“Held Illegally'’' Victim Charges » > /■.: l-n-. -'-v.. I 015' Crv- ■. * •; .. Xnxcj^ iy 4»a5BESS RUN THIS WEEK 9,870 Suing Gty Policeman And K-Mart ★ ★★★ ^ ★★★★ On Welfare-Secret By States HEW Orders Probe ''' ' ^^ IINIAN Sorth Carolina’s Leading Weekly \()L. 32. NO. 43 RAl.KlCill. N C. WKKK K\DlN(i SATUHDAY. AUGUST 25, 1973 SlXGl.I-: COPY lEc Allege Mother's Home Target As COPS BURN SON TO DEATH ¥ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ TOU \ \l \N \M It M 1 \t Ks M WOK • Seal Pleasant. Md, • lontiols the Io«m s purse strings I ell photo: Moore, right, tharlis OoiH. •!<•'It.uii iiiaiuiger of this small Washington. !).('. a swing at Seal Pleasant Pc>|ite ( liiel Ko\ fturke after suhiirh V, . I ue<l wHh disorderl> conduct August 16 after he ‘‘IRliunting the niavot. Kighi photo: Kiiike. light, suhdiies Moore io>i\oi al a public meeting called to decide "Tib help (rom an unideiililied person w ho is liolding Mioire artiund the net k ' I IM ‘ Kx-R(.R(! .V.'»sociate Director Th Mill’ l(s> 's'l KIK INI, I-. Mt 1.^' • Ilou* ton • Striking members of the Hotisioii Icatheis \ssoctalion <ilT\) picketed at classroom hiiildings in the iialion's nth largest school distract .August 20. but «>\piesseil w illiiu'.iii S', to lesitme contract negotiations. The IIT.A memliei ship v oi<-«i .it .• mass meeting .August l». attended b> some .*>.1100 elassrooiti ie:ichei s to go on strike. Mans teachers crossed the picket lines .<ii<t aie in sehiMil for opening day. tl'PI) t.oHneibuan Boyd To ^Seeh Hayor^s Seat Mil li;o-l hi'Vil. at a prrs- (-unS hr w ili ■ the ijj)C« rk :h.‘, U'lnr ji Tlir t: ( It;. 1, .,i r. ciri If.' ! 1 \. iminlo I <'t iiiiprii (ioWI!» . ' ; if.ile:-! onr-irrni C'ity Councilman, announced i i’i r on Wednesday of this week lhal o'si of Mayor of iht* City of Haieigh in ir\ rlrctions in November. upgrading a number of stTMCfs in ihe entire cilv." .See HllAT) WILL. P prrsriving , di.wtifnv»' geftim; lin- hi'oiigh’ :ij. 1 .IM • .ipi;r..(ling Ihr I 'ii.iiinn hv i-rnr'l .ihoiji It. (pr(th(tnt\ Sttlttisl Is Mettrti llrre t rnl;-.., ( « I lls., i< .Mad a:* •J.{ to L. ■. M.. >.! the I Miu r ., a. .1! ilie Mirratoi. Mciiir Irm Tlir event •'Miituimn witn the ii<>Iiii.- Hil'v iiiiiham ' • <' !e.| i.ir t 'arler I. ct-iiiifig .Srpl . {■ IS *1. Progressive Baptists To 12th Meeting J.\CKS(»N. .Miss II will lx Ihe lirst lime in (ht* hislors ol Ihis ".Magnolia Stale. ' that her capital will play host to a Black National Baptist Coiuention The l*rogressivr National Bap tist Conv fnt ion. Inc . w ill convene in Jackson. Mi.ss . September 1-9. 1M7:I and will use Ihe Tleidelherg Hotel as her headquarters and ihe new Civic Auditorium as her principal meet mg place The moving spirit behind thus meeting will he (he |{e\ .lohn Karl Cameron, pastor ol Mt Calvary Baptist Church and a member ol the Governor’s .Staff in the capital. He will be ably supported by Dr. H. C. Cherry, president of Miss. Stale Progressive Baptist Con vention and two co-chairmen Kev. Aaron I. Jones and R?v. Leon S Bell All pastors of all denominations will join in entertaining the conveni’on. This historic session is expc'cted to draw leader.* from across the nation and hu idreds of new churches througliuut the South are expected tt ;jin the Progressive Convention this year. I'nder the leadership of the Foreign Mission Bureau of Ihe convention, an efiorl w ill he made to support and aid the 6 Central West African (’ouniries where starvation and death threaten l;t million people Other agenda items include 1. promotion of F*NBC's New Retirement Plan for ministers and Christian workers, 2 the 7'.’ million dollar Fund ot See BAPTISTS TO P 2 ^BiW Knight To Saint Aug. <<I < IIAIKMEN AGAINST I BM OH HV THE DRINK - Kaleigh - Slate Kep. .loy J. .IoImimmi. <D-Kobeson) shown ill (up photo and attorney Allen \ Katirx. were named .August 21 as co-chairmen uf the t hristiaii \ction League's slate tampaign against Li* quor-bx-Ihe-drink. tlPI) 5 Cities Receiving $11 Million In Aid YOBU News Reports Of ..