ARTK’l I.ATKS ON ( AIMTAI. PIMSIIMKNT - Allanla • Hep. Bobby iliil. I)-Savannah. Hfslurcs as he speaks out against the capital punisbiuenl bill in the (ieorgia House February 111 as the Georgia (ieneral Assemhl> entere<l its second day of business after a three-week recess. Hill, on the .ludiciar> Committee, said the bill would mil meet I .S. Supreme Court tests. Last Rites Said For Raleigh Dentist Funeral services lor l>r Robert McKinley Bell, retired Raleigh dentist, were held from St. Paul A M K Church. 4 p.m . Tuesday, with Re\. Nathaniel Gaylord, officiating Dr. Bell was born in Morehead f*il> \fier finishing the elementary school of his native city, he attended A&T College. He completed both his high school and college work at the Greensboro school He was a catcher on one ol the schools best ba.seball teams. He is said to have possessed one of the best throwing arms in baseball This is attested to by the fact that he joined the tamed Homestead Grays and re mained with them lor 10 seasons He also entered the leaching profession and served as principal of a school In Sanford. He later matriculated at Meharry Medical College, where he finished dentistry He opi'ned an ottice here and served the profession until (See UKNTIST. P. 2> BELL Harren Visits Littleton Kin Of Infantryman BY .1 B LITTLETON - The writer journeyed -lo mile.s from Rocky Mount here to hunt up the listed Spanish American war veteran and Cuban fighter (i;vOR(iE BEAT I'rom Raleigh's Official Police Flka EDITOR'S NOTE: Thli: coiumn or ftoturc is produced In (he Nub ile Interest with an aim towards •Uminatini its contents. Numer ous individuals have requested that they be given the considera tion of overlooking their listing on the police blotter. This v.e would like to du. However, it is not our position to be Judge or Jury. We merely publish (he (acts ai we find them reported by the arresting officers. To keep out of The Crime Beat Columns, merely means not being recistered ov a police officer In reporlinK his findings while on duty So sim ply keep off the "Blotter" and you won't be in The Crime Rear. (;0<)l)S.\M MU I AS IKIHHKI) William Henry I'prlunTh. 4.'>. 402 E. Hai'Ci'H SI Iricil m lie a good Samaritan »hi‘n he nave two women and a man a 'lili ' in his car .As he slopped In let them out in the .'iiiit hloek of E Martin St . lhe\ allettedly pushed him down, ■ swiped" his wallet ST.i and ran. He. however, stated to (itlieer C. R Ayeoek that he emild identify tite suspeils and one Marv Smiiti or Haltersnn. .'Hu K. Hargett St . Apt le knew, as his wife's eousm (See. t'HlMi HIM t’ 2. ffAKREN _ WA.SHINGTON HARRIS, or his relatives, following the AP release from Charlotte stating that '13 North Carolinians " were among the 167 members of Ihe "Companies B, C and D of the I old I Negro 25th Infantry" accused of having "shot-up Brownsville. Texas. Aug. 13, 1006," .Allegedly, a white woman has eharged a rape attack by a Negro soldier, and after no one could be pen-pointed as Ihe supposedly guilty culprit, then President Theodore iTeddy) Roosevelt, reportedly, expelled from Ihe Army the entire 167 men. many of whom had fought '.See HARREN. P. 2r Pistol Victim Recovering At Home .Miss Diane Robinson, a 11-\ car-old l.igon Junior High School student, is re|»4Mied recovering well at home from a pistol wound siillered last Tuesda> after noon on Swain Street near the Lenoir Street intersec tion. Diane w as released frt»ni the Wake Memorial Hospital ruesdav afternoon. Her Sff VICTIM. P 2( Grand Slani-S Recipients Ttvo Native Sons " ^ ^ PJIES? RUN THIS WEEK 9,200 3 Blacks Among First POW’s Releaseu Army Mum: No ROWAN COUNTY FACES JC RAP Details Available * ▼ I'fJlV- nicllll'ed t VOL. 32, NO. 16 North Carolina's Leading Weekly WEEK ENDING S.-Vl’.. EEB. 17, 1973 SINGLE COPY 15c Airing March 1st Council - Tenant Talks Set Gov.AssuresN.C. Blochs A Place Appointments Speaking His Convictions Governor James Hols- houser, N.C.'s first Repub lican governor in 74 years, over the weekend bolstered his campaign promise that blacks would be a vital part in his administration. He assured the members of the Second Episcopal Dis trict. A,.M.E. Church, in Washington, D.C., Friday night, at a dinner in honor of Richard Allen, the founder, that he would not only keep his campaign promise but had already begun. On Monday of this week, he told Kelly M. Alexander, president, N.C. State Con ference of Branches NAACP and other inter est^ persons, that every interest of blacks would be served for the next four (See APPOINTMENTS, P. 2) 400 BUCKS DISCHARGED FROM NAVY National Black News Service WASHINGTON - The Navy, in an effort to get rid of troublemakers and those who have become a "burden to the command ", has dismissed 2,959 sailors. 