J IC’/ Firat Blaak On Paroles Board ■■-' 9.200 I Was Not Asked To Resign:' J. Baker ■ ■ — ' ^ Wake Solon Fletcher Was Ex-Nixon Aide LOWKH Ol XI.I.I ttKI) ( <>!' K!l.l.KI<-> Xtl.inta \tlanta I’olit e and firemen to\U‘i (he hiKh of Mark ( . Ih ihune ollteiroit. Mi< t nn (he r(M»f of a Morrjv ftorw n < ollei-e doniiKoi \ Kehriiar> -’7 after heiii(> shol lo death in a shooloxt th an Atlant.i poiireniam Beihune a liiktitive u anted lor the slavinf{ of a Delmil polu email, h.i ' en hunted in the \ilanta area loi font davs There were conflirtintt reports on how Hethiiii' died, howiver I IM Crash That Killed Three Blach Kids Could Be Jfiurder SLMMKHVll.l K, S.(\ - Ihie. Dorcht .sU*r (Ouniv. S ('. lust w th(*v w(*if iintniiTod, The U’l'-- •'■tuli Cttre X . in» I . a cominunTty operaleil school in Kidj:! Se\i*ni. five feet in front of a *h*’ stop Mfin the bus swerved off i hool ativd H..Tk children diwl m a bu' accident in el). 201. Com. i.nitv re'^idenl'' are corn inceil that nlotiK with I'i hers, were bet»S'Vlriven to Dorchester County Day jub.prh a ditch and ran tree The entire left side rlppeii irom the bus. Pamela Smith, 6; Otis MAJOR MCDANIEL ‘Cutoff Is Disastrous,’ Aide Says National lUack News Service WASHINGTON - Typical of the altitude displayed towards the Nixon <‘dict calling for the eliniinaiion of federally funded poverty programs, was hat of 24'yeiir-old Ed W'iggins of Bridegeport. Connecliiut in town !■> participate ir last week'' National Mobili;ation for Di'inestic Unity Day. (See (T TOFF IS. P.2) POW Honored In Greensboro GREENSBORO Air Force Major Norman McDaniel, outspoken POW opponent ol granting amnesty to deserters, had a .special da\ planned tor him in Greensboro Wednesdas ul this week The ‘ hamber of Commt .sponsiied the occasion. .After being among the fi POWs released. Maior n: • iSET VOW MAJOR, P. Fires Director 1 ARO North CaroUna*s Leading Weeldy VOL. .32. NO. 18 WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1973 SINGLE COPY 15c Raleigh Student At JNCCMJ Slashes N.C. Coed ^ ^ Commission For Racial Justice Chavis iiea^ DC Ben Chavis Free Under SOGs Bond 4 4 ^ EXHIBITS IIM i ROW LAWS - Undated - The ■•aparthied” laws of paearv have placed the non whit- mujoritv of South ^ \fiica under the ahvolule control of a goverBiiient ele* ted onl> b> the white minoritv fhe black lives in separiti town^hips. Their children attend ail hlack sihmds. Blacks mmt .it at) nines carrv Spe. ul police passes 'shown here* (I Pli. ille, S.C. hkay, Johnson. 4; and Raymond ii^o a Campbell, 3, were killed. Three other children were injured. Elijah DeLee, the driver of the bus. had to undergo surgery for a ruptured spleen and liver, and has not yet been able to explain what happened. How ever, his mother, Ms. Victoria DeLee * the school’s founder - was quick to come up with an explanation: “Foul play.” Ms. Del^ee reported that two • mysterious” accidents had occured the day before the fatal crash, both involving day care center vehicles. The steering mechanism on the school's other bus went out while it was carrying children down a dirt road. When a station wagon was sent to retrieve the children, a tire and wheel came off of that vehicle. Some reports attributed to eyewitnesses at the scene of the fatal bus crash have told of a wheel missing in that incident also. Thus. Ms. DeLee is convinced that the accident is the result of sabotage She has been the leader of two recent boycotts of the Dorches ter County schools. Black students walked out of Harley* ville-Ridgeville High School on Jan 26 and began boycotting Summerville High School on Jan. 29. In the Summerville walkout. 147 students were arrested for “failure to disperse.” The State Commission on Human Affairs has been heading up negotia tions to answer the grievances of (he parents and students raised during the boycott. The boycotts stirred a lot of (See ( R.\SH KILLS. P.2) Victims Of Disease Did Mot Consent '.SHINGTON ■ None o( the 43 black men atflicied with sy lbs and untreated in the I Tu ppgee studv gave their ! “ii. l ined consent to take part in • • ''tudv. T i wasoneo!’hefindingsol a c 'en's panel investigating the . '.2 study that came to light ia^l ek IT. report indicated that at least and pi*i hap> as many as 107 Ol ttects humane iSee \ 1IMS OF. V 2) 1 h(' Reverend Benjamin Chavis, former organizer in the North Carolina-Virginia Field Office of the Commis vion for Racial Justice United Church of Christ has been nameti as the new dirtHtor of the Commis '‘ion’s Washington. DC Field Office. Chavis who was released on bad of SMi.iNMi from Central PriMin in Raleigh North Carolina in I)(*cemb<‘r replaces the Kev Benjamin I.a*wis, who along with the former program ciMirdinator. the Rev William (.and. w 11 ht'come a part-time consul’.in* m the ( onvmission TV. '■ '- ii?iv«* Iiifs >(*r ol the C