16 RAi<L. )u 11 iAi. CAitOuNiAR VI.. SAil ..i).»V, JANiJAKY ID, 19',a St. Augustine's Jo Meet Shaw Sat. At Dorton Arena Falcons Gain 91-88 Win Over Smith; Bears Fall To Elizabeth City, 81-65 Sri’KK SIM) ( ()MIN(. I l» Sunilay has been billed as • Saper Sunday ' and a more fitting name could not I'e given to a day when sports fans will gather around the television right after Sunday Selaxil or oreakfasl to witners two of the most ex( ding athletic extravaganzas on the tube When the bchedule makers tormulaled plans to match the .North Carolina State Wolpnek igainst the Terrapins of Maryland in a national televised baskt tluli game. the\ had no idea that this game would match two of the ton four teams in the nation Bccau.se of the wealth of talent returning tor .Marvland thi> sei^son plus the fact David Thompson. eon'‘idtTed by many as one of the top ten players in America today on the <. allege level, would be plaving for the Wolfpack this season. illation was that this Atlantic Coast Conference game would i-. ideal as a preliminary to the Super Bowl football game maicnmg ilio enai.rpion.A ol the two professional lcague> ;\iid what a preliminary contest Talent in the Atlantic Coast Conference i;- in an abundance this season and for thi'- reason if no other, the seven teams are more evenly matched. The task of predicating the order o( finish for the seven teams at the start of the season was put to one sporlswriter and he responded In saying "pul 'he names of the seven teams in a hat and pull them out at random and that guess will be jusl as good if not bc 'ter than any prediction 1 can give you” I.eCs face facts, i)ne ot the main reasons the teams are more evenly matched this season is because of the presence of the black athletes on the leam> The day has come when no longer does the topflight black athlete have io vg back and wait for one of the smaller schools to reenni him It ail hods down to the fact that if you are good enough. lh<-n your service is m demand But another jjuesiion pups into the minds ol many people now. New that the predaminalelv white schools are recruiting more and more black athletes, how w ill the white coaches be able to relate to the black athlete- ’’ In scane cases ihis eoidd he a problem and in other instances it could be helpful for the athlete and the coach. One of the ways some ui the while schools have decided to solve this ptissible problem i.s !>> hiring a black a.ssistant coach Let s be realistic In more time.^ ili.ui not. the black coav h is hired to he the communication line between the coaching .'•taff and the black plac ers \Ne are noi saying tna( the black coach does not have the ability to help with the athletic programs at these while schools. But we are sav ing that Id" number one assignment Is to relate to the black athletes But getting back to the rjualitv o! basketball in the ACC Tournament in (Jreenslxiro will be full of thrills and excitement But before the three-day tournameni .March '1-9 10. the regular sea-.on is going to be full of surprises and upsets The upcoming game "SujrtT Sunday ' is a great way to display the talent of basketball in this area VU K \s( I’Mt BOW I. WINN KB Uoferrmg back to the statement made by the sporlswriter who was asked to predict the order of Imish in the ACT. the task of picking a winner in the Super Bowl game is just as difficult. Personally. 1 rtfu>e to prerind (he outcome of the game All I can say Is that two sujH'r trams will be battling for the championship The question h.is been asked why has Washington been tabbed as a slight lavtoilc- ' Weil. I ihmk ihis qin ->hon was be^l answered by a former college coach .sheri he said "I think Washington is more hungry for the game ’ But Oh the oiln r side of the coin, you must remember that Miami has to be jusl as hungry l>ecause last year the Dolphins went to the Su()cr Bowl and were defeated by the Dallas Cowboys. Maybe Johnny W'ooden. head basketball coach at UCLA, had the answer to the Super Bowl game. Following his team’s win last Saturday night, Wooden said that championships are won on defense. And we must respect him for his thoughts because after all he has won a few championships himself. So maybe the Super Bowl will be decided on defense. The team that can make the big play on defense will more than likely be the winner. Of course some other items go into winning like scoring some points. Also the team getting the breaks will also help decide the