THE CAROLINIAN HArElGH" N. C.. SATURDAY. JANUARY 13. 1973 (.IM (iliUSIMXS < IIKI H > TIm Miihris aiiil \ii\iliurv >l.uoirs ImhIk'i Stid]) It) (listiihiMf !.i iiilirs in Uh- .iit-.i. Mciiiln Mrs < IftritM.iil, Mi> I i; UiNou Capital < ily ini'l at ( hrisinias I'ht'ri hasktMs to IS pii'snii: Mis. Irt'iir llail: ( at lliiii pi 4>si(ien(: V\ . I.. Ilaii. Mce piOSMIt‘l)i: .niltttri. mihi.iiv; I'.tUiM' tirasiirn'. Carl Crrws. ciiairinaii t»l sh U unmnillfr: Charlrs Kri^einuii. assl..s«‘i‘i<‘tarN; S. .1. Macnti. past pt fNiilt ul aiitl I'.tlwai it KriMlie. .\hsent \\rn> S>l\<‘s((>r Wliitr. .iiid Kiifns \Vliitli‘\. piiltlir ri'lations. Veterans Corner KDITOK’S NOTE: Veterans and their families are asking thousands of cpiestions concern ing the benefits their (lovern* inent provi/los for them through tin* Veterans Actminislralion. aie .some represtaitaiive (jiuTirs. Additonai iniormatiou may tie ohiained at any VA otfici* Q ■ Inning the Clinstmas season. I realized that as a World War 11 veteran tamily we .-should be dtiiiig something to help the voting veterans return ing Iroin \ lelnam especially the ones who are injured and sick. What can my wife and I do to help ' A • Telephone or visit the clne'^ ol vuhintary services at .he nearest V.\ hospital. Tin e are manv voUmtarv serv- es that persons Irom the Iderly to teenagers can do o make life better for linspit. .i.'.ed veterans. g Mv hro'.uT is a Vietnam 1 :ra velerai and our doetor says he is me itallv ill and needs treatme .1 We want to put him in a \ \ ho.spilul, hut there is sonn (piestion ahout whether Ins .lekness is service connect I . li It isn't will VA help him*’ A Ves Hihabiiilation at V.\ hospitals and through use ot the (il Ihll is part of V.\ care for lion service-connected psychia tric patients. li Is there a special dividend on World War II GI liU* msuranee that still hasn't been paid to some veterans, or to itieir widows like me? A No 'I’liere is no special tlivideiul Unly those who still have policies m force are tligible lor the annual divid ends. INST;\I.I. OFKK'ERS— Picture left to right: Shelby Tavlor, James Rvers. Ilaroid lligl .lames Faiilcoii, Hay Chance. George Coburn, George Jones. Lawrence Williams, and NjIsoh liaiiis congrululaling llie hasileus. Carver Wk. In Observed ■ I'HT.SBlmill. Pa. ■ George Wii.-.hniglon Carver Week got iinilcr way in I'iltsburgh last I'ucsii.iy will) observances in nuinv iiijblie and parochial SI boob and a photographic display al Selma Burke Art I'l'iii.M- .lanuary 2 through tl was (Icinge Washington (iarver Week III commemoration of the 111.' (il the great black scienlisl. .lanuary .i was declared National Carver Day by the (iingi'c.s.s of the L'nited States in P.ii... through the efforts of the laic Dr .\lmu lllery of Piilslmrgh. Pa This year a iiiii(|ue lealiire of the Carver W.'ck avtivilies was a photo graphic display of the last six year.s ol the life of Dr lllery. who died in July of 1972 .Mrs. l.uis Weissflog. an award winning photographer lor the Gulf Oil Corporation, is I he featured photographer in I he exhibit which shows scenes cif Dr. lllery at previous Carver Week activities and at the site of Camp Achievement, a camp for underprivileged boys and girls 'vhich she founded The photographic display was lield at tlie Selma Burke Art Center at 6118 Penn Circle South The public was invited to attend Monsignor Paul Bassom- pierre. who in past years has ■vorked with Dr. lllery on George Washington Carver Week, was among those who spoke to children in Pittsburgh INSIDE HOLLYWOOD 5% OF THE MONEY GETS YOU 100% OF THE HOUSE. 4 ...shliVA'l .i.\ l.\ (•()>■- 1 'lill, -.iGIl'l UEAT .!< 11'. l.uiler. »iu tl.v' tii|) ;ee*rd .Ur.i. . loi- Uj.’ ill; t turn* . .Iidi-s l*uii.-n'> (’ ;fMeab:m.i v>itb Itc own ifMif .leirv lias sol.I osei' iT iiiiooim I'cMtirds. Meni'v “luiuii.i .ml .IiiIh.uv .Vlerei'i ga\ I .b I ry il:- o|.j);<i luhdy In be llie Hi si pel soil lo recDid 1< ‘•Oilg. c lass' ( hdilK'i) ef that ,i If. heinine a . ;ii:’,wi der. he .,11 'ings and li ivconled by lliitler now i iirv, \\'bere In* and hi; I h.:. Ill II A I i! . I .tU .. . C'.U. Il I . t e. Ollnr a; 1' n . O! ii s till .Mi'l pinili- * hi. own it Cords tcji* bi:n cb -m I ler Pe.ii lies. the h.u-k U}> j I ■■u(, A ho ar*> with him ; t ■.he <■(.