On City’s East Martin Street Car Hits Two Kids: E 'k if if 'k ★★★★ cPBSS&RUN this week 10,120 By Prince Hall Masons A mericanism Day Planned Sp»‘<*tai*ular Event Set September 9 DL'KHAM J A Carter, gencrui tJutirrr.an. ‘)f the commitet' on arrangements Y* for fVince Hal) American ism Dav, tor the Durham area IVince Hall Masons, announced upt;n liis arrival from the HOth annual -4'Oiisention of the AEAC- HMS, held in Detroit. Mich., Au«. :‘»-:Mth. that due to information received while in !f< M nor City, that w.; !n used to implemoni ihi- acliviiies planned lor Prince Mall •Amt li. ar.i‘-iv Day. Sept. 9. it shov.ld *»• the most spectaciiiar ever presenied ll»'re it I*- t* In that eariie; pi.ns ('.hfed for a ■ parade tha; >vill at the K N harri'- s* ' .io p.m., on that t'lfe le.oujing participa tion h> ai! seiTct orders, fraterni:n-s anti .’•oronties, alonj* uitli supporhng or^fan- i/at:on , {•> i oiiii !f..uie funds for the \ ( .Stale ('on^ rence of Branciie.-x. l;» tlie Jurisdiction Nortfi Carolina .Masons, mtiro dll ills and ^rdls w.ll he adde<! ■\ii < . iliora' ■ pt .>;••.'-n will he .'■es. -d 0. If,, p.jtdic % o' t f- in at r'.KMi. 'ci . f;uroh. S. ANto.: \\ •tuic \!r Carter sat.s iin.d iiisIuklions will be M>vt . i.i .,11 •, ipant-. ill Ol.l' r ,i! ■ ^.,.1101) wiloehati Dr A D Most-lev. paMtir, M? (ill,-ad Hr.pjjst Ch tr.-fi wi-11 Ki; wa. i.i| ri^lus lead-r nd ii-inedme past ■ St- '..S'A.^ sk: :’I lU 1) / A y ... i usii ior Eldprly National Black News .Service WASHlNcil't'.N Housing allowances. pa>able in cash, for the elderly f>tHir. will be recommended to the President as a major part of a complete ||ye haul o( the nation's leasing policies Final dei.tils of the package are still fM-ing worked out. but purees closi- to Hou.sing and Y fhun De\clttpnient Si*cretary T/ames T l.>nn. say that he favors Ihe following prupc'snis' Dropping die current subsidy programs f<ir law and middle ini orne htnidiig ctuisfruction which have l>cen frozen .since January and giving ca.sh alUi.'.ancc.s ,o |M)or p«-ople, aiartmg w itn the elderly. Helving primarily on the present -.npplv of htMsing to prov ide acieptahle shelter for low income families rather than emphasizing new con struction . offera.g nudtier'* in areas where existing housing is in 'See m D K\FS. P ’’ North Carolina's Leading Weekly NO. 44 RALEIGH. N.C. WEtlK E.\D1N(; SATURD.AY, .SEPTEMBEK 1, 1»73 Sl.NGLE COPY 15c Sheriffs Deputies Stymied After ■T-' ■■ ARE MURDERf * ¥ ^ ^ ★ ★ ★ ★ * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Diirinfr Orientation Set Goals, Prexy Tells Frosh Robinson Challenges Freshmen Boys Dart Into Path Of Auto BY CHARLES R. JONES At this very moment, two little boys, one age 4. and the other 6, are fighting for their lives after both dashed across the 700 lilock of E. Martin Street at 4:58 p.m. last Saturday, appar ently heading for a grocery store across the street. Both are listed in "serious" condition at Wake Memor ial Hospital, in the Pediatrics Ward. The children were struck by a 1965 Oldsmobile, driven by Tommy Ray Baker. 35. 405 —Bagwell Street, Garner, who was returning to his home. Both children are listed in "serious" condi tion and are believed to be suffering from multiple head and face, as well as, internal injuries. The Newsman, relaxing on his front porch at the time, a short distance away, asked a (See CAR HITS. P. 2) “Set your goals in the right direction, and four years from npw you will be closer to your goal. If you don't set your sails aright, you will go - but where you will go. nobody knows.'‘^This is what President Prezell R. Robinson told St. Augu.s- tine’s College freshmen and new students during the banquet in their honor on August 25. Dr. Robinson stated his basic pi.ilo.Miphy, wnich includes the i.See SET GOALS. P. 2t EDITOR'S NOTE: Thlt column or fenlor# It produced In ibe public Inlerotl »lib nn ■ Im lowardt rlimlnaling fit raaieMi. Numcreut Indltldualt bate rcqucticd that Ibey be fiven ibe contIderaOen a( overlookina Iheir lltling on ibt pollco bioiier. Tbft ue nould like lo do. Howreer. II It nol oitr Dotllion la be judfe or Jury. We merelt publith Ihe laclt at we find ibem reported by Ihe arretling ofllcert. To keep •ul of The ('rime Beal ('olumnt, merely, meant nol belnp refltlercd by a police oflUrr in rrportlne hit (indlnft whrie on duly. So limply keep o« Ibe "Blaiirr" and you Hon'i be in The (rime Btal. STEAL .