RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY. JANUARY 13. 1973 CC Doubleheader Set For Broughton Gym Next Wed Falcons Meet Barber-Scotia; Shaw Vo Tangle With E. City ^ '-fi '.Tr.V' Capital City doubleheader action switches sites next Wednesday when the Falcons of St. Au^stine’s and the Shaw University Bears ko to Broughton Gymnasium for a pair of games. The Falcons will meet Barber-Scotia in the first game at 7 o’clock and Shaw will take the floor at 9 o’clock to do battle with the Vikings of Elizabeth City. Kven though the action is Charles .Montague and Larry switching sites, the thnlKs and (looding returning to the line-up excitements are expected to he just as high for the Capital City Doubleheader. previous doubloheaders have been play ed at Dorlon Arena this season Both the Falcons and the Bears will be seeking revenge St. Aug.'s will be looking to revenge a loss suffered tt< Barber-Scotia earlier in the season in a twinbili at Barber- Scotia SHAU' STAKTKB • .Andrew Richardson will be in the starting line-up for (he Shaw Bear.', next Wednesdav night when the Bears pla> host to I Vi/aheth ('it\ as part of the Capital ( it> Douhleheuder at Broughton Cuiasiuin. Fayetteville Recreation News MASSEY MILL l(i-rKI---\TIO.N CEiNTKJi: 'Fhursday. Stnior Citi- zats <2-51. .Aixiiay flub '7ll»; FYiday; ()[Kr. Flay ; Saturday: Tenn Dance '8-n> WF>'r .STIU-Ki' KECKI':-\TlON f.'MM'EK lliui-s day I1a\ (imup 'in a.m.12 n. F-X'C^'C StudiTit Fitniy IXtsirkiits and Dislriii Chainmi i7::l0 p nii, FYiday: l*la\ (Jmup 'in am - 12 noon >- SFABimoK lU-> liFVY'noN CENTFTi: 'lYiuiMlay: Fm* Flav Tal)le(liuus FYng F^>ng t7-9). liilliaitLs iT-yi. .Skill IXk)! i7-y<. FYiday: FXw Fla\ Talile (fanl^ <:i-f» I. f’a^l(^aln^^ '3-61. Tun Dance (7::in in;!(»'. .Salunlav: Junior I-eague Basketball Game (9-12). HONHIYXTnT RFrUPlATION CENTF3L FYiursday. Fw Flay (3-5), Midget FkisketlaJl <5-7). FYte Hav (7-10). Cunixiliind F'aiiily Can^MS (ti;30-U)); FYiday: FVtc Ha\ Krioidship House. Midii*-. BaskHiiail i3-7i. Hash-A- Ways Squan’Club iH-Kii, Fne Hay .7 lih, Satuinlav Hw.- Hay ‘l-5i. CIUIVK Vliw THIHACE Ithi'KlvkTION CENTHl: Hiurs- day; Social .Sm-ices IHpartniuit .'J l I. Vo-Vo SiKn-up i2 p.ny i. Free play Id p.nii. (lirls Club i4 p.ial, l-He Hay Kl p.nii. 1-nday: IVe-TiHLS baiia- bl-fii, True. Dance 17111; Satuiday: dub Hot.: Lee t ...tc .UfD. Indian l^niversity’s new head fmitball coach, discusses the f(>othall sthudule next fall wiili Tiput Walters, the first assistant natnefi b> Corso for his l.l'. stuff Wallers, a I'ormer star h.'.lfhaxk ai Indiana and later head fresfiinan coach at the school, served as detensive hai kiield r«»acli under ( nrso at the I nviersily of LtjuisNille last season. Corso was named Sunday to succeed John Pont as Indiana etnich under a fi\e-%ear eontract.