, however, when it •ougM to force him to step aside when rediMnetu^ merged his congremional dtttnct with tVt ef Rep Prank Annunzio With tv united support of tV black community, V forced Annunuo WASHINGTON - Tb# Suprama Court ia as* pactad to hand down a final ruling east aprinc on lha right of am* ployara to dany joba to blacka. In agreeing to review a lower court ruling- iV nation's High Court said it wiU boar an appaal ^ tv McDotmel Dougins Oirp (See TWO TOP. P.fi Muse Boosts NAACP At RockyMount BY J B HARREN informed that tV subject was a fraud ^ ROCK\ MOCNT TV Rocky Mount Branch of tV National Association for IV Advance meni of Colored People pre sented tV first stnetiv NAACP Douglas officials in 1M6. refused to hire Percy Green a civil rights activist wV had sought empkrymcnl as a mcchamc Green had led demonstrations against tV firm tV previous year charging iVl Douglas dtsenmioated in hinng against blacks One ef IV demonstrations was a 'staU-in" in which Grocn and others tried to block tV five access roads to tV compMy’s plant He was later fined 160 for obatructing traffic Later a group of rmployocs were locked insiV tV plant in a 'lock in' incident which Green also participated in Several weeks after tV lock in. V applied for a job but was turned o^n He thm filed a law suit alleging diacrimina- tion against him because of hts activities against tV com- 3 To Face Beating Rap In City Jail ATLANTA. Ga. - Two GoorRia atato troopara and a county Jailor wara indicUd by a fadaral fraud jury Tuaaday on charEoa of aavaraly Olflcar S ! Mayw dial Om Lao. "aamowhora au SmithftokI Strati," cam# ovor ta hia room n aa uuoawatad conditioo Whan WiUiama ro- fuatd to |ivo Lao a dnnk. ha dKlarad that Mr Lao. a. hacamo bath aafry and vioiaM Lao broko WUbama' naaa. gavo hun a carahral concuaaHn and a brokan laft Jaw Jamaa Bailoy of tho N Eaal Siroot ad*.,,,, waa liaud aa a wiuaaa la Uua ■ncidaM Th* weapon Laa uaad waa a board WUbama la now a paiiaol at Wako Mantonal Hoapilal A uro laal waa uaad by Konnalb Barnard Murray. Jr . la. to uijura Carl Edward Caliaa. M. 7« Gorman Straat at a p m laat TUaoday Cottaa taM "tha law" at a « p m aa that day. Uiat Murray, of am Royal Straat ui lha Matbad Conumauty. canw up la htm M Uto M Mack af S McDowall Straat aad loU hua. You owo me same I daaiad it. Are Released NASHVILLE. Tcnn James Brown. tV well-known blairk rock and soul singer, was arretted and charged with djeerderiy conduct Monday morning followuig a concert apponrance in Knoxville. Tens Two of Brown's traveling compMtona. Oliver Dver and Fraddv Jamas Hotmoa. alas were arreoled and charged w 11 h dworderiy conduct and aauuit on a poliM officer Police records showed the official charge against Brown is dworderiy conduct by crooluig a scene and failure in move on Brown said V and bw rond Vow workers were londmg Ihetr muwc equepmetu on a truck feUowmg a cancari date al tv cRy coliseum when police teU them to move on When they did nel immedi ately heed tV order. Browro said tv pehce bagM Valwg bini and ms two compomona Pehce Maj J D Price drnwd in Ulty Jail ATLANTA. Oa. - Two Unorgia atata troopnra ami a coonty jailar wara indictad by a fadaral grand jury Tuaaday oa ebargaa of aavaraly baiting ao aacapad priaoaar aftar a poaaa trackad him down. NEW POLICE DIRECTOR ~ Newark. N. J.; Mayer TTmertk A. CmaeniRi aaaeneced tV appshumml n December »ef H. Edward L. Kerr. 41 Li. le inccted John Reddeo aa pehce directeref New Jersey'! lorgeslclly. TV ■ppsiiiiairat becomti eficctive JanMn I. il'Pli. AUemry General Richard G Kleindtenat aaid tV mdictmani waa retumad la U S Dwtnet Court ta Atlanta. Gaargii Namad as defendMls ware Slate Troopers Warren D Morgan. SI. and Jimmy R Holcomba. R. and Raaaid D Pabnar, dutf jaUar far Uk PauldUig Couaty abanff'a of flea Cottaa.». 7« Garmao Stroat at • pm laat Tuaaday Cottaa laid "tba law" al a at p m aa tbal day. Uwl Mamy. •f ati Royal Straat la Ibo Matbad CanirauBMy. ewaa im It Mm M Um laa Mack ef f McOoarall Straat Md MM Mat. 'Yau erne am aoaaa immoy aad «ban I danled U. ka bagaa MtUnkma with tka bra laM Aa aaaault orilb a daadiy waapea warrant waa ugnad aad youiM Murray waa placml la Waka Couaty Jail Cottaa raearnd multi^ bnalaaa m Ma faea Aa Afro hair pick waa tha wtapen uaad la ibck a a-yaaroM boy ki tke aya laal Wadnaadav Tba child, wboac name wa prater aal In glra. •Uiad tbil a IbyaacMd bay (both at whom boa m Apollo Hoigbu at Eaal Rnloifb I. callad Ibair muaic aquipmanl track taUawing a canci dale at tkt etty cobacum urban pobra Whan Uiay dul not unmadt- ataly bead tba ordar. Brown •nid tba pabcc bagan banima - and Ma iwi Mayor Gibson Chooses Race Man As New Police Head Nationnl Black .New, Samca NEWARK. N. J. — Mayor Kaunatli Gibaon hna namad EdWnrd L. Karr aa tho firat black to htad tha city's polica dapartmant. U Kerr, mamad