"Yjtc Veteran Newsman. Pk^Director • • PRES Rl> IKIS WEEK 9,200 Alex Barnes Suffers 3 Attacks (iets State Post On Minorities Holshouser Taps Horton NAACP Head Recuperates In Durliani AROLINIAN yorth CaroUna't Leading Weekly ^>1. 3i>. NO M WEEKENDING DECEMBER 30. 1972 SINGLE COPY 15c RaleiKh Woman, 22, Is DURHAM — Alcsander Banws, prnidmt, Durham Branch at the NAACP. veteran newtman and Public RelatMHis Director. AME Zion Church, ia reported recoverinit from attacks that landed him in three hospilals in different parts of the nation in less than a ereek Shot In Stomach Would Have tteen Litv'it Ixl Itlark baTnf sUf UTKK :$.WIU iUAht: larWfstlM*. Gs • (torrmr sm4 S'er oil!! SW. r ** tTmlUseeS. fslkr csr s. .r.esu r. Tk ' • JI.u ^ csalerrt la a raaCMark sear ( artm. Wr rarh lirrraikrr .. Thr .. Milr (b«M> brM« la CsiuaooM fsHoatai • fto^aisrkH ImM«p a PIi Millions Across Nation To Observe Council Rejects Chief January 15 As Dr. King’s Birthday ATla.WTA ia Milliora of p**opk* thriKiKhout the nation • ill ptHterve the 44(h birthday am.rt'fxarv of the late Dr Mann lajtht*r Kinf. Jr . this rtiminit January iSih tnufi% Of relehralir^ the birthila) m the »lain ctvil rifhts le-«hn- % home city of Atlanta, ami in laher »«ale« and cilica. havr In^ annrHMiced the Center -Martin 1 uthrr kinn. Jr tea lal t 'hanite iv.kple uhii Mtsh to honor Dr kinit iin hiR birthday the Atlanta-baaed Center reported, can do ao by Jotning in tbe variety of local obeervaMee •CToea the country, parttcipm- inf in on-foinc movement Mivitlee in the traditioo of Dr Kind. And aupportuif tbe kxintinuind ^ve to make each January istb a natunal legal holtday Mrs Coretu Scott Kjjm. Hreaident of tbe Center, ^ 'The purpose of obeervmg my huaband'f birthday la to involve pcocde meaningfuUv m tbe celebration of hia life the perpetuation of hia !eaihiiai& and tbe continuation of h» ——**s^«ssaaai^UBiY Women’s Voters’ League Sets Nat’l Campaign Highlights of activitiea for the btrtbday next month «5iU include In Atlanta, an II on a in cooimcmoration senire mill tjr held Monday. Jamiarv iMh at Cbeneter Baptist Ourrh. where Dr King «as ('o Pa^ .ir with hit father Mam ftpruhtT at the eervice will be Congn man Andrevi Yowig iu'm |y elected ax the firxi Uio-h member of Congieik> Iruni Georgia m lei years Mush fur the ecumenical ter\Ke hiU be provided by the Atlanta I niver xity Gospel Ensemble Tbe nm^Mm m 1 M — - - a s._ Black Chief Rejected In Newark \K\\.\KK. N J. - The Newark CTly Council'x white niaiiifiiy hax reiert- II* MaJi'fi Kenneth A (*ilis4>n H mmiination of a 1*1.11 k oit. vr ax police direilor uf this pre- ddtninanilv black citv K «III! I IM, Claim Navy ... rea •* lae .Martin lailher King. Jr CaMer lor Snrul (bange People who wtah to honor Dr King on hM birthday, tbe ws ikOrena , Prealdani af tbe Center, ‘Tbe purpose of ebeervlng ay huebnnd’t birthday ie a involvt .ss- Women’s Voters’ League Sets Nat’l Campaign N.,k.ui Bi^k s«v«. sTiTiiirs'misJ'srisi; '*5^*1*^*'^*^ before tbe committee ftir the IhKinct of ( ohwnbia got yp oMation a I-*-.! from an unexpected The League of Women Voters c|uuiier with the announcement campaign a be waged In aU b) Ihr prvdnmin^ly wM, at Uw country k Uano.- ..I W.Hnm Voter, of n„,.ncd to inIhMilc* mcmiMn lulKCul rauipaicn l» drvrioo of ihc Houk of RcprcomUlivn trai..r.Na, sup^ lor trU mol ihcr own conMiUimU want pncriinH-.J in itw DnInrI oomc rule lor IkM nnforMy. Al ihr Mnic lime Rrp ^,0, ^ity The Senate ha, (1ulr^r^ lhM>. Jr . who a homo rule lefulatlon exprt ii-il to become chairman yi the pa«« lO the II.IUM- Dntnel of LeMue', piano caU foe r.ituiiib.0 ■'■onniitlee. doe, not loaf concentrstod (.irr.,., Iinmrdute xina on Uie ,,|o,u at ten Male, per Miss Miriam naneoer Baptist Cburrh. where Dr King was (’o-Paxtiw with Me father Mam ipeaher at the aervlce wUI be Congre** man Andrew Yeung, newly elaeted as tbe ftrsl black member ef Cengrmt from Georgia In !