outcome of the game. Anytime two teams survive the entire regular season schedule plus the playoffs leading to the Super Bowl, then they have to be the cream of the crop. So it will be two champions going against each other. Regardless of the outcome of the basketball game between Maryland and North Carolina Slate and the verdict of the Super Bowl, Sunday, January 14th definitely has to be "Super Sunday.” RANDOM COMMENTS FKOM HERE AND THERE THIS CORNER HAS HEARD that Howard University will be forc^ to forfeit its national soccer title of 1971 because of irregularites of some of the players. We understand that some errors were discovered on the records of some of the Howard soccer players. Of course the coaching staff and the administration at Howard should not be taxed for this error but they will bear the blame for the error. We understand the players gave some false information to the registrar’s office and also to the admission’s office This is a tough break for the Howard athletic program. HOLLAND MOORE. BACKCOURT PERFORMER for Elizabeth City, likes his chances belter in the ABA than the NBA, Moor feels that because of his size, he will be overlooked by the NBA. But in the ABA, Moore’s speed and quickness will be more a value in that league than the NBA, GEORGE QUIETT. WHO IS turning over the head coaching football job this vear, will remain on the NCCU athletic staff. It is expected that Quiell will take over as head coach of one of the spring sports-eilher golf or tennis Dr. Jimmy Younge. athletic director and head tennis coach, has reported that he is ready to give up coaching tennis. It may lie that Harry Edmonds will switch from coaching golf to tennis and Quielt will lake over a golf coach. An official announcement is expected from the athletic department at North Carolina Central following the NCAA meeting in Chicago this week. JOHN LUCAS AND DAVE THOMPSON WILL FACE each other head up Sunday for the first time since Lucas decided to enter Maryland. Luca.^ and Thompson played together some last year when Lucas was trying to make up his mind where he would go to school. N. C. State was one of the teams in the final running for Lucas before he made his decision Lucas and Thompson are the best of friends other than for the 40 minutes when they will be going against each other Sunday. More than likely, Lucas will get the assignment of guard Stale’s Monte Towe. Throw the records out of the window and disregard all the statistics for both Shaw and St. Augustine’s. When these two cross-town rivals meet at Dorton Arena Saturday night at 8 o’clock, records and everything else can be forgotten. What it boils down to is 40 minutes of exciting basketball with the players from both teams and spectators from both schools hooping it up for the first meeting between the two loc^ institutions. the Charlotte k 4 UN K Of' ;ll -Si. I ;uTV I •oiMliiiK * w ilh ball ^ urabs oiu* of his 21 rebounds against Johnson C. Smith last Sai'inlav Ir« this phulo. fighls oft ilu- efforts by leainniate ('olUns \ incent (5-1) and .lame?. "Tui;‘t;.\" '■ 12) of iht (.oUlni Bulls. Uatebing Hu* action in the background is ( harlcs Cooper f.'iO) ard au iinidenlified plaver for (be Kalcoiis. Si. .Augustine's won. 91-88. (Photoby Hinton). Safety Tips Ottered For Motorcyclists But before the big inter^iity battle Saturday, the teams have other matters at hand, and they are games against two other CIAA schools before the Sat urday night tipoff. The Falcons played St. Paul’s Wednesday night at the Emery Gymnasium and Shaw travels to Fayetteville Thursday night to battle the Broncos of Fayetteville State St. Augustine's won an important conference game last Saturday night at the expense of Johnson C. Smith. The Falcons broke open a close game in the second half and then held off a rally by the Golden Bulls for a 91-88 win over quintet. The Falcons broke a halftime tie by spurting to a 12-point lead in the second half and then held off a late rally by the visitors. The win for the Falcons was their second against a like number of defeats. Overall, The Falcons were 3-7 for the season. Shaw dropped its second game to Elizabeth City within a week's time when the Vikings gained a 81-65 victory. Eliza beth City broke open a close game in the closing moments of the first half. The Vikings carried a 42-25 lead to the dressing room at intermission. The chances gI li.-itu -njar*'-! or killed may as nuieh vfs i.