Ejected Officials And Journalists PRESS RUN THIS WEEK inio tiLL Women Meet In DC 9,870 ★ ★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Of First Degree Murder ^Bo ’ Crowder ^Guilty mnoLiNiAN North Carolina’g Leading Weekly NUL Talks Attracting 5 Top Names WASHINGTON. D r - Black women, who have won elective office and award-winning jour nalism meet face to face Tuesday. July 24. at a special Black Women In Politics” session of the National Urban League's 1973 Annual Confer ence m Washington. D C. The conference is being held July 22-25 at the Washington Hilton Hotel COUNTDOWN • Atlanta - Hank Aaron of the Atlanta Braves hit his 25th homer of ^he season here July 17 in night game against New York Mets, won by visitors. 8-7. It was his 698th career homer and he has 65 games left in which to match Babe Ruth’s mark of 714. LEGISLATOR SHOT TO DkATH - Raltimore • Delegate James A. “Turk” Scoii. Jr.. Ik. a Maryland legislatcr awaiting trial on Federal heroin Smuggling charges. wa» shot to death July I3 by shotgun and pistol fire in a gangland-stvie eiecntion. (UPl) Attorney Gerald Bass. Crowder s court-appointed mouthpiece," told the court that his client’s refusal to take a psychiatric examination was “against my better judgment.” but said that Crowder “vehe mently opposed it.” Mr. Crowder pleaded not guilty to the charge, then Wake Superior Court solicitor. Bur ley B Mitchell, began screen ing jurors During Tuesday’s trial, after the jL.*y had been select^, the eapon did ni the murder trial, but did not immediately link it to the murder with which Crowder is (See ’BO’ CROWDER. P. 2) Appreciation Money Won By Two Women Winners continue to spot their names on The CAROLIN IAN'S Appreciation Money page weekly. Last week, two more winners added their names to the growing list of winners The latest winners in the Appreciation Money feature of this newspaper were Mrs. Ruby Madden and Mrs. Martha Parker. Mrs Madden, who lives at 823 Postell Street, saw her name in the Caraleigh Furni ture Company advertisement on page 12. Caraleigh Furni ture Company offers furniture and appliances at budget prices Leon Byrum ad carried Mrs. Parker’s name. Mrs. Parker resides at 1510 Pender Street. Leon Byrum offers complete ^e glass service. (See APPRECIATION, P. 2) . EDITOR'S NOTCr TW* celiuan er (•■(«» I* pradHctd la tfet pablle lolrrctl alih aa aim Uwardi altcalaailac lu eaatcau. Nancrauf la4lvld«aU Imvc reqametf tbal Ue; Sc ^rea ike cauiScralloa *1 •vcrlMkloc ihcir lltllag «a the palkc Slollcr. Till* ac wcal4 like u da. Haaever. it ta aal asr Rosklaa la Sc Judfc tr jarr. We nerd; t>ublUh Uie facia ai ac flad tkem reparted by Ibe arrealiac afficert. Ta keep CM af The Crime Seal Calomaa, merely, mcaaa ad briaa rcflaUrcd by a pallcc efflrer la repartlac hla fladlnga akilr aa daty. Sa aimpla keep aff the “R’aitfr" aad yaa aaa'l be in The Crime Seal. ACCUSES BOYFRIEND Mrs. Carrie Welson Utley. 35. 542 E. Cabarrus Street, told Officer G. D. Feeney at 3:11 p.m, Saturday, that she and James Henry Perry. 35, who listed his addre.ss as 718 E. Hargett Street, had been living together for five years. The woman declared that they had a “fuss” over one of his girlfriends, at which time she was struck in the mouth by Perry, rt ulting in a chipped tooth and a “fat " lip (See CRIME BEAT. P. 3) SILENTLY PLEADS WITH “OTHER WOMAN” FOR HUSBAND - NRshvIlle, Tenn. - Mrs. LoueiU Robert wants her husband to return home and she is trying to get him back by conducting a “non-violent" demonstration in front of another woman’s apartment where he allegedly has been spending too much time. The sign, w Inch is written lightly in pencil, reads “I came for my husband. He is in (M6 a little old girl left hers for mine. We love each other dearly. Honey I want you.” (I’PI) NC’s Pythians And Calantheans End 94th Session In Greensboro BY J. B. BARREN GREENSBORO - Some 200 members of the Knif?bts of Pythias and the Court of Calanthe of the North Carolina Jurisdiction, Lonnie E. Reynolds of Greensboro, Grand Chancellor, cathered in their 94th Grand Lo — i WIDE RECEIVER IS INJUR ED • Clearfield. Pa. • Tom Gatewood, a wide receiver for the N.Y. Giants and former Notre Dame All-American, was injured July 14 when his auto crashed into a guard rail on interstate 80 some eight miles north of here, then sideswiped the side of a bridge. He was treated and released from Clearfield Hospital. (UPl) SHAKE HANDS IN TOKYO - Tokyo - World Heavyweight Boxing Champion George Foreman shakes hands with Kenichtro MaUuoka. vice president of Nippon Education Television (NET) J^uly 17 after signing a contract on his title fight with Joe King ij^oman of Puerto Rico in Japan on Sept i. NET has announced that Foreman is getting i.ooo.ooo U.S. dollars and that the challenger loti.ooo U.S. dollars for the scheduled 15-round bout In' Tokyo. (UPli Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK ( AH \LKI(;if FI HMTl UK CD. Raleigh's .Most Complete Furniture Store TRGI- BLE AT ST.4TE PRISON FARM • Richmond, Va. • Virginia State Police and prison guards gather at entrance to state prison farm during Ukeover of cellblocks by 200 inmates July 16 Troopers used gas and dogs to regain control. (UPl) NCNW Sets 1 Million / NC Members WINSTON-SALEM • The North Carolina State Organiz ers, NCNW, will meet in Greensboro ^turday, July 21, at TYinity AME ^on Church, 631 E, Florida St., at 10 a m. The purpose is to get one one million black women members. Mrs. Virginia K. Newell, of Winston-Salem State, convenor, is calling the meeting and is urging every worker through North Carolina to attend this meeting. Strate gy will be developed to solicit over 30,000 black women whose national organizations are affiliates of the National Council of Negro Women. Region organizers are Mrs. Edytne Tweedy of Rocky Mount. Eastern Region; Mrs. Katherine Meroney, Winston- Salem, Central Piedmont Re gion. and Mrs. Ella Williams, Asheville, organizer of the Western Region.