{.,••.• th;; .. A .!;• I..’ '. .1 'll' Peaches is bivuda Eager, who sings with .Ie|T> 'un Gold “Ain’t Understand Meili'iw. Uremia will also ilo some iiumhers at the ('opa as part of the revue. Also a member of Peaches is Jerry’s sisler, Mattie..Vi\ ian Heed starring in "Dijiri Ihilher Me. I Oan’l Ciipe” in Chicago al the Happy Medium starred in the same role on iCway with rave reviews. Vivian is lo.ided with hdent and told us at luaeh in tin* Playlioy Clu!-. “Nothing ever |japp*-r.s h; lin’k " lu.vpiti'of Hie l.iel ih.d i)e Id 4,ae ul ihc stars 'll the r.iu.'ic.d, Vivian lohi me. ■•If :aill a ^tnlggl^^ I've done top mghi' tuh> but I'll love lo do a iiU'.le. Si;t' Il .ipp.'.itid on .ill tite h))i t.d!. h.'us If »l her fie.onle hii .l IS Mihe Ooiu'las. K«Mson; lu ■ mar.agei been u . i*ig t.) I'.. I In I on Mike's show ..»lh no sueees:i. A faiml.s friend, the late .laekie Kobm-.'<ii. .said lo Mike, •lleie’s a singer yon ought t.i hear. ‘ llesidt; Viv wa.s on the show and was the intro act whin Mike starred in I«»s Vveas. \i. said. 'Tm inviti'd b.itk to Mike'.s .show an>time I ni able to eoirie I .'u^k and th.Tl’s a lot of times." Experts pn-diel a big tuture for X'ivian llevd She reeentl> gitted her manager with the ne'w mag- ii.'ivox t.dvasey game set for him t-. tise at Ins Iree time . .Muddy Vv.iti'r.s is .1 ‘ (‘l y giioil eifok and iiin maki's cakes and bread, y.randmolher taught him rlie know how. The general aud- Na'.ional Black News Service lences have been banned from seeing "Tlu* Godfather’’ in South vMrica. Maybe the govermneiU isalraidil will give the oppressed majority ideas... .la/z trumpeter Miles Davis resuming Ids career after months of reeuperaling from an iiiito craekiip . Latest celebrity to he plagued by drug possession laws is a one time lop fashion model ..Kedd Foxx. star of ‘Sanford & Son," said he ■u)uld like lo make an overseas trip with Bob Hope sumelime. I ain’t never been out of the c-iuniry ’ he told me, which is amazing for such a veteran ntghclub pel lornier.Hedd just presentefl his producer with a case ol TKAUHEK’S HKHI LAM) CUEAM SCOTCH for his past kindness and cooperation on this very successful series..A young TV star and his gorgeous wife are the subjects of West Coast gossip because of their i)i2arre sexual practices. Seems the couple like to drive around picking up handsome young men, whom they take back to their plush pad. What happens there is anybody’s guess. Flip Wilson just gave his best CHADBOURN’S new Budyshirt made specifically for evening wear. I bet .she looks .stunning in it. An airline lost three trunks beloinging to singer James Brown, who estimates that Ihe wardrobe of handmade duds which they contained were worth about $25,000.. ..Cl‘M Programs. Inc , is placing in production in Ixis Angeles a weekly one-hour program foi' synidicalion titled IMack Omnibus, with noted actor James Earl Junes as host. The series will explore the involvement of Blacks in many phases of American life..Mu sical super star Isaac Hayes, who won an Academy Award for his score of “Shaft,” was ordered to pay $50,000 annual child support and $20,000 alimony to his wife, Emily, w hen she was granted a divorce in Memphis. Tennessee, recent ly. Isaac’s hitter-half charged in lier divorce suit that Hayes had beaten her. tried lo choke her. had engaged in adultery and had fathered a child by another w oinan.. Songstress Sarah \’aughn is the latest star to join ihe di«iineiii«hpa company of music personalities who will salute Duke Ellington in a 00 minute tribute to the world-re- nowed jazz musician and composer, “Duke Ellinglon -Wc Love You Madly,” to be aired on February llth at 9 p.m.; CBS-TV Toothpastes Don’t Just Clean Teeth .