*^ limes greater on a mnif»rc>cle than in a car. lint llieie are some ways to narrow the odds and improve ihc cvc'.’st > chances oi ;.ur\ is a! Using asailahio saict,s equip ir.em aifd ^h.ipptng wisels lor the right machine will help, hut mosi imporlanlly the evdist must ride delen>ivels. says roiisuinor Reports That means "alssass expeifing the •..ur.'*! iroin drivers around >»in The coiisiiiner piiMicalion JUMP BALL - t'alvin Hand of St. Augustine’s and Stephen Joy ner of Johnson U. Smith tie up the bull in the game last Saturday night played here at the Emery (iy mnasiuni. The Faleons won the game. 91-88. ’)photo bv Hinton). Elizabeth City Gridder Wins NCAA Scholarship .-..ixs Its engineering staff l)vliv\cs a motorcycle with an engine of about 250 cc could k. ep up with most traffic, yet nut he loo heavy to push or hard to maneuver at low speeds. I'oo small an engine can present dangerous problems, says the magazine, because any vehicle that travels substantial- h (aster or slower than the surrounding traffic is much inoie likely to get into an aeeideni than a vehicle that keeps up with traffic flow. The January-issue report, drawn from experience with six motorcycles of widely differing si.’c.s and weights with engines ranging from 100 to 750 cc, concludes that tires can make an important difference: ■ Knobljy' or 'off-road' tires With a lilocky, aggresive tread pal tern gave poorer cornering power on paved roads than did eonvenlional-trcad road tires; and they were especially poor in wel wealher." Wheel size was another factor in a machine's stability noted by the report: "Generally, we found that the larger the wheels and tires, the more stable the machine and the less likely it was to upset or to be knocked off course severely by road ir regularities.” The Consumers Union publi cation urges its readers to be wary of motorcycles with dangerously protruding parts and accessories. Some models, it points out, have fuel tanks with filler caps that are hinged to open upward and forward. "In test crashes...such caps tended to flip open in a crash, inflicting serious groin injuries on the instrumented dummy rider.” TAP IN - Larry Gooding of SI. Augustine’s (30) taps In a missed shot by one of his teammates in the game against Johnson C. Smith last Saturday. Charles Cooper of Johnson C. Smith tries in vain to prevent the follow shot. (Photo By Hinton). ELIZABETH CITY • Darnell Johnson, senior mathematics major, at Elizabeth City State University, has been awarded a $1,000 scholarship for poslgrad- uatc study at the university or professional school of his choice. The award, made annually since 1964 by the National Collegialc Alhlelic Association, marks the first time that an ECSU sludenl has finished among the awardees However, coming close to being honored were Kcne Laughinghause who ranked 35th last year and Shelton Bond who placed :i4th among the 1969-70 finali.sts The awardee from ECSU is the only student from a North Carolina institu tion of higher learning lo he HEPOKTF.KS MEET SHCl.A — Long Reach, Calif: Miami Dolphin coach Don Shulu is greel.-u o> reporters as the team arrives in I.ong Reach Calif, lo hegtii their final week of practice hcforc they (ace (he Washington Redskins in the Super Row! Januarv 14 at the Los .Angeles Cniisctini. (I'l'l,. awarded the NCAA scholarship and the second student from a predominantly bl.ack institu tion to l)e so honorcti Johnson, a 63. 24o lb. defensive end, Portsmouth. Va., was nominated by Bishofj M Patterson, Chairmiiii of the ECSU Athletic Cominiilcc and NCAA Faculty Kcpicscniative The nomination of Jolinson was furtlier supported by recom mendations from: Uoberl L. Vaughtm. Director of Alhiclics and t'liairmaii ol ihc Dvpail- nient of Health and Physical Education: Thomtis i.. Caltl- wcll. Hcail Football ( oucli: and Dr Floyd H Holley. Dean Chancellor Marion D. Tlioi pc. reacting to the letter Iroiii Ihc NC.A.A commented. "In the scheme of things as we have planned them at the University, here we find living proof llial excellence can be achieved in both siriclly academics, which is a must, as wcl! as in alhl, lies and other activities. Of coui.se this kind of acliicvctnenl deserves accomod;ilion .md reward. " "As one oi our oulslanding alhlcics and sludci.i had,-is. Dai iicll is very dcsci, mg ol lias award and n cogndion." Vaughan stated The 1972 "Viking Prc.sS Guiilc" pictured Dai.all as heing "A great leader . .'