THE CABOUNIAN RALEIGH. N. C.. SATURDAY, JANUARY 13,1 CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Rates DEAR SALLY iMues Cost per word 6r C>ii*5tned Display Per line Per Issue 15< f^ch word ahbr«’'l. initial eyinbul counts as on*- word HdMF.WOKKKKS WANTED lenvelope addri-swrsi Hush stamped, self addressed ensrl'ipe to I) D, Homeworkers Afency. Bos 32. Beatty ville. K> 41311 HOMEWORKERS W A STED Envelope addressers, send si>l{-.idttress ed. stamped enveUipe (iSTILsEaS High Pay. List of romiianies hirlr>i{ SI Oil the: ELLIon < IIMPASV 74IWashinflon Airnur Miami Beach. Florida .131151 (»l K EIK.MS IRGENTI.Y need envelope addressers < liinghand) and typists at home or offlri I p to SIOO.OO per week possible For full dcUils send $2 00 with a sumped. sell addressed ens elope to help you gel sUrted Send Io:St'SAN BRONSON 2nj96 Albion Rd. StronKssille. Ohio 4413b MAI HIMSTS ANTJ MACHINT: SHOP Uainees of need In growing company. First and second shifts Call Terminal Communiialions. INC &34'b251. NORTH CAROLINA STATE Personnel Department. P O. Boa 329. 121 West Jones St . R.iietgh. N C. No fee charg«>d An Equal Opportunity Employer • ‘A Thinkiiijr Man Drives .\ Yell- v” C AH I ?lil \V MOID.W ST 8;{2-r)Si 1 MAINTENANCE MEf HANK S Dut I e s Performs semi skilled work in the installali'ai and repair of steam traps. Valves and water pumps Performs .Kctylene and ek-clrit welding of routine n.iture Oujllfirations; Completion of grammar sih pay reUiil? Save up to $150 on Bedru4>n> Suites, Living room Suites. I p to off i-. other Items Terms. 772-6255, lO a it, ’ S .m. Hw> lOl s . between Kings iinJ hooe.v. INsiiiXNCL AGENTS LICENSED OR Nd'l h ull or parttime, high commissions, rioroiifi >ing, no minimum, good renewals. \. nu lll^Jranee. P. O. Box 120M. Raleigh. \ I JTbOj Keep present Job. DEAR SALLY: I have just been invited to the wedding of a very good girl friend who was formerly married and tragical ly w idowed .three months later when her husband was killed in a car accident Since she could not possibly have made much use of the very nice and expensive wedding gift I gave her for her first marriage. I’m wondering whether I should come through with another gift this time. D.D.O. DEARD.D.O : If she really is a ’’very good friend. ” you will. DEAR SALLY: My wile and I attend haskethall games regu larly with several other couples, and it is the custom on these occasions for us all to meet al a cocktail lounge about an hour before game time. Each fellow must of course buy a round of drinks for the crowd, and since this costs in the neighborhood of $8. I feel this is an unnecessary- expenditure of money we could put lo much better use in our home. Is ti re any way we can avoid this w-’lhout appearing stingy or o'- ,.? WANT OUT. DEAR ’ ..\’T: How about arranging '' ings so that you and your wife arrive on the scene jusl a few minutes before game time, and much loo late for the cocktail session? WASHINGTON, D.C. - A national Black Clipping Service has been established as a subsidiary of Ofield Duke & Associates, a Black-ow-ned and operated public relations nrm The National Black Clipping .Sovioe was formed in response to a gmwing need for “systanatic monitoring the kind of minority press coverage given to m^jor corporations, national associatians. government agenaes, and other groups.” Dukes said. "We are tremendously pleased by the intaest shown in the National Black Clipping Savioe in its short period of opaation. TTie quality of our sax-ioe and rate scale are both competitive with otha major clipping savioes,” Dukes added. Early subsoibers to the service include Children’s TV Woritshop (Sesame Streai; Department of Labor: Black Journal: Opportuni ties Industrialization Callers (OIC): Health Services and Maital Health Administration: Department of Health. Education and Welfare: Antioch School of Law: and the National Bar Association. Dukes is a forma assistant editor of the Michigan Chronicle and assistant to forma Vice President Hubert H. Hunphrey. His public relations fum, now in its third year, is legated in the National Press Building in Washington. D. C. Recording Stars To Donate Talent To MLK ^nefit Mon. ATLANTA, Ga. - As part of nationwide observances of the forthcoming January 15th birthday anniversary of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a group of top national television and recording stars will present the Second Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Benefit in Dr. King’s home city of Atlanta. Bl'RGL.