16-Year-Old Girl Involved, But PRISS RUN THIS WEEK 9,500 •Rape Details ^Sketchy ‘Taken To Trailer,’ Girl Claims ^ BY STAKK WHITKK W ★★★ Wake’s Willie Hoods ^ ^ ¥ BY sta: A IG'Vear-oUi KaleiKh white Kiri, reporiodlv ‘ an xious to join the l^S. Navy". a “•sketchy ' story of having b(*t*n taken to a trailer, l<*caied near N.C. State Undiversit v's farm, and raped lalthouKh she didn't protest loudly). The girl’s name is Mi.ss Sandy Ann Chtirnohav of 414 Cutler Streit. No mention of ihe rate of her attacker was made bv the young woman. She v\as interviewed at her home ^iist Wednesd.'iv Caplam .)«fhn llale>. vsho was called upon in inlervieu the girl, said slu* nutde the following statement- “I went to the Navy Recruiting Ollice in the ii)d Post Office Budilina nn Kay etteville Street, sniiieliine a- round 12 r>n pm 1 had inade an apphcatiini to join thi* Navv I sal around until almiit :: l.‘i p m.. when thi.s .Na\\ Recruiter said that h< wi/ukl t.ike m** home ‘•He got a car that had Navv printed on the --ide ami vv«* riidc around awhile He took im- i«» n trailer, near a Sta'e (’olleae Farm and we wi-nt in tne trailer. He diNriihetl nu* ami wi' had mlercoui>i‘ I ilidn i veil and he didn't thie-iieii :■> kill me. hut 1 did tell him no! In lin this." Investigative notes. ci»iiipili-d bySgt .A .\ Bunn r»'veal«-d that tilth hi‘ and I'apiaui HaU-v talked to the (iiinplainanl '.she ^^(laimed to have heeii -exually assaulted l>> .1 \av> Rer At hrst. we ibought th.il 'In-' had happened in Ualmuh ai a trailer (See liAPK DKTAII.S !• j Method And City POs Are United Farm Family Of Yr,’ North Carotina*a Leadinf' Weekly VOl.. NO. 23 RALEIGH, N.C., WEEK END1!V{G SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1973 SINGLE COPY 15c Found In F*orrh Sivin^-Maii Beaten To Death Here * 4- ¥■ ¥■ ★ ★★★ if. If. At Testimonial Dinner 4- 4- 4-4- Needmore Proud Of Top Family FI QUAY-VARINA - The Willie Hood family of Needmore Community in souihi rn W ake County, has been selected as Farmers Home Administration's Wake County Farm Fam ily i»f the Year." .Mr. Hood was born and reared on the family farm. During his high school years he worked part-time at a dairy and participated in the 4-H pro- grarh. When he graduated from nign .school, he told his father The lowering of the f.S flag that he wanted to farm and did on Friday. March 30, 1973 nut want logo to college. He has symbolized the end of an era of two sisters and a brother who independent postal service for the community of Method. In an impressive ceremony, witnessed by the postmaster Harveleigh While, her postal clerks. John Owen White. Sr , Harlan E. Clark and many postal customers, the Method post office became incorporated into the city of Raleigh as a substation from which mail will eventually be delivered from the station hv carriers. (See POs (jMTK. P 2» ^Plans Made For Elks’ Convention BY W. A • PETK WILDER WINTO.N - The Grand Udge of the Improved Benevolent Protective Order of Elks of the World met at Hobson R Reynolds Shrine, here last Friday. Saturday and .Sunday. Elks from every nook and corner of the I’nited States w ere represented at the meet. It had been called to make plans and hear progress reports to be given at the Grand la>dge Convention to be held in Dallas. Texas in Augu.si This was the largest attended mid year plan- (See ELKS PLANS. P 2i Newsman Barnes Honored ‘Husband vent to college. When his father died, he look over the farm. There were only 20 acres of cleared In Fight,’ Wife Says by STAFF WRITER A 37-year-olcl Raleigh man, Hammond Gordon, 402 E, Hargett Street, was found near death in the swing of a Bloodworth Street wo man’s front porch at 9:13 p.m. Saturday. According to police officials, Gordon had apparently been the victim of a mammoth bating, as he died of head injuries, allegedly inflicted bv an unknown black male c the same night. Mrs. Catherine Hedgepeth. “WITH THIS RING...” - Phoenixville, Pa. - .Andrea Rander gives her husband Armv Sgt. Iimiald Rander of RaUiniure, .Md. what appears to be a wedding ring after the Sergeant return to the I uiled States to Valley Forge General (.Army) Hospital In Phoenixville. Pa.. .March 30. Sgt. Hander l.s a former POW who was captured F’ebruary. 1968. <UPI) Massive Financial Disinvestment Now Linked To Racial Changes NEW YORK. N Y - A pattern, racial of massive disinvestment by composition of the Bronx major financial institutions in from 24 fi percent Bronx County. N.Y., between nlack and Puerto Rican to 53.4 1960-70 when widespread racial P^’rcent in 1970: White popula- changes were taking place don dropped from 75 percent in there, has been reported in a I960 to 44.2 pervflil in l97o. •‘We found that as the mimlr.