and ihc hractor Iwo wooka bee thee I'RIVF. BEAT. P-Sl Mi sE unt>hrs. P.3) • KtlkllTN P 3) father ef six chikhen. scheduled to replace John L Redden, white. wV resigned aa J ago auae of diaaatiafaction at tV Howiinl biiiv. Cracks Bown Bn “Bsers City admimstratwn's handhiig of tV racial controversy involving tV construction ef Kawaida Towers housing proj ect in Newark's predominalHy North Ward Mayor Gtboon had They were charged with beating and uijunng Tony E Clem HRs. 31. while V i beuig returned to jail en April 36. ifTl tv day after V escaped with another pnaowet TV troopers and jailer are while TV pnaoaer n black Poiace degs were uaad to fluah Omeols from a field w here V was hidmg after a JPman poaae was formed to March for Uie escaped pneeners ClemaaU waa hoapitaliaed tor 13 days aa a reault ef his injuries Clements had aacapad shortly «Ve VIOLENCE HERE. P.t) |7 ^Bce Maj J D Price denied Brown's accuantwa but there waa na other official police statement Two patrolmen. David Me GaUnck and PtuI Bowling wore injured w tV allerratlon and wore troatod al Baptisi Hoopi tol McGoldnck suffered a laie •hjy te Bowlmg suatainod vad. 'ace. chest aad back iintmm. police said Brown was released ea t3M fate mid Helinei and Dyer on tt^Tia bond each Aheam^waa « city caun tor Dec r Greenville Blacks ’Unset’ Over Fatal Death By Cop Ve THREE MEN. P.t) fl Black Unity Tomni Picks Mrs. Hawkins GREENVILLE Bnck throwing aod tV woumkag of a motorcycliat waa touched off here with tV slaymg ef a Mack mao by a spaciaT nmcalici agtfil Police said tV dte man was Comue James. wV had bacn shot when Officer Cha^ Williamson "was attacked by him after his arrest " TV motorcycliat waa in na roal danger hospital spokas- Accordlng to police accounts, several cars were overturned and bnck throwing foUowod tV shooting by tV offtetr Appa rtey. na one waa injured man said off a 16-block square area which cut off tv black aactieo of GroenvUle from tV root of tV city About 11 16 pm police had witlMkawn from tV area •W AN4Mm\G OF. P»» Washington dc Five people including two students, were apprehended al Howard I'niversity here recently during what campus security officiab termed a beginning of tV semesier plan to nd IV campui of drugs Howard one of IV largevi predominaniK Black unaersi lies in tV nation, has expen enced a record nse in drug use among its students over tV past fe*i >ears. according to admini straiixe sources TV names ef iV five voung people arrested in this case were not revealed but IV director of safety and tecurily al Howard Billy T Norwood indicated that the purpose of the led Committee for Unified Newark, to name a black to tV sensitive post Theae same groups had cnttcixod Gibaon tor namirg a white as police director in July. 1676. after bis election aa mayor TV new 46-year-oM thrector- designate seems capable ef maneuvering iV complex poli- «J»ee MAYOR GIB.AOS. p.i» Appreciation Money la If on Uy Two Men dnia crackdown was not to put students m jail, but to In last week s CAROL1N1A.N Appreciation Money Feature, we had two lucky male wuwiers of 116 checks each TVy were Spurgeon Fields Jr . whooe name was found in tV ad soemsored by Raleigh Seafood OMHO \PPRMI\THIN P3I »0MAN ABBWTAVr lOLjaTOM GENERAL - Pra.MaM M.«i mseete M Mm Docooikar It okk Mro Ja«l LolooUM. ktack rMaafa tooror. okoa ka koa agpotolad to V dapuly solicitor gsaerol Vt la tV ftrM woumo to be samed lo a Uo level wms ta suppress IV pusher As a matter ef fact, accordina to a recent issue ef,lV Howard student newspaper "some of iheoe apprehended and wV are uaers were released upon renderuii names of tV tuppii ers and puMiors on campus ' All non-student drug uaers or puaVrs seiacd en tV campus however, were automatically turned over to tV Washington metfopoluan pahee BY J B HARREN KUCKY MOUNT Orgaaixod UI Janikry itll. UmBIjuSuMy Forum. Rov Lloyd BMton Moma. praaidanl. haM Ha annual UMMi.-it Sunday Dac la •I Ml Pudali Unilrd Praaby- ■onan Church with Major LnniM McKaittion aa (ha (oaturod ipookar Tha now maidaM m Mri Ecmoralda R>ch Hawkuia. a vMarau achoM loachar. who ran unauccaaaluUy lor City Caunnl ■kirind Um oRruid local aloe tMua Mr, HawkuM cnllad for a united Irani oa Um port •( all Na(ra orgaaiulMW laa had boon tba onRHial pram tar i ui ordar to make -•»* rotca r I tkt Bee BLACK I'Nm'. F.ll Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WFFK WAREHOUSE OF TIRES. InC. For Maay Crool Bargalna to Qmlky Ttroa Secuntv offictaJs also revoal thee (WM KH tXlMN. P3) ROBBBR GRABg CAJH - Waahteaa: Thto A”"* >*^ —7 Bfaf • VpmiHr toon a fa* tv Riggs NaitonnJ Bank ta iswoiooa Waahtogton. gave IV toRar akCnk —^— •Hbdrawal up „a aLSZ a »-iib..d»- mm bag bo waa carryMt. Acaardl.« M wK....... cpa.. u boBtrad la ha akam ti yoora add aad la abaM ll" H*. itrii.

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