\T ARLANS Mrs. Betty Powell Johnson, security agent at Arlans Department Store, 1920 North Boulevard, told Officer W H. Payne Saturday, that she saw- one black male and one black female come into the store and steal one brown coat, valued at $23. one pair of girl's brown shoes. $8.53 and one blue shirt. $2.44. Arrested and charged with larceny were .Miss Sharon Robinson. 16. and Kenneth Donald Yarborough. 17, No addresses were listed iSee CRIME BEAT. P 3> ‘Blood Was Everywhere,’ Police Say "MISS BLAC K A.MERK .\“ • Cherry Hill, .N.J. - Arniece Russell newly crowned 'Miss Black America" of 1973. smiles as she displays trophy. MKs Russell won the title over 31 girls from throughout the countrv. .She represented New York. The .Miss Black America Pagi-ant was held at the Latin Casino. (I'PI) Oft-Criticized Cop Quits Raleigh Force BV STAKF WHITEK The resignation of 26.yearold Robert Winfield Sne^en, a white alleged racist policeman, from the local force from .August 13. was announced last week by Police Chief Robert E. Goodwin. Mr. Sneeden's first venture into overt and unprovoked racial violence jKcurred on Sunday. July 31. 1972. in front of W lygul-Sanders Ford. 401 Downtown Boulevard, when he apprehended CAROLI.\I.-\\ managing editor, Charles R. Jones, charged Jones with carrying a concealed weapon la 2.5 automatic pistol I. and driving W miles per hour in a 45 mile zone. Jones of Camden handcuffed by S'leeden. his car was taken to I rice s Garage and he was generally embarrased by this officer s action. Catholics Altering US Course NKW dRLEA.VS • The fact that t)lack t'athulics are moving tiway from the tactics of controntf'ition that have brought 'hem only limited success in their search for more participation in the church doe.s not mean acquies- encp to what they see as racism in the church Black priest.s. nuns, semi narians and lay people met See I'S CATHOLICS. P 2) Mr Jones had just exited Wade Avenue nirouii h.une from tile .ModiKMifer and admitted that when he ticard the siren of the police vehicle which .Sneeden Wii> driving, he imniediatelv ch»" ked hi^ speedometer andohM-rved that he was going 47 milc'^ |H*r hour "It there wa> air. speeding done. It wa.s Offnei .Si.eeden doing it,' Jone.s lulcr rejrorted in this nev^spaper The con cealed weapons rap a as thrown out. but the rewsnian paid $10 and costs of court for the s{H>eding chaige Early this year. Sneeden stopped Francis Jerome P.iole. then a parole officer oi Delany Drive, this city, and charged Mr Poole with driving 4j miles (Cee COPS giTTS, P 2» by ALEXANDER BARNES DURHAM • Eight-year- old Tina Atwater might forget the thrills of Disneyworld that she had just returned from with her parents Sunday night, but she will always remember the horror she witnessed about 2 a.m., Monday, when she entered their room and found that they were the victims of a heartless murderer of niur- y -* J ilia and Matthew Tina, who was asleep in another room, and did not hear the shots that took Ihe life of (See MAN. WIFE. P. 2) Suspect In Death Fails To Appear National Black News Service PHILADELPHIA • Ronald Harvey, a suspect in two Cherry Hill, N.J. murders and seven Washington, D.C. mur ders. failed to appear for an extradition hearing and an assislanl United Stales attor ney testified that he had "disappeared." The attorney, Terry Russell, said that Federal Bureau of Investigation agents "lost contact" with Harvey shortly before he was indicated bv a grand jury in Washington, along with six other men. on charges of murdering seven Hanafi Muslims Iasi January The most recent hearing had been scheduled in response to a request by New Jersev that Harvey be extradited to face charges in Camden Countv for the murders of Major B C'oxon and Lita Luby in Coxon's home last June. Judge Ethan A. Dotv of Philadelphia's Common Pleas Court, issued a bench warrant for Harvey’s arrest and ordered his $145,000 hail forfeited. Meanwhile. Harvey's lawyer told Judge Doty he 'See SUSPECT IN. P 2i ihi'rna'i! *T ’ Two youngchildren.who were attempllng to dash across mo J E. Martin Street at near s p.m. fait Saturday, were struck bv a I9B.5 white Oldsmobile. driven by OS-yearoild Tommy Bay Baker of Gamer. In top photo. 4.vmro>ld ( harlrs Larnom Baker foreground, of Portsmouth. Va., was found lying near Ihe south side ot Ihe street, while Raymond l.amonl Artis. (. 313 Camden Street, who was seen lying nearer in the curb, on Ihe far s dC’ must have ^en knocked acroas Ihe area. Both boys are Haled In “serious condletion" bs the J .“.‘“.'iP". Memorial Hotplul. In bottom picture, Sgl. Charles G. Dledrlrh.' left, and Officer M. If. Hicks, are shown assisting two ambulance attendants lilt the Artis boi onln the stretcher lor his sojourn to Wake Memorial Hospital, as spectators weep and look on Candidates For May or^ Council Continue To Mount In Raleigh to boil in city elections, two candidates have already announced ihetr intention of seeking to become Raleigh's first mayor chosen directl'v controversial Michael m “onoilman, and one-term week is Ivies 'l r-noin to announce for the mayor's race thi.s X Bovd want^ tlPt^fi; Xb "^fotor- It is still a mystery wn> iioyd wanted to talk with Coggins and not Lightner Tuesday morning about the Filing for district council seats Tuesday were two men. William Rogers Knight, a CR Fight Shifted: Rep. Young .National Black .News Service WASHINGTON - Rep. And rew ^uung (D Ga.i. former executive director of the '5ee CK FIGHT. P 2» KALFKiH TR \.sH MAN rOOl.S OFF - Raleigh. N.C. - Picking up uritund (iir \.( . sijie ( ainpus can be a tiring Job. Flliott Hear" Misl«i out* oi iht- nianv hundH (hat keep the campufi cleiin. takes (iiitc i*ut trom iiis work to sit under a tree In the shade and fan hin.NfU wiui .n- . 1 einpi-ralures ranged in the IHi's .\ugust Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK For K.j.jMfnablv Clolhing Care COUNTDOWN; GETTING CLOSER - .-\tlanta • Hank Aaron powered his 706th career homerun In the first Inning August 28 against Milt Pappas of (he Chicago Cubs. It left him black, who announced for a seat, representing South Ral eigh District, and Edward Carson, who placed eighth in a seven-council race in 1971, who also plans to represent the above-mentioned district The Rev Thomas B Bash- ford. pastor of Fuller Memorial Baptist Church. HOO N, Blood- worth Street, threw hi.s hut into the ring, also Tuesday, seeking election to the East Raleigh District. (See CANDIDATES. P 2* Appreciation Check Claimed By City Man The lone winner in The CAROLINIAN'S new Appre ciation Money feature was Rodney McNeil, who resides at 1309 E. Martin Street. .Mr McNeil's name was in the advertisement paid for by the M.4N DEFIES CITY - New York - Leunai d Schneider’s newsstand does a brisk business here late August 27. Ever since he took over the newsstand, his father started .'•( years ago. Schneider has spent 12 hours a day selling papers and tnug.i/ine from his corner on Times Square. He's going to cunllnue selling them despite the City of New York. A few months, (he Deparlmenl ol ( onsiiiner .\ffairs derided that Schneider's stand was hliukini; the sidewalk and forcing people into the street, d Pli (...» mioK. Z.t o i. D \i. “uveriisemeni paia lor ny the (See APPRECIATION. P. 2) Vacation Time: Thw will be no edition of The CAROLINIAN for the we<^ of September 2-8. 1T4 D A* first time in the near 34-year history of The CAROLINIAN that such a decision was neceissary to allow all of its personnel a much needed vacation and rest. We are sure that our representatives, readers und advertisers will allow for this week's void in their f^eparation of news, photographs and advertisements. Regular schedule for news correspondents will resume a week later with deadlines as before. Consideration of rescheduling anv national or local advertisement for the week of September 2 is suggested.

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