*✓ NC Burning GASTONIA — Accord ing to YOBU News Service, operating out of Greens boro, the alleged murder of Larry Robbins, a black, by a white police officer, David Hanrich. and Hanrich's subsequent release by a coroner’s jury was discuss ed at length last week by local members of Black Citizens responsible for Black Polks in tliis western North Carolina city. According to YOBU. E. L. Draughan of Bessemer City, four miles west of here, related the killing of alleged police brutaility in the case of a black man suspected of having killed a white policeman. The man was at his mother's house, the statement declared, when the structure was surrounded by city, county and state police. When the man refused to walk out of the house, police reportedly poured kersolene into the home, eventually killing the man and setting the house on fire. The house, which belonged to the man’s mother, was completely burned down, YOBU stated, but the law enforcement authorities made no attempt to compensate the woman. She and her other children were left with no place to live. The meeting, which drew blacks from all over rural Gaston County was chaired by Commission for Racial Justice officials. Rev. Ben Chavis. Rev Leon White, Travis 'See COPS BURN. P 2- M>ULS RUSSELL L. Russell Alive For WILLIAM R KNIGHT Knight Is Now PR r.^an Fifth Year College .NEW YORK - On August 24. 19(>8, Louis Russell underwent the :uth heart-transplant oper ation ever attempted In the llth floor surgical suite ot the Medical College of Virginia. Dr. Richard Lower performed this surgery which gave Russell the heart of a 17->ear-<jld boy who had been shot and killed earlier lhal day. As Russel) approaches the fifth anniversarv of the operation, a .See RUSSELL IS. P 2- Dr. Prezell R. Robinson, president of .St. Augustine’s I'ollege. Raleigh, has announc ed the appointment of William Rogers Knight of Raleigh, to the position of director of public relations. Knight re ceived his college education at Central Slate University and Wilberforco University at Wilberforce, Ohio. His major area of study at Wilberforce was polilical sci- Asks 140Gs In Violation Of Rights BY CHARLES H. JDNKS A young Charlotte man came into the office of The CAROUINIAN last Wed nesday and claimed he had been arrested on .January 20 of this year on a chargi; of felonious false pretense, after an incident al the K*Mart, 400 K. Six Forks Road. He is suing the arresting officer and K- Mart for a total ol SMO 2)4 Donald Anthony Fret-man, a booking agent in Ins adopted home until the arrest, made by Officer Jimmy Max Glover, whom. (See SUING CITY, P 2) 4^ NAACP Instituting Ga, Reorganization Natmnal Bl.ick News .SurMce f < <H NTIXIUN - Montreal - Hank \aron of Ihe \(lanta Braves hit the 7(itlh home run ol hik major league career in a game against the Montreal K\pos here late August in This leaves \aron just ten sh> of Rube Ruth's record of 711 ilPIi W.ASHING.ON Five.Hies including Baltimore, l.n*. .An geles and Detroit • will br receiving a total ot $11 milium in school descgri*gdtu*n tuiids this u'ur, Secrelarv lor Healtli. Education and Woitare C.t>par W \Seihberger said .According to \S eiul'erger school otticials in eacli ot the cities have agreed to end all-white to all-bldck laculties in schools by next June and eliminate raciallv identituble schifol faculties b\ the lall of l»7.i The HEW Set relarv said that d sixth scniMil district Chicago • wouid not recede a similar DI \ I H \ND i.KIlT < DMHINATION • New Haven, Conn. • City firemen remove the body on Moiutux \tu'u*.i i I't Keikha <ireen. 3. from her Lines St. houae at flamei gutted (he ihree-siorv ktrurture \biii(i,i\ < \ • ninii Emergency crewi aid the victim's mother. Barbara Jean Fear. • I IM < w an er '•iiu e the tiiy’s contract with the teachers union CRIME BEAT f'rsm Kalrlfh'v foliee File* I III loll ' stit r TSo folumn or Iraiur^ i, iii'di.i'tl m ihi iiubiii mirrfii wlOi an .lit rliminaiini Its ronirnii Numi tuu, mdi, idual, ha' r rrqurxiad lhal ih' >■ (-.vn Ihr lurikidrraOun af . , I r ic. ,kiii| ihnr tisiinir on ihr poltrr til..ri.c tm.ut >uld Uk. do HoMr.rr. ■I I, n a wyi ug.iiion III br judgr ur )ur> . H r nil I • i> ih, lai >% a« or (ind ihrm ,, i ..rii d h, I hi arri'>iin| allicrrx To brrp iiui "I Ih, 1 rim« Rtai falumn* mrrtly n>'an' noi hi ing rrgittrrrd b> a poHcr ollxir n it|inriinc hi\ liniJinf« vhllr on dui' hi I |i ort Ihr B'oilrr" a.sd , uii uni Ik in I h, ( rimr iti ■( ( I t» riU > I \SH STOLEN .