\P. REPENTS Binghamton. N. Y. - A bur glar who broke into the of fice of a tool manufacturing firm here, apparently had a change of heart. Mrs. Mozell D. Merritt Hosts Beauticians Here The concert on the night of Monday. January 15th, will feature Flip Wilson, The Main Ingredients, The Friends of Distinction, Jose Feliciano. The Jimmy Castor Bunch, and Linda Hopkins. All will donate their talents under the auspices of RCA Records. Monday afternoon, January 1, Mrs. Mozell 0. Merritt enter tained Chapter No. 27 of the North Carolina State Beauti cian’s and,Cosmetologist’s As sociation. Inc. at her home on East Street. Mrs. Merritt's home was beautifully decorated with Christmas decoration. The Ha.-ie Marv s meeting was oMned with 1 Henry’ Milired prayer led by the Chaplain Mrs. Ri,,„ Mary S. Greene. After the and collards. Everything was served buffet style. Everyone s^nt a most enjoyable afternoon. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Alyce W. Henry on Postell Street, Feb. 5,1973 at 6 p.m. All members please be present. Members present were Ma- -ntllHV s H ItMTl'RF. CO W> bu.v . tell ill w .ifuJ Ivirnltiirt- 2ttK M..’ Si. HPLP wanted .'OiD ’ACMFN .ntc*!\K’W.ii? • I Uv. >: N I nt jix uj ..ii.ti- fu... Monfla\-F..- • I? Ilf ,, -tfj.c lo ar- ' <-’.11 - .1? \car ..i.t I Si." .;d . i\« c -j and iiantl’.N I Ca.i i.>i m- ' ,n ix-i • .11 -.G.'. Hill C.n- Rof 5lJ Ocl(iit)lo\''w \'j W HaituU S*. Ral- C s I* Music Notes And Half Notes By MRS E M KELLY promised land •5\R-B*4I aDa CKIckcn tOur Specially Pif aaaCkkkra >09 E. DavIrSi T\'IH v.RITI addina marhinex, Dia- n- Jq. t- nlKri and all kinds of musical !»»'- ik 4iN trade, loan or buv. Sec us •ai tv. HKI I S8LE I.OAN fO.. 307 S MilniP'ki.m Si. Kalplah SCHOOLS INSTRUCTIONS CIVELLA BRaITY COLLEGE A coin- plele course In Beauty Culture. Person ality and Charm. Day and nightly classes, weekly or monthly. Air conditioned. Mrs. C. J. PlIU. Owner-Manager. 229 S. East St.. Raleigh. N. C. TAKE OVER LOAN on 3 bedroom •put level . yr, old on wooded lot. Carpeted, lots of room in expand Beautiful home, $21.SCO. call TO.M COCHRANE al KEY HOMES. a28-Oj38. iiiRht 878-3:89 Nowell’s Roofing & Gutters F..\SV MONTHLY P.WMENTS WOHTHDAI.E'3 liedrooms. 2 balhx. den. central air. fenced barkvard. all for I18J00. Call today FIN1.E^ GALLERY HOMF.S. 782 3122 Home repairs, new roofing, wreaght iron rails, storm doors, windows and trees cat- Easy Terms Available 834-0093 ANYTIME ARDEN FORI-2*T-3 bedroom.s, 2 baths, carpet, den. large lot a good buv $17,900. Call today, FINl.EY GALLERY HOMES 782-3122. WANTED Experienced Electrical Appliance Tech- icians ■ niclans, salary open. Call £28-9308. WOHTHUALE Full h.isemeni. plus 3 bedrooms. 1 baih. Carpeting living room andjUnlng room and aircnndliloned. .Make this I960 square foot home a good buv. Call FINLEY HOMES 782-3122 Bl’SINESS CARDS-M.50 per 1.000. Call 832-0475 Monday through Friday. ^ACICUS HOME eOH -is Miss Cyretha C. Irving began her work as a Pagette in the North Carolina Senate on Jan. 10. She ib the daughter of Mr. Charles G. Irving, Jr and Mrs. Ophelia Irving. She is a student at Daniels Junior High. She swims, rides horses, and does handicraft work. She spent the summer of 1971 at the International Girls’ Camp. She is the grand daughter of Mr. Charles G. Irv ing, Sr. and the late Mrs. Callie Irving. Now read this religious poem, written by my “daughter," Sister Eva Lucas Perry: THE ARK OF GOD’S COVENANT BY EVA LUCAS PERRY Joshua rose up early in the morning. Working for God - and no sin condoning: Oevinely appointed to leaf the host. Sane and sober, he did not boast. The Ark before us now is bold. Made of a substance more rare than gold: The Son within His veil of flesh: Maintained the Covenant all a-fresh. devotion, Mrs. Rosa C. Tucker, the president presided over the business. Mrs. Tucker thanked the members for a successful baby contest. During the