. State Y'outh Dev« lonment Commission^' * ' ' PRESS RL'N n 07/4 -L-^ ^ — T^« ■■ THIS WEEK "aige Is Fired; Dr. Larkins New Chief ★ ★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★ Wake County High Schools Get First Black Principal LINIAN North Carolina’s Leading Weekly VOL. 32. NO, 35 RALEIGH. N.C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JUNK 30. 1973 SINGLE COPY 15c Raleigh Man Tells Press Jurist Said DR. JOHN R LARKING JAMES M. PAIGE i4. '1 NOW;’ JUDGE ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ *■ ★ ★ ★ Two-Million Member (.liiireh Body Female Moderator For UCC FREED REV BEN (HAMS LEAVES COIRTHOISE • Wilmington. N.C. - Ke\. Ben Chavis wii.- his iawver. W. P. Robinson, Krida>. b-ave the courthouse in Wilmington after charges Mere droped gainst him fur being an accessors after the •act of murder. The charges were not dismissed against the other tMO defeiidenls in the case I Pl> ^ fiev. lien (diavis Free After (diaries Dropped '^WILM INt-'^’ON - 1 he North Carolina judicial system may have exhibteo some potential for administering true justice last week with the dismissal of charges against the more prominent of three defendants in a Wilmington hcunicide case. piaii' <iii iiiuiau<i>. ... Ab three {act'd charges as ^;l■|■e^sory after the fact to in\t)luniar> manslaughter m the do.ith of young Clifton So. BKN CHAVIS P 2t Another defendant was found guilty and a third orderdd to stand trial anew, hut specula tion among defense attorneys and others close to the case was that lenient sentences would be handed down On Friday. Juno 22. charges were diMUiascd ae,atiiM lit. Ben Chavis, following a week long Inal before a jury ol eight whites anf four blacks Leatrice Hicks. 21. was ordered to be retried on the same charges (becau.sc* of a hung jury*, while her mother, Mollie, was found guilty with sentencing scheduled to take Sjiunr Hires 52 Youths f/i Profiram Monday. June 10. rna; ked 'he beginning ol ;h<' Svirniner Youth Program tor flu city of Raleigh Shaw I'niverstty i (lartici pani in Ihi* piogr.iic.. has employed .i2 high school students These student.' aie serving every area m the univeisity spt'clruin in various capacities including radio assislanis for WM]\ clerk typists, maintenance and lih rary assistants The students woik a 2f> hour week at Si fin per hour The Summer Viiulh Program IS under the direction of Mr Wiliam Pretty who has employed «7I> high school students throughout the city of Raleigh Dr J Archie H..rgraves Sh-M a-d the i enabled students ething -.-■Niruclive while earning i-'-! He (See SHAW HlRKb P i.»r I lorcnii pr')iM Ml of Sh prog>ra:n has enj to ^ something ‘Hope For Blacks Dim:’ Julian Bond BY LE (. LAIR LAMBERT ST PAUL, Minn, - The Hon, Julian Bond. 33. the black Democratic Georgia Legisla tor. told some 1.660 people at this city 's Urban League's 50th Year Celebration of Commun ity Service, that “since the presidential election in 1968. prospects for black equality have seriously diminished." and blacks " are in bad shape Honored guest and main speaker lor the i^t Paul Urban [4>agiie s 49lh Annual Dinner .Meeting Mr Bond spoke to a laptiv.iled >landing room only audience or, ‘ Politics in 197.1 “ Tht' last election was a naiiitnal leferendum on social issi.es ■ said Bond "Nixon is going to continue to castrate 'he budget whether or not you have any paycheck at all “ He noted that ‘Politics is no ; tiger the art of the possible, instead it has become the art of seeing who gets how much from whom '' SjH'aking eloquently on prob lems blacks are experiencing in America's “urban Atticas." he staled that “statistics on the svfciai conditions among blacks indicate that some things are getting worse, not belter We are t>eller off than our parents, hut worse when compared to the majority of .Vmencans For .See J buND. P. ai Woman Is Unopposed For Post ST. LOUIS-The Hon. Margaret A. H^wood, Wasnington, D. C.. was elected first woman moder ator of the two-million- member United Church of Christ here last Saturday. She was elected to the top unsalaried position in the denomination by the 728 delegates to the Ninth General Synod, the church's representative body, meeting in St. Louis’ Chase-Park Plaza Holm. The Rev Dr Robert V .Moss, New York, president of the denomination, was re-elec ted to his position. Dr Moss has held the position for four years. Also re-elected was Charles H. Lockyear. New York, the Director of Finance and Treasurer of the church He has been treasurer since 1961 (See FEMALE IS. P. 2) Scholarship For Elks In Wilson BY W A “PETE ' WILDER WILSON The North Carolina Educational Depart ment of the Improved Benevo lent and F*roteclive Order of Elks of the World, held its National Annual Scholarship Rally at St Luke AME Church in Wilson with