f THE CAROLINIAN 7 RALEIGH, N.C., SATURDAY,,I AM'AK V K) 1973 B,\.SQl Kl i IIIN( II l,KS — I'iclure above are some of the members ubo receiillv attendea me second annual banc|uel sponsored by the Youth Crusaders of Deliverance renter,Front row left to right arc Irene Scott, president; Mrs, Denerse Mitchell Knight, first vice-president; Vivian Mitchell Vilnnr>*“ ''®'' I" **>'' order are Sallv Can^^d*’ ' * •J®*!'"'', Robert Doiier, Betty Warren, Albert Cooper and Paulette Presbyterians Urge 'Immediate Intervention’ Of Jail Suicides NEW YORK — The "immediate intervention" of the U,S, Secretary of State for information about the "alleged" suicides in jail of two Presbyterian leaders in Mozambique was requested last Wednesday by William P, Thompson, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the United Presbyterian Church, ,Mr Thompson, who is also President of the World ,Alliance of Reformed Churches (Pres byterian and Congregalionall, told Secretary William Rogers in a letter delivered today that his "urgent attention to this matter is critical," because many other church members in the Portuguese colony are detained without trial or judgement, and their legitimate rights have been suppressed The United Presbyterian Church and the World Alliance of Reformed Churches are "profoundly concerned with the humanitarian interests and issues which affect the lives of the black majorities in the area known as Southern Africa", Mr Thompson said. He revealed that "we learned with great dismay on December 12, of the alleged 'suicide' of the Rev. Zedequias Manganhela on the night of December 10-11, in Machava prison." Mr. Man ganhela. aged 60, and President of the Presbyterian Church in Mozambique, was arrested on June 13. along with 30 other members of his denomination, including the vice president of the Synodal Council. At least seven of the arrested men were between the ages of 60-75. On December 19, the office of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches in Geneva was informed of the death of Jose Sedumo, age 60, member of the church council in Manjacaze, and one of those arrested on June 13. According to the police, •Mr. Sedumo had also taken his own life on July 21. The place of his burial had not been revealed and his family was not informed of his death until mid-Decemb er, Mr Thompson said. The chairman ot the UN Commission on Human Rights has been notified of the two ' suicides, " by the World Alliance, Mr. Thompson wrote, but the interrogation "of other prisoner is continuing in an apparently intensified form.” The World Alliance had publicly expressed disquiet about the imprisonment of these leader to the Portuguese Ambassador in Berne” as early as on July 3. The international church federation has now urged the Portuguese Prime Minister Dr. Marcello Caetano to order an independ ent investigation of the two deaths and to TWO mUTES publish m BIBLE r COSNIUUI >. IMM eiK. MSIWM tisii soofrr riecAoo. iiiiNon *o*sj THE FATHER OF BELIEVERS • Abraham believed G(xi and it was counted unto him for righteousness" (Rom, 4:3), Has it ever occurred to you that the most loved, the niost honored, the most respected person of history is - not Christ, but Abraham. Clirisi ought to be. but Abraham is Besides the millions of pro fessing Christians there are untold other millions of Jews and Mohammedans who si)eak with reverence of our father Abraham." Clearly this is why God used this man to show us how to be saved aixf justified be fore a holy God As Paul is Qod's great example of grace, so Abraliam is God's great example of faith- saving faith "If Abraham were justified by works," says Rom 4:2 In? has something to boast about -but not before God who sees and knows all was justified. But Abraham How? "What saith the Scripture? Abraham believed God and IT WAS COUNTED TO HIM FOR RIGHT EOUSNESS' iVer 31. God. of course. I^d planned salvation through the redemp tive work of Christ and would and will save anyone who simply trusts Him aiKl takes Him at His Word. Siitye Abraham, of course more of God's Word lias been revealed aiKf we now know the details of Christ's death for sinners. If we now take God at His Word and simply trust Christ as Savior we are com pletely justified, for salvation IS not, connot be by works: But to him tiiat worketh not but believeih on Him tliat lustifielh llie ungodly. HIS FAITH IS COUNTED FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS" (Rom. 4:5i. MDITATION Church Chuckles b.v CARTWRIGHT An investment in Your Future CCl /aVliKU a results, Mr.Thompson declar ed. The church leader noted that the arrest, prolonged detention without trial or judgment, and continued interrogation of these persons in Mozambique is not an isolated instance. Members of the Roman Catholic faith and hundreds of persons were arrested in June, while others have been detained for years, he asserted. He depleted