-Irong against the run A definite pro-prospect." Naturidly, his pliiy and leadership were most valualile as reiiuililmg kiUSU bounced Ijack to post .i 5-5 record, causing Caldwell to add, "Darnell is a line athlete, student and genlleiuan, all of which were culmunated into his heing elected President of SGA iind ( aptain ol ttie t.-am " Darnell di>e^ have plans to do giariuale studies in nialliema- lies, depending on his chances Ol Ivoing able l,i break into l,iolessi,ii'..il lo..i..,ill Married n, .he tunm-i Mi-.s .Mephanine Bailey, a junior olentemlary edueulion maior id F.C.SU. he is also it mendiei' oi "Wlio'., Wlio Among Students in American Universities and Colleges" and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity The Falcons had five players in double figures against Johnson C. Smith with James Cotton leading the way with 21 points. Charles Montague, who returned to the starting line-up after missing several games, responded with a 20-point performance against Joe Als ton’s cagers. Larry Gooding, who led all rebounders with 21 retrieves, chipped in with 13 points. Collines Vincent had 14 markers and Calvin Rand collected 10. The top scorer for the Golden Bulls in a losing cause was George Cooper who had 23 points. Willie Joplin had 20 points and Cecil Bradshaw had 19. James “Twiggy” Sanders, a former high school standout for Coach Harvey Heartley when both were at Ligon, scored 12 points. Lonnie Smith scored 23 points for the Bears in a losing cause against Elizabeth City. Daniel Agee had 18 and Lester Roseboro 10 for Shaw. Glen Wendley was the top scorer for the Vikings with 25 points. Henry Washington contributed 18 and Charles Carr 15. This will be the first meeting of the season between Shaw and St. Augustine’s. Last year, the two-arch-rivals played three times with St. Augustine’s winning two of the three games. The Falcons divided a pair of regular season games and S,. Augustine’s took the Bears in the finals of the Capital City Holiday Classic at Dorton Arena. Heartley will select his starting line-up from a group composed of James Cotton, Larry Gooding, Collins Vincent, Ronald Richardson, Calvin Rand, Earl Brown and Charles Montague. More than likely, Coach James Farris wid call on Robert Smith, James Partin, Daniel Agee. Andrew Richard son and Lester Roseboro in the starting line-up for the Bears. Because of their greater tendency to rupture in an accident and spill gasoline over the rider and the hot engine, the consumer-advisory publication urges motorcyclists to avoid models with fiberglass tanks. Noisy machines, or ones that vibrate excessively, will tire out their riders prematurely and dull their senses. This increases the chances of a rider reacting improperly in an emergency situation says the report. It urges that before settling on any model, a prospective purchaser should take a road test to check noise and vibration levels. \ point is also made about the value of an electrical starters as more than simply a con venience. "If the engine should stall in traffic,” says Consumer Reports, "an electric starter could get you going again faster than could a kick-starter, especially if the engine is large or hard to start.” While goggles or a face shield are important to protect eyes Irom dust and flying objects, the magazine says a good motorcycle helmet is most important piece of protective equipment one can wear. The report notes that studies have attributed to head injuries betw een 64 and some 80 per cent of motorcycle fatalities. It adds that 44 states and the District of Columbia require motorcyclists to wear helmets. "That motorcycle helmets save lives has been proved dramatically,” says Consumer Reports, explaining that in states with helmet laws the drop in the fatality rate ranged from 6 to 25 per cent after the laws wi re enacted. It adds that when the state of Michigan tem porarily dropped its helmet law the death rate shot up ' y about 33 per cent. Save 15%to 40% on Hart Schaff ner & Marx, Hickey-Freeman and other fine men's clothes Good selections of suits, sport coats, slacks, top coats furnishings and sportswear reduced trorn our regular stocks of fine men's wear. Substontim savings' plus that important extra — McLeod Vi/atson & Lanier's expert personolized fitting. Stock up now for spring. MclEOD WATSON & lANIER Downtown and North Hills Moll North Hills open Mondoy through Friday till 9 We honor the American Express Money Cord.

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