the Minnie McDaniel Fezz Club as hostess Sunday, June 24 at 3 p m Past Grand Daughter Ruler Leone Cannon, assistant grand Director of Education, presid ed as mistress of ceremonies. The highlight of the meeting was the Junior Queen-King Contest in which Miss .Morcel- lane Reid of Reidsville was the declared queen and Master Theodore Moore. Mamie S Hicks Fezz Club. Raleigh, was declared king Welcome addresses came from Mr Frank Barnes, representing Marshall Lodge No. 297 and Daughter Mary (See SC'HOLARSHIP. F 2> HON MARGARET HAYW(X)D Freeman Is Principal At Fucpiay Wake County Schools Board of Education, meet ing in a called session last Monday, named William M. Freeman as its onlv black high school principal. Freeman, a Nash County native, lives in Fuquay-Va- rina and will take the post on July Ist. He will head the Fuquay-Varina Junior- Senior High School, with 59 teachers, which is one of the largest in the Wake County Sch(X)ls system with forty- two schools. Freeman had served for six years as principal of the former all-black Fuquay-Va rina Consolidated High School before the local schools were integrated in 1970. After the school was integrated with the former all-white Fuquay-Va rina High School. Freeman was made principal of the 25 teacher Fuquay-Varina Ele mentary School, grades 4 through 6 He serv^ in this capacity for three years before ■ Set 1ST BLACK. P. 2) .Smv» I se Of Drags Doivn At Shau- Lniv. Drug use at Raleigh's Shaw University has decreased since that institution's president took a strong stand on the drug issue in June of 1971 Dr J Archie Hargraves, president of Shaw. said. "Shaw University follows a hard line against drug users, but also provides counseling and medi cal help without penalty to •tudenis who report their drug use to the school's health service ’ Most students at Shaw agree that drug usage on campus has decreased tremendously. Several students interviewed indicated that wine is a "cheaper high " and the risk of getting caught is reduced. • See DRUG USE. P 2) ‘I Started Screaming:’ Pat Bryant Pat Bryant, of Raleigh was released from Wayne Coun ty jail in Goldsboro, Friday. June 22. 1973 after being held since June 4 on a charge of contempt of court. Also jailed were Jerry Gooding and his father, Linwood Gooding, both white, on contempt of court. Judge John Larkins of U. S. Eastern District Court ordered their releas es. Bryant is Housing researcher at Shew Univer sity 1 'Tf, started screeri. ig, ' said vounp 4nt. The contempt charges grew from an incident outside the courtroom where Bryant, then in custody of a deputy sherriff, was reprtedly struck by the deputy. It was reporteti that Bryant fled from the sheriff and ran in the direction of the courtroor . Judge Lester Pate, allegedly grabbed Bryant allowing the deputy to catch him. Both Judge Pate and the deputy allegedly shoved Bryant to the floor. The judge then order^ the deputy to shoot Bryant. The judge is reported to have told the deputy several times, “Shoot him now! Shoot him now." The Goodings reported that the deputy attempted to unholster his gun several times, but could not get it out. ITie Goodings told Uie judge after the incident that “he should have been ashamed of himself taking advantage of Bryant the way he did The (See PAT BRYANT. P 2) ‘Authority Usurped,’ J. M. Paige Declares {'lainiing. “They have gone behind my back and usurpH niy authority.” shortly after he had been notifieil ihat he had been fired as the State's Youth Development Commissioner Monday, James M. Paige, a Raleigh native, cited politics as a possible cause of his dismissal He will be succeeded on July 1 by Dr. John Rodman Larkins, associate director of the State Probation Commission. The firing and hiring were done by David L, Jones, Social Rehabilitation and Control Secretar> for North Carolina. Both Dr. Larkins and Paige are black Democrats, while Jones is a white Republican. • See PAIGE IS. P 2) F(»ll<miiig Stabbing Prisoner’s Sister IFrifes To Governor "Dear Governor Holshouser: 1 am sure you are aware of one incident that occurred at Central Prison on June 17. 