that the Portu guese authorities in Mozambi que and in their other African colonies have long been "im pervious to world opinion calling for an end to their anachronistic and harsh rule-in Africa." Stating that they have repeatedly employed terroriz ing tactics, Mr. Thompson called on the United States to impress upon the Portuguese authorities "their responsibility to uphold and not suppress the legitimate rights of people to freedom, justice and self- determined.” He said "Our nation (has that) obligation' because "we supply military equipment to Portugal as an ally in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.” He urged Secretary Rogers to embark on "immediate inter vention at the highest level with the Government of Portugal to request information about the circumstances and motivation leading to the deaths of Mr. Manganhela and Mr. Sedumo. The fact that they were both 60 years of age, that news of Mr. Sedumo's alleged 'suicide' has been withheld for six months, and that they were indicted for subversion because of their alleged interpretation that their church had autonomy from the churches of Switzerland, all give us pause about the nature and administration of justice in this case." he said On your first look, you may think that this little girl is riding a rocking horse, but look again. It is not a rocking horse but a little dor^-ey. About animals now, and children. Donkeys were one of the first animals to be tamed by man, and are gentle animals when they are not practicing the quality of being stubborn. The quality of gentleness somehow reminds us of our Saviour, the Wonderful One. Parents, teach your children about Jesus, who ad monished us to let the little children come unto Him. Our Lord would remind us that the little ones are precious to the Prather. We invite you to take the children to church this week. The Church is God's appointed agency in this worid for spreading the knowledge of His love for mon ond of His demand for man to respond to that love by loving his neighbor. Without this grounding in the love of God, no govern ment or society or woy of life will long persevere and the freedoms which we hold so deor win inevitably perish. Therefore, even from 0 selfish point of view, one should support the Church for the sake of the welfore of him self and his family. Beyond that, however, every person should uphold and participate in the Church because It tells the truth about mon's life, deoth ond destiny,- the truth which alone will set him free to live as a child of God. BY COLIN DOUGLAS "Apply thy heart to under standing." Proverbs 2:2. When we try to understand why another person speaks and acts as he does, we find that we no longer feel resentful toward him or disapproving toward him. Vie see beyond the things he says or does; we understand his needs, his desires, his unexpressed long ings When we apply our heart to understanding, we see that hurt'ful ways, spiteful actions, selfish attitudes rise from a fearful, defensive heart, that irresponsibility and insensitivi ty evidence a heart unaware of the true joys of living When we apply our heart to understand ing. we are able to radiate lorgiveness and love to the fearful heart; we are able to have patience and insight toward the unawakened heart When we apply our heart to understanding, we maintain serenity of spirit and express a helpful, appreciative attitude toward everyone. Our under standing heart enables us to see all persons and all situations in their true light, and our understanding heart enables us to radiate a blessing. ' .•\nd the Ixird make you to increase and abound in love, one toward another " Thessa- lonians I 3:12 THIS INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE APPEARS EACH WEEK TO HELP MAKE THIS INCREASINGLY A CHURCH-MINDED AREA. IT IS OFFERED FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION BY THE GENEROSITY OF PUBLIC-SPIRITED INDI VIDUALS AND BUSINESS FIRMS. ■ALCIGH PAINT A WALLPAPEI CO. 408 Dou-nlown Blvd. Alt«n StrickJand—Don Green SEAAS ROEBUCK t COMPANY aod Employees ERANCH BANKING & TRUST CO. 4 Convenient Locations In Raletrh "You Have Friends at Branch Bmnklna and Trust Company" C. C. MANGUM, Contractor AMBURN PONTIAC. INC: 3623 Hillsboro St. — TE 832-3903 3016 Hillsboro St. Phones 833-1831—833-4309 THE BRITT COMPANY fV/io/c.sa/r Grocers Nearly 20,000 unemployed engineers, scientists and tech nicians registered with the Manpower Administration have found new jobs with Federal assistance. This was accomp lish through the Technology Mobilization and Reemploy ment Program, a special nationwide effort announced by the Labor Department early in 1971 to help provide people laid McLAURIN PARKING COMPANY Bat McLAURIN CAMERON-BROWN COMPANY Charles P. Landl DILLON SUPPLY COMPANY nUOEN, INC. 403 Clenwood Ava—Ratotfh, N. C. HUDSON-BELK—208 SHOP PEPSl-COLA BOTTLING CO. fialeixit. Nurth Ca''*l.a»