•! ynn Mmic fur the ecumaolcal aan ice wdl be gem Med by the Atlanta Unfver sity Goipel Eaaemble Tbe program m bewig tponsored by tbe church, tbe lung Center, and tbe Southern Cbnetian Leaderihip Conference Alio in Atlanta, a benefit coacert for the King Center wiU be held that same night at the new 0mm sports and entertain ment ia'wna. Uw public xchrwlx and dty g vernment wdl be clootd for an official holiday, and a documentary film on Dr Kmg’f Ide will be shown on educational telev-ixion Tbe same aulhenlic documentary . "KING A Film tSee .MILI.ION.H. p.ji Gibeon's nominatkm of a bUck idtu'er as polict director uf this pro* dominantly block citv. ’ HI V K i . rt> Claim Navy Head Is 'On His Way Out’ G. Ricks Ends yf Of Study liKWKK ('fikirado Mea Hirina the effertiieness ot «rhMi| lihrjrv programs and expk'THig newer cunceplB of metlij i«Hhn«»lng> are challeng- if^ un Kim City residenl now engaged m a unique program al the rni»er%i«> Denver Groduaie St-honl of Librarian titip TIm- ktudeni now enrolled m |hd- Kiijpp Sibool Library klanpimrr Prngram at the imvejrvtM priiaie university » Mirum («wineite Ridu pii H*ix 4 Kim City. N C «tiii » on hrsie fmm her job as artvMil hhrartan with the Kaleigh INibIk. brhoolk The priigrjm i» financed m part with a tliNifM grant from the Knapp KfHitHlalMm of North '.'ar«»lma tm Mi^k KakN who earned a hai hrk»r nt arts degree al Bennett Cfillefe Greensboro, and a makirr nf library science dexree al North Carolma •re MINX KH KX. P.}1 tngon the end of December and ending in May m the Northeastern sUles Cof^ressman Oiggs. recchtly returned from a iS-natioa ' -sir of Africa, said in an interview that he is constdenng re- organumg the District panel's subcommittee, mcreasum the number from four to six But be a not yet sure what the new paneb would be Diggs said he plans to replace the present Mmember staff with a kind of urban ' think tank “ He prevmualy has said that he would like to see the District of Columhia work as a model for other cities snth similar urban problems m lAee WOMEN'S. P.2k US’s Dope Maintenance Is Blasted La. Sheriff Refuses To Investigate WASHINGTON. D. C. - One ef the major speakers at a National Conference on Drug Abuae. held here recently derided the adivocaics of a government-sponaored num tcnance | .tigram who have said that the punitive-corrccuonal approach of criminal law dees nothing to rehabtliute the addict la a hard hitting pa| prceented. Dr Lerm U iSee I .a. V Clark. ST UH IS Rep WMiam Clay xayx that l*rer>dsnt Nixon hax derided to dump Admiral KImo 6imwaH. Jr as chief of nai al operations Zumwalt. who has been a proponent of equal opportunity polk les and other modemita- tmn priK'edures. is reportedly being (bsmtsaed because of incmasi-d racial violence and unrext in the Navy Kep tlay said that he had learned 4 Zuiiiwalt's dtsmisaal kTieral werlu ago The St Louis . ongressman said that Zumwalt had been told of his dismissal more than a month ago by Henry A Kissinger, national secunty affairs oditser “You can quote me as saying Kissinger told Zumwalt he was gmng to be fired. Clay told the press Zumwalt may. losiead. be assigned to a poaition within the Wbite House, according to the Congressman Nixon nominated Zumwalt fur the post in 1070 He still hM some two years left on his job. but perusiem reports contmue that he won't be in the job much Brother 1$ Charged In Gunplay Here A 33-yggr-old lUkiich man, wi^ a paat potiea record, ahot hia 22-yaar*old sistar in the atomach about 12:10 a.m. last Friday niominR. according to information fjmiabad by Officer Rudolph Palis Johnson of ^ Rakigh Police Departmaot. report ing at 12:14 a.m. Tha man ta now being bold in Wake County Jail, charged with Due to the lact he had three meeting scheduled m ArWan- sas and California in December and January and basing been told by his ^y- sician he had to slow down, his brothers plan ned to accom pany him on tbe tnp. in an