t Raleifih Woman, 20, Says :l Was Raped’ Near Prison SV3- I'RKSS RUN THLS WEEK J 0,430 Address Of ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Assault Is (-R (commission Believes Race Harmony Can Be i\(c Prison A 20-year*<)ld Raleigh woman. Miss Marie Mona Ingram, 1814 Fountain ‘Slow And Tortuous Drive, Southgate Apart- pientR. told a Raleigh Police Department officer at 12:57 a m on Monday of this week, that she was rap^ hy Sylvester (Shorty) •)(*nes, 25. Liberty Place, also in Southgate. The (ihvsical asaauli was listed y/ti d.'- having taken place at • —~ (ililU Hragg Street, the 'afi Iress of the N.C. (’orrertional Center for Wdinen. •• ROLINIAN North Carolina’s Leading Weekly J2_NO. 49 RALEIGH, N.C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. OCTOBER 13. ITOSINGI.E mPV i.. ,Au~ '*!' . I itM Ingram reported to H I) Moore that ’hat .-^he had left the o.n’ge on the Rocky Koid with Jones, at p in Two Young Durham Males Claim n CLARENCE E. LIGHTNER MRS CLIFFORNIA WIMBKRLEY WILLIAM R KNIGHT J H COPS BEAT US 1 Five Blacks In Runoff For Mayor, Council, School Bd. ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ¥ declared Jones then • sed h«‘r to go to Darryl's :e' f.irant and 'l.nerii. locaf- c’ Hill.st.orough Street, ant drink >‘om<‘ beer with him i’ e \<»r«;an crjiunued by s. >,i'g that when ‘.hev arrived D.irr..!'^ hi* fold hei that lie s.intrd something in return for the heiT * ¥ * Jf. ★ * ★ ★ Shaw University Site Homebuyers Group Meets Ml ss Ingram stated that soiiit more l)eer. thev ' hut I don't know what I* 'Ad.s ■ Shi' stated Jones 1 hi“r il she had been ‘o I, Park lately. She • I "il in the negative, and. hi jRiint. the general roj^ir! at the Raleigh 1 >ip:irf merit fails to : ;i< ll'.t- sloi \ e\i'i, it is nidde clear on ii*s Md<- of the rejtort • - a* si'Miallv assault- Flmhli^ht Was Used:^,^ 2 Brothers fs ' '.iggesli-d bv u \.S RAPED p one !,uurli 'I am liiKfstea Natumal Black News Service WASHINGTON • The na- (iitn s school lunch program y dl ri'ceive a boost of 25 |H.rn*iii 111 federal aid if the Hou'^e and Senate go along with a compromise measure .ipproved in conference last M eek Tfie fiiea.sure then would face Jpr. hahje veto from President since the measure ei d'i hi.s budget request by lilt indlinn .■biiut iL’t'T million The bill, which raises from 8 ^■ifs Id in cents the federal ^'iitnbution for each pupil in Me .schiioi lunch program from C, ‘o 4.'> cents the amount for ■ I I. nci*d\ child getting a free '.r r.S LUNf'H. P, 21 Malli-Skills Croffram Is Sou- I ndenray Thi* N.C Business and Ui'-ri*iinic improvement Cor- pirafion, a private, non profit -••ornn;unity ser\’ire organiza tion. has set November 1. 1973. as file (dficial opening dale of Its Communit) .Multi-Skills < e;.!er i(.'.Mri in Raleigh. CMC IS not an educational iis'itaijon but a job training ' MULT’ Comes now into the court of public opinion two members < f the Raleigh Police Dtpartment, one black and '.ne white, to explain why two brothers, Harvey and Luvid Prince, ICC ’ W. South Street, Dl l ham, related a story of ^ w they were manhandled, •eaten with flashlights and ihi*eaU*nc‘d with death, in ar ep:*:! ^ * that is alleged to I' ' ' O' tsid,' #if Wie uurK oiue oi me Mxioa. 502 Downtown Blvd., 1:15 a.m. Saturday. Oct. 6. Harvey. 24, with one side of his face swollen to the extent an eye was closed and w ith the other side showing it had come in contact with a mauling object, related to The CARO LINIAN an unbelievable story as to how he was treated by Michael Hunter, the black officer, and M S. W'illiam.son He began by saying that his younger brother. David. Jr.. 18. and himself were preparing to leave the night spot, when one officer pointed to David and said. •That's the one." He alleged that David was .sealed in the car and that one of the officers pulled him out and proceeded to unbraid him According to Harvey, both officers began beating’David, Harvey alleged that he became terribly concerned and went to the aid of the youth and when they continued, he proceeded to try to stop the irate officers. He admitted that he pushed one of them and perhaps might have struck one of them. He said any part he might have taken in the melee was provoked by the fact that the officers were beating his brother unmercifully. He also related how they handcuffed him and continued to beat him. They placed Harvey under arrest, along with hi>’brother. (See TWO YOUNG. P. 2) Kven (hough narcnce E. l igh'ner fell behind G Wesley Williams in Tuesday’s primary race, his supporters were highly encouraged and began Wednesday morning lo set up the machinery that would make him the first black mayor of the City of Raleigh Ik* polled fi 979 votes of the ki..»33cast (or the (op city post. Due (o (he record ii.* has made as a Illy council.i..in and the .showing he made in the white prei iiicts. it was . idem that he would have to concenlrate on (li'i.