ir- •• • • * PRESS m m REEh 9,600 Big School Case Cited As NIXON REINFORCES HIS OPPOSITION TO BUSING If oiild Hi- h'irni Itlark Conyers Wants Speaker’s Seat \OI. .12. NO 8 North Carolina'» Leading Weekly JJ^mGH^CVVEEKENmNGDEC23jl972^^ SINGLE COPY 15c NC Father Caught In NY After He Allegedly Murders Own Kids Rev. Cary Is Tapped For Church Post Tl-Ij-Xl-J}- IBITOAI ee leetmre H 9te49te4 tm IM pm^ tk mtefetl «hih M aOM t*«ar4t olfcliiiifl «• MM MltWaah lM%* tkM OIM) W ft**a Ibt rMoMvra* ItMi et tItMr IHtlaf em Um MMWr Tlut • t «mM Hk* t« «• N M Ml Mr kaiOM— I* w jMi* m fmry W» mter^ MkHi* Um tarU M nm4 Utem t9pene4 k« IM arurttM •ftVrr* T« li*#r Ml 4 fM CrM* Mat Catawi. Mraly MiMi Ml MOM rviMarrk ky a peMe* •mrtf Ml rrMrlMa Ml flMlM* »klla Ml kM5 M iMM* fto Uep ett tkt -BIMtar aa4 fM WMt M IB Hm CrMM MM. RAPK ATTKMIT KAIUS Mrs Mjrfi^ Manr Poolr. Sl year-oki »hilr midml of 719 GaMon Street toM OffM-M* L D Pare at 7 S p m \^ednnda\ that she was salliinff besi^ Ratetfih Apartments 'IMi Peace Street', and «as besidr Apartment S 2 when a Negro mate grabbed me trum behind and t^ me to puli m> dress up" The woman ^aid she screamed and her atlarker threw her to the ground then threw her to the ground and hit and kiclied her with h» (ists and leet then the man 'split the scene The woman was taken to Kes Hvispital where she was treated for abra^Kms mer the Wt e\e C KIMf \1 P 3* Schoolyard Death Case On Appeal HILLSBOROUGH - Two Hillsborouirh taenag* tf- wart transferrad to Central Pnaon at RaWtgh last Fndav after being vntefKed by a judge to ^er\'e 20 years each in the fatal stabbing death on Kebruarv 1 of Orange High -. student Donnie Kiddle Both are expactad t '''p-al srr P\M I P 21 V Aa .1 . ..1 . eerve w yean eacn in ua fatal atabbing death on February I of Orange High School etodent Donnie Riddle Both are expected t*' anpeal isre PXM-.I ?»XXh. P 1» Two Students ‘Murdered,’ Panel States SalKinai Black Newrs Serstce BATON ROl'GE La The Black Peoples' Committee of Inquiry blames college admin istrators. police and slate officials for the Nov la murder of two Black students oa Southern University campus in Baton Rouge and compleiel) exonerated the students of any role in precipetaling the vio lence which M to the deaths The panel headed by Rertely Calif Councilman D'army Bai lev and including Georgia R^esenlative Julian Bond and Owusu Sadaukai presideni of Malcolm X Liberation I'niver siiy. Greensboro. N C . made a number of findings leading to their charge of the murder of Denver A Smith and Leonard • see 2 SI-NTKMKU. P 2l Sl-TI-Xl-Tl- Sll XKKS SK KKTh WITH AANTK > IJlIle I Hayes, i. daogliler of Mr and Mrs. Haberl Kugewe tCoBBli Hayes. Jr . 203 IdlewiM .Xienoe. la sbowa abo«e sharing some serrHs wMli SaiMa Ctaos. as her t-year-kM brother. Anthony t oJlMi Ha>es. loolit on. awaiting his inm. The father took this adoraMr porlurr of bis rhiMren last week. Mrs. Hayes is the foraier Miss Clandia llanser. a natise of Raleigh. Department Files Brief On Nixon’s Busing Stand National Black News Service WASHINGTON — Noting that the moot effective meant of equalixing educetKmel opportunHite in prejortnently Black and Htapano echooia is to upgrade tha achoda rathar than to but the ttudenu. the Nixon Adminittration latt weak reinforcad ita opposition to croattown busing of ttudenu to obtain tvttam-wide integration. In t Wpage (nend of (he court brief filed by the Jutiire Department before the Su preme Court the Adminittra non staled Me share the view of the disinct court that significant disparities in educational op port unities in a group of schuob defined by racial and ethOK conceniratMas would constitute vioU-r-.'As of the eoual proter ti - clause but added Me do net cerecur with the ' \l\»\ H p J. Cumberland Father Kills 3 Children MINEOLA. N. Y. - The alleged killer of hie three children. Ronald Melvin. 