holidays the club gave Christmas cheer to the needy. Everyone enjoyed Mrs. Merritt’s gracious hospi tality. Mrs. Merritt served along with other delicious food the traditional blackeye peas S. Williams, Lizzie Ritter, Mozell D. Merritt, Jennie G. Young and Rosa C. Tucker and Miss Frances V. Hinton. The benefit will be held at the Omni, Atlanta’s new entertain ment and sports center. All proceeds go to The Martin Luther King. Jr. Center for Social Change, the organization entrusted with the continuation of his work and teachings. The Center is designed to be a lasting, living effort to bring about nonviolent social change, helping to build a society free of poverty, racism, hate and violence. The January 15th benefit concert was announced at a news conference in Atlanta by Mrs. Coretta Scott King, President of the Center. Among those contributing to the production of the benefit and also present at the news conference were Buzzy Willis, a Division Director of RCA Records: Willie Jones, Admin istrator of Urban Affairs for RCA Corporation: William Putnam, President of the Omni Group: and Junius Griffin. President of Junius Griffin. Association, Los Angeles, and a member of the Center’s Board of Directors. Other activities in tribute to Dr. King across the nation on January 15th include a com memorative morning service in his Atlanta Church, hundreds of showings of an authentic documentary film on Dr. King’s life and movement, and literally thousands of services and ceremonies in churches, schools, community organiza tions, and state and local governments. Many school systems, local and state governments, trade unions and businesses recognize the birthday as an official holiday: and Congressional legislation is pending in the drive to make the day an annual national holiday. The Commandments of God will never grow old. Great blessings for saints who love the scroll: Sure passage over Jordan we understand. Will land us safely in the promised land. Offices for Rent Air Conditioned and Off Street Parking Keep on buying, singing, playing and listening to GOOD MUSIC! call: Mr. M. R. Peebles 417 S. Person SI. 833-0458 After 5 p.n. 834-4680 PERSONALS To move from Shit-tim was 4-BEDROOM HOME-The must home for your money, anywhere. If you have 5 In family, you ran buy this home for less than your rent. Act tixlay and take advanuae of 1^05 pryam on this 4 bedroom home, Ua baths. Control heat to each room. Call Key Homes. 828-0538 cui de sac convey this tip So officers were sent to ?nonul^* room plus many extras C all tndav lo see how easy It is to own this home Call T»m Cochraneal Key Homes.8280.56 ai niahl 876-3069 Capitalize \ etehan.'» we paj ritBina cost on this easy to buy. three bedriaim, two full baths. mnth. MFnif'AL SALES The J- B. l.ippincoli Publishing Company, now in Its liOlh year of contlnoas publishing, offers an unusual opportunity for mature, experienced salesman to represent Us Medical Department selling and promoting medical books. Journals and audlo-s Isuals In Hie North Caroltoa- Southrrn Virginia area. Prefer applicants have some rollege ond experience selling to hosplloti and doriort. Salary, expenses, new car and generous bonus arrangemenl. • Numerous fringe benefits. Including profit-sharing, major medical insurance and pension plan. Opportunity for high earnings and a lifetime position for ambitious. resourceful, hard-working individual- fell us about yourself In a leltrr to Mr. fred Zeller. Vice President, Marketing, Medical Division, East Wash ington Square, Pbiiadeipbla. Pa. 18105. Interviews vtill be arranged In the Ralelgh-Durham area. Lippincotl Is an equal opportunity employer. God kept His promise with them all. For Jordan’s waters stood back tall: And Israel walked upon the sand. And thus they reached the uiuuiu JOBS Assistant Cumberland County Director; Bachelor in Biis. Admin, or related area. Some management exper. Salary: 110,000 plus fringe benefits. Public Relations Consultant (part-time) ability to pre pare newsletter, and news- releases and other related duties. Fee Open. Nursing Education Instruc tor: B. S. in Nursing Education, Salary: 10420- 111,880. Send resume to UPS, P. O. Box 27985, Raleigh. N. C. 27611, or