effort to take If lei surely out to California They s^ uut from here. Dec 12. for Little Rock Ark . where he was to complete Mans for the meeting of the Board of Bishops s and the Ministers A Laymen t Aaaoct- alMo. which meets Jan 24 The first stop was Jackson. Tewi He complained of not feeling too well Wfore going to bed He awoke with pains in his stomach, whkh he said were getting worse An ambulance was called and he was taken to the Jackson General Hospital Alter havmg undergone teals for about If hours. M was decided that he be taken back to Durham Upon arriving m Diirham and after consultation with hks doclor, it was decided that he be taken cloaer to the Pnnee Georges County Hospi tal. located on the suburfaa of Washington He arrived in Washington on the iSlh and went immeikately to the office of Dr J W^ Robinson, where examinations were held and it was decided tiiat he be taken to Dr A S »ce B.kRNM tn. P.2I Rusolutions fllMba I ^^esel 12:10 g.m. Iggt Friday morniag. according to to the office of Dr J W P%I KE T«i «»t\K THANKh - Patewarwi tHIage. Xlerrs leene - ( hUdrm M a grauiniar scheol here pwnsr to giir thssks m Ihei prepare teeal the ooorislilng moo oieol proiM^ eiery day by the \KK progrsoi. The f'.\RK progrsoi is a year-loog sperotloo leedHqt ao estioiated n.om.om ptople. oeorly sU rbddreo are MTied regolorly al pre-school sod oulriUoo cewlers. piiasary whoois sod other iosUtoiioos. portkolorly io the emerghig mIIoos of %frko. I.0U0 Aoierlro. \sio sod the Middle klosi. nt Fli Kittrell College Head Appointed By Gov.-Elect Blacks throughout the state and from all w^s of life have hailad the aaluctMNi of Dr. Laroie O. Horton, by Governor alact Jim HoUhousw, aa a special aaaiaumt. m charge of Minority Affairs, aa a giant step to serve and be aerved. by every segment of the state's population. Dr Horton is president of Kittrell College in KittroU. HobJuiuscr's siairment Ihsi he Wfoild nni only have ..le In an> eming tne appoint respHisihilily of rernuiing cnent u vemor-elert James mimirily privins in work ui his informatioo fumisbsd by Officer Rudolph Ftlia Johneon of tbe Raleigh Police DepartnMBt, repos ing at 12:14 a.m. Tha man la now bsing bald hi Wake County Jail, charged with assault with a daadly weapon. InformaiMm was given le the K ilr*e department by Charlaa svia. SQ9 C Hargett Street, who happened le be present at the 114 Hoke Street scene ef the MimtuM- skmg with several other people Mr Davis said that he was ufisiairs m the Wabiul Terrace Apartment. laUung with Miss Carolvn Eleanor Hunter, when her brother WiUie Plummer Kflster same sdrlreas. came into her bedroom. bramkshing a 2? calibre pistol Davis also declared that Misa ’lunter told her brother to put the pistol away before someone gi-ls hurt ' Dav IS also told the officer that Mr K'nier pointed the pistol at his sister and snapped it several times before it went off. striking Miss Hwiter m the abdomen The young woman waa than taken to Wake Memonal Hiwpital b) ambulance, where she was admitted for treatment of the bullet wound Foster was taken te Wake ( ounti Jail, where he is still languishing under a bond ef Miss Hunter’s condttion as ef CAUtiLINIAN press Ume Wednesday of this week was reported as ’’fair, but unprov- and II waa dacided that he be taken to Dr A $ I lee BARNKS U. P.2> Resolutions Discussed By Mfriter BY CHARLES A BUCHER Consultant le tbe President's Ceuned en Physical Fitness and sperta, In ancient cultures ef the Tigris Euphrates Valley, prior to the buth of Chnel. hobdeys and the fesUvato that ac companied them were regarded as a tune for duila-for man to be of service to the gods In te domg K was felt he wsdd enhance his own well being Tunes have chvngeo For many Afnerv*si.