1973 concerning my brother-Peter Young, (a black inmate) and 3 white men. BEING Dl\OKCED - Reno. Ne\. • .Singer Diahann ( arroll is being div orced from F reddie Glurman, dress shop owner, after Just four months of marriage. .Also an actress. Miss Carroll is famous for her role as “Julia” as she was the star. (IPD ^tVES DN COFFEE AND MILK - Detroit • Police officers carry (iiuseppe Pillera, 78, from his east aide home on a stretcher after (>->iu'e and public heaiUi nurses found him in a near coma stage from lack of food .lune L'.v Me and his f l «e«r-««ld cousin had been living mi coffee laced with a little milk and an occasu*i.ai raw egg ui pie« e »f bieud all thev cwild afford after they were denied an Increase In (heir ILA a month welfare allotment. (I'PD Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK iOBi For A Va iety Of Economical Items HOSPITALIZED IN LONDON - London - Singer Pearl Bailey entoro4 a London hospital June 21 snfferlng from chest pslns an4 owhMMlkm. A ipnkasmjo at Rrompton Hospital said Miss Bailey, 55, was discharg ed this week. (L'PI) NAACPOpens Meeting In Indianapolis NEW YORK - With the theme. “Lest We Forget • Our Fallen Heroes,” the 64th NAACP annual convention will open on Monday. July 2, in Indianapolis in what was once a stronghold of the Ku Klux Klan 46 years ago when the association last met there. The convention will salute martyrs of the civil rights movement, whose lives were brutally taken in the struggle for racial justice. Scores of men and women, black and white, have been killed b> guns, bombs or other such violent weapons since 1951 Among the most notable were the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Medgar Evers, both of whom were killed by snipers. Some of the others were Rev. James Reeb, who was beaten to death: Mr. Viola Liuzzo, who was fatally shot during voter registration demonstrations in ^Ima in 1965 Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman and James Chaney, summer workers in Mississippi were shot and their bodies hidden in the mud of a dam in Mississippi Vernon Dahmer, a local Mississippi NAACP lead er. was fatally injured wnen nightriders fire-bombed his home because he was actixely working in a voter registration campaign 'See NAACP OPENS. P 2i Appreeiation Money Claimed Ry Tiro ff 'omen Two Raleigh women added their names to the growing list of winners in *^6 CARO LINIAN new Appreciation Money Feature last week by claiming their $10 prizes Mrs Thelma Ruth Artist of 104 W. I<ee Street and Mrs. Clenora Chavis of 1223 Pender Street are the two latest winners in the weekly feature of this newspaper. For Mrs Artis it was the fulfillment of a dream come true for the first tim*' She discovered her name on the ^predation Money page last Thursday as she was reading The CAROLINIAN after pur- (See APPRECIATION. P 2) 'Editors Note. Mrs. Bea trice Hiun.'ion. si.sier of Peter Anlht)i)> Vnunji of Wake For('si. wrote the following oj>en letter to the Governor ol Nuiih Carolina, earlier this week. Mrs. Harrison also lives in Wake Forest.): My brother is left critical with stab wounds inflicted by one or all of these men, and yet he gets a warrant against him for assault. I can’t believe your (See WRITES TO, P. 2) ATLANTA SCHOOLS’ SO- PERINTENDENT - Atlanta - Dr. Monzo (rim. Tuesday, June 26. was selected by a committop of the .Atlanta Board of Education to a four-year term as superinten dent of Atlanta schools. .All that remains is approval by the liu-member school board. Dr. (rim is superintendent of the Compton. Calif., Unified School District. (UPD EDITOR’S NOTE; Thli coluna »r (caiitM I* praaacad la tha pablle IMtrtil «ilh aa alia Uwara* tllmlaallag Its conianu. Namtraai ladivtdaals hava ra^arstad iSal IS«. b, a'tca rrr td*r«iUa I arriiaakuif iSrlr UmIui an iSk pallrr iMits. Ibis wt aaald like tt da. sr, b Is aatpar MsIlUa to bajudf* ur lary. Wo Btrtlz publish the (sets os wo flad (b»ni ropartod bz tho arrtsllag officers. To hoop oal ol Tbo Crimo Bool Celamni, mtrolz, ■ttaas a#i bolaa roglstored by a poliro affleor la ropartlag his riadlAfs wklU an daiz. So slaipir keep oN tho "lUotlcr" oad -- ‘ fa “ “ • ^ B voa waa't bo fa Tbs Crimt Bool. ROBBED OF CASH Jesse Willard Williams. 712 E Martin Street, told Officer J. B. Moore at 5;07 am. last Saturday, that he picked up a black male, about 22, in the 1300 block of Walnut Street, and at this time, the subject asked if he could get a ride to the Carolina Hotel. 100 W. Hargett Street Williams also stated that once they arrived at the hotel, the suspect pulled a gun from his person and told him, ’i’m sorry, but I want your money ” Mr. Williams said he then gave the subject the amount of money he had ($&i and began running. The weapon was described as a 32 calibre pistol. The man is believed to reside at the Andrew Johnson Hotel. The type of car Williams was driving was not mentioned in the report. (See CRIME BEAT. P. 3) DRDKHFD EXCLUDED AND DEPORTED" ■ Miami. F'la. - Attomev Neal Snnnett stands with a group of Haitians who landed in Pompano Beach last December and have been anxiously walling for the government to decide whether or not they could remain In Ihe I' S. They have been ordered "excluded and deported " b> an Imn igration Judge in Miami. 42 of the Haitians were Jailed under a (1.000 bond and unless bailed out, will stay unili all appeals by Sonnett are exhausted. (L'PII

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