call at 834-1243 for further informatiou. LTD'S—Wagons Pinto—Mavorick Torino Daily-Wookly Monthly ■ RENT-A-TItUCK Pickups—Vans VACATION MOTOR HOAAES Makt Your SoMivition lUSYSUCKMON WIY6UL-SANDERS FORD 401 Downtown Blvd. 834-7301 ALLEN GLOVER NO iWOiVEY DOWN ANY KIND OF CAR YOU DESIRE. . . YOU HAVE TO SEE THEM TO BELIEVE IT! GTOf Chevelles Corvetteo Pickups LeMont Mavericks Chevy I Is Chargers Challengers Super Bees Mustangs Dusters El Caminos Plus a wide selection of now Fiats, the most popular car in Europaf • Salesman on duty until 8 P.M. 5 nights a wsok • Bank Financing 4011., TnraaHllliSlit|m*0|t«0*tf nt-MIl For Sale By-Owner WORTHDALE Immaculate 3 bedrooms, VA baths, carpeted • througbout, large kitchen, dining combination, chain link fenced yard. Central air conditioned, spacious landscaped yard. You may have any type financing. Call- 833-1045 After - 6 p.m. For Appointment Best Buy-in Baleigh Realtors do not call STATE NllibES - Immodiatcly open ings. Nature of work- -General nursing duties Id tUle hospital. Qualtflrallons. graduate of accredited school of nursing with N. C. Ilcen.w Salary range 87.i64.bu -<■ 89.000.00 Hf.l.PV4 ANTED Witnesses To Present G. L. Durham Help wanted parl-tlme or full time fer dry clraner-presser. Apply al 1-Hoer flraners. 513 Newcomhe Rd. 834-4412. HOME FOR SALE—431 Walton St. Pay equity and afi&iime payments of leM than 4100a> por month. 2 bodrooms. : bath, well tanhecaped tot. Phone KM-16Z6. Jim Peebles Realty Cp. ANTIQUING 160 DOWN PAYMFNT and only 1150 r.tore.wlten you move in nev.' 3 and 4 bedroom homes, bath, large kitchen, dintng, family r<»m- Monthly pavm. ntj> 135 to |I00 per month depending otLsize of house .".nd family inline Large size l.ns for ft-neing. hu, service available Call Ad. Stone at^Ke^ Homes. B28-: 530 At niallt 7 HCl'SE in Wortli- dale No ilunn pivment for Veto- Antfqufng can do won ders for old, drab looking woodwork and early nothing furniture. After preparing the surfaces, paint with a semi-gloss enamel, either to match, contrast or harmonize with wall color, extension house furnish ings specialist.s. North Carolina State Uni- Jriiovah's Wilncs-ses of Raleigh south oongregation, 1113 S. Slate Street, are happy to.announcp to its many friends in Raleigh and surrounding area, that is is priv-iledged lo hat e a represental ive of the WalditotwT Bible and Tract Society of New Y’ork City, G. L. Duiham He will visit the oongregation. starting January 9. and climaxing January 14. The publk- address will be ’’Who Is Your God” at 10 am Sunday You an- uiitlially invited lo allend. the meeting cs Iree lo all and no OPENING SOON • HARRIS' Beauty & Hair Care Center Formerly Harris' Beauty Parlor 19)2 Bates Street WANTED: E'our licensed operators immediately. Part-time operators also. Contact: Mrs. Gladys Harris 834-6818 Harris’ Beauty & Hair Care Center 1813 Garner Road Formerly Webster’s Take Home Homes For Sale Worthdale And Poole Bond Area I'/z bath, built-in air conditioner, chain living room, dining room, den. 1905 Friar Tuck Road, 3 bedroom link fence, $22,500.00. 812 Weston Street, 3 bedroom, 2 baths $19,900.00. Beautiful yard and 3 bedroom house, 602 St. George Road, 1 block off Poole Road, corner lot, $20,500.00. 1105 Beverly Drive, exact, clean, 3 bedrooms, $19,000. About 3 years old. Four bedrooms, 2 baths, corner lot, all brick, $20,900.00. Full basement, 1221 Bentley Lane, four bedrooms with spacious landscaping yard. $24,900.00. Full basement with partially finished game and recreation rooms. Corner lot, 904 Greenwich Street. Owner will paint. $24,950.00. Bochester Heights 3 bedrooms with carport and many extras. $19,000.00. If you are looking for an older home or good income property consider the 8M°^.*Davie'street - 6 rooms, brick house with chain Imk fence. $14,5M. 704 Hamilton Street, near St. Augustine’s. 4 rooms. Brick home with detached garage, fenced yard. $13,500. »oq Arin nn 557 New Bern Avenue, 4 apartments, all brick. $29,500.00. Open House Daily 10:30 a. m. - 6:30 p. m. 2616 Firelight Road, Foxtire 1420 Beverly Drive, Worthdale Featuring Homes By HOMECKAFJ s Will Hudson & Associates 2507 Sanderford Road OFFICE 828-1300 FOXFIRE 828-2425 WORTHDALE 755-0888