Spokesman For Black ''late Fmplo\«'e! w r. •. D-frt. , . 4«- ti’«KSS RUN THIS WEEK 10,300 Muny Blacks In NC Jobs Unhappy h \l 1 " MM • •OBII s Nl \|{ t oini >1 il . •• woi k.'i ' atlel hi.'pi!. > i> ' I'I . oiolition. 1 ' onsii ••• iM 1 1 • III. OtP 1 M-. p Over 100 NAACP’s 1 s: .' 1■■ ;.ai. us. i....,,!,- , H' oil'e. liie Nash ( ounlv Hi .1111 ■hoi !h" N.' ACP full lestiv.ll 'asl w>ek The p-si 1 .1 begun .It 7 a n. id th* 'Villiain.' Reerealion Cenier .Mc' Bennie. Wil- liuin B and .lohn 1) Williams. ser\ed us host.s (or ihe begin rung nl Ihe teslival and the liarbecui'ing of . hu ki'iis Dm- ner plii('‘> ue 1 >■ serxed from U u.ni uf.iil . ’ . Peipl. > P '•rrx and l.imiK us h< »4|-. at the Palm "afeat :m; •h Sin ol Ironi 6 lil 12 p ni lor the fosir. ,| Coniitmr.it'. hij a;-.'- . ton- • tibuled dooi p-t/O' James ii.iffle w.1' fi ir' 1 p: i/e winner Ml-. Doll^ M 1.' .il't.i' w.,''the fe'ti\;d .'i.., ,iini..ii Persons ser\ uc oi‘ . . - were Me'' .w* Cl i C iill M.imi lot- I'l .1!.-' ol tins Ulltoniobile (leJ.i.irMl ClU. opfH.sc' ,! .ori Sundav dri\ ;iig ol : ’ aig a ‘crv lee sl.ihor- Tt. .< ! b. Ihe energ\ .1.-1 ' ' • • s.l\.' IS g.l- T- !;l l • . .11 1 I', a;, ,'ondavs as |irt.|*o r ' t.' Pr'-'idenl '-.K. ■ ..oi.;.| 01.i p,;ni4h the fUr- iM l.r. .bex '.INS rm- 1' , . !■ . .1 eosiiielic a|»pro;ul *' problem T‘ose u.-. ■ ou '1 ..‘lord It •V- lid lu-'l t.i ii. their ga- on .S.Kurd.i. • Bradle-, .... t'd i.i Nixon and Ifa- ‘ '"I’t.:« ' N, pu.'ii tor \ear ro.n .; 1 l.» -ighi 'UNmg lin.i' '0 o.er.' . le.h r.il fund irg b.j j..o '■,! to .id'ipt an * •-! t - j:. ■ \ ‘-.r «•:' erg-. I.io iu r now Ih, li...,. . ’ , i..ii,ie> ma< •• hug. ( 1 •»!■ : |y fM-n.'i.t 1! . ,.m'i Ik- i.'Ke.' 1 ... .• ;be sac.’:*!, s A lax 1' ‘ !-• , i.i-d (0 1»" 1 <; t»- ' .. hI . lean •f.' ;. ■. i.i* ' , .-...d .1..., 1,. U' .1 ■ .•mil) •d to tTi.i;.' ■■i!';ot- 1.1. Ihe ir.i.lu'« ; .1 . J 1': •!; d .d.ii • ot enei}.> U ii... Niiines' will {V'vu.l No imfiiir piof't ntu'l l e >i..ol« ;i.e 'Oi'i ring ar.d IT,. <, .. 1 ' aj u' u... ,• - -1: > .1 l.nil - .ai p ‘ ...! : bli. :.fl\ I''I '•hop- P'’ • g a J ..'ur a;:l\ f»- . . ■ .'•» n; . 1 . ? p. iU ,.! ’..a,' bit 1.. .\ •- •!.-.‘is ami freew . >• ::.i: ■ :,re more than m - daiK ■ Kotier WitMie |)oiT\. l!i. of Durham, is line stories at a eorislrut tion site Iter t. Doris ssas Mkin^ and fell Iroin the niiilh flooi ol a motel under To West and the hellline >1 i'|i I’flUline Deck. Mai.lie Man «uni. Annie Rose McCalston. Vera Allen. Lelha Newkirk. Klhel Saunders. Lola Nichol son. Maftkie Grady. Brenda McCalston and Louisa Shep herd James McCalston and Thwidore Nicholson, served on Black Leaders Want Funding By SB A BY LOI ISK E W VCHE .National Black News Service WASHINGTON - A group of hlack leaders, on the heels of the House small business suiM:ommHtee to table a re- (tuest to raise the Small Business Administra* on's loan-making authority, has asked f'ongress to quickly approve the funding bill. The National Business Lea gue. whose committee for National Policy Review , met in emergency session to draw up a lour-point agenda to arouse congressional support oj^ the I'i I- \D> C.UI.TA TO INfO.MK T\X RAPS • iolumhia. .s.C. • Ivrp tieiheii I . f-ieltling D-( harli sion. Mho pleaded Kuiil> here D«« .t to one ol thi ee counts of failure to file federal income tav I elurns. leaves the Federal t ourt House, accompanied b\ Richard f- fields, (lower rt.). (harleslon Municipal Judge. Fielding announced that he will resign his seal in the .South ( arolina House of Representatives. ilPI* ★ ★★★ ^ ^ ¥ ¥¥¥¥ Raleigh Vioinan (.rallied Special 4-H Honors .Vorfft Carolina's Leading W'eekly ^ RALEIGH, N.C. WEEK E.NT)INC; SATKRn.XV. DEC. S. 1973 SINGLE mPV .r, Craievitid )i('lils Mystery Corpse ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ if jf if if i/ 'Hill Annual (.anference ★ ★ ★ ★ RJR Aids Black Women Mystery Mrs. Hill Cited By 4-H Body Twelve years as a volunteer 4-U leader, have earned district recogmition liie iran.'iportatioii curnnittee. All funds raised from the festival, will go to the Branch legal defense fund raising drive Frank Edwards of Middlesex. i.s president of the Nash Countv Branch of the NAACP KOI'. kiDN M'PINf. • ■ ip« ot the (undiniiaulhonty, said (hat the •SBA request for an increase in ns loan authomy by J2 3 billion to a ceiline of $6 6 billion, siiuuld be granted Claiming ibe SBA would rearb ils present tJ 3 billion ceiling by the end of Novem- tier Ibe NBL said, "those major programs lo be served by the increase in funds, will virtually come lo a halt . . .in the minority community it is disastrous " ' >See SBA FI NDS, P 21 4 MRS AARON D HILL. JR for a Wake County woman. Mrs. Aaron D. Hill, Jr., 4217 Holly Springs Rd.. Raleiffh, has been selected as the 16-county North Central District winner for 1972 by the North Carolina 4-H Honor Club. The Honor Club, which has some 1,000 members, is composed of former 4-H t • fSee 4-H HONOR. P. 2) vKi I I < il \it(.i;D\MTll It M'i^ • 'uiingti. I - The iwo sn^pn J.t-veui 4M(I wile nl d iiarcolit N .igeiil Vl >'.•'...•1. -.•! of Uilmingtoi). charged with rape, iiiiiiiil miIiIh 1' uulo and kidnapping. At right 1’ Leonard Duick ol I ar Rockuway. N.V.. charged with being accessory hrfore the luct. Roth suspects are iailed without bond. RJR Represputdtiio Is Breakfast Orator and adiniraiion fnr its grass roots activities on behalf of the nation's black pom •Marshall Bas.s. corporate manager Ilf fx'rs.mncl develop ment at Re> Holds note.s, for example, that when poor blacks in .Sunilower County. Mississippi and Macon t.oun t\. .'I.ibai'ia. were suffering hung4T pang- the \CNW fxiught ^l•l«‘n!lltcalI^ raised pigs and e.'i.it)lished pig larms nul coinniunif.' gardens m [hfise ari^o. so Ibe hungrv could lx- fell H.i.'S, uiio Aill addre».> NCNW liie i.ienibers at the Hevnold- ''ponsmed breakfast pi ai'e'' Hieorgani/.iliuii lor the Se«- IMIt \11)S. V 2. CRIME BEAT t'rAfn Halel(h*y OfflcliU Police File* I 111 I OK '• sort Ihi> rulumn iii Iraturt I, (iroilutid m ' pghlx inirirNi wiih an .im .iiminaiind iiv runirniw Nunn rou^ indit idual. hat r rrqurs«rd Ihai Ihi) br gitm Ihr rnnMdrraiion nl utrriouking ihm liNi.ni Hr ■ntiiU !•,.'< .-I oil luii\ ai u* Itnd Ihrm • I iiorlrd b> ifti urr< vimf nlfto r. To krrp •■ui ol fhi I nmi R< uf ( ulumns mrrrl* miunv ni.l brine rrdiwlarrd b< 4 pnKre ■lOitii in ri|i«riin| hiv lindinfs vhilr dui) '41 kf rp nil Ihr A'Mirr" 4.id .uu »uni br in Thr (.-imr h, at DIDN’T TAKE P\RT Mrs Bess Ramsey. yH Peare Terrace in Halifax Court Apartments, called The CAR OLINI.AN last weekend to deny that she had held down a Brenda Kaye Taylor. 