\ecording lu police reports Mimdav night of this week, two rnliiu-rii", took place Honey- I'utt Cii.iiuTh l.icaled al 605 New Hern \\ei,ue. in a clearly ligi.iitl. iMit preduminanth bl.uk neightiurhiKxl. was brok en into and some $27u worth ot cloMu-s vi.-u- "swiped”, it was di'-clo". li .\ls., licing investi* gain! I.'. it'.f mps IS a break-in .It till- ll.aiiburger Hut. located al Jtlj HilIslKirough Street in thi- viciniiv Ol .N.u. Mate University where the cash n gister. containing an unde- tciiiiined ainoiint ol caah, was Probe By HEW Seen As Secret BY PENNY MU’KLEBUKY National Black News .Service WASHINGTON Secret slate investigations uf welfare aoDlicanls and recipients, abolished in the l%os. were re established last week by a new set of federal regulations The Department of Health. Education and Welfare said the new orders, which would affect relief eligibility determination, fair hearings and recovery of overpaymenls. would help reduce errors costing taxpay ers hundreds of millions annually HEW Secretary Caspar W Weinberge said lhal large overpavmems and payments See HEW ORDERS. P 2' M i- ( HIMK BEAT, P. 3) NEW YORK The National Association lor the Advance ment of Colored People has begun reorgani/ati.m ol its Atlanta bratith Seven ni(*m- IxTs ol the Reorgdiiization Uommillee wer^appomied and sworn in last .Monday, in .-Mlania by Gloster B Current, who was named administrator of the branch hv the .Association s Nulional’ Board ol I)lr(•clor^ pending reorgan- uulion ol the association's Appreeiatitm Feature Has Crand Slam For the first lime in several weeks, all three persons listed on The CARDLlNlAN's Appre ciation Page, this week Page 12, were winners The winners and the business in whom their names appeared are as follows' .Mrs Ins L Crum. 220 S Tarboro Road. Carter s Inc . with two lima- See APPRECIATION. P 2 Atlanta unit The committee. •Mr Current says, will super vise the continuing operations and exercise gene; al control of branch activitie.s until new oflicers are elected within the next 9o days The committee will be increased by four members on September 6. when a second reorganizing meeting will be held Nominations for new officers and the executive committee will also be made then Furthermore, a general membership meeting is plan- ni*d lor September to receive additional nominations. At that lime, the election dale will be announced The members of the Reor ganization Committee are Verdee l.ockharl. Mrs. Marvis Grier .Mrs Vivian Moreland. .Mrs Ella Mae Brayboy. Mrs. Willie Billingslea. .Mrs. .Maggie .Set* NAACP WILL. P 2) REV RALPH D ABERNATHY Abernathy To Remain SCLC Head National Black News Service INDIANAPOLIS With what has been described in some reports as "evangelistic fer vor." several hundred dele gates gathered in .St. John's Baptist Church for the annual meeting of the Southern Christian Leadership Confer ence. shouted approval when Rev Abernathy announced in his speech before the body that he intended to continue ms SCLC president "1 feel now that 1 have not only a mandate from Martin, a mandate from God. but a mandate from Mark Amen 'See ABERNATHY. P 2. Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK Ki ll Franklin '■'Inri-f For A Vane’y Of Quiility Hem, Vni iilioi iiiK CLOSED FOR A WEEK There will be no edition of The CAROLINIAN for the week of September 2-8. This i.s the first lime in the near 34-.Year history of The CAROLINIAN that such a decision was necessary to allow all of its personnel a much needed vacation and rest. We ^e sure that our representatives, readers and advertises will allow for this week’s void in their preparation of news, photographs and advertisements. Regular schedule for news correspondents will resume a week later with deadlines as before. Consideration of rescheduling any national or local advertisement for the week of September 2 is suggested.

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