-r of blacks and Puerto Kuans in each community Planning [)istrict (in the Broii-xi mcreas- (Sec MASSI\ K. P. 2> Dr. Allison To Address NCNW In City Sunday Study released by the National Urban League. While the study focuses on the Bronx, the findings suggest that a similar process of disinvest ment is occurring in many of „ uirvc the older and larger central Mibb J. E. HICKS cities in the nation. M7 S. BIrodworth street: called mo/tg^geslssuedln 19M, the 12 Women is presenting Dr.J. BMCon Ambulance Service. banks ind savines and loan Lavonia Allison in a_ public (be meeting net o • r- n* • banks and savings and i I associations included statement to Officer J. L ALEXANDER Sloudemire, reported that he morteaBes made to S17 in 1970 went to the Bloodworth Street "’""8ages made to 517 in 1970, HOOD BARNES RECEIVES NAACP LIFE address as a result of the innH flnrt thp MEMBERSHIP PLAQUE • Shown on the rlghUn the abovc photo Is ambulance Call, arriving there form u'n« Hmv- Muse, national life membership chairman of the National at 9:11 p.m. ilv in debt He Association for the Advancement of Colored People, as he presents “I found Hammond Gordon in ramp to Farm- * membership plaque to Alexander Barnes during a a swing on the front porch in a u Ad- testimonial dinner In Barnes’ honor, held at the Durham Motel house occupied by Catherine . 1 j , last Thursday night. Mrs. Alexander (Dorothy) Barnes of Hedgepeth," began the cop’s ministration and applied for a u’a«hinffton n r loan to purchase the forty-five acre farm. He was given financial assistance to purchase the farm. clear all suitable land, pul a bathroom in the home and make other repairs. Subse quently he has obtained financing for livestock, farm equipment, and farm operating expenses is shown in the center, admiring the plaque. Hundreds On Hand At Testimonial Fete BY STAFF WRITER DURHAM - Many men are loved and honored for their dedication to just one thing. Many are so versatile that Hood now has a herd of 52 their links with a variety of people organizations be registered Aberdeen Angus on they church-related, civic, social or fraternal, that 'one “P “"d He’s great for this one his farm grows tobacco and hay. An abundant garden provides food lor the family. Married to Evangeline Hood, formerly of Johnston County, they partici pated in many community aeliviiics. They give high praise (0 Farmers Home Administra tion for the assistance given them to carry on a successful larm operation. Farm ownership loans may be used to buv or enlarge farms. See WAKE’S FARM P 2) Oratorical Contest Is Slated Here BV W A ‘PETE ' WILDER Tlie Elks' Educational Com mittee will sponsor its annual oratorical contest Sunday. April 8ih. at 3 p m. at the St. Matthew .AME Church. 805 E Davie St., here Keproseniatives from all the slate's area branches will vie for lirst place The winner will enter the state contest to be held at the Stale Convention in Durham, Chairman Hylton Reddick, assisted by co-chair man Miss Freddie Mae Wil liams. is especially anxious for parents and their youngsters attend this contest, which year after year is increasing its interest and ' puH" lor young and old alike Special music for ihe occasion will be rendered by Ir e young pefiple of St, .Matthew Cliurch under the direction of Mrs. Margaret H Herndon and Mrs. Joanne .Alston Most ot the participants of former years, whether or not Ihev won honor.s. have gone on (See ORATORICAL. I Such a man is Alexander Barnes, one of this country's few men who definitely cannot be labeled as a man for only one thing, for Barnes fits in each of the categories mentioned a- bove. A testimonial dinner, held at the Durham Hotel on Thursday night. March 29. he came face-to-face with representative tives of all facets of his ever-on-lhe-move life. The crowning point of the evening, it is believed, was the reading of two letters, one from the President of the United States. Richard M. Nixon, and the other from the stale’s Governor. James Eubank Hols- houser. Jr., both complement ing Mr. Barnes on his accomplishments throughout statement. ‘ The subject (Gor don) had an injury to his head. ••Joseph Hedgepeth, who also lives here, said the man just came up on the porch and got in the swing. He further stated that he heard or saw nothing." Officer Maynard also said, “I did not see Dorothy Gordon anywhere in this area this night. The next day I learned that this subject had died in the Wake Memorial Hospital, due to this (See BEATEN TO. P s>i Blacks Are Attending COCU Talks .MEMPHIS, Tenn. - More than 60 black delegates are on hand for the nth plenary session of COCU. which opened at the Sheraton-Peabodv Hotel. Mon- (See COCU TALKb. P 2j CHIME BEAT From Ralelch's OfflcbU Police FUc« the Primary Dept, of the church. Dr. Allison, a member of the faculty of North Carolina Central University and also the at First Baptist chairman of the Democratic Party of Durham County, will discuss some phase of civic responsibility and will appeal to the black women in