414 of whom were black. The dismissals, which have been underway since late December, are being carried out under an order issued by .Admiral Elmo Zumwalt. Jr,, chief of naval operations. The Na\\ said it expected another (See 400 Bl.At'KS. P. 6' SeekWayTo Get Tenant On City Unit The Raleigh City Council postponed seeking changes in laws that would help low income residents last week. Over the objections of Mayor pro-tern C. E. Lightner and Mayor Tom Bradshaw. Interested citizens, however, may appear before a March 1 meeting of the Council to voice their views. Last week's action featured a recommendation of the Coun cil's legislative advisory com mittee. After meeting for more than three months to draw up legislation for the 1973 General (See TENANT, P. 6) I'PI's pliotoprinler pictured three hlavk GI's among the 142 POW's released this week. Two of the three are officers, the other an unidentified but obviously elated soldier without Sheriff And OfficialsNamed In Federal Suit SAI.ISBURV ■ Rowan County Sheriff John K. Slircwalt and eight county officials must answer charges of racially segregating prisoners in the County jail. U S. Attorney General Rich ard Kleindienst filed the suit in Middle Districl Eederal Court in Greensboro last week. Named in the suit were Sheriff John K Slirewalt. four jailers, the five county commis sioners. and the county itself. The Justice Department's suit against the Rowan county officials charges that racial segregation of prisoners vio lates the public facililies section of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Constitution's equal protec tion clause This is the second such suit brought by federal authorities against a county unit. In 1970 the Justice Department lost the MAJOR HARDY outward trappings of rank On February 10, UPI, work ing from Pentagon files, identified Army Major William H Hardy, whose liometown was listed in Pentagon files as Wintcrvillc. N.C. Efforts to reaeli Major Hardv proved futile. There is no listing in the Wintcrvillc telephone director under that name. Several calls to Hardy last names in the area turned up no information. On February 11, UPI printed an official Pentagon picture of Air Force Major Norman A. McDaniel of Fayetteville, N.C. A public relations ofticer at Ft. Bragg at midweek positive ly refused to give any informa tion concerning the POW’s On February 12, I'Pl distri buteda photograph showing Air Force LI. Col. James Warren, of Vacaville, Calif., lighting the cigarette of a recently released POW. The POW was not identified. Speculation about the paucity of photos of. black POW’s centered around the report earlier in the war that more than 21) percent of the combat soldiers were black. Televison cameras showed few black POW's among the initial group. One unoftieial source said the first men released were those who had been imprisoned longest Later units are expected to contain more blacks among the POW's MORRIS KEA FIRING SQUAD VICTIM - Mbala. Uganda - Ugandans remove body of one of twelve men executed hy firing squad throughout Uganda February 10 in first puhlie executions in the country’s recent history. Thousands of Ugandans turned out for the executions of the tw elve, most ol w hom were sentenced to death tor alleged guerrilla activities. I UPI) ED CARSON GETS STATE OEO POST A fter 8 Mos. Plus Wrong Man Win Freedom One of Raleigh's hottest political Issues is believed to have heen settled this week when Ed Car.scn, unsuccessful candidate for City Council, took over as head of the State Economic Opportunity, in the Holshouser Adminislralion Carso.i was a controversial issue in the appointment of the widow of the late .Mayor Reed, to the Raleigh City Council recently The appointment was the object of much criticism, due to Ihe fact Carson was eighth in the last election that named seven council members. It was Ihe thinking of many that Carson should have been named to Ihc vacancy, due to the fact that Raleigh electorate had given some approval, by voting for him tlie last election. Carson was named to head l',(e ( Ft) program for the state at a time when the agency's existence is questionable. Its phasing nut has top priority on the list oi eulbaeks in funds in .See ( AHSdN, P. 2i BY EARL MA.SON including the NAACP and just everyone elsv as he puts it. His fatne: his crusade iSi WP.'.’