24. of Fayetteville. N. C.. wet arraatad hart aarly Saturday morning after breaking into a bank According to dty police. Melvin entered the United Mutual Savingt Bank by braakinr a rear window, cnad til open a vault, than caP; ' a twephooe operator ■ hee y xrHKK KII.IJI. P. 2» Accordttf to city pobca, Mafvin antarad tha United Mutual Sipiaga Bank ^ braakiat rear arindow. cried to opn ■ vault, than cal^ ! a tuMpbooa oparator ihM PAT1IKR RII.IJI. P. tP Rep. Conyers Challenges Carl.Albert National Black News sdrvice WASHINGTON Rep JolH) Caaycrs (D-M»ch ) has aa aawH'cd that he wiU chtBtnar ('tn AJhart tO-Olda.) agotn for the pooHiaa of Speahar oTtheUS HMofRaprcseo lativea The DetroM Congrestman’t first challenge two yoars ago failed when Albert was pecked ai 10 21 ID succeed retinng Speaker John McCormack DM Appreciation Money Won By Two Women • :i“j* ?af{> 'ar Mtwf Jim- 'j Kr.ighI wad Mrs R«" Ew.r w. - llu pr./.- r; Thr l AKuLINUN \ revt App-'-- J* ^ M r. t ture laM week b% vpov^^g ’freir w XPPKK IVlleiN P ; In las first years he worked with the human rolaiioan inmmittee As a beginner with 'iv- lommittee ihe\ heard Approciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK SHOWS SX XIPXIIIX roR IH ATFD BI AC K Oi XRTF RIIXf K Memphis Trno X wiga-rsrry eng wnpporter wUndv behind foraMr l*eMkiw Ifib «|Hwrterbeik 1 ddir Me Xwhaa ol o MeenphK News ronferriK' lirieBiber ik M« Xwhoo. lesrs wetting in hi* ryew. remsmed ^leoi ibtc^ak ibr new* conference wbUe thr Re* iewoe JsrfcwM of hw sgM did oil the UUmg xir Xshao did not dreM tor thetonigbi « Teb lows Male I then* Rowlstthongb he iioght tohe re ousted to Ike teem -1 PI - F'V A TV. ! of Fine Chnatmas Toys LIOR W. RERRDOlf XIMM IMXN SHKTH i HRIkTIAN f MRWTMAS FAMILY OF THE YKAR~ Shawa above St* members of the He* Joseph Page Dempsey fsmilv UUs year’s ('hrisUaa f'hrlstmas Fsmily ol the Xear. 1072 Kroal row left to rigbl sre Miss Deaise Psge Dempsey. Eric Homphre* liempM-*. Mr* E«et*ol*ne II liempse*. Ksthy Deovne Dempsey, sad the Re* Joseph P l>rmp*e* Hack row left to right are Itenise P Dempsey sod Joseph Todd Dempsey Other (hri*Oaa t hnums* tamilee* ha*r heeo lt«t. Iteacoo aad XIrs Chester Dehaam sad famel* ISM lieacoo sod XIr* lielmo* K Ingram sod famUy ; 1979. Rev aad Mrs Leatha Dehaam and Ismil* and l«7l. Or ae»d X|r* Jsmev X Bayer and family Rev. Joseph P. Dempsey And Family Add Glow To Raleigh’s 'Personality’ BN 'HXKLESH JONES The old wUite. The femilv that prays totiether, eUys tocether. " hu certainly proved cocnpletelv trut for the Joseph Pane Demp^ family (wife and four childienl n( 1409 E Martin Street Kev Dempsey is tte dynamic paator of the Oberlin Baptist Church, a pii^iuon formerly held by the Rev. Dr. Grady D Davia Both thr mmUUr and hi* e-ife are employed by wsU-ltnown area coUsKes. He is counselor in!