995 N. Blount Street, as reported in last week s Crime Beat We apologize to Mrs Ramsev for this mistake, but it wa.s taken from the official llle^ of the Raleigh Police Department and this iniormaiion was given them bi ioung Miss Tavlor See CRI.MK BEAT. P 3t Shrouds Miu’der RK'U SQUARE - Mystery still shrouds the unusual circumstances surrounding the death and burial of a black woman, whose a^e could range anywhere be- iwten 20 and 40. according to police authorities in Northampton County, who are still investigating the .u.se. The only identifying Items found in the shallow grave were two earrings and a gold ring. The victim had been shot in the head one time, officials claimed Sunday night. Charles Dunn, director of the Slate Bureau of Investigation, reported that the woman’s grave was so shallow that it was discovered by hunters, who were walking through a wooded area, five miles south of this city. The gravesite was near U.S. 25B in Northampton County. According lo Dunn, the ring earned the initials H.G E and Si-e WO.MAN IN. P 2) Appre<-ialion Money Won By Two Men Here There were two winners in last week's Appreciation Mon- e\ Feature, sponsored by The CAROLINIAN and merchants ■ See APPRECIATION. P. 2) Dr. Creed Expresses His Views According to Dr' Tieorge B. Creed, 2106 Dandridge Drive, a member of the N.C. Association of Black State Employees, the ma iority of blacks einploved bv the state of North Carolina, hold back break ing, morale killing, odd houred. low paving, non promotional and unde--' able positions. The percentage of hlark' these positions are ext'-*-i:u-,' high, giving an untrui* uut almost tolerable perspcciiw to the percentage of iota! si.Me employed blacks. Creed staled that in truth, the number of blacks in the 8am to 5 p m . five-week with moderate lo high salary poMimn',. is paihe tically low The blaek^ in executive, supervisorv. lore man and adnllnl^lralue type positions, are jImmi as rare as a white man trying to pass •i' black. Dr. Creed further slat ed. that when various ageiu ie.v are questioned about their low to non-exisiani numlier of black emplo'.ees, we gi-i the usual answi r. • We didn : get applications from inialified blacks ■'They claim Ui ailneK recruit blacks, Inii can't tofindthi-ni CertainK with ine hundreds ot students giaviuai- mg from our many pre'iiunin antly black (olltges and uni versilies. right here m North ('arolina. thev >liouldti i havi' to look t'' all stale positions rt'iiiure a college degree Maybe tht' Malone On Pi obation Coninii88ioii Clarence (' .Malone, a Dur ham attorney, was named last Thursday by Governor Jim Holshouser to a seat on the Slate Probation Commission. Malone will serve a term expiring May 28. 1978 He was sworn in Friday. Nov 30. at 9;30 a m in the old House chambers at the Stale Capitol The oath was given by Superior Court Judge James H I’ou Bailey Malone. 45. is the first black lo serve on the Probation Commission. He is a native ofj Vance County, graduated from Palmer Memorial Instilule thigh school!, North Carolina Ontral L’niversiiy and th«' NCCL’ Law School. A member ol the Durham lhei iiialei iais ai ihis idtii e for lhal edition no later than VVednesrias. Dee 12. Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK \LL (iDLFKItS- PBD sHOI* For Discounts On All Famous Brands i.RD- \ IN' • I MR rtih Df- \D - ( hicago • L'nidentlfled grief-stricken friend of the Spencer family. is < oinloi led h' oii-iookcr- early Dec. 5. after fire swept through a basement aparimenl. killing fi\e pel suns. NitiiiiiN -aeie identified as Misa Flourine Spencer. 23. her three children. Theresa. 8, siiii I ell.e. I. and .MUk Spencer's brother. Ronnie. 13. Mrs. Katherine Spencer. Flourine s iiioiher. told authorities that she and her husband were sleeping in a first floor apartment when "soiiM-bods threw 'omeliiing through the (basement) window." (I'PI)