this area to improve conditions in the community. The leaiJer.. of many Raleigh women’s organizations, affili ates, etc. have been invited to this meeting. NCNW invites and Two more winners have urges the general public to be added their names to the present, mowing list of winners in The reduced the number of corner of Wilmington and Morgan Street, at 3 p.m., Sunday, April 8. This meeting will be held in the auditorium of Appreciation Cash Claimed AROLINIAN’s Appreciation Money feature. Miss Lena Hayes and Eddie Lane each won SIO prizes last week by spotting their names on the Appreciation Money page and coming into The CAROLINIAN and properly identifying themselves. Miss Hayes who lives at 832 E. Lenoir Street, saw her name in the Ben Franklin ad on page 12 last week. Ben Franklin is located in Longview Shopping Center. The motto at Ben Franklin is "We strive to please by having what you want, when want it at the most irices." les at 1208 Hazelnut with his wife and u„... daughter. His name appeared in the Hunt General Tire ad. TALENT NOT RECOGNIZED: BROWN - Rio De Jeneiro - “Soul Brother Number One,” James 'trown said Monday that he has not received recognition re^onable pi in the United States, even though he has sold more records than music's three Bs. sold more than Bach. Reeth- „ ■ ■ oven and Brahms, pul tonether. Expressing happiness over but because of the racial '*''""'"8 ‘he prize Lane problem in the f.S,, nobodv resjwnded by saying This is emphasizes this," Brown de- ‘“e f>rsl time I have ever won dared. (fPIl (See APPRECIATION. P. 2) NC Mutual Enters Its 75th Year DURHAM - In his report to the polievowners of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company at their T4th Annual Meetins here at Mutual Plaza in Durham last week, the firm’s seventh president. William J. Kennedy. Ill, staled. On March 31, 1973. N.C. Mutual completed seventy-four contin uous years of operation. We are already in our seventy-fifth year measured from the date of the (Tompanv's founding on October 20. 1898. ■As we pause at me threshold ol our sevcnt>-tjtlh operational year and look back at the last one," he continued. (See NC MUTUAL. P. 2> EDITOR'S NOTE: This column or feoiure it produced in Ihe public Inlereiti wUh an aim louardft eliminaling its conlenii. Numerous indislduaU have requckled that they be (iven ihe contlderaiion of the President and the Governor ove'iookmi iheir iikUnc on the police ■ir« Uonnhiifunc ■ Al**vinrlf>r »r. Thfi ne nould like lo do. Hoh ever, art KepUDllCanS. Aiexanoer J,J, olnuroo»iUonlobejud*e or jury. W« Barnes has been a member of mer.iy publish ihe lam as *»e rind them iho ••f:rarvr» nin Parfv” nil nf hw »'«’P«r'*^by (he arresiing officers. To keep me urana Uie rany an OI nis -p,, crime aeal columns, merely means not being registered by a police frrim reporting his findings while c II irill (imjr. ^ simply keep off Ihe "Biollcr" nr Following are letters Nixon and Holshouser: The letter from the President read: •'It came as no surprise to me that fellow citizens and friends in the Durham area are gathering to honor you. Your name is synonymous with the (See BARNES IS. P 2' DENIES.MISAPPROPRIATING t250.WMi -N>w York -Dr. Thomas W. .Matthew tells iiewsntcn in haiiwa\ uf courthouse here April 2 that charges he niisappiopriated S250.0(Mi in medicaid funds for other business eiitt'rpi ises are "false, ridiiulous and trumped-up." Matthew is fminder of thi* National Economic Growth and Recunstruclion Organi/allon • NF'.tfRi)) and Interfaith Hospital in Queens (I Pi' Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK FCX, INC. "Your Sprmg Garden Supply Headquarters " ' Slid you won't be in The Crime Bral. SHOT IN HF AI), REAR John Joseph Evans. 28. 1349 Branch Street, told Officers R. L Hawley and R L. Strickland at 9:37 p.m. Saturday, that he was walking home in the 1100 block of S. Wilmington Street, when he was approached by a subject named ‘‘Buddy”, who lives at the corner of S, Blount and Lee Streets, The man said • Buddy■■ was carrying a small calibre rifle and fired two shots, striking Evans in the head and rear. He declared that “Buddy" "has had a grudge against me since Iasi summer." Mr. Evans was taken to Wake Memorial Hospital, where he was treated for gunshot wounds on the left ciTV COUNCILMAN LEADS maxuk in VOTES • Lob Angeles. Calif. • Los Angeles City side of his head, left bollocks Councilman Tom Bradley. April 3, shakes hands with wellwlshers as political history repeals Itself and just above the right jukj (he city will have a runoff election between Bradley and Mayor Sam Yorly for post of l os buttocks, .Angeles Mayor. Bradley won more votes than Yorty as he did four years ago but neither g.it a (See CRIME BEAT, P 3) maioritv and will meet in a special election May 29th. (UPI)

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