>lract.)r at North Carolina Cant^ University in Durham and cotninutaa da.Iy. Tr.. >». jly h^ addaii a iclow to Ralaich’e 'parsonality Tha old adajee. "The family that prays tanstnsr, stays tocstlMr," Has eartainly provad complatoly true for the Joseph Pane Dempsey tamily Iwife and four childian) of 1409 E Martin Strsat. Rev Dempsey is tte dynamic paator of tha Obathn Baptiat Church, a puaition formtrly haU by tha Rav. Dr. Or^y D. Davia. Both the minisUr and hia wift are employed by srallTtnosm area coUanaa. Ha ia counaalor-inauaitor at North Carolina Oantral University in Durham and conunutaa da3y; Thia lauuty has addsd a glom to RaWsfa's 'paraonahty ' A nalivr sf Nmhville. N r Rev Demme) received his trsiniaa si NasV rouniy Trsin ■a School. ?hs bechrior^ ^ III I • Jackson Leaving VISTA Head Resigns; Say bsekdor «( ShSSi IMvrrsID Re has aiss pmisd fiatlKe ■ as. KAMILV or P. t Mrs. Chu|)|) Retiring Al City Nursery For the po*t 12 >ears ibe frame house wriih ! rful accessories al 129 has been n- ved wir soundi (if happN childrr^ N'a. tHee MRS Ml »'i j. BAhHINGTON High^ank Mg Housing and Urban Deve- kipmenl official Samuel Jack MMi IS reportedly lenviag the Nixon AdministratioQ in Jaou ar> lo |oin a New York Oty law firm. Ibe National Black News Service has learned At the same lime, sources rkne to Mn Conataace New man. 27 ) ear-old director of Ibe VISTA pro^am. confirmed that vhe will be leaving her poat It U- Lisd of January She rtpia’tedl> has no plans for the preaenl .Mrs Newman, who has been director of the domestic Peace Corpa program since October 1971. was formerly special aaaistant to HEW Secretory Eltiot Riuiantoan Expected lo be named to lucc^d Mrs Newman is Frank E Williana. the 47year-oM regional director of the Atlanta VICTA Office Williams' rt placement in the regional office IS scheduled la be Paul K Jones. 44. who - executive director of Vote Division r election of the Pre*..;. . . past year Sources wilmn the Admin latralion have confirmed that Jackson woU be leaving hu high • .vee VI.STA HEAD. P 21 Conyers’ prospects when the Democratic Caucus meets Jan 2 are not considered much belter than they were two yoars ago But hu candidocy will spotlight a weakness in the Demo^alic leadership which m recognised by many members of the Houae of Represento- lives • See REP CONYERS. P. 2> Enloe High’s First Black Principal Is Well Prepared BY W A PETE MILDER Loon W Henukm. 33. was promoted last week to principal of the William G. Enloo High SebooL haro replacing Gary Clark, who Uavoa the dty for an advanced poat in the Lynchburg. Va. acbool ayatam «*. ^ .1^ « . . problems aad mtsunderstond ."“'V *** i"~ Ii^ The Momd ymr a unc. ih. dm.«r.«aliai (U>. Humwi RtlalioM t>ra»ii that a biark ha. hM the iSld u ''•J Swe* ibra. undtr hia l.adfr bra. at Eabar Hi«h (or Irar and „„ commillm baa ^unt laprobtem. armratin well pleased with the progress Ta... .. that has been made la several ENLoE A 9IR9T P. 2» A TIMI> TM 'Kit •'% H.* hrart slisfrdi ae :r»\r Orceaber It in mem^ al Ve whediedin Ij ''iiiii Ka KIwv Klsnvlnen from i Dahaer Imar Osbarr * w»4«w Xtrs Elbe Jewel Dobn mmn ef a «totrwl4r pM’ae*! to ibe recent release ef Clurles CMfford WUann af Lanref. one of the fonr Klonvaew * mi* w ird 4«i ibr awrOrr and seMencod to Hfe iaprtaonnsenl. WHaon was relsaaad by Gov BUI XXalIrr wndei wak-rrlesve prograa. IPI> Serg MKv - Muslsslppf NAACF leodor Rev. EaatU Boms paces I F Dnbaer. a cfvM rtghu feeder I ailgbbsrlng Jones Coonty flreboabed the ler R) looks on. Tbo aoaortal sorvlco wos

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