\ '•lh^l(lry ol Duiilislry’ Mi'ilii'ii in 1726 I'ocoinmeiuli'd "w.l sponufs as well as iii.'ilir.iU'rt IktIi rools" for cli'aninp Ihc iccih llanilcr- iliicls. rags, and sponges (lipped in wet salt were used before tootidnnshes and loothpasfes as we now know fhcni came into fieing. Tod.iy, in adifition to vast changes in toothbrush designs since the original one - a twig - there is also a wide choice of dentifrices lo choose from - many of them developed to meet specific situations. Tlierc aie creams, powders and liquids to cleanse teeth, some of them containing fluoride and other ingredients to tielp prevent cavities, others with “special tooth whiteners," and one containing a harmless strontium chloride iScnsodyne) lu desensitize "tnlichy teeth." 't he toothpaste is also reported lo remove plaque and polish leelh etteclively when used correctly In this jet age, there .Tie many toothpastes lliat do diuilrleduly. One cleans and polishes teeth ■ and acts as a mouthwash at tlie same time. Toothpastes also come in a variety of flavors. Stores that sell 'novelty'' items have been known to offer toothpastes flavored witli a choice of scotch liourbon or other liquor, as t spirited way lo start the day. A dentist is the best person to consult uIkuiI Ihc kind of dentifrice Ih.'d is best for you Toothpastes have become more sophisticated and so have many of the persons who use llieni According to an article in Drug & Gosmelic Industry, dentifrice sales in 1955 amount' I'd lo $150 million. In 1971, they rose lo almost $106 million, il was learned from a recent clii'ck with the research editor ol .American Druggist, another pharmaceutical journal United Federal offers 95% conventional financing on single-family residences. If you've got 5% of the money, we ve got the rest. For mort gage loans up to thirty years, visit a United Federal office for prompt attention and closing. UNITED FEDERAL SAVINGSAOD (CAN A'.'.OCIAI i. 116 South Franklin Street, Rocky Mounl 202 Nortn Mam Street. Louisburg 4020 Wake Forest Road in Raleigh across Irom Easigate Shopping Center Member Feaerai Savings ar-j Loan msii'anre C uri>i'<a - . ---- 1. , * Hi:VIFU Ll.Viins riU RKADIN(i PU0<.K.'\M — Fducaiois Irom wasningion. I). ( . school system rc-xirw a Mi allh Miami l.iiigiiistic Reading dining Iwo-day seminar at I). C. Health and t iriiiii.niN iieadijuailciN in Lexington. Mass. Stanley Staikman. vice president of the educational 'vuitsiUi.irv «)f Itaxlheon Coiiipanv. holds a classroom visual aid used in the reading 1*1 Dgi am is;.\ ill use ill Ihe District of Columbia school sxstem. .Among those attending the nrieotation VA. le Icil lo l i'.ht: .Mrs. .Iodine B. Johnson. Title I project cmirdliialor tsluiidiiigi; Airs I lib- M Lisliii. a parent ul 2UI7 Fartiu r Place, N. W.. Washington; Mrs. Anne W. Pitts, executive dii. i<u i«>i iillr 1 piograms; and Mrs. Lillian J.Seville, of Ihe 'I'itle i siaif. Catholic Schools about the U' ■ of Drs lllery and Geoi, Washington Carver, the famon scientist, who diseovored oral hundred lor the peaii; and the sweet |)oiaio. revolu lionizing the economy of it.>‘ South There were also asstrni." lies and exhibits scheduled f‘»i , most of the city’s C’alb- schools. The public .sehuukv scheduled special activities Carver Week Opening ex(. cises each morning included . ‘ tribute lo Dr Carver throiu ii out the school sysH’in .Sp<’akei • an<l film pre.senialions wot*' scheduled, as welt ..s spcci.d social studies .Ufi scu’iiee projects ' ' ' SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SHOE SAI tr- I'* UP TO SAVE LADIES^ 75^4 SHOE L.'-' t. LADIES' SHOES Door Busters! I t Broken sizes and colors, odds 'n ends. LADlEy SHOES—! VALLEY AND LADY fLORSHEIM Values to $30.00 NATURALIZER Values to $24.00 JOYCE Values to $24.00 LIFESTRIDE Values to $22.00 GRAN SOL Values to $22.00 S.R.O Values to $19.00 ZODIAC Values to $21.00 »J5” *J4“ jf ^ 4^. • 11 $J^g46\ 91QS8 FASHION BOOTS Values to $36.00 tea GOING ON AT ALL ROSCOE GRIFFIN LOCATIONS: Cameron Village • North Hills • Uptown Raleigh Also in Durham and Rocky l\At.

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