> u«i holidayt thee E.2> Appreciation Money Won By Mrs. W. England .Vaiional Black News Service WASHINGTON - The Fed eral Bureau of Investigatian has ouestioned a number of sheriff's oeputies who were in the general area from wtneh a ahot was fired that killed two Southern University stunts Disclosure of the inveotiga- tion by the FBI followed the announcement by East Baton Rouge Parish ShenH Al Amisa that he would not look wto the deatlw of the two studenta 'Me re strictly leaving that to the FBI and the attorney general he said Amiss, who was sharply cnticiaed by the biracial stale commisaMNi headed by Attorney General killed Gusle that concluded that (he studento were killed by a shot that came from an area where six deputies, and tn the spectlic area which I mentionod. six deputies." said the attorney general "The shot was fired by an individual from the area occupied only by shenlFs M deputies, as far as * investigation Black-Owned • UK IIIIHTON. H.2I Bank 1$ New Trustee NEM YORK - For the first tunc in history, s minicipaJ bond issue has been told for sn all black community by a black-controlled member firm of the New York Stock Exchange, and the trustee named i« a blacfc-ow-ned bank This unprecedented trans artmn. involving fTWi.oou of IS-year first mortgage bLOidi. was originated for the mumci- poluy oil Mound Mayou. Misa . by Herbert N Bniton. man ager MuniciMl Finance De nser RI.U K-imSKI). P.2I (Hee SHOT IN. P2» COCU Holds Meeting On Mrs Wilbe M Ei^nd of 514 South East Stroet was llO nchtr for her laai munite Chnatmas shopping last wook bocauae she won a prtae m The CAROLINIAN'S new .Apprecia tion Money feature Mrs England's name ap peared m the Thompaon-Lynch Company advertisement on page 12 of The CAROLINIAN last week Thompaon-Lynch la located at 21W Hargett Street Even though Mrs Thoropnon iSer APPRFnATTON. Pii New Rules Appreciorion Money LOS ANGELES. CaUf SfvHild churches baplue infanta or adults* Should thev use a lot of water or just a little* Should y>>ung children be given com munion immediately after bap tism. or should they wait until they are older* These issues have divided Christiaiis since the Sixteenth Century and are a major oourcc lit difference between Proloot- ani denominations today A new baptismal liturgy autheirited today by the Exacu- ti\e CiHumtltec of the Conaulta- tHNi un Church Union may change all that The new ligurcy I he adapted to suit the ununs »on ^ or fntsrt W peeOmeeO to Om 900- M totototo wua *a sus tewsrO* l•alrM••l« iiiaB (iMi S* tiv«- — — - wrMtox tS«U uetso tSis “ ■«to0 MW* to aw * ** Jury •• twroly gwMlto *»• SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK NATURAL HEALTH FOODS For Quality Health FihmB At Sen»itilv Ihw-r* this moment MIS^ MINI AM G RICKS XTF.AIINC. IN Mt AH \t.l A • Manaxwa. XNaiagwa - A man carries artklr^ hr loah lr*»M a damaxrd Mwrr ihark righit to Ike “MrreadoCewIrar’ »riMNi «t Alawarwa Hrrrmbrr 2S. Other people took for aovIhtoR of valur •till to the romrd imlral market stores. l Ph ?. X-:.; x-MS --y-NSW;:.... y;; ■ 'y tradiiNNia of each of the eight COCU denominationa The Executive Commiltoe of (TH'l' met December 11-22 at the l>M Angeles Hilton Fiirmed w 1W2 to uivomigate llie piissibilily of union. COCt' includes the African Methodtot Fpiscnpal Church, the Afrlcnn MriNxitf,! Kpikcopal Zmn Chuivt.. tne Oiristian Church DiMtpHw of Chmti. the Christian .MeilMidist Episcocil Cnurch. The EpiscupnJ Church. «xee C tKl HtM.IM. P4i ormitos efnerf* T* ae*e , the CrliM Bmi Ctiwoi JwMebr ■MOM OM SMM locMtorrO S> a Miir* Wfirs> IO rn>o«m. Mt iSoios* whito 00 4 ato Strp off to* rSo wont h* to th BEATEN AT UON b DEN Tony Lae Ctomona. 12. 1727-B Gorman Stroet. loM Officer D N Notch at 12 SI am Saturday, that he was at the Lion's Den night chib, comer of Hillsborough and Harrington Stroett. and when ht was m the parku^ tot. getting ready to leave, he got UMo “a diacusse/n with two other Negro males over a gir* and they assa*i.ted turn Oemona. who reteiva.i a sphi nose and had lacera:emv on lus left cheek refused tagive Officar Natch any Uher f. fnrmaimn Hee CHIME BEAT P 1