.iG MAN. P 21 NOl' ^c.aNIEL NAACP tweets Sunday; To Discuss Housing Sole Survivor 'Exonerated' MINNEAPOLIS. Minn • Uor- sie Williams, perhaps the sole survivor of a black regiment that vvas dishonorably dis charged from the Army in IWK). was ‘ exonerated ' on February One Army 'See SI RS 1V(JR source said P, 2i the For the first lime in a good while. The (■All(>i.lNI.\N s Appreciation .Money beaiure experienced a ..i.itid -vloiii V*'.h. all three uiniDM',-. (.nue in lo claim then ^ i > [tri/e- l.« •' ‘‘‘‘k The latest addit.ons to the uinning list melude Haeford F. McKinley Mrs Lctha McLean and I'harhe Howe MeK:nle'. lives at WK Harley Drive here in Ualeigh His name apj'( art'd m the Hliodes Fiirni- 'S.f. \i'PHi;( 1VIION. P. in I Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK A i. A AllfO PARIS Wholesale I’rices to Everyone” Will the real Joseph Harris stand up? The real Joseph Harris did stand up last Thursday morning and this time when he stood up he was set free from prison hy Governor Jim Holshouser who communted the five-to-seven sentence which was given lo Harris about eight months ago when the youngster was sent enced to prison on the record of another Joseph Harris When Harris. 20years-old. was set free last Thursday it ended an eight month crusade by his father. Thomas B Harris of Route 6. Jeffreys Grove, who said he had been rejected by lawyers, other citizens of the community, local organizations Pat Bryant, local housing expert, will be the speaker at the Raleigh Apex Thapter of the NA.ACP at 4 p.m Sunday at the Oak City Baptist Church on the Method Fioad. Dr C. W. Ward, chapter president, said the agenda will deal with housing and other welfare issues cutback In recent action of the .Nixon Administra tion The Rev. Clyde Walton, pastor of Oak City ('hurch. will extend welcome and make remarks lo the group. Dr Ward is urging all chapter memhcr> and other interested citizens lo attend Sunday’s meeting lo 'demonslrale con cern lor vital isues.” Plans are expectetl lo be made lo divert the trend to cutback on numerous public work.'* and welfare programs. Ward was described as "still concerned over the moving of Polk Youth Center, the culling out of so many social programs designed to help people become sell supporiing and independent citizens,” one NAACP spokesman said he would ask the chapter to investigate the report that disproportionate numbers of black children are being expelled from the schools "Our cfincern.’’ this spokes- man said, "is that all .should gel lair trc’iiment - the students, teachers, and the citizens of Raleigh " “Y” Membership Enrollment To Be Launched Mrs. Minnie Brown of .N.C, Stale University Life Sciences Department will discuss ' Fam ily Kevililizalion” at the Bloodworth Street YMCA. Puh lie Allairs t'orum. Tuesday, F'eb. 20 at 7:30. This is the first in a series of seminars on the general theme in anticipation ot a new proposed family type (See MF:MBF:RSHIP. P. (1* Muslims Deny N. Y. Times Story SOI.KSI RVIVOR. . Minneapolis ■ While his son. Reginald. 65. (3rd from left) and hjs friends Itwk on. It Col William Baker (left) presents the American Hag lo Dorsie Willis. K'. frIghD during ceremonies at the Zion Baptist Church in Minneapolis Fehiuar> It. Dorsie. believed to survlvttr of an all black unit dishonorably discharged f» '*tn the Army In V.\m for an unsolved murder in Brownsville. Tex., was exonerated February II at ing f.ncetl to shine shoes for h(i years. (I Ph WASHINGTON - An oliieial spokesman for the nation ot Islam in Chicago has denounced as "completely untrue” a New York Times article slating that Libya has denied a $3 million loan to the Black Muslims, as the Nation is commonly called Last year. Libya loaned the Black Muslims $3 million toward the purchase of a church tor use as a mosque on Chicago's Southside. According to the New York Times story the Muslims have recently been seeking another interest-free $3 million loan "We have not applied for a second loan. ' said Abass Kassoul. secretary of the religious gnuip headed by the Honorable FMijah .Muhammed "F'.verything the .Messenger (Mr. Muhammad' has asked (Libya) for has been provided.' (See Ml'SLLMS. P 2' Chains Denied l%ew Location W M.MINfiTDN • .Vetivist Ben Chavis' upcoming (rial will not he moved out of New Hanover C'ounty. j lhavis anti two Wilminglan women are accused of being ] iictessories lo the murder of Clifton Eugene Wright. 17. In h March. 1‘I7L Mrs. Mollie Hicks and her daughter, Leatrick, are charged with Chavis. The motion to change the site for the trial was denied by ■Supfiior ( oiirl .lodge Robert Rouse,

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