^e precincl^ Much interest was expressed in lauding the 2.4% \oles which the (hud candidatf. Michael Boyd. ;<*ceived. Political prog- nostualors prcd*.:fcd that proper concentration on get- “ ling out the vole for the general Ine second annual eieclion wnuld mean victory conference of the North •"« Bo* inaOor-protem. It is to Carolina Turnkey 111 remembered that Lightner Homebuyers Association. candidates in the 1971 Inc., will be held October, 20-21 in (he student Union ,hi “''" survived Building at Shaw Uniw,- Two-Day Session In City who ran 8th In the last councilman race, and will face William R, Knight to gain the right to represent District C on the city council. Hi.s name was mentioned lo replace the late James Reid. However. Reid's widow was named, but she did not seek the post again. Mrs. Cliffornia Wimberley, in her first political effort to be «n the Raleigh School Board. placed fourth in a field of 8 Incumbent, Vernon Malone, was .second This means that two people of color wiir i>e fighting for one of the four vacancies on the board. Bobby Wilder, white, whii made a definite bid for tbi black vote, in his quest :or at large city council, came in fourth. Rev. G. E. Cheek, 81, Given Warren Rites dtv. Some highlights oi tm* two .kiy confereme include the si-ynotP address hy Miss DoMthy Irene Height - Naliunal ^rij^dfcni of (he National of Negro Women, ‘ adilrr.ss by Iano»s Kcir, executive diitcloi of {.k Durham Housing Authority Informative workshops and prc.senlalions. Participants in clude Robert L Elston. (See HOMEBUYERS. P 2» CROWNED '’MISS FAYETTEVILLE STATE UNIVERSITY” - In Carnation ceremonies last week was lovely Jacksonville North Carolina senior. Miss Angela Calloway. She will reign during the 1973-74 academic year at FSC as the campus queen. Angela is an elementary education major and a member of the Delta Sisma Theta Sorority. Statement Issued By CR Body Funeral services for the Rev. Gillis Emmanuel Clieek, 81, a long-time resident of Raleigh, who died last Wendesday in Warren County, were conduct ed at 2p.m. Saturday. Oct, 6. at the Union Grove Baptist Church in Warren County, witli the Rev. P. (7. Davis, pastor, officiating. Burial followed in the Hecks Grove Cemetery Rev Cheek, son of the late Nathaniel and Annie Games Cheek, was born June 27. 1892 in F'rnnklin County, but grew up in Warren County .At an earl\ age, lie professed faith in (’hrist and became a meinln'r of the Hecks Grove Baptist Church Tributes wne paid to him at Un fiiuera! b> the he. (. C Hawley, from the church; Charles G. Irving. Sr., from friend; Arthur Williams, from the community: and from the Rev. Dr. Otha L. Sherrill, from the Stale Baptist Circle He attend^ Henderson In stitute. Later, he sluilit i Knoxville College. Know Tennessee, and Shaw Univt-i- sily. Raleigh, whore he received the A B, and Bachi-lor of Theology degrees Ho also attended Hampton Institute and Columbia I’mvcrsitv. On May 2i>ni. 1921, lie was married to the former Emma Jane Bond. 1'o (his union was born two daughters and two Laima Hargett Greene Appeals Life Sentence GREENSBORO - Mrs. Launa Hargett Greene, local funeral director, and member of a prominent state family, sentenced to life imprisonment in the state pmtientiary, in Guilford County Superior Court, April 5, for the part she is alleged to have played in a murder gave notice of appeal to the N.C. Court of Appeals,’ immediately after being sentenced by Judge J, William Copeland. -Mrs. Greene, who operates Ihe Hargett Funeral Home, one ol Ihe oldest in the city, was Appreciation Cash Won Ry Robert Rochelle charged with Douglas Donne!) in connection with the death of Mrs. Marie Nellie Cobb, on June 11. The evidence presented in one of the most bizarre cases tried here in recent years, wove a web which entangled the two Into murder and conspiracy that convinced the jury that the slam woman met her death at the hands of a hired killer for an alleged debt Although there \sere three of $1,900 names w iihin the boxes of The The e\ idence showed that the CAROLINIA.N advertisers, plot unfolded in a determined onh one person. Robert manner, beginning April 9. Rochelle. 346 E Jones Street, "'hen the two accused persons came in to claim his check. His abducted Denny Cobb, son of name w as in the advertisement slam woman, and took him paid for by the Dark Side of the lo a country road where they Moon, a night club, located at threatened him with pistols 502 Downtown Boulevard. and shotguns Cobb is said to Be sure to search' (he have convinced the two that Appreciation Page this week they should take him to his WASHINGTON. D C. - Un less concerted action is taken, progress toward racial har mony can be slow and tortuous in a community where the scars of past violence and polarization have not fully healed. That is the central message of ‘Cairo • Racism at Floodtide." a major publica tion focusing on conditions in Alexander County. Illinois, which was issued last Friday by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Written by Paul Good, a journalist and author who spi'cializes in human rights subjects, the book is based on hearings held by the CommiN- Sion last year in Cairo and on subsequent interviews design ed lo update the information Cairo, located at the south ern lip of Illinois, was the scene of repeated clashes between (See SLOW AND. P 2) BOBBY G. WILDER Black Poet At Bennett October 13 Three Top Laymen To Be Feted FAYETTEVILLE Mrs. S. T. Henly. president, J. W. Watson Club, Evans Metropo litan AME Zion Church, announced Tuesday that the club would 'complete its anniversary program at 3 p.m. Sunday. Oct. 14. when Mrs. Eihlind Simmons. Miss Lina ('uil)reth and Alexander Baini-s will be cited for their contributions lo the Central North Carolina Conference. Mr->. Simmons has been the secretary of the Laymen’s (’’ouncil for a number of years (See TOP LAYMEN. P. 2) GREENSBORO - Miss Gwendolyn Brooks, one of the most exciting speakers of today, will be special guest at Bennett College’s Centennial Founders' Convocation on Saturday, October 13. It will be held in the Annie Merner Pfeiffer Chapel at 4 p.m, Miss Brooks, who serves as Poet-Laureate of Illinois, was born in Topeka, Kansas, but spent most of her life in Chicago. She is the author of the following books; A Street in Brunzeville, Annie Allen, Maud Martha, Bronzeville Boys and Girls (children’s verse). The Bean Eaters. Selected Poems, In The Medea Family Pictures. Aloneness, and Riot. She has won many awards for her writing, such as the Pulitzer Prize (1950). United Stages Award, and two Guggenheim Fellowships. She has received 12 honorary (See BLACK POET. P. 2) REV GILLIS E CHEEK sons, In June. 1954 he was united in marriage to tin* former Mrs. Bessie Brewing- ton Thomas. He was organizer and principal qf the Warren County Training School, serving from 1921-1944 (now Niirthside High School). From 1925-19;(7 he pastored Kittrell Hapnst Church. From 1930-r.«;2. he served as pastor of Antio<’h Baptist Church. He al.so served as pastor of Hung Bapti.*<t Church. 1936-1964 In 194.3. he was appointed public relations director of Shaw Universiiv, where he served until 19.31 He was selected National Alumni Secretary in 1951 and retired (See REV CHEEK. P 2' CRIME ior your name (i is located on Ihe back page of the front section of The C.kROl.INTAN eachveek You just nii,{hl find your name there .See APPREf lATlU.N. P 2i a'K.I.KIAN GENERAL VISITS UNITED NATIONS - United N lii.ns ■ Secretary General Kurt Waldheim (Rl eseorls .Nigeria's t.eneral Yakuba Gonon and his nlfe. Mcloria. Ihruugti Inhb t ' building - \ssi*nibh where (jowon Uler addn sed Oct. 'I PD •it $ (ieneral mother's home. The evidence further reveal ed that the accused persons were driven from the house by the slam woman with a 'See MRS GREENE. P 2) Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK -I : : t{s| |{n,s "For Complete Landscaping N'ceoa BEAT I rum Offlr) >i EDITOR’S NOTE: ThU rolumn or irBlufa io produced In ifcc public inirrr»l •iiti aiT aim loHardt elimlnaiinf lit cenicnik. Nunirroui iBdltldualt hotc rrqurticd ibal thcr be flten ihr conildmiion of •Tcrlookma iheir llttinc on iht poliro bloller. Thu uould hhe to do HuHrtrr, M it not pur DOkllion lo br judge or |ur> Ho merely publikh >he tacU at ur find ih«m raporled by Ibe arreMlng olflcrrt To keep tut of The Crime Beat ralumnt, merely meant not belna rrgikterrd by a pome alflrrr in reporting bit findings while ub duly. So kimply keep off liir "Bloiicr ” and • (n r - ■ T be In The Crlmr Btal. SON BEATS M0THF:R .Mrs, Mable McDougal. 35, 505 F'lorence Street, told Officer E, G Barbour at 5 10 p.m Sunday, that .she was sitting on her couch when she asked her son to leave the house. The son. 38-year-old Charles Edward Sullivan, began arguing with her. sh** .•'ilated. then began to beat her with his hands and fists and finally a metal pipe. Mrs. McDougal said she then went next door to call the police, but “when they got there the stm had 'Split the scene.’ " Mrs. MrDougal. according to ''the law", had been drinking, but ___ „ she was advised to sign an »LARCH F(iR BODIES • Inkster. Mich. • Wayne County corner and FAA ofnclali search the assault with a deadly weapon chyred wreckage of a (win-engine Bearhcraft for the remains of passengers after the craft crashed against her son. She suffered in dense fog In the western Detroit suburb of Inkster (Mich.) late Oct. 9. Eight bodies have been busted lips and bruises of the removed so far. but they are continuing to search. The plane was registered to a West Virginia head family. (L